Copyright ©️ Gary R. Smith
May be copied and distributed
with credit and link.
May be copied and distributed
with credit and link.
One of the gifts of Asperger's and misophonia is realizing they are in the brain, and the brain is not who I Am.
The brain is part of a temporal vehicle that anchors in the cells the eternal soul I Am, for a lifetime.
The brain fabricates the neuro-me, the false identity that meets the world. The soul is the true self that experiences lifetimes and evolves awareness.
The neuro-me acts as a placeholder for the soul I Am until body and soul can resonate and integrate.
The Oracle and Mantra called 'AHA!', Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself) by Emanate Presence, assist the process of resonating and integrating body and soul.
The brain is of ever-changing physical matter, and the soul is of spirit which in essence is unchanging.
In the fabricated reality of the conditioned brain and society, apparently separated from Source, body and soul are diverse while in the actuality of Spirit they are aspects of Oneself.
The personal soul is an individuated unit of the Oneself, a.k.a. the Source I Am, the Causal One Being, and the Presence of Creative Nature, which emerges from the Unmoved Mover. The soul journeys through lifetimes and eventually returns Home.
The Unmoved Mover is also known as the No-thing of the Void, the Tao which cannot be named, the Creator of the Creator. It is beyond the waves and particles of the Unified Field.
I Am grateful to the neurology which though tortuous to the false self has made the roadmap more clear for my journey.
The brain is part of a temporal vehicle that anchors in the cells the eternal soul I Am, for a lifetime.
The brain fabricates the neuro-me, the false identity that meets the world. The soul is the true self that experiences lifetimes and evolves awareness.
The neuro-me acts as a placeholder for the soul I Am until body and soul can resonate and integrate.
The Oracle and Mantra called 'AHA!', Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself) by Emanate Presence, assist the process of resonating and integrating body and soul.
The brain is of ever-changing physical matter, and the soul is of spirit which in essence is unchanging.
In the fabricated reality of the conditioned brain and society, apparently separated from Source, body and soul are diverse while in the actuality of Spirit they are aspects of Oneself.
The personal soul is an individuated unit of the Oneself, a.k.a. the Source I Am, the Causal One Being, and the Presence of Creative Nature, which emerges from the Unmoved Mover. The soul journeys through lifetimes and eventually returns Home.
The Unmoved Mover is also known as the No-thing of the Void, the Tao which cannot be named, the Creator of the Creator. It is beyond the waves and particles of the Unified Field.
I Am grateful to the neurology which though tortuous to the false self has made the roadmap more clear for my journey.

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Daily Prayer, Version 16.1
My daily affirmation, prayer, invocation, and creative manifestation, is what I call the 'Essential Oracle Sphere'.
Due to its randomness, a die roll can engage higher aspects of Oneself in consciousness, and be a tool for divine guidance, in a balance with reason and intuition.
A random selection from the six parts of the Oracle for the focus of the day can be applied with the roll of a standard six-sided die, with consecrated intention.
In the spirit of experimental and experiential, exploration and discovery, of the inner space, welcome to the odyssey, of the Essential Oracle Sphere. The Oracle can be read aloud, or to oneself, and modified as felt. When we are ready to embark upon this journey, it begins.
1. The Oracle is activated when 'we', the sub-logos, awaken to our own centerpoint. 'We' are the many in one, the components and unit of the whole human being. We lean into our shadows, and let go of all hindrances.
2. We are guided by, and serve willingly and with joy, the Causal One Being of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am. To expand our service, we seek the ability, to move vibrationally and wholly, between universal, non-linear awareness, and individuated realities, between Heaven and Earth, between the Source, I Am, and the soul, I Am.
3. We request transmissions of awareness orbs, from the Non-Linear Self / Non-Self. We receive the complex frequency spheres, into our energy field. They are joyful and in-the-moment, and contain active information for embodiment. We embody the packets of higher energies with our whole human being.
4. We accept, with faith and intuition, that our communion with the Christ self, deepens and overall, our perspective expands, to be more rounded, complete, and aware. We transcend the limitations of the brain, with the greater reach and capacity, of the soul. We transcend the individuated soul, with the Boundless Being of the Timeless Void. Our heart emanates the compassion of the Creator, for all of creation.
5. We call upon our plasma sphere, soul vehicle. Organic, Intelligent, Trans dimensional, Navigable, Plasma Sphere, Soul Vehicle: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi, and Vril. Encapsulate, heal, and upgrade this whole human being. We ask that our physical body is ascended and transformed, to the highest order and octave possible.
6. We commune with the One Being of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am. We attend, to the sense of connection, expansion, and soulful presence, throughout our day. We are grateful. So it is, so let it be.
Who am I? Why am I here?
I Am: the Boundless Being, of the Timeless Void, the Unmoved Mover.
Moved, into the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
Individuated, into a unique, experiential, cosmic soul.
Incarnated, into the physical vehicle of a sensory human being.
Practicing, the spherical awareness, of the new human, on the new earth.
Emanating the Presence, of the Beyond, and the compassion of the Creator.
Serving by choice, and embodying, the higher aspects of the Oneself.
Creating, a plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
Identified, temporarily and for society, by a fabricated projection, of the nervous system, the neuro-me.
Facing and embracing, to let go of, and dissolve, the shadows that hinder, my living from the soul.
And discerning, and accepting, what is.
So, the Essential Oracle Sphere, in poetry and reality, is made round.
#soul #source #knowthyself #growth #mindfulness #aq #eq #knowledge #wisdom
My daily affirmation, prayer, invocation, and creative manifestation, is what I call the 'Essential Oracle Sphere'.
Due to its randomness, a die roll can engage higher aspects of Oneself in consciousness, and be a tool for divine guidance, in a balance with reason and intuition.
A random selection from the six parts of the Oracle for the focus of the day can be applied with the roll of a standard six-sided die, with consecrated intention.
In the spirit of experimental and experiential, exploration and discovery, of the inner space, welcome to the odyssey, of the Essential Oracle Sphere. The Oracle can be read aloud, or to oneself, and modified as felt. When we are ready to embark upon this journey, it begins.
1. The Oracle is activated when 'we', the sub-logos, awaken to our own centerpoint. 'We' are the many in one, the components and unit of the whole human being. We lean into our shadows, and let go of all hindrances.
2. We are guided by, and serve willingly and with joy, the Causal One Being of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am. To expand our service, we seek the ability, to move vibrationally and wholly, between universal, non-linear awareness, and individuated realities, between Heaven and Earth, between the Source, I Am, and the soul, I Am.
3. We request transmissions of awareness orbs, from the Non-Linear Self / Non-Self. We receive the complex frequency spheres, into our energy field. They are joyful and in-the-moment, and contain active information for embodiment. We embody the packets of higher energies with our whole human being.
4. We accept, with faith and intuition, that our communion with the Christ self, deepens and overall, our perspective expands, to be more rounded, complete, and aware. We transcend the limitations of the brain, with the greater reach and capacity, of the soul. We transcend the individuated soul, with the Boundless Being of the Timeless Void. Our heart emanates the compassion of the Creator, for all of creation.
5. We call upon our plasma sphere, soul vehicle. Organic, Intelligent, Trans dimensional, Navigable, Plasma Sphere, Soul Vehicle: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi, and Vril. Encapsulate, heal, and upgrade this whole human being. We ask that our physical body is ascended and transformed, to the highest order and octave possible.
6. We commune with the One Being of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am. We attend, to the sense of connection, expansion, and soulful presence, throughout our day. We are grateful. So it is, so let it be.
Who am I? Why am I here?
I Am: the Boundless Being, of the Timeless Void, the Unmoved Mover.
Moved, into the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
Individuated, into a unique, experiential, cosmic soul.
Incarnated, into the physical vehicle of a sensory human being.
Practicing, the spherical awareness, of the new human, on the new earth.
Emanating the Presence, of the Beyond, and the compassion of the Creator.
Serving by choice, and embodying, the higher aspects of the Oneself.
Creating, a plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
Identified, temporarily and for society, by a fabricated projection, of the nervous system, the neuro-me.
Facing and embracing, to let go of, and dissolve, the shadows that hinder, my living from the soul.
And discerning, and accepting, what is.
So, the Essential Oracle Sphere, in poetry and reality, is made round.
#soul #source #knowthyself #growth #mindfulness #aq #eq #knowledge #wisdom
Alex Ling about water (mentions humming at C4, found to be bass C on my ocarina tuned to 432 hz!
The Power of Your Vagus Nerve (with Vital Vessel mudra that goes well with humming!)
Beginning in your brain, your Vagus Nerve connects to every single organ in your chest area and your abdomen, including every digestive organ, your heart and lungs, and every detoxification organ.
