Re-printed from the original post on Armstrong Economics:
Gates’ Eugenics End Goal – Population Control
Gates’ Eugenics End Goal – Population Control
Today I found an initially compelling article on Gates and his vaccines.
Like any information, print or internet, there is always the possibility
of a misleading or incomplete view, even hoax.
However, this rings true enough to me to pay it attention,
with awareness, and a wait and see attitude.
Opposing views are included at the end of the article.
Like any information, print or internet, there is always the possibility
of a misleading or incomplete view, even hoax.
However, this rings true enough to me to pay it attention,
with awareness, and a wait and see attitude.
Opposing views are included at the end of the article.
World Economic Forum and Eugenics. The connection
"Governments intentionally wanted to harm their citizens all over the world!" Dr Peter McCulloch
Eugenics, with its sinister legacy, can be alarmingly intertwined with the more extreme and shadowy aspects of what some perceive as the "cult of globalism." A global group of elitists who are thought to pursue a unified world order at the expense of national sovereignty and individual freedoms. Within this framework, eugenics is seen not just as a misguided scientific endeavor, but as a tool wielded by these globalist forces to engineer societies according to their own ideologies.
Eugenics becomes a weapon in the arsenal of a shadowy global elite, used to exert control over populations and manipulate the course of human development. This perspective posits that under the guise of improving humanity and solving global issues, these elitists might pursue policies that align with eugenic principles, such as population control or the marginalization of certain groups deemed 'undesirable'.
The link to globalism is often fueled by the belief that a unified global order would require homogenization of populations, suppression of dissent, and control over reproductive rights and genetic makeup of citizens. The historical misuse of eugenics, as seen in the horrors of the 20th century, serves as a chilling precedent for those who fear its resurgence under a new guise.
It can be argued that the concentration of power in international institutions and among global elitists creates a fertile ground for such ideologies to take root, often masked by the language of progress, science, and the "greater good". The concern is that in a world increasingly governed by supranational entities and less by individual nations, accountability becomes diluted, and the risk of human rights violations, under the banner of eugenics or similar ideologies, escalates.
The historical lessons of eugenics serve as a stark reminder of the potential for abuse when ideologies, no matter how scientifically framed, are used to justify the suppression and control of human populations. #WEF2030Agenda #DepopulationAgenda #CovidVaccines #mRNA #ExcessDeaths #NewZealand #BarryYoung #WhistleBlower #DrPeterMcCulloch #WEF
Are the elitists really looking to reduce the Global population by 6 Billion people?
Beyond Boundaries: The Perilous Intersection of Global Elitism and Population Control.
The rising concerns about the ideology of depopulation are increasingly linked to the World Economic Forum's (WEF) initiatives, sparking debates over the implications of their global agendas and the potential impact on world population dynamics.
In response to alarming revelations emerging from New Zealand, whistle-blower Barry Young has brought to light information that suggests a potentially disturbing connection between the Covid Vaccines and an unprecedented increase in all-cause mortality and excess deaths. This revelation raises urgent questions about the possibility of a sinister agenda by certain global entities. Could there be an intentional effort to significantly reduce the world's population under the guise of public health measures? Such a scenario necessitates a thorough and unbiased investigation into the implications of these findings and their potential global impact.
As we navigate the complex and often murky waters of the global population control debate, it's crucial to contextualize this discussion within the broader historical narrative, particularly the chilling parallels with the ideologies espoused by the Nazis. This comparison not only highlights the dangers of elitist attitudes in modern globalism but also serves as a stark reminder of humanity's potential for darkness.
The notion of population control, as advocated by figures like Dr. Dennis Meadows, who desires a peaceful and equitable reduction, superficially appears humane. Yet, beneath the surface of these propositions, there lurks a shadow of elitism, reminiscent of the most sinister chapters in human history. Meadows' statement, "I hope that population can be reduced peacefully, in a fair way that everyone can participate in the experience," though seemingly benign, inadvertently echoes a mindset that can quickly spiral into dangerous territory.
This is where the haunting specter of Nazi ideology becomes relevant. The Nazis, driven by a perverted sense of elitism and superiority, embarked on one of the most horrific genocides in history, systematically exterminating millions whom they deemed 'unworthy' or 'inferior.' Their actions were underpinned by a chilling belief in racial purity and a deluded view of social engineering, which they believed would lead to an improved human race. The parallels between this and the contemporary rhetoric of elitism in globalist circles, where certain individuals deem themselves fit to decide the fate of populations, are unnervingly clear.
