Poetry in Motion
Poems by Emanate Presence
All is Everything
An Unexpected Journey
Equa Cards
Who Am I?
Shit Poem
Rhythm of Nature
Star-Gazing Wanderer
Universe is You
All is Everything
An Unexpected Journey
Equa Cards
Who Am I?
Shit Poem
Rhythm of Nature
Star-Gazing Wanderer
Universe is You
Below 👇'Another View' is a booklet of poetry written by Emanate Presence on the Hawaiian islands.

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All is Everything
"All is Everything" was originally inspired by my one ayahuasca experience, where I heard the inner voice say, "Embrace everything." Almost ten years after that, in 2013, the poem arose just before my partner and I became house parents to at-risk teen-aged boys. It helped me keep my balance during that turbulent year.
"All is Everything" was originally inspired by my one ayahuasca experience, where I heard the inner voice say, "Embrace everything." Almost ten years after that, in 2013, the poem arose just before my partner and I became house parents to at-risk teen-aged boys. It helped me keep my balance during that turbulent year.
The All embraces Everything,
the Everything is All,
and in the Everything,
there is no rise or fall -
as the up is in the down
and the down is in the up,
and taken all together,
the content fills the cup.
There is no good or evil,
there is no loss or gain.
Expanded into Everything,
there is not really pain.
Neither is there special
nor important as you see,
the All embraces Everything
with equanimity.
There is no left or right,
there is no right or wrong,
for the pieces of the Everything
together make a Song.
Only when I separate
the pieces from the Whole
do the pieces separate
from body, mind and soul.
For me to live in harmony,
there is a simple way -
in every thought and action,
in all I do and say,
to let go of the past
and be present in the Now,
to be with what I do
and also with the how.
To let go of my thoughts
and merge into the flow,
to be with what I am,
with what I feel and know,
to step back into nature
and from the world to wean,
for what a human being can be,
the world has never seen.
In order for potential
to be reality,
I only need to ground myself
on what is really me,
and bring back my attention
to the constant inner call -
the All embraces Everything,
the Everything is All.
The All embraces Everything,
the Everything is All,
and in the Everything,
there is no rise or fall -
as the up is in the down
and the down is in the up,
and taken all together,
the content fills the cup.
There is no good or evil,
there is no loss or gain.
Expanded into Everything,
there is not really pain.
Neither is there special
nor important as you see,
the All embraces Everything
with equanimity.
There is no left or right,
there is no right or wrong,
for the pieces of the Everything
together make a Song.
Only when I separate
the pieces from the Whole
do the pieces separate
from body, mind and soul.
For me to live in harmony,
there is a simple way -
in every thought and action,
in all I do and say,
to let go of the past
and be present in the Now,
to be with what I do
and also with the how.
To let go of my thoughts
and merge into the flow,
to be with what I am,
with what I feel and know,
to step back into nature
and from the world to wean,
for what a human being can be,
the world has never seen.
In order for potential
to be reality,
I only need to ground myself
on what is really me,
and bring back my attention
to the constant inner call -
the All embraces Everything,
the Everything is All.
An Unexpected Journey
For many, J.R.R. Tolkien's stories of the hobbit and the ring recount acts of unselfish courage and a message of personal growth as the hobbits find their inner strength and resolute will and make choices for compassion and understanding.
On the other hand, the theme of battles between good and evil is just more of the dualistic mindset that has plagued humanity from the earliest times. I see life as a continuum, and evolution does not stand still. Tolkien's version of another world was entertaining for a time. As an emerging whole human, I put dualistic paradigms of good and evil behind me. In my wandering away from the adventure of the ring, I am not lost. Written in response to the LOTR movies in 2012. |
I have in me a hobbit,
a troll, an orc, an elf.
And there is a wizard
and a High and lower self.
It's not that I'm a gathering,
a fellowship or zoo
but distinctions are a part of me
in light and shadows too.
My body has distinctions, say,
a face and a behind.
And I have intelligence,
emotions and a mind.
What am I to do with this
menagerie of us?
At times 'we' seem to war inside
or make a fight and fuss.
The 'us of me' has had its day,
we let go of the ring.
And this day we will receive
the returning of the King.
The King who is strong-hearted,
fair-minded, straight and pure
is a part of me as well
of that I'm clear and sure.
The 'we of me' before him stands,
together bows the knee.
The human whole wears well the crown,
united I am free.
a troll, an orc, an elf.