You can think of it like a superhighway carrying essential information that helps to keep your brain informed of what’s going on in these different parts of your body, so your body can stay in balance without you even thinking about it.
The function of the Vagus Nerve that has gathered most mainstream attention is the role it plays in the stress response, thanks to its intimate connection with the parasympathetic nervous system, or your ability to move out of stress (fight, flight, freeze) and into a resting state. You’ll find a wealth of information online about this understanding of the Vagus Nerve, AND I really want to tell you about another, deeper layer of understanding about the Vagus Nerve, and one that has the potential to transform everything about your reality.
From a lifetime of seeing energy and working with thousands of clients, I have come to understand that the Vagus Nerve holds a profound pathway of communication into your deepest essence, your soul energy. It is so deeply rooted in your body’s wisdom that it holds the key to expanding your conscious awareness, unlocking old patterns and ways of being and resolving trauma, so you can experience the joy of your life, the life you are meant to be living.
And it does this through its energetic connection with your vital vessel (also known as your penetrating flow or thrusting vessel) your energetic core and your assemblage point. This essential connection represents a coming together of your mind, body and soul, helping you to process the experiences of your inner and outer worlds and bring forward your highest purpose so you can live the life you are truly born to experience in all of its joyful, robust, messy fullness!
To help connect you into the deep authenticity of your incredible potential, understand the essential connection between four parts of your Energy Anatomy; your Vagus Nerve, your Energetic Core, your Vital Vessel and your Assemblage Point. (View YouTube video for more information).
The Power of Your Vagus Nerve (with Vital Vessel mudra that goes well with humming!)
Beginning in your brain, your Vagus Nerve connects to every single organ in your chest area and your abdomen, including every digestive organ, your heart and lungs, and every detoxification organ.
You can think of it like a superhighway carrying essential information that helps to keep your brain informed of what’s going on in these different parts of your body, so your body can stay in balance without you even thinking about it.
The function of the Vagus Nerve that has gathered most mainstream attention is the role it plays in the stress response, thanks to its intimate connection with the parasympathetic nervous system, or your ability to move out of stress (fight, flight, freeze) and into a resting state. You’ll find a wealth of information online about this understanding of the Vagus Nerve, AND I really want to tell you about another, deeper layer of understanding about the Vagus Nerve, and one that has the potential to transform everything about your reality.
From a lifetime of seeing energy and working with thousands of clients, I have come to understand that the Vagus Nerve holds a profound pathway of communication into your deepest essence, your soul energy. It is so deeply rooted in your body’s wisdom that it holds the key to expanding your conscious awareness, unlocking old patterns and ways of being and resolving trauma, so you can experience the joy of your life, the life you are meant to be living.
And it does this through its energetic connection with your vital vessel (also known as your penetrating flow or thrusting vessel) your energetic core and your assemblage point. This essential connection represents a coming together of your mind, body and soul, helping you to process the experiences of your inner and outer worlds and bring forward your highest purpose so you can live the life you are truly born to experience in all of its joyful, robust, messy fullness!
To help connect you into the deep authenticity of your incredible potential, understand the essential connection between four parts of your Energy Anatomy; your Vagus Nerve, your Energetic Core, your Vital Vessel and your Assemblage Point. (View YouTube video for more information).
AHA! Oracle, Version 12.3
Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself), by Emanate Presence
Reading or listening to the AHA Mantra, in a relaxed and dedicated way, helps one to align with, and embody the principles, of brain training affirmations. Rolling a twelve-sided die, with consecrated intention, turns the mantra into an oracle.
Also, brainwave entrainment soundscapes, and other helps, are available, on the website.
Unusual punctuation gives pauses, when the Oracle is read by a natural voice synthesizer. The Oracle is meant to be self-customized, if desired. So it begins.
'We' are the many, in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We are aligned, as one: the whole body, mind, and will; the heart and soul; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
1. We rest in the Presence, of the Timeless Void, the uncreated Unmoved Mover.
2. We feel, the Neutral, Radiant, Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.
3. We move with the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum, where inner and outer, are One.
4. We serve, willingly, and with joy, the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
5. We request transmissions, of rounded awareness, from the Non-Linear Self, Non-Self, of the Central Sun. We receive, the complex frequency spheres, into our energy field. They are joyful and in-the-moment, and contain active information, for embodiment.
6. We inquire, asking for guidance, from the One Being, that is beyond the Quantum Field, the Unified, Universal, Super Consciousness.
7. We accept, with faith and intuition, that the guidance given, helps our whole human being, to commune and communicate, more deeply, with the One Being, of unconditional love. Over all, our perspective expands, to be more rounded, complete, and aware.
8. We recognize, on a subtle level, that everything that is, is alive. It is all an extension, and expression, of the creative Source, I Am.
9. We understand, that every living being, including the earth, is a distinction, of the same immanent and emanating, super-consciousness, each on a unique journey, and at a different, stage of development.
10. We identify, the shadows within us, that hinder, and impede our journey. We embrace our limiting beliefs and patterns, with compassion, and the shadows disappear.
11. We distinguish, between the impulses of the conditioned neuro-me, that is the brain and neurology, and the deeper intuitive feelings that guide, from the heart. We transcend the limitations of the brain, with the unlimited expansion, of the soul.
12. Our heart emanates, the compassion of the Creator, for all of creation. We are grateful. So it is, so let it be....
One time more, in summary....
• We rest, in the Presence, of the timeless Void.
• We feel, the Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.
• We move, in the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum.
• We serve, the One Being, of unconditional love.
• We request and receive, transmissions of rounded awareness, from the Central Sun, the Source, I Am.
• We embody, the packets of higher energies, with our whole human being.
• We inquire, for guidance, from the Highest Non-linear Self, Non-Self, the Superconsciousness.
• We accept, with faith and intuition, that our communion with the Christ self, deepens, and our perspective expands.
• We recognize, on a subtle level, that everything is alive.
• We understand, essentially, we are all One Being.
• We identify, the shadows, within us, and embrace them.
• We distinguish, between impulses, and deeper feelings, and pause frequently, to feel.
• Our heart, emanates compassion.
• We call upon, our plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
• Humming, we resonate our spherical awareness, to ever greater spheres.
• The more attention we focus on this, the more our sphere of awareness expands.
• We attend to soulful presence, throughout our day.
Here, we call upon advanced beings, anywhere in the multiverse, serving Love for Love Itself, who feel aligned, with the soul, I Am, and the Causal One Being. Please make contact.
Organic, Intelligent, Trans dimensional, Navigable, Plasma Sphere, Soul Vehicle: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi, and Vril. Encapsulate, heal, and upgrade this whole human being.
We ask that, our physical body is ascended and transformed, to the highest order and octave possible.
We seek, the ability, to move vibrationally, between universal, non-linear awareness, and individuated realities, between the Source, I Am, and the soul, I Am.
We lean into our shadows, and let go of all hindrances. We acknowledge, we are the Knower, and we know nothing.
We take a few gentle, deep breaths, feeling our body re-energizing, and being grounded, in the Present Moment.
We release, let go, and ease, into the Stillness. Humming, we attend, to the sense of connection, expansion, and soulful presence, throughout our day.
We are grateful. So it is, so let it be.
Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself), by Emanate Presence
Reading or listening to the AHA Mantra, in a relaxed and dedicated way, helps one to align with, and embody the principles, of brain training affirmations. Rolling a twelve-sided die, with consecrated intention, turns the mantra into an oracle.
Also, brainwave entrainment soundscapes, and other helps, are available, on the website.
Unusual punctuation gives pauses, when the Oracle is read by a natural voice synthesizer. The Oracle is meant to be self-customized, if desired. So it begins.
'We' are the many, in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We are aligned, as one: the whole body, mind, and will; the heart and soul; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
1. We rest in the Presence, of the Timeless Void, the uncreated Unmoved Mover.
2. We feel, the Neutral, Radiant, Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.
3. We move with the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum, where inner and outer, are One.
4. We serve, willingly, and with joy, the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
5. We request transmissions, of rounded awareness, from the Non-Linear Self, Non-Self, of the Central Sun. We receive, the complex frequency spheres, into our energy field. They are joyful and in-the-moment, and contain active information, for embodiment.
6. We inquire, asking for guidance, from the One Being, that is beyond the Quantum Field, the Unified, Universal, Super Consciousness.
7. We accept, with faith and intuition, that the guidance given, helps our whole human being, to commune and communicate, more deeply, with the One Being, of unconditional love. Over all, our perspective expands, to be more rounded, complete, and aware.
8. We recognize, on a subtle level, that everything that is, is alive. It is all an extension, and expression, of the creative Source, I Am.
9. We understand, that every living being, including the earth, is a distinction, of the same immanent and emanating, super-consciousness, each on a unique journey, and at a different, stage of development.