Attempts to silence whistle-blower Barry Young.⬇️⬇️⬇️…
The psychology behind such elitist views, whether in the context of Nazi Germany or modern globalism, reveals a disturbing willingness to devalue human life. This mindset, which reduces individuals to mere variables in a demographic equation, is dangerously akin to the dehumanizing policies of the Nazis. It reflects a lack of empathy and a disregard for the sanctity of human life, where people are categorized and valued based on arbitrary criteria set by a self-proclaimed elite.
The moral implications of drawing parallels between the elitism in globalism and Nazi ideology are profound. They force us to confront uncomfortable truths about human nature and the ease with which a sense of superiority can lead to the justification of atrocities. This historical context serves as a warning of the potential consequences when extreme views on population control are allowed to go unchecked.
Moving forward, it is essential to challenge the elitist notions within globalist agendas, advocating for an approach to population and resource challenges that respects human dignity and rights. Solutions must be grounded in empathy and ethics, not in cold calculations or the arrogant presumption of a select few. The lessons from history, especially the horrors perpetrated by the Nazis, must inform our approach, ensuring that respect for every human life remains at the forefront of our global discourse.
Why did Jacinda Ardern exempt 11,000 politicians and doctors from getting the vaccine in secret?⬇️⬇️⬇️…
We must not forget the involvement in one of the most influential Globalist movements namely the World Economic Forum led by Chairman Klaus Schwab.
The infiltration of globalist groups into national governments poses significant risks, fundamentally threatening the sovereignty and democratic principles of nations. Such a scenario can lead to the erosion of local governance and the prioritization of international agendas over national interests. This shift of power can dilute the voices and needs of local populations, as policies are increasingly influenced by a global elite with their own set of priorities and objectives.
Moreover, the concentration of power in the hands of a few global entities increases the risk of unchecked, undemocratic decision-making, potentially leading to policies that are not in the best interest of the citizens they are meant to serve. This not only undermines democratic values but also jeopardizes the cultural, social, and economic well-being of nations, creating a global landscape where the diversity of local needs and voices are overshadowed by a homogenized global agenda.
Is the World Economic Forum a dangerous death cult?⬇️⬇️⬇️…
#DepopulationAgenda #WEF2030Agenda #NewZealand #CovidVaccinations #VaccineInjuries #ExcessDeaths #Myocarditus #SuddenDeath #DiedSuddenly #JacindaArdern #KlausSchwab
What is truly amazing is how the mainstream media is so intent upon just accepting whatever Bill Gates says and his entire agenda without the slightest bit of investigation. They just hate Trump so intensely that they do not care what the agenda is behind Gates’ global assault on the economy, arguing we will never be safe 100% without his vaccine, and his insistence of vaccinating the entire world.
None of the mainstream media seem to even think this is a wild agenda. All they have to do is look at Gates’ father and his elitist view of eugenics which drove him to be the head of Planned Parenthood. Why will nobody in the media even look into the subject? Do they assume they are one of the chosen few that are in the elite class with Gates? Do they not care that the entire eugenics movement of the Progressive Era was outright racist?
The American Eugenics Society (AES) was one of the leading theories of the Progressive Movement which emerged out of socialism at the turn of the 20th century. It was founded by the famed eugenicist and conservationist Madison Grant (1865-1937), who was an American lawyer, writer, and zoologist. Madison Grant’s book, The Passing of the Great Race, was devoted to an attempt to give the meaning of history through his view of race. Grant looked at civilization by race, not politics or language. He argued that European ethnic groups such as the Alpine and Nordic races were superior. This book was first published in 1916, and it formed the foundation of the American Eugenics Society of which Bill Gates Sr was a member.
Grant was joined by other leading thinkers and activists of the Progressive Era which included Harry H. Laughlin (1880-1943), who was an American educator, eugenicist, and sociologist, Henry Crampton (1875-1956), who was an American evolutionary biologist and malacologist (branch of invertebrate zoology), Irving Fisher (1867-1947), who was the famous American economist who declared the stock market reached a new plateau in 1929 before the crash. Fisher was a very active Progressive social campaigner. There was also Henry F. Osborn (1857-1935) who was an American paleontologist and geologist.