And there is a wizard
and a High and lower self.
It's not that I'm a gathering,
a fellowship or zoo
but distinctions are a part of me
in light and shadows too.
My body has distinctions, say,
a face and a behind.
And I have intelligence,
emotions and a mind.
What am I to do with this
menagerie of us?
At times 'we' seem to war inside
or make a fight and fuss.
The 'us of me' has had its day,
we let go of the ring.
And this day we will receive
the returning of the King.
The King who is strong-hearted,
fair-minded, straight and pure
is a part of me as well
of that I'm clear and sure.
The 'we of me' before him stands,
together bows the knee.
The human whole wears well the crown,
united I am free.
Reflections was inspired by doing photography along the emerald river Lech in Füssen, Bavaria and later discovering on a forest walk near the Baltic a stone labyrinth in a sheep pasture. 2008.
From water rose the fog one day and formed into a cloud, then light broke through the vapor mist and lifted off the shroud. As mist went swirling in the light, and by the air was blown I heard it say in haunting tones, “Your life is what you own.” The fog upon the river bank gave way to winter snow and whispered softly in my ear, "Your life is who you know." Another day the winter sun turned ice into a pond, and formed into a perfect mirror for gazing the beyond. The image in the glassy pool was a leaf upon a tree and then between the worlds appeared an image that was me. The surface was reflective, the water pure to drink, it spoke to me so clearly, "Your life is what you think." My eyes went in the water, to know more deeply still and there I heard the message, "Your life is what you will." And then the entrance opened to the inner outer space and revealed the one I am, we met there face-to-face. Once again the vision spoke. “Your heart will know what’s true.” “Now walk into the labyrinth. The Universe is you.” |
Equa Cards
A choice for equilibrium of the mind and emotions
with the higher qualities and actions. Inspired by a bus ride through New Zealand after a tarot card reading in 2005. EMOTIONS/ISSUES Anger An eruption of the mind and emotions, boiling up from fears. Counter-balanced by surrender to higher qualities and useful actions. Arrogance A feeling of superiority of self, and inferiority of the “other.” Confusion Ungrounded disorientation of mind and emotions. Cowardice Retreat of the mind and emotions in self-protection. Desire A feeling of needing or missing something in order to be happy. Disconnection Retreating from the world to not face the fears. Fear of Emotions Fear of the Unknown Frustration The discord that results from placing over-emphasis on matters over which the mind and emotions have no control. Greed Demanding more (attention, money, things) than is needed for oneself without considering the benefit of the “other.” Fear of having not enough. Guilt Judging the self, under the pattern of dualism. Gullibility The unwillingness of the mind and emotions to see life as it it. Ungrounded wishfulness. Balanced by heightened discernment, and the will to see and accept life as it is, with humor and compassion. Habit or Addiction The dependence on a substance or activity to maintain an illusion of aliveness. Helplessness Giving in to the feeling of smallness. Jealousy A feeling of being smaller (being less, having less) than “another.” Fear that someone else has more. Judgment / Prejudice Judgment toward “others,” a way of the mind and emotions to feel superior. Toward self, a way of feeling small and separated, and avoid higher qualities and actions. Prejudice: a fear that the “other” is superior or will take something from me. Loss Fear that my self will be made smaller by the natural movement of life. Manipulation A way of the mind and emotions to control and feel superior to the “other.” Numbness Withdrawal, giving in to the fear of facing self and life fully. Poverty / Victim Consciousness Giving up self-responsibility and power to the smallness of the mind and emotions. Regret Dwelling on the past and judging the self. Resistance Aversion and stubbornness of the mind and emotions, felt as tightness in the body. Restlessness Can be a stirring of spirit to change something, or an unsettled emotion that comes from losing ground. Roughness Lacking consideration for the feelings or well-being of the “other,” with potential to take time and go deeper to express consideration. Sentimentality Wishing for something that is not, or soaking in memories of what was. Stubbornness Rebellious stiffness of the mind and emotions. QUALITIES Compassion The heart-warming expansion of Being that results from surrender to universal, unconditional love. Confidence Divine self confidence, without hubris, is a self-empowered type of faith. Constancy The radiant steadiness at the core of Being. Courage The will to act in the face of fear. Grace Simple, uncluttered elegance of action. Harmony