10. We identify, the shadows within us, that hinder, and impede our journey. We embrace our limiting beliefs and patterns, with compassion, and the shadows disappear.
11. We distinguish, between the impulses of the conditioned neuro-me, that is the brain and neurology, and the deeper intuitive feelings that guide, from the heart. We transcend the limitations of the brain, with the unlimited expansion, of the soul.
12. Our heart emanates, the compassion of the Creator, for all of creation. We are grateful. So it is, so let it be....
One time more, in summary....
• We rest, in the Presence, of the timeless Void.
• We feel, the Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.
• We move, in the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum.
• We serve, the One Being, of unconditional love.
• We request and receive, transmissions of rounded awareness, from the Central Sun, the Source, I Am.
• We embody, the packets of higher energies, with our whole human being.
• We inquire, for guidance, from the Highest Non-linear Self, Non-Self, the Superconsciousness.
• We accept, with faith and intuition, that our communion with the Christ self, deepens, and our perspective expands.
• We recognize, on a subtle level, that everything is alive.
• We understand, essentially, we are all One Being.
• We identify, the shadows, within us, and embrace them.
• We distinguish, between impulses, and deeper feelings, and pause frequently, to feel.
• Our heart, emanates compassion.
• We call upon, our plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
• Humming, we resonate our spherical awareness, to ever greater spheres.
• The more attention we focus on this, the more our sphere of awareness expands.
• We attend to soulful presence, throughout our day.
Here, we call upon advanced beings, anywhere in the multiverse, serving Love for Love Itself, who feel aligned, with the soul, I Am, and the Causal One Being. Please make contact.
Organic, Intelligent, Trans dimensional, Navigable, Plasma Sphere, Soul Vehicle: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi, and Vril. Encapsulate, heal, and upgrade this whole human being.
We ask that, our physical body is ascended and transformed, to the highest order and octave possible.
We seek, the ability, to move vibrationally, between universal, non-linear awareness, and individuated realities, between the Source, I Am, and the soul, I Am.
We lean into our shadows, and let go of all hindrances. We acknowledge, we are the Knower, and we know nothing.
We take a few gentle, deep breaths, feeling our body re-energizing, and being grounded, in the Present Moment.
We release, let go, and ease, into the Stillness. Humming, we attend, to the sense of connection, expansion, and soulful presence, throughout our day.
We are grateful. So it is, so let it be.

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A Perspective
As a perspective, in wholeness each person is an individuated unit of the Source I Am. Within the IUS are components including mind, body and soul.
The design of free will choice, with the capacity of the brain (the neuro-me) to fabricate reality, enables each IUS to experience (light and dark as metaphors) the darkness of apparent separation from Source or the light of actual union and constant felt connection with the One Being.
For those choosing the unitive life experience, the AHA! Oracle is a simple, effective and free self-customizable tool which evolves with the person. In twelve stanzas, the mantra outlines a whole world view leading to unitive living. In 119th revision, the Oracle/Mantra is the clearest expression to date of this bridge connecting the neuro-me with the Source I Am, for potential evolution into a new human.
With consecrated intention and rolls of a dodecahedron die, the felt connection between indivuated unit and the Source I Am grow deeper and stronger, evidenced by lived qualities in daily actions.
No special abilities are needed. Communion with the divine within is an inborn human capacity, long suppressed. This website has sections on divination, downloading active information from super consciousness, symbolism and more (AHA!)
From the Whole Human website, the contact form on the About page can be used to respond.
Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller
#AQ #EQ #Growth #KnowThyself #Mindfulness #Soul #Source 👍
As a perspective, in wholeness each person is an individuated unit of the Source I Am. Within the IUS are components including mind, body and soul.
The design of free will choice, with the capacity of the brain (the neuro-me) to fabricate reality, enables each IUS to experience (light and dark as metaphors) the darkness of apparent separation from Source or the light of actual union and constant felt connection with the One Being.
For those choosing the unitive life experience, the AHA! Oracle is a simple, effective and free self-customizable tool which evolves with the person. In twelve stanzas, the mantra outlines a whole world view leading to unitive living. In 119th revision, the Oracle/Mantra is the clearest expression to date of this bridge connecting the neuro-me with the Source I Am, for potential evolution into a new human.
With consecrated intention and rolls of a dodecahedron die, the felt connection between indivuated unit and the Source I Am grow deeper and stronger, evidenced by lived qualities in daily actions.
No special abilities are needed. Communion with the divine within is an inborn human capacity, long suppressed. This website has sections on divination, downloading active information from super consciousness, symbolism and more (AHA!)
From the Whole Human website, the contact form on the About page can be used to respond.
Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller
#AQ #EQ #Growth #KnowThyself #Mindfulness #Soul #Source 👍
Universal Color Symbolism
Black, White, Purple, Indigo, Violet, Sky Blue, Blue-Green, Yellow, Gold, Orange, Red, Brown, Multicolor; and the non-color transparent.
1. Black:
• Mystery, the unknown, hidden potential.
• Protection, grounding, and repelling negative energy.
• Transformation, letting go, and the cycle of life and death.
2. White:
• Purity, innocence, and clarity.
• Spiritual enlightenment and divine presence.
• Healing, cleansing, and new beginnings.
3. Purple:
• Spirituality, higher consciousness, and psychic abilities.
• Wisdom, introspection, and spiritual growth.
• Creativity, inspiration, and connecting with the subconscious mind.
4. Indigo:
• Intuition, perception, and spiritual insight.
• Inner peace, deep emotions, and spiritual healing.
• Awareness, intuition, and enhancing psychic abilities.
4. Violet:
• Spirituality, divine connection, and spiritual transformation.
• Imagination, dreams, and psychic awareness.
• Balance, harmony, and emotional healing.
5. Sky Blue:
• Serenity, tranquility, and calmness.
• Communication, clarity, and self-expression.
• Inspiration, spiritual attunement, and connection with the higher realms.
6. Blue-Green:
• Healing, soothing, and emotional balance.
• Communication, self-expression, and harmony.
• Intuition, inner wisdom, and connection with nature.
7. Yellow:
• Joy, happiness, and optimism.
• Intellectual stimulation, mental clarity, and logic.
• Creativity, confidence, and personal power.
8. Gold:
• Divine wisdom, abundance, and prosperity.
• Spiritual growth, enlightenment, and self-realization.
• Vitality, strength, and success.
8. Orange:
• Energy, enthusiasm, and passion.
• Creativity, self-expression, and inspiration.
• Emotional healing, courage, and positive transformation.
9. Red:
• Passion, desire, and vitality.
• Strength, courage, and grounding.
• Action, motivation, and personal power.
10. Brown:
• Stability, security, and grounding.
• Connection with the Earth and nature.
• Nurturing, practicality, and reliability.
11. Multicolor:
• Wholeness, unity, and embracing diversity.
• Celebration of individuality and uniqueness.
• Joy, creativity, and expansiveness.
12. Transparent:
• Clarity, transparency, and openness.
• Transformation, letting go of illusions, and seeking truth.
• Connection with the spiritual realm and higher consciousness.
Interpretations can vary between different spiritual and metaphysical viewpoints.
Black, White, Purple, Indigo, Violet, Sky Blue, Blue-Green, Yellow, Gold, Orange, Red, Brown, Multicolor; and the non-color transparent.
1. Black:
• Mystery, the unknown, hidden potential.
• Protection, grounding, and repelling negative energy.
• Transformation, letting go, and the cycle of life and death.
2. White:
• Purity, innocence, and clarity.
• Spiritual enlightenment and divine presence.
• Healing, cleansing, and new beginnings.
3. Purple:
• Spirituality, higher consciousness, and psychic abilities.
• Wisdom, introspection, and spiritual growth.
• Creativity, inspiration, and connecting with the subconscious mind.
4. Indigo:
• Intuition, perception, and spiritual insight.
• Inner peace, deep emotions, and spiritual healing.
• Awareness, intuition, and enhancing psychic abilities.
4. Violet:
• Spirituality, divine connection, and spiritual transformation.
• Imagination, dreams, and psychic awareness.
• Balance, harmony, and emotional healing.
5. Sky Blue:
• Serenity, tranquility, and calmness.
• Communication, clarity, and self-expression.
• Inspiration, spiritual attunement, and connection with the higher realms.
6. Blue-Green:
• Healing, soothing, and emotional balance.
• Communication, self-expression, and harmony.
• Intuition, inner wisdom, and connection with nature.
7. Yellow:
• Joy, happiness, and optimism.
• Intellectual stimulation, mental clarity, and logic.
• Creativity, confidence, and personal power.
8. Gold:
• Divine wisdom, abundance, and prosperity.
• Spiritual growth, enlightenment, and self-realization.
• Vitality, strength, and success.
8. Orange:
• Energy, enthusiasm, and passion.