It was Osborn who articulated the entire Progressive Movement with its subset of eugenics based on conservationism which saw that reducing population would further civilization and that those who were poor were really holding back society. This was the common view of the time being put forth by the elite, that namely heredity is superior to influences from the environment. Nobody could be educated in reality, it was all heredity. Therefore, Osborn expressed the view of the AES that distinct races existed with fixed hereditary traits. He concluded that the Nordic or Anglo-Saxon “race” was the highest. Osborn supported eugenics to preserve “good” racial stock which is why he endorsed Grant’s book writing both the second and fourth prefaces for him.
The AES described eugenics as the study of improving the genetic composition of humans through the controlled reproduction of different races and classes of people. This elitist end-goal remains that of Bill Gates despite the fact he will not come out publicly and state that he is focusing on India and Africa for this group has long viewed them as the bottom of race within society. This is why he is so obsessed with population control.
It was Gates who called together a group of Billionaires to sell his concerns about reducing the population in 2009. While we know that was the topic, nobody wants to talk about details. This entire Coronavirus scam is part of his end-goal to control the population. It was even Gates who has funded remote control birth-control by implanting chips into women. Then Gates will be able to turn on and off births according to whatever criteria he desires like a TV with remote control. That will lead to only one place – required permission and permits to even have children.
Given Gates’ father’s involvement in Planned Parenthood and a member of eugenics, you would think someone would investigate. Add Gates’ push to then eliminate all paper money to be able to tag everyone on the planet and control the entire world economy through his ID efforts, you would think this is the plot of a James Bond megalomaniac villain. Microsoft even just announced on January 9, 2020, their Microsoft Identity solutions project. Gates resigned from the board of Microsoft allegedly only to try to distance himself for PR purposes.
The Supreme Court actually wrote: “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” The Supreme Court has never expressly overturned Buck v. Bell. This was the precise theory behind the Nazi movement to adopt eugenics terminating all disabled people and later moved to ethnic cleansing.Interestingly, before the revelation of the death camps of the Nazis was finally exposed in July 1944 where they were carrying out the mass murder of millions of European Jews, Gypsies, the intellectually disabled, physically disabled veterans, dissidents, and homosexuals between 1933 and 1945, eugenics was an acceptable theory. Only after what the Nazis were doing was the word eugenics swapped for population control.
The Supreme Court ruled on eugenics once again in Skinner v. State of Oklahoma, ex rel. Williamson, 316 U.S. 535 (1942). Here, the United States Supreme Court ruled that held that laws permitting the compulsory sterilization of criminals were unconstitutional if the sterilization law treats similar crimes differently. In this case, the Oklahoma law applied to “habitual criminals” but it did exclude white-collar crimes. That could have applied to even traffic tickets which are a crime. The Court held that treating similar crimes differently violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.
The AES was renamed the Society for the Study of Social Biology in 1972. Whether Bill Gates is targeting Africa and India paying bribes to corrupt politicians to carry out his vaccinations is another topic just ignored by mainstream media. To them, Bill Gates walks on water. Is Gates targeting what his father regarded as the lowest races on earth, or is that where he could just bribe his way into the governments to use their population for his grand plan? Nobody will even raise the question in mainstream media. The real question is how long will it take for the people to rise up against their own corrupt politicians now trying to take what Gates has done in Africa and India and impose it by decree in America and Europe?
Categories: Disease, Regulation, Socialist
« Is Gates Stupid or Very Clever with Vaccines?
World Economic Forum and Eugenics. The connection
"Governments intentionally wanted to harm their citizens all over the world!" Dr Peter McCulloch
Eugenics, with its sinister legacy, can be alarmingly intertwined with the more extreme and shadowy aspects of what some perceive as the "cult of globalism." A global group of elitists who are thought to pursue a unified world order at the expense of national sovereignty and individual freedoms. Within this framework, eugenics is seen not just as a misguided scientific endeavor, but as a tool wielded by these globalist forces to engineer societies according to their own ideologies.
Eugenics becomes a weapon in the arsenal of a shadowy global elite, used to exert control over populations and manipulate the course of human development. This perspective posits that under the guise of improving humanity and solving global issues, these elitists might pursue policies that align with eugenic principles, such as population control or the marginalization of certain groups deemed 'undesirable'.