Resonance of the mind and emotions with the “other” and surroundings, yielded appreciatively to the higher qualities and actions. Humor Seeing and feeling oneself and “the other’ in a light-hearted, childlike way of play, glee, softness and laughter. Joy A warm, expanding expression of light and love with overtones of bliss, peace, harmony and laughter. Love / Hate Seeing and feeling the “other” as myself / Separation from Self and the whole. Peace The counter-balance of conflict, emanating from the wholeness of Being. Presence Radiating with the fullness and power of the moment, where Being resides. Full attention on the Now. Purity Holding a “ray” – emotion, quality or action – in uncontaminated form and with full attention. Self-mastery The willing surrender of the mind and emotions to Equilibrium, for the benefit of the persona and the whole of life. Service Surrender of the will to the creative Source, in attitude and action. Surrender Guiding the mind and emotions into an attitude of bowing the knee to the highest will. Wholeness Merging with 'what is,' with the moment, and lacking nothing. : USEFUL ACTIONS Be freely expressive Be playfully creative Change a habit Chant free form Dance free form Deepen your appreciation of diversity Explore the feeling of appreciation Feel the breathe Give unconditionally Identify and go through a fear Listen to someone with full attention Listen to the inner voice Play with agreement consciousness and co-creation Play with the question, “What do I really want?” Play with the question, “What is beauty?” Play with the question, “What is really important?” Play with the question, “What is self-mastery?” Play with the question, “What is total self-responsibility?” Play with the question, “Who am I really?” Playfully extend the borders of who you are Playfully see own triggers and reactions Relax and trust Say what is felt in the moment to a trusted companion See and feel yourself Pause and feel 'what is' Talk to a rock and a tree Visualize playfully |
Who Am I?
Inspired by feeling the cliffs, roots, and seascape near Hana, Maui, Hawaíi in 2003.
Who am I?
Am I a fish walking from the sea?
Am I a leaf on the family tree?
Am I conceived of egg and sperm?
Am I H2O, a chemist's term?
Am I the works behind clockface?
Am I a sinner saved by grace?
I am the ocean, that is me,
I am the clouds above the sea.
I am the sun and falling rain,
grass and grazer on the plain.
I am the island you can see.
The mountain also, it is me.
I am just what is to show.
Oops! Where did the borders go?
I am white spray against the shore,
sandy beach and ocean floor,
quiet depths 'neath wind and wave,
rising cliffs and darkened cave.
I am the tree with gnarled root,
and branches bearing seed and fruit.
My roots reach down through clay and sand,
bridging heaven to the land.
I am the night and the day
I am the hunter and the prey
The desert sun in mid-day heat,
the silver moon so cool and sweet.
I am a sinner saved by grace,
I am what saves the human race.
I am what seeks the golden shore,
I am the one I am waiting for.
I am the potter and the clay.
I am for earth another way.
I am a human made to be,
a creator living free.
I am the void, unformed and still,
I am dynamic, active will.
I am the Now in endless space,
I am the All with human face.
Who am I?
Am I a fish walking from the sea?
Am I a leaf on the family tree?
Am I conceived of egg and sperm?
Am I H2O, a chemist's term?
Am I the works behind clockface?
Am I a sinner saved by grace?
I am the ocean, that is me,
I am the clouds above the sea.
I am the sun and falling rain,
grass and grazer on the plain.
I am the island you can see.
The mountain also, it is me.
I am just what is to show.
Oops! Where did the borders go?
I am white spray against the shore,
sandy beach and ocean floor,
quiet depths 'neath wind and wave,
rising cliffs and darkened cave.
I am the tree with gnarled root,
and branches bearing seed and fruit.
My roots reach down through clay and sand,
bridging heaven to the land.
I am the night and the day
I am the hunter and the prey
The desert sun in mid-day heat,
the silver moon so cool and sweet.
I am a sinner saved by grace,
I am what saves the human race.
I am what seeks the golden shore,
I am the one I am waiting for.
I am the potter and the clay.
I am for earth another way.
I am a human made to be,
a creator living free.
I am the void, unformed and still,
I am dynamic, active will.
I am the Now in endless space,
I am the All with human face.
Shit Poem
A friend with dogs commented about the poop
they left in piles around the yard and that she often stepped in them. When she complained that her involvement in the emotional dramas of her family had a negative influence on her, Kati told her, ‘That is like stepping in a pile of dog shit and then complaining that it stinks.’ From this story I wrote the Shit Poem in 2002. |
If in the shit you walk and sink,
don’t then complain that you stink.