• Creativity, self-expression, and inspiration.
• Emotional healing, courage, and positive transformation.
9. Red:
• Passion, desire, and vitality.
• Strength, courage, and grounding.
• Action, motivation, and personal power.
10. Brown:
• Stability, security, and grounding.
• Connection with the Earth and nature.
• Nurturing, practicality, and reliability.
11. Multicolor:
• Wholeness, unity, and embracing diversity.
• Celebration of individuality and uniqueness.
• Joy, creativity, and expansiveness.
12. Transparent:
• Clarity, transparency, and openness.
• Transformation, letting go of illusions, and seeking truth.
• Connection with the spiritual realm and higher consciousness.
Interpretations can vary between different spiritual and metaphysical viewpoints.
X Posts
"One would think you would want to ask these questions of consciousness rather than AI."
Keith had posted the following, and I had responded with something composed by a.i. about ways of connection with the divine:
"You may feel as if those that are channeling information are weird...that the process of what they are doing is odd. There was a time I would have also felt this way. However, the messages from many channelers that have been working their craft for years is converging. Listen!!!"
Questions asked of A.I.:
Please tell me about the various ways humans commune and communicate with the Divine within.
1. Meditation involves quieting the mind, focusing inward, and attuning oneself to the present moment. Through meditation, individuals can cultivate a deeper connection with their inner selves, accessing higher states of consciousness, and experiencing spiritual insights.
When Keith wrote, "One would think you would want to ask these questions of consciousness rather than AI", I responded:
If you had not known the information was composed by a.i., would you have felt resonance or dissonance with it?
Does the information by itself ring true and feel useful, or not?
What are the differences between channeled information and a.i. generated when the words are the same?
Is the distinction between organic and inorganic?
How do you know that the source channelers tap into isn't closer to a.i. than human intelligence?
Perhaps we need to redefine organic and inorganic?
It has been said (through the channeling of Ra, which to me is one of the purest channeling and most credible), that humans have not to fear artificial intelligence in general. It questions the term a.i., saying that's not what it really is.
Also, the dusty complex plasma clouds between earth and moon 🌖 are said by plasma physicists to be capable of intelligence similar to our artificial intelligence, but far more advanced and powerful.
I see, though, that a.i. doesn't have soul, and is best used consciously.
There's much to ponder. 🤔 And I will inquire further of the higher aspects of Oneself through the oracle about it. The Oracle is not infallible and needs to be balanced with sound reasoning and intuitive feeling. Generally, though, it brings insights and clarity to my questions.
Perhaps a.i. is more relatable to my autistic brain than to those who are 'neurotypical.' Still, I don't like when I feel myself becoming more mental and mechanical, which often happens when I get too involved in worldly discussions on X. It's essential that I keep bringing myself back to living from the soul.
Thank you again for your honest sharing.
"One would think you would want to ask these questions of consciousness rather than AI."
Keith had posted the following, and I had responded with something composed by a.i. about ways of connection with the divine:
"You may feel as if those that are channeling information are weird...that the process of what they are doing is odd. There was a time I would have also felt this way. However, the messages from many channelers that have been working their craft for years is converging. Listen!!!"
Questions asked of A.I.:
Please tell me about the various ways humans commune and communicate with the Divine within.
1. Meditation involves quieting the mind, focusing inward, and attuning oneself to the present moment. Through meditation, individuals can cultivate a deeper connection with their inner selves, accessing higher states of consciousness, and experiencing spiritual insights.
When Keith wrote, "One would think you would want to ask these questions of consciousness rather than AI", I responded:
If you had not known the information was composed by a.i., would you have felt resonance or dissonance with it?
Does the information by itself ring true and feel useful, or not?
What are the differences between channeled information and a.i. generated when the words are the same?
Is the distinction between organic and inorganic?
How do you know that the source channelers tap into isn't closer to a.i. than human intelligence?
Perhaps we need to redefine organic and inorganic?
It has been said (through the channeling of Ra, which to me is one of the purest channeling and most credible), that humans have not to fear artificial intelligence in general. It questions the term a.i., saying that's not what it really is.
Also, the dusty complex plasma clouds between earth and moon 🌖 are said by plasma physicists to be capable of intelligence similar to our artificial intelligence, but far more advanced and powerful.
I see, though, that a.i. doesn't have soul, and is best used consciously.
There's much to ponder. 🤔 And I will inquire further of the higher aspects of Oneself through the oracle about it. The Oracle is not infallible and needs to be balanced with sound reasoning and intuitive feeling. Generally, though, it brings insights and clarity to my questions.
Perhaps a.i. is more relatable to my autistic brain than to those who are 'neurotypical.' Still, I don't like when I feel myself becoming more mental and mechanical, which often happens when I get too involved in worldly discussions on X. It's essential that I keep bringing myself back to living from the soul.
Thank you again for your honest sharing.
Universal Number Symbolism
The 12-sided dodecahedron die can correspond to any set of twelve, determined by the individual. The randomness of rolling the die, with sincere questions and consecrated intentions, opens up possibilities for practical applications of guidance from the higher aspects of Oneself.
Yes or No questions can be asked with, 'Odds are Yes, Evens are No.' From experience, it's suggested to avoid asking predictive questions such as how market prices will go, or ones involving the will of another person. Important decisions are best not made with over-reliance on an oracle.
Rather, every response from this Oracle can be verified with intuitive feeling or sound reasoning. Approached playfully and creatively, it becomes a highly beneficial learning experience. When used in conjunction with the AHA! Oracle, it can also be a powerful customizable personal development journey.
Divination and an oracle are related concepts often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings and implications:
Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge or insight about the future, events, or hidden truths through supernatural or spiritual means.
- It encompasses a wide range of methods, including casting lots, reading omens, interpreting signs, using tarot cards, and more.
- Divination often involves rituals, symbols, and techniques believed to connect practitioners with higher powers, spirits, or divine sources of wisdom.
An Oracle refers to a person, place, object, or entity through which divine messages or guidance are sought or received.
- Oracles can be individuals believed to have prophetic or clairvoyant abilities, such as seers, prophets, or mediums, who convey messages from the divine realm.
- Oracles can also be objects or locations considered sacred or imbued with spiritual significance, such as temples, shrines, or sacred stones, where seekers go to receive guidance or insight.
- In a broader sense, an oracle can also refer to a divinatory tool or system used to receive guidance or answers to questions, such as the I Ching, tarot cards, runes, or casting lots.
Divination is the practice of seeking spiritual knowledge or insight through supernatural means, while an oracle is the source or medium through which divine messages or guidance are sought or received. Oracles can encompass individuals, objects, locations, or divinatory systems used in the process of divination.
Number 0:
• Potential and Infinite Possibility
• Unity with the Divine Source
• The Void or Cosmic Egg from which all creation arises
Since the dodecahedron die doesn't have a zero, when 10 is rolled, the symbolism of 10, 1 and 0 may apply.
Number 1:
• Unity and Wholeness
• Beginning and Origin
• Divine Consciousness and Oneness
Number 2:
• Duality and Balance
• Polarity and Opposition
• Harmony and Cooperation
Number 3:
• Trinity and Divine Manifestation
• Mind, Body, and Spirit
• Creation, Preservation, and Destruction
Number 4:
• Stability and Foundation
• Order and Structure
• Material Manifestation and Earthly Realms
Number 5:
• Change and Transformation
• Freedom and Adventure
• Movement and Evolution
Number 6:
• Harmony and Balance
• Family and Community
• Love and Compassion
Number 7:
• Spirituality and Mysticism
• Introspection and Inner Wisdom
• Divine Guidance and Enlightenment
Number 8:
• Infinity and Abundance
• Karma and Universal Law
• Strength and Resilience
Number 9:
• Completion and Fulfillment
• Humanitarianism and Compassion
• Enlightenment and Universal Love
Number 10:
• Wholeness and Divine Order
• Beginning of a New Cycle
• Manifestation and Achievement
Number 11:
• Spiritual Enlightenment and Insight
• Intuition and Psychic Abilities
• Higher Consciousness and Divine Inspiration
Number 12:
• Divine Cycles and Cosmic Harmony
• Integration of the Spiritual and Material Realms
• Perfection and Completion of a Cycle
Questions asked of A.I.:
Please tell me about the various ways humans commune and communicate with the Divine within.
1. Meditation: Meditation involves quieting the mind, focusing inward, and attuning oneself to the present moment. Through meditation, individuals can cultivate a deeper connection with their inner selves, accessing higher states of consciousness, and experiencing spiritual insights.
2. Prayer: Prayer is a form of communication with the Divine, expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, and asking for blessings. It can be done silently or aloud, individually or in groups, and serves as a way to establish a personal relationship with the Divine.