The link to globalism is often fueled by the belief that a unified global order would require homogenization of populations, suppression of dissent, and control over reproductive rights and genetic makeup of citizens. The historical misuse of eugenics, as seen in the horrors of the 20th century, serves as a chilling precedent for those who fear its resurgence under a new guise.
It can be argued that the concentration of power in international institutions and among global elitists creates a fertile ground for such ideologies to take root, often masked by the language of progress, science, and the "greater good". The concern is that in a world increasingly governed by supranational entities and less by individual nations, accountability becomes diluted, and the risk of human rights violations, under the banner of eugenics or similar ideologies, escalates.
The historical lessons of eugenics serve as a stark reminder of the potential for abuse when ideologies, no matter how scientifically framed, are used to justify the suppression and control of human populations. #WEF2030Agenda #DepopulationAgenda #CovidVaccines #mRNA #ExcessDeaths #NewZealand #BarryYoung #WhistleBlower #DrPeterMcCulloch #WEF
Are the elitists really looking to reduce the Global population by 6 Billion people?
Beyond Boundaries: The Perilous Intersection of Global Elitism and Population Control.
The rising concerns about the ideology of depopulation are increasingly linked to the World Economic Forum's (WEF) initiatives, sparking debates over the implications of their global agendas and the potential impact on world population dynamics.
In response to alarming revelations emerging from New Zealand, whistle-blower Barry Young has brought to light information that suggests a potentially disturbing connection between the Covid Vaccines and an unprecedented increase in all-cause mortality and excess deaths. This revelation raises urgent questions about the possibility of a sinister agenda by certain global entities. Could there be an intentional effort to significantly reduce the world's population under the guise of public health measures? Such a scenario necessitates a thorough and unbiased investigation into the implications of these findings and their potential global impact.
As we navigate the complex and often murky waters of the global population control debate, it's crucial to contextualize this discussion within the broader historical narrative, particularly the chilling parallels with the ideologies espoused by the Nazis. This comparison not only highlights the dangers of elitist attitudes in modern globalism but also serves as a stark reminder of humanity's potential for darkness.
The notion of population control, as advocated by figures like Dr. Dennis Meadows, who desires a peaceful and equitable reduction, superficially appears humane. Yet, beneath the surface of these propositions, there lurks a shadow of elitism, reminiscent of the most sinister chapters in human history. Meadows' statement, "I hope that population can be reduced peacefully, in a fair way that everyone can participate in the experience," though seemingly benign, inadvertently echoes a mindset that can quickly spiral into dangerous territory.
This is where the haunting specter of Nazi ideology becomes relevant. The Nazis, driven by a perverted sense of elitism and superiority, embarked on one of the most horrific genocides in history, systematically exterminating millions whom they deemed 'unworthy' or 'inferior.' Their actions were underpinned by a chilling belief in racial purity and a deluded view of social engineering, which they believed would lead to an improved human race. The parallels between this and the contemporary rhetoric of elitism in globalist circles, where certain individuals deem themselves fit to decide the fate of populations, are unnervingly clear.
Attempts to silence whistle-blower Barry Young.⬇️⬇️⬇️…
The psychology behind such elitist views, whether in the context of Nazi Germany or modern globalism, reveals a disturbing willingness to devalue human life. This mindset, which reduces individuals to mere variables in a demographic equation, is dangerously akin to the dehumanizing policies of the Nazis. It reflects a lack of empathy and a disregard for the sanctity of human life, where people are categorized and valued based on arbitrary criteria set by a self-proclaimed elite.
The moral implications of drawing parallels between the elitism in globalism and Nazi ideology are profound. They force us to confront uncomfortable truths about human nature and the ease with which a sense of superiority can lead to the justification of atrocities. This historical context serves as a warning of the potential consequences when extreme views on population control are allowed to go unchecked.
Moving forward, it is essential to challenge the elitist notions within globalist agendas, advocating for an approach to population and resource challenges that respects human dignity and rights. Solutions must be grounded in empathy and ethics, not in cold calculations or the arrogant presumption of a select few. The lessons from history, especially the horrors perpetrated by the Nazis, must inform our approach, ensuring that respect for every human life remains at the forefront of our global discourse.
Why did Jacinda Ardern exempt 11,000 politicians and doctors from getting the vaccine in secret?⬇️⬇️⬇️…
We must not forget the involvement in one of the most influential Globalist movements namely the World Economic Forum led by Chairman Klaus Schwab.