To stink of shit is not to boast,
still there’s a choice to make compost.
So plant good seeds of flowers fair,
and enjoy the fragrant air.
don’t then complain that you stink.
To stink of shit is not to boast,
still there’s a choice to make compost.
So plant good seeds of flowers fair,
and enjoy the fragrant air.
Rhythm of Nature
On the Hawaiian islands, while playing a hand drum this poem just flowed to the rhythm. 2001.
Beating, beating is the drum,
pumping heart, rhythmic thrum.
Fingers dancing on the skin,
tapping into more within.
Singing life and energy,
drumming in the ecstasy
of oneness with the All, the Source
flowing on its endless course,
river dancing just to be
tumbling over rock to sea,
river joyful in its own,
bird from cage, the drummer's flown.
pumping heart, rhythmic thrum.
Fingers dancing on the skin,
tapping into more within.
Singing life and energy,
drumming in the ecstasy
of oneness with the All, the Source
flowing on its endless course,
river dancing just to be
tumbling over rock to sea,
river joyful in its own,
bird from cage, the drummer's flown.
by Mark Jonathan Smith In a recorded cassette letter, my younger brother Mark told of sitting on a high ridge in the Rockies at sunset, writing songs and playing guitar. A few weeks later, Mark was hit by a drunk driver and died at age seventeen. The words of the song were found in his room. He called it 'Stargazing Wanderer.' * Stargazing Wanderer The mountain is conquered, my sky is red. Peaceful giant, and nothin’s said. Star-gazing wanderer is what I am. Eternal heaven grasps my mind and carries it to a starburst field of flowers. Can’t count the hours. And the ebony god grants a vision, my soul is arisen. Flightless clouds in timeless night suspend me with them. Such unearthly delight is mine. Perhaps a sign. Silver threads of a golden dream surround me. My being will be free. - Mark Jonathan Smith 1957-1974 THE UNIVERSE IS YOU
This prose was written for Myriad, the literary magazine of FCHS (Fort Collins High School) in 1971. Fifty-five years later, it still rings basically authentic to me, although I would write it differently now. A gentle voice comes to me, saying: “You are leaving your home, Becoming human so that you may Experience & learn & advance. The memory of the paradise you have dwelt in will be removed; otherwise you could not bear the pain and sorrow of life on earth. You will forget your true identity, believing yourself to be a physical being. The parents you have chosen will feed you, clothe you, protect you and give you love. Be not deceived by those who will try to convince you that life on earth is the important, the only, or that you must secure yourself to their beliefs in order to be 'saved.' They have been misled. Open your mind to all things: experience the many paths, always do your best, and you may one day be granted Enlightenment and realize that you have the life of Buddha, the life of Krishna, the life of Baha ‘u’ llah, the life of Christ within you. Then you will be freed from the bonds of the flesh, the bonds of rebirth, of space and time.” The way is before me, i will my molecules to slow their vibration, and hover above my mother-to-be. She is sitting in a chair, knitting. i slip inside her and enter her womb, the unborn fetus, now my body. The woman feels a movement of life within her, and she smiles. * * * * * * * * The night is lonely, the air chilled and silent. i walk the sidewalks slowly. Wondering, what is real? studying my hand: is this body mine? Probing the bark of a tree with my fingers becoming the tree sprouting buds soaking up warm sunshine drawing moist earth up through my roots. How am i different from this tree, from the blades of grass on the lawn, the stars in the heaven above? Why do i have a border why do my molecules not blend with the air Why is there always me and it? - my essence apart from all other existence where do my thoughts come from? The shadows on the ground the reflection in the window say i am. Traveling along the myriad roads so many lead to nowhere the happiness they bring is there and gone after reaching the highest point they allow one may go no further. But the Joy of being One with the Universe knows no limits, for the Universe is without limit. Absorbing the teachings of the inspired brings an understanding: 'true inspiration comes from within all else is there to reflect my truth.' * * * * * * * * Making good causes brings good effects: “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” “Be still and know the I within.” What would it be like to be an air bubble, drifting upward from the lake bottom through the deep waters, and rising above the surface to burst then become one with the air and mingle with the atmosphere and course through the veins of the winds? A great voice speaks: You have walked your path with a sincere heart and an open mind, you have surrendered your will to find your inmost truth, never turning from 'what is' no matter the obstacles that lay before you. Be at peace now, for you have found yourself you are fulfilled the Universe is You. * * * * * * * * |