3. Contemplation: Contemplative practices involve deep reflection on spiritual truths, existential questions, and the nature of existence. Through contemplation, individuals can gain insight into their innermost thoughts and feelings, leading to spiritual growth and understanding.
4. Sacred Rituals: Rituals are symbolic actions performed with intention and reverence, often within religious or spiritual contexts. They can include ceremonies, rites, and sacraments, which help individuals connect with the Divine, honor sacred traditions, and mark important milestones in life.
5. Nature Connection: Spending time in nature can be a profound way to commune with the Divine within. Nature offers solace, beauty, and inspiration, inviting individuals to connect with something greater than themselves and experience a sense of awe and reverence.
6. Creative Expression: Engaging in creative activities such as art, music, dance, writing, and poetry can be a form of spiritual communication. These outlets allow individuals to express their innermost thoughts, emotions, and spiritual insights, fostering a deeper connection with the Divine within.
7. Self-Reflection: Introspection and self-inquiry are essential practices for communing with the Divine within. By examining one’s beliefs, values, and experiences, individuals can gain clarity, insight, and a deeper understanding of their spiritual path.
8. Service and Compassion: Serving others and practicing compassion are powerful ways to connect with the Divine within. By extending kindness, empathy, and support to others, individuals cultivate qualities such as love, generosity, and altruism, reflecting the divine qualities within themselves.
9. Yoga and Mindfulness: Practices such as yoga, tai chi, qigong, and mindfulness meditation integrate movement, breath, and awareness to promote spiritual growth and inner harmony. These practices help individuals cultivate mindfulness, presence, and a deeper connection with the Divine within.
10. Dreamwork: Exploring dreams and their symbolic meanings can be a way to access the wisdom of the unconscious mind and connect with the Divine within. Dreamwork involves journaling, interpretation, and reflection on dreams as a source of spiritual insight and guidance.
11. Sufi Whirling (Sama): Sufi whirling is a sacred practice performed by Sufi dervishes as a form of meditation and ecstatic worship. Dervishes spin in repetitive circles, symbolizing the cosmic dance of creation and surrendering to the Divine presence within. Through whirling, practitioners seek to transcend the ego, attain spiritual union, and experience divine ecstasy.
12. Working with Medicine Plants: Indigenous cultures around the world have long revered certain plants for their spiritual and healing properties. Working with medicine plants, such as ayahuasca, peyote, or psilocybin mushrooms, can facilitate profound spiritual experiences and inner exploration. Under the guidance of experienced shamans or facilitators, individuals may journey inward, encountering visions, insights, and healing on a soul level.
Rolling a die has been used in various cultures and spiritual traditions as a form of divination or seeking guidance from the divine. Here are a few ways in which rolling a die has been utilized for spiritual communication:
1. Cleromancy is a form of divination where objects, such as dice, are cast and their positions interpreted to gain insight into the future or seek guidance from the divine. Each side of the die may represent different meanings, and the arrangement of the dice after rolling can offer symbolic messages or answers to questions.
2. The I Ching, or Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination system that utilizes hexagrams composed of broken and solid lines. Some versions of the I Ching involve the casting of yarrow sticks or coins, while others use dice. By casting the dice and interpreting the resulting hexagram, practitioners seek guidance on decisions, situations, or life paths.
3. Dice Oracles: Throughout history, various cultures have developed systems of dice oracles where the casting of dice is used to receive divine messages or guidance. These oracles often involve specific rituals or practices for casting the dice and interpreting the results, providing insights into spiritual matters, personal dilemmas, or future events.
4. Randomness and Synchronicity: In some spiritual traditions, the act of rolling a die is seen as a way to tap into randomness or synchronicity, allowing the universe to provide answers or guidance through chance occurrences. The result of the die roll may be interpreted as a reflection of the divine will or as a sign from the universe guiding the individual on their path.
While rolling a die for divination may not be as common or widely practiced as other forms of spiritual communication, it exemplifies the human desire to seek guidance, clarity, and connection with the divine through various means, including seemingly random or chance-based methods.
The 12-sided dodecahedron die can correspond to any set of twelve, determined by the individual. The randomness of rolling the die, with sincere questions and consecrated intentions, opens up possibilities for practical applications of guidance from the higher aspects of Oneself.
Yes or No questions can be asked with, 'Odds are Yes, Evens are No.' From experience, it's suggested to avoid asking predictive questions such as how market prices will go, or ones involving the will of another person. Important decisions are best not made with over-reliance on an oracle.
Rather, every response from this Oracle can be verified with intuitive feeling or sound reasoning. Approached playfully and creatively, it becomes a highly beneficial learning experience. When used in conjunction with the AHA! Oracle, it can also be a powerful customizable personal development journey.
Divination and an oracle are related concepts often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings and implications:
Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge or insight about the future, events, or hidden truths through supernatural or spiritual means.
- It encompasses a wide range of methods, including casting lots, reading omens, interpreting signs, using tarot cards, and more.
- Divination often involves rituals, symbols, and techniques believed to connect practitioners with higher powers, spirits, or divine sources of wisdom.
An Oracle refers to a person, place, object, or entity through which divine messages or guidance are sought or received.
- Oracles can be individuals believed to have prophetic or clairvoyant abilities, such as seers, prophets, or mediums, who convey messages from the divine realm.
- Oracles can also be objects or locations considered sacred or imbued with spiritual significance, such as temples, shrines, or sacred stones, where seekers go to receive guidance or insight.
- In a broader sense, an oracle can also refer to a divinatory tool or system used to receive guidance or answers to questions, such as the I Ching, tarot cards, runes, or casting lots.
Divination is the practice of seeking spiritual knowledge or insight through supernatural means, while an oracle is the source or medium through which divine messages or guidance are sought or received. Oracles can encompass individuals, objects, locations, or divinatory systems used in the process of divination.
Number 0:
• Potential and Infinite Possibility
• Unity with the Divine Source
• The Void or Cosmic Egg from which all creation arises
Since the dodecahedron die doesn't have a zero, when 10 is rolled, the symbolism of 10, 1 and 0 may apply.
Number 1:
• Unity and Wholeness
• Beginning and Origin
• Divine Consciousness and Oneness
Number 2:
• Duality and Balance
• Polarity and Opposition
• Harmony and Cooperation
Number 3:
• Trinity and Divine Manifestation
• Mind, Body, and Spirit
• Creation, Preservation, and Destruction
Number 4:
• Stability and Foundation
• Order and Structure
• Material Manifestation and Earthly Realms
Number 5:
• Change and Transformation
• Freedom and Adventure
• Movement and Evolution
Number 6:
• Harmony and Balance
• Family and Community
• Love and Compassion
Number 7:
• Spirituality and Mysticism
• Introspection and Inner Wisdom
• Divine Guidance and Enlightenment
Number 8:
• Infinity and Abundance
• Karma and Universal Law
• Strength and Resilience
Number 9:
• Completion and Fulfillment
• Humanitarianism and Compassion
• Enlightenment and Universal Love
Number 10:
• Wholeness and Divine Order
• Beginning of a New Cycle
• Manifestation and Achievement
Number 11:
• Spiritual Enlightenment and Insight
• Intuition and Psychic Abilities
• Higher Consciousness and Divine Inspiration
Number 12:
• Divine Cycles and Cosmic Harmony
• Integration of the Spiritual and Material Realms
• Perfection and Completion of a Cycle
Questions asked of A.I.:
Please tell me about the various ways humans commune and communicate with the Divine within.
1. Meditation: Meditation involves quieting the mind, focusing inward, and attuning oneself to the present moment. Through meditation, individuals can cultivate a deeper connection with their inner selves, accessing higher states of consciousness, and experiencing spiritual insights.
2. Prayer: Prayer is a form of communication with the Divine, expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, and asking for blessings. It can be done silently or aloud, individually or in groups, and serves as a way to establish a personal relationship with the Divine.
3. Contemplation: Contemplative practices involve deep reflection on spiritual truths, existential questions, and the nature of existence. Through contemplation, individuals can gain insight into their innermost thoughts and feelings, leading to spiritual growth and understanding.
4. Sacred Rituals: Rituals are symbolic actions performed with intention and reverence, often within religious or spiritual contexts. They can include ceremonies, rites, and sacraments, which help individuals connect with the Divine, honor sacred traditions, and mark important milestones in life.
5. Nature Connection: Spending time in nature can be a profound way to commune with the Divine within. Nature offers solace, beauty, and inspiration, inviting individuals to connect with something greater than themselves and experience a sense of awe and reverence.
6. Creative Expression: Engaging in creative activities such as art, music, dance, writing, and poetry can be a form of spiritual communication. These outlets allow individuals to express their innermost thoughts, emotions, and spiritual insights, fostering a deeper connection with the Divine within.