The infiltration of globalist groups into national governments poses significant risks, fundamentally threatening the sovereignty and democratic principles of nations. Such a scenario can lead to the erosion of local governance and the prioritization of international agendas over national interests. This shift of power can dilute the voices and needs of local populations, as policies are increasingly influenced by a global elite with their own set of priorities and objectives.
Moreover, the concentration of power in the hands of a few global entities increases the risk of unchecked, undemocratic decision-making, potentially leading to policies that are not in the best interest of the citizens they are meant to serve. This not only undermines democratic values but also jeopardizes the cultural, social, and economic well-being of nations, creating a global landscape where the diversity of local needs and voices are overshadowed by a homogenized global agenda.
Is the World Economic Forum a dangerous death cult?⬇️⬇️⬇️…
#DepopulationAgenda #WEF2030Agenda #NewZealand #CovidVaccinations #VaccineInjuries #ExcessDeaths #Myocarditus #SuddenDeath #DiedSuddenly #JacindaArdern #KlausSchwab
What is truly amazing is how the mainstream media is so intent upon just accepting whatever Bill Gates says and his entire agenda without the slightest bit of investigation. They just hate Trump so intensely that they do not care what the agenda is behind Gates’ global assault on the economy, arguing we will never be safe 100% without his vaccine, and his insistence of vaccinating the entire world.
None of the mainstream media seem to even think this is a wild agenda. All they have to do is look at Gates’ father and his elitist view of eugenics which drove him to be the head of Planned Parenthood. Why will nobody in the media even look into the subject? Do they assume they are one of the chosen few that are in the elite class with Gates? Do they not care that the entire eugenics movement of the Progressive Era was outright racist?
The American Eugenics Society (AES) was one of the leading theories of the Progressive Movement which emerged out of socialism at the turn of the 20th century. It was founded by the famed eugenicist and conservationist Madison Grant (1865-1937), who was an American lawyer, writer, and zoologist. Madison Grant’s book, The Passing of the Great Race, was devoted to an attempt to give the meaning of history through his view of race. Grant looked at civilization by race, not politics or language. He argued that European ethnic groups such as the Alpine and Nordic races were superior. This book was first published in 1916, and it formed the foundation of the American Eugenics Society of which Bill Gates Sr was a member.
Grant was joined by other leading thinkers and activists of the Progressive Era which included Harry H. Laughlin (1880-1943), who was an American educator, eugenicist, and sociologist, Henry Crampton (1875-1956), who was an American evolutionary biologist and malacologist (branch of invertebrate zoology), Irving Fisher (1867-1947), who was the famous American economist who declared the stock market reached a new plateau in 1929 before the crash. Fisher was a very active Progressive social campaigner. There was also Henry F. Osborn (1857-1935) who was an American paleontologist and geologist.
It was Osborn who articulated the entire Progressive Movement with its subset of eugenics based on conservationism which saw that reducing population would further civilization and that those who were poor were really holding back society. This was the common view of the time being put forth by the elite, that namely heredity is superior to influences from the environment. Nobody could be educated in reality, it was all heredity. Therefore, Osborn expressed the view of the AES that distinct races existed with fixed hereditary traits. He concluded that the Nordic or Anglo-Saxon “race” was the highest. Osborn supported eugenics to preserve “good” racial stock which is why he endorsed Grant’s book writing both the second and fourth prefaces for him.
The AES described eugenics as the study of improving the genetic composition of humans through the controlled reproduction of different races and classes of people. This elitist end-goal remains that of Bill Gates despite the fact he will not come out publicly and state that he is focusing on India and Africa for this group has long viewed them as the bottom of race within society. This is why he is so obsessed with population control.
It was Gates who called together a group of Billionaires to sell his concerns about reducing the population in 2009. While we know that was the topic, nobody wants to talk about details. This entire Coronavirus scam is part of his end-goal to control the population. It was even Gates who has funded remote control birth-control by implanting chips into women. Then Gates will be able to turn on and off births according to whatever criteria he desires like a TV with remote control. That will lead to only one place – required permission and permits to even have children.