7. Self-Reflection: Introspection and self-inquiry are essential practices for communing with the Divine within. By examining one’s beliefs, values, and experiences, individuals can gain clarity, insight, and a deeper understanding of their spiritual path.
8. Service and Compassion: Serving others and practicing compassion are powerful ways to connect with the Divine within. By extending kindness, empathy, and support to others, individuals cultivate qualities such as love, generosity, and altruism, reflecting the divine qualities within themselves.
9. Yoga and Mindfulness: Practices such as yoga, tai chi, qigong, and mindfulness meditation integrate movement, breath, and awareness to promote spiritual growth and inner harmony. These practices help individuals cultivate mindfulness, presence, and a deeper connection with the Divine within.
10. Dreamwork: Exploring dreams and their symbolic meanings can be a way to access the wisdom of the unconscious mind and connect with the Divine within. Dreamwork involves journaling, interpretation, and reflection on dreams as a source of spiritual insight and guidance.
11. Sufi Whirling (Sama): Sufi whirling is a sacred practice performed by Sufi dervishes as a form of meditation and ecstatic worship. Dervishes spin in repetitive circles, symbolizing the cosmic dance of creation and surrendering to the Divine presence within. Through whirling, practitioners seek to transcend the ego, attain spiritual union, and experience divine ecstasy.
12. Working with Medicine Plants: Indigenous cultures around the world have long revered certain plants for their spiritual and healing properties. Working with medicine plants, such as ayahuasca, peyote, or psilocybin mushrooms, can facilitate profound spiritual experiences and inner exploration. Under the guidance of experienced shamans or facilitators, individuals may journey inward, encountering visions, insights, and healing on a soul level.
Rolling a die has been used in various cultures and spiritual traditions as a form of divination or seeking guidance from the divine. Here are a few ways in which rolling a die has been utilized for spiritual communication:
1. Cleromancy is a form of divination where objects, such as dice, are cast and their positions interpreted to gain insight into the future or seek guidance from the divine. Each side of the die may represent different meanings, and the arrangement of the dice after rolling can offer symbolic messages or answers to questions.
2. The I Ching, or Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination system that utilizes hexagrams composed of broken and solid lines. Some versions of the I Ching involve the casting of yarrow sticks or coins, while others use dice. By casting the dice and interpreting the resulting hexagram, practitioners seek guidance on decisions, situations, or life paths.
3. Dice Oracles: Throughout history, various cultures have developed systems of dice oracles where the casting of dice is used to receive divine messages or guidance. These oracles often involve specific rituals or practices for casting the dice and interpreting the results, providing insights into spiritual matters, personal dilemmas, or future events.
4. Randomness and Synchronicity: In some spiritual traditions, the act of rolling a die is seen as a way to tap into randomness or synchronicity, allowing the universe to provide answers or guidance through chance occurrences. The result of the die roll may be interpreted as a reflection of the divine will or as a sign from the universe guiding the individual on their path.
While rolling a die for divination may not be as common or widely practiced as other forms of spiritual communication, it exemplifies the human desire to seek guidance, clarity, and connection with the divine through various means, including seemingly random or chance-based methods.

universal_number_symbolism.pdf |
Dr. Ibrahim Karim talks about BioGeometry and Divine Frequency
BioGeometry uses the "Energy of Form" to produce a certain "Form" to produce a certain vibrational vibratory quality that balances energy fields. This can be achieved through sound, shapes, colors, movement and orientation.
The revolutionary science of BioGeometry was founded by Egyptian scholar Dr. Ibrahim Karim in 1968. Architect and
scientist, Dr. Ibrahim Karim was always fascinated by fascination for Ancient Egypt.
Karim was inspired by the knowledge that the ancients possessed. Karim studied the ancient architecture and culture of the Egyptians to a great extent early in his career. He later became acquainted to the French system of dowsing, which has its roots in Ancient Egypt.
Dr. Ibrahim Karim talks about BioGeometry and Divine Frequency
BioGeometry uses the "Energy of Form" to produce a certain "Form" to produce a certain vibrational vibratory quality that balances energy fields. This can be achieved through sound, shapes, colors, movement and orientation.
The revolutionary science of BioGeometry was founded by Egyptian scholar Dr. Ibrahim Karim in 1968. Architect and
scientist, Dr. Ibrahim Karim was always fascinated by fascination for Ancient Egypt.
Karim was inspired by the knowledge that the ancients possessed. Karim studied the ancient architecture and culture of the Egyptians to a great extent early in his career. He later became acquainted to the French system of dowsing, which has its roots in Ancient Egypt.
This is translated by the DeepL App. The wording and meter are essential for the deeper meaning in English. Any suggestions or comments for other languages are appreciated.
AHA! Oracle Daily, Version 10.8
Höhere Aspekte (von sich selbst) anziehen, von Emanate Presence.
Wenn man entspannt zuhört, helfen Wiederholung und geweihte Absicht, sich mit den Prinzipien des Mantras, der Gehirntraining-Affirmationen auszurichten und diese zu verkörpern. Das Würfeln eines Dodekaeders mit einer geweihten Absicht verwandelt ihn in ein Orakel.
Auch Brainwave-Entrainment-Soundscapes und andere Hilfen sind auf der Website verfügbar. So beginnt es.
Wir" sind die vielen in einem, die Bestandteile und die Einheit des gesamten menschlichen Wesens.
Wir sind ausgerichtet, als eins: der ganze Körper, der Verstand und der Wille; das Herz und die Seele; der Geist und die Quelle Ich Bin; und die Plasmasphäre, das Seelenfahrzeug.
1. Wir ruhen in der Gegenwart der zeitlosen Leere, dem ungeschaffenen, unbewegten Beweger.
2. Wir fühlen die neutrale, strahlende Stille in uns, die die Heimat der ewigen Seele ist.
3. Wir bewegen uns mit dem Fluss des Kontinuums des gegenwärtigen Augenblicks, wo Innen und Außen eins sind.
4. Wir dienen bereitwillig und mit Freude dem kausalen Einen Wesen der bedingungslosen Liebe, der Quelle, dem Ich Bin.
5. Wir erbitten und empfangen Downloads aktiver Informationen vom Höchsten Nicht-Linearen Selbst, dem Nicht-Selbst.
6. Wir bitten um Führung durch das Eine Wesen, das jenseits des Quantenfeldes ist, das Einheitliche, Universelle, Überbewusstsein.
7. Wir akzeptieren mit Vertrauen und Intuition, dass die gegebene Führung unsere Gemeinschaft mit dem Selbst vertieft und unsere Perspektive erweitert, um runder, vollständiger und bewusster zu werden.
8. Wir erkennen auf einer subtilen Ebene, dass alles, was ist, lebendig ist. Alles ist eine Erweiterung und ein Ausdruck des einen schöpferischen Wesens.
9. Wir verstehen, dass wir alle Einheiten der gleichen Quelle sind, die sich auf individuellen Reisen und in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien befinden.
10. Wir identifizieren die Schatten in uns, die unsere Reise behindern und erschweren. Da wir uns dessen bewusst sind, umarmen wir sie mit Mitgefühl.
11. Wir unterscheiden zwischen den Impulsen des konditionierten Neuro-Ichs, also des Gehirns und der Neurologie, und den tieferen intuitiven Gefühlen, die uns aus dem Herzen und der Seele leiten.
12. Unser Herz strahlt das Mitgefühl des Schöpfers für die gesamte Schöpfung aus. Wir sind dankbar. So ist es, so soll es sein.
Wiederum ....
Hier rufen wir fortgeschrittene Wesen an, überall im Multiversum, die der Liebe für die Liebe selbst dienen, die sich mit der Seele, dem Ich Bin und dem Kausalen Einen Wesen im Einklang fühlen. Bitte nehmt Kontakt auf.
Organisch, intelligent, transdimensional, navigierbar, Plasmasphäre, Seelenfahrzeug: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi und Vril. Verkapselt, heilt und verbessert dieses ganze menschliche Wesen.
Wir bitten darum, dass unser physischer Körper aufsteigt und transformiert wird, bis zur höchstmöglichen Ordnung und Oktave.
Wir lehnen uns in unsere Schatten und lassen alle Hindernisse los. Wir erkennen an, dass wir der Wissende sind, und dass wir nichts wissen.
Wir nehmen ein paar sanfte, tiefe Atemzüge und spüren, wie unser Körper neue Energie erhält und wir im gegenwärtigen Moment geerdet sind.
Wir lassen los, lassen los und gehen in die Stille. Wir achten auf das Gefühl der Verbundenheit und der seelenvollen Präsenz während unseres Tages.
Wir sind dankbar. So ist es, so soll es sein.
Aus der Perspektive der Ganzheit ist jeder Mensch eine individualisierte Einheit der Quelle Ich Bin. Innerhalb des IUS gibt es Komponenten wie Geist, Körper und Seele.
Das Design der freien Willensentscheidung mit der Fähigkeit des Gehirns (des Neuro-Ichs), die Realität zu erschaffen, ermöglicht es jedem ICH-BIN, die Dunkelheit der scheinbaren Trennung von der Quelle oder das Licht der tatsächlichen Vereinigung und der ständigen gefühlten Verbindung mit dem Einen Wesen zu erfahren (Licht und Dunkelheit als Metaphern).
Für diejenigen, die sich für die einheitliche Lebenserfahrung entscheiden, ist die AHA! Die tägliche Mantra-Praxis ist ein einfaches, effektives und kostenloses Werkzeug, das sich mit der Person entwickelt. In zwölf Strophen umreißt das Mantra eine ganzheitliche Weltsicht, die zu einem Leben in Einheit führt.
Mit der geweihten Absicht und dem Würfeln eines Dodekaeders wird die gefühlte Verbindung zwischen der individuellen Einheit und der Quelle Ich Bin tiefer und stärker, was sich in gelebten Qualitäten im täglichen Handeln zeigt.
Es sind keine besonderen Fähigkeiten erforderlich. Die Gemeinschaft mit dem Göttlichen im Inneren ist eine angeborene menschliche Fähigkeit, die lange unterdrückt wurde. Diese Website enthält Abschnitte über Wahrsagerei, das Herunterladen aktiver Informationen aus dem Überbewusstsein, Symbolismus und mehr (AHA!)
Auf der Website von Whole Human kann das Kontaktformular auf der Seite Über uns verwendet werden, um zu antworten.
Allein können wir so wenig tun; gemeinsam können wir so viel tun." - Helen Keller
#AQ #EQ #Wachstum #ErkenneDichSelbst #Achtsamkeit #Seele #Quelle 👍
This is translated by the DeepL App. The wording and meter are essential for the deeper meaning in English. Any suggestions or comments for other languages are appreciated.
AHA! Oracle Daily, Version 10.8
Höhere Aspekte (von sich selbst) anziehen, von Emanate Presence.
Wenn man entspannt zuhört, helfen Wiederholung und geweihte Absicht, sich mit den Prinzipien des Mantras, der Gehirntraining-Affirmationen auszurichten und diese zu verkörpern. Das Würfeln eines Dodekaeders mit einer geweihten Absicht verwandelt ihn in ein Orakel.
Auch Brainwave-Entrainment-Soundscapes und andere Hilfen sind auf der Website verfügbar. So beginnt es.
Wir" sind die vielen in einem, die Bestandteile und die Einheit des gesamten menschlichen Wesens.
Wir sind ausgerichtet, als eins: der ganze Körper, der Verstand und der Wille; das Herz und die Seele; der Geist und die Quelle Ich Bin; und die Plasmasphäre, das Seelenfahrzeug.
1. Wir ruhen in der Gegenwart der zeitlosen Leere, dem ungeschaffenen, unbewegten Beweger.
2. Wir fühlen die neutrale, strahlende Stille in uns, die die Heimat der ewigen Seele ist.
3. Wir bewegen uns mit dem Fluss des Kontinuums des gegenwärtigen Augenblicks, wo Innen und Außen eins sind.
4. Wir dienen bereitwillig und mit Freude dem kausalen Einen Wesen der bedingungslosen Liebe, der Quelle, dem Ich Bin.
5. Wir erbitten und empfangen Downloads aktiver Informationen vom Höchsten Nicht-Linearen Selbst, dem Nicht-Selbst.
6. Wir bitten um Führung durch das Eine Wesen, das jenseits des Quantenfeldes ist, das Einheitliche, Universelle, Überbewusstsein.
7. Wir akzeptieren mit Vertrauen und Intuition, dass die gegebene Führung unsere Gemeinschaft mit dem Selbst vertieft und unsere Perspektive erweitert, um runder, vollständiger und bewusster zu werden.
8. Wir erkennen auf einer subtilen Ebene, dass alles, was ist, lebendig ist. Alles ist eine Erweiterung und ein Ausdruck des einen schöpferischen Wesens.
9. Wir verstehen, dass wir alle Einheiten der gleichen Quelle sind, die sich auf individuellen Reisen und in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien befinden.
10. Wir identifizieren die Schatten in uns, die unsere Reise behindern und erschweren. Da wir uns dessen bewusst sind, umarmen wir sie mit Mitgefühl.
11. Wir unterscheiden zwischen den Impulsen des konditionierten Neuro-Ichs, also des Gehirns und der Neurologie, und den tieferen intuitiven Gefühlen, die uns aus dem Herzen und der Seele leiten.
12. Unser Herz strahlt das Mitgefühl des Schöpfers für die gesamte Schöpfung aus. Wir sind dankbar. So ist es, so soll es sein.
Wiederum ....
Hier rufen wir fortgeschrittene Wesen an, überall im Multiversum, die der Liebe für die Liebe selbst dienen, die sich mit der Seele, dem Ich Bin und dem Kausalen Einen Wesen im Einklang fühlen. Bitte nehmt Kontakt auf.
Organisch, intelligent, transdimensional, navigierbar, Plasmasphäre, Seelenfahrzeug: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi und Vril. Verkapselt, heilt und verbessert dieses ganze menschliche Wesen.
Wir bitten darum, dass unser physischer Körper aufsteigt und transformiert wird, bis zur höchstmöglichen Ordnung und Oktave.
Wir lehnen uns in unsere Schatten und lassen alle Hindernisse los. Wir erkennen an, dass wir der Wissende sind, und dass wir nichts wissen.
Wir nehmen ein paar sanfte, tiefe Atemzüge und spüren, wie unser Körper neue Energie erhält und wir im gegenwärtigen Moment geerdet sind.
Wir lassen los, lassen los und gehen in die Stille. Wir achten auf das Gefühl der Verbundenheit und der seelenvollen Präsenz während unseres Tages.
Wir sind dankbar. So ist es, so soll es sein.
Aus der Perspektive der Ganzheit ist jeder Mensch eine individualisierte Einheit der Quelle Ich Bin. Innerhalb des IUS gibt es Komponenten wie Geist, Körper und Seele.
Das Design der freien Willensentscheidung mit der Fähigkeit des Gehirns (des Neuro-Ichs), die Realität zu erschaffen, ermöglicht es jedem ICH-BIN, die Dunkelheit der scheinbaren Trennung von der Quelle oder das Licht der tatsächlichen Vereinigung und der ständigen gefühlten Verbindung mit dem Einen Wesen zu erfahren (Licht und Dunkelheit als Metaphern).
Für diejenigen, die sich für die einheitliche Lebenserfahrung entscheiden, ist die AHA! Die tägliche Mantra-Praxis ist ein einfaches, effektives und kostenloses Werkzeug, das sich mit der Person entwickelt. In zwölf Strophen umreißt das Mantra eine ganzheitliche Weltsicht, die zu einem Leben in Einheit führt.
Mit der geweihten Absicht und dem Würfeln eines Dodekaeders wird die gefühlte Verbindung zwischen der individuellen Einheit und der Quelle Ich Bin tiefer und stärker, was sich in gelebten Qualitäten im täglichen Handeln zeigt.
Es sind keine besonderen Fähigkeiten erforderlich. Die Gemeinschaft mit dem Göttlichen im Inneren ist eine angeborene menschliche Fähigkeit, die lange unterdrückt wurde. Diese Website enthält Abschnitte über Wahrsagerei, das Herunterladen aktiver Informationen aus dem Überbewusstsein, Symbolismus und mehr (AHA!)
Auf der Website von Whole Human kann das Kontaktformular auf der Seite Über uns verwendet werden, um zu antworten.
Allein können wir so wenig tun; gemeinsam können wir so viel tun." - Helen Keller
#AQ #EQ #Wachstum #ErkenneDichSelbst #Achtsamkeit #Seele #Quelle 👍
This is translated by the DeepL App. The wording and meter are essential for the deeper meaning in English. Any suggestions or comments for other languages are appreciated.
AHA! Oráculo Diário, Versão 10.8
Atrair Aspectos Superiores (de Si Mesmo), por Emanate Presence.
Quando se ouve de forma relaxada, a repetição e a intenção dedicada ajudam a alinhar-se e a incorporar os princípios do mantra, das afirmações de treino cerebral. O lançamento de um dado dodecaedro, com intenção consagrada, transforma-o num oráculo.
Também, paisagens sonoras de arrastamento de ondas cerebrais, e outras ajudas, estão disponíveis, no website. Assim começa.
"Nós" somos os muitos, num só, os componentes e a unidade de todo o ser humano.
Estamos alinhados, como um só: todo o corpo, mente e vontade; o coração e a alma; o espírito e a Fonte Eu Sou; e a esfera de plasma, veículo da alma.