Given Gates’ father’s involvement in Planned Parenthood and a member of eugenics, you would think someone would investigate. Add Gates’ push to then eliminate all paper money to be able to tag everyone on the planet and control the entire world economy through his ID efforts, you would think this is the plot of a James Bond megalomaniac villain. Microsoft even just announced on January 9, 2020, their Microsoft Identity solutions project. Gates resigned from the board of Microsoft allegedly only to try to distance himself for PR purposes.
The Supreme Court actually wrote: “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” The Supreme Court has never expressly overturned Buck v. Bell. This was the precise theory behind the Nazi movement to adopt eugenics terminating all disabled people and later moved to ethnic cleansing.Interestingly, before the revelation of the death camps of the Nazis was finally exposed in July 1944 where they were carrying out the mass murder of millions of European Jews, Gypsies, the intellectually disabled, physically disabled veterans, dissidents, and homosexuals between 1933 and 1945, eugenics was an acceptable theory. Only after what the Nazis were doing was the word eugenics swapped for population control.
The Supreme Court ruled on eugenics once again in Skinner v. State of Oklahoma, ex rel. Williamson, 316 U.S. 535 (1942). Here, the United States Supreme Court ruled that held that laws permitting the compulsory sterilization of criminals were unconstitutional if the sterilization law treats similar crimes differently. In this case, the Oklahoma law applied to “habitual criminals” but it did exclude white-collar crimes. That could have applied to even traffic tickets which are a crime. The Court held that treating similar crimes differently violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.
The AES was renamed the Society for the Study of Social Biology in 1972. Whether Bill Gates is targeting Africa and India paying bribes to corrupt politicians to carry out his vaccinations is another topic just ignored by mainstream media. To them, Bill Gates walks on water. Is Gates targeting what his father regarded as the lowest races on earth, or is that where he could just bribe his way into the governments to use their population for his grand plan? Nobody will even raise the question in mainstream media. The real question is how long will it take for the people to rise up against their own corrupt politicians now trying to take what Gates has done in Africa and India and impose it by decree in America and Europe?
Categories: Disease, Regulation, Socialist
« Is Gates Stupid or Very Clever with Vaccines?
Brad Kuehn
There pictures being circulated of Bill Gates facility having the worlds or something close having it engraved with human population control or something. It was all photoshopped.
Gary Smith
Yes, and the fraud of hoaxers makes the search for truth more challenging.
I read debunkers, and then realize they often are also hoaxers.
I did read debunkers of the Gates conspiracy theory, and in the moment of reading them, was open to their points and perspectives.
It is my practice to be non-judgmental and non-hateful, but I admit...
When I think of Bill Gates in terms of Microsoft, my view of him is as a ruthless businessman who stole code and crushed competitors. Now he is a good-hearted philanthropist? Any chance that is just a cover for his covert activities?
When I read the words of the image you posted (below), and consider their energy, well, they seem arrogant, judgmental, righteous... nothing I align with.
Whereas, to me the tone of the article I posted at least conveys some sense of honest inquiry. It gives historical facts that are not photoshopped. As I wrote in my introduction,
'Like any information, print or internet, there is always the possibility of a misleading or incomplete view, even hoax. However, this rings true enough to me to pay it attention, with a wait and see attitude.'
I choose to be open minded to all perspectives, and slow to come to conclusions.
Brad Kuehn
There pictures being circulated of Bill Gates facility having the worlds or something close having it engraved with human population control or something. It was all photoshopped.
Gary Smith
Yes, and the fraud of hoaxers makes the search for truth more challenging.
I read debunkers, and then realize they often are also hoaxers.
I did read debunkers of the Gates conspiracy theory, and in the moment of reading them, was open to their points and perspectives.
It is my practice to be non-judgmental and non-hateful, but I admit...
When I think of Bill Gates in terms of Microsoft, my view of him is as a ruthless businessman who stole code and crushed competitors. Now he is a good-hearted philanthropist? Any chance that is just a cover for his covert activities?
When I read the words of the image you posted (below), and consider their energy, well, they seem arrogant, judgmental, righteous... nothing I align with.
Whereas, to me the tone of the article I posted at least conveys some sense of honest inquiry. It gives historical facts that are not photoshopped. As I wrote in my introduction,
'Like any information, print or internet, there is always the possibility of a misleading or incomplete view, even hoax. However, this rings true enough to me to pay it attention, with a wait and see attitude.'
I choose to be open minded to all perspectives, and slow to come to conclusions.