1. Nós descansamos na Presença, do Vácuo Intemporal, o Incriado Unmoved Mover.
2. Sentimos a quietude neutra, radiante, dentro de nós, que é o lar da Alma Eterna.
3. Movemo-nos com o Fluxo, do continuum do Momento Presente, onde o interior e o exterior são Um.
4. Servimos, de bom grado e com alegria, o Ser Único Causal, de Amor Incondicional, a Fonte, Eu Sou.
5. Pedimos e recebemos downloads de informação ativa, do Eu Mais Elevado Não-Linear, Não-Ser.
6. Inquirimos, pedindo orientação, ao Ser Único, que está para além do Campo Quântico, a Super Consciência Unificada, Universal.
7. Aceitamos, com fé e intuição, que a orientação dada aprofunda a nossa comunhão com o Ser Único e expande a nossa perspetiva, para sermos mais redondos, completos e conscientes.
8. Reconhecemos, a um nível subtil, que tudo o que é, está vivo. Tudo é uma extensão e expressão de um Ser criativo.
9. Compreendemos que somos todos unidades, da mesma Fonte, em jornadas individuais, e em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento.
10. Identificamos, as sombras dentro de nós, que dificultam e impedem a nossa jornada. Estando conscientes, nós abraçamo-los, com compaixão.
11. Distinguimos, entre os impulsos do neuro-eu condicionado, que é o cérebro e a neurologia, e os sentimentos intuitivos mais profundos que guiam, a partir do coração e da alma.
12. O nosso coração emana, a compaixão do Criador, por toda a criação. Estamos gratos. Assim é, assim deixa ser.
Aqui, chamamos os seres avançados, em qualquer parte do multiverso, servindo o Amor pelo próprio Amor, que se sentem alinhados, com a alma, Eu Sou, e o Ser Causal Único. Por favor, entrem em contacto.
Orgânico, Inteligente, Transdimensional, Navegável, Esfera de Plasma, Veículo da Alma: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi e Vril. Encapsulam, curam e actualizam todo este ser humano.
Pedimos que o nosso corpo físico seja ascendido e transformado, para a ordem e oitava mais alta possível.
Nós inclinamo-nos para as nossas sombras, e deixamos ir todos os obstáculos. Nós reconhecemos, nós somos o Conhecedor, e não sabemos nada.
Respiramos suave e profundamente, sentindo o nosso corpo a reenergizar-se, e a ser aterrado, no Momento Presente.
Nós libertamos, deixamos ir, e facilitamos, para a quietude. Atendemos ao sentido de conexão e presença de alma, ao longo do nosso dia.
Estamos gratos. Assim é, assim seja.
Como uma perspetiva, na totalidade, cada pessoa é uma unidade individuada da Fonte Eu Sou. Dentro do IUS há componentes que incluem a mente, o corpo e a alma.
A conceção da escolha do livre arbítrio, com a capacidade do cérebro (o neuro-eu) de fabricar a realidade, permite que cada IUS experimente (luz e escuridão como metáforas) a escuridão da separação aparente da Fonte ou a luz da união real e da ligação constante e sentida com o Ser Único.
Para aqueles que escolhem a experiência de vida unitiva, a Prática Diária do Mantra AHA! O Mantra Daily Practice é uma ferramenta simples, eficaz e gratuita, personalizável, que evolui com a pessoa. Em doze estrofes, o mantra delineia uma visão do mundo inteiro que conduz a uma vida unitiva.
Com a intenção consagrada e o lançamento de um dado do dodecaedro, a ligação sentida entre a unidade individual e a Fonte Eu Sou torna-se mais profunda e mais forte, evidenciada pelas qualidades vividas nas acções diárias.
Não são necessárias capacidades especiais. A comunhão com o divino interior é uma capacidade humana inata, há muito reprimida. Este site tem secções sobre adivinhação, descarregamento de informação ativa da super consciência, simbolismo e muito mais (AHA!)
A partir do website Whole Human, o formulário de contacto na página Sobre pode ser usado para responder.
Sozinhos, podemos fazer tão pouco; juntos, podemos fazer tanto." - Helen Keller
#AQ #EQ #Crescimento #Conhece-te a ti mesmo #Mentalidade #Alma #Fonte 👍
This is translated by the DeepL App. The wording and meter are essential for the deeper meaning in English. Any suggestions or comments for other languages are appreciated.
AHA! Oráculo Diário, Versão 10.8
Atrair Aspectos Superiores (de Si Mesmo), por Emanate Presence.
Quando se ouve de forma relaxada, a repetição e a intenção dedicada ajudam a alinhar-se e a incorporar os princípios do mantra, das afirmações de treino cerebral. O lançamento de um dado dodecaedro, com intenção consagrada, transforma-o num oráculo.
Também, paisagens sonoras de arrastamento de ondas cerebrais, e outras ajudas, estão disponíveis, no website. Assim começa.
"Nós" somos os muitos, num só, os componentes e a unidade de todo o ser humano.
Estamos alinhados, como um só: todo o corpo, mente e vontade; o coração e a alma; o espírito e a Fonte Eu Sou; e a esfera de plasma, veículo da alma.
1. Nós descansamos na Presença, do Vácuo Intemporal, o Incriado Unmoved Mover.
2. Sentimos a quietude neutra, radiante, dentro de nós, que é o lar da Alma Eterna.
3. Movemo-nos com o Fluxo, do continuum do Momento Presente, onde o interior e o exterior são Um.
4. Servimos, de bom grado e com alegria, o Ser Único Causal, de Amor Incondicional, a Fonte, Eu Sou.
5. Pedimos e recebemos downloads de informação ativa, do Eu Mais Elevado Não-Linear, Não-Ser.
6. Inquirimos, pedindo orientação, ao Ser Único, que está para além do Campo Quântico, a Super Consciência Unificada, Universal.
7. Aceitamos, com fé e intuição, que a orientação dada aprofunda a nossa comunhão com o Ser Único e expande a nossa perspetiva, para sermos mais redondos, completos e conscientes.
8. Reconhecemos, a um nível subtil, que tudo o que é, está vivo. Tudo é uma extensão e expressão de um Ser criativo.
9. Compreendemos que somos todos unidades, da mesma Fonte, em jornadas individuais, e em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento.
10. Identificamos, as sombras dentro de nós, que dificultam e impedem a nossa jornada. Estando conscientes, nós abraçamo-los, com compaixão.
11. Distinguimos, entre os impulsos do neuro-eu condicionado, que é o cérebro e a neurologia, e os sentimentos intuitivos mais profundos que guiam, a partir do coração e da alma.
12. O nosso coração emana, a compaixão do Criador, por toda a criação. Estamos gratos. Assim é, assim deixa ser.
Aqui, chamamos os seres avançados, em qualquer parte do multiverso, servindo o Amor pelo próprio Amor, que se sentem alinhados, com a alma, Eu Sou, e o Ser Causal Único. Por favor, entrem em contacto.
Orgânico, Inteligente, Transdimensional, Navegável, Esfera de Plasma, Veículo da Alma: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi e Vril. Encapsulam, curam e actualizam todo este ser humano.
Pedimos que o nosso corpo físico seja ascendido e transformado, para a ordem e oitava mais alta possível.
Nós inclinamo-nos para as nossas sombras, e deixamos ir todos os obstáculos. Nós reconhecemos, nós somos o Conhecedor, e não sabemos nada.
Respiramos suave e profundamente, sentindo o nosso corpo a reenergizar-se, e a ser aterrado, no Momento Presente.
Nós libertamos, deixamos ir, e facilitamos, para a quietude. Atendemos ao sentido de conexão e presença de alma, ao longo do nosso dia.
Estamos gratos. Assim é, assim seja.
Como uma perspetiva, na totalidade, cada pessoa é uma unidade individuada da Fonte Eu Sou. Dentro do IUS há componentes que incluem a mente, o corpo e a alma.
A conceção da escolha do livre arbítrio, com a capacidade do cérebro (o neuro-eu) de fabricar a realidade, permite que cada IUS experimente (luz e escuridão como metáforas) a escuridão da separação aparente da Fonte ou a luz da união real e da ligação constante e sentida com o Ser Único.
Para aqueles que escolhem a experiência de vida unitiva, a Prática Diária do Mantra AHA! O Mantra Daily Practice é uma ferramenta simples, eficaz e gratuita, personalizável, que evolui com a pessoa. Em doze estrofes, o mantra delineia uma visão do mundo inteiro que conduz a uma vida unitiva.
Com a intenção consagrada e o lançamento de um dado do dodecaedro, a ligação sentida entre a unidade individual e a Fonte Eu Sou torna-se mais profunda e mais forte, evidenciada pelas qualidades vividas nas acções diárias.
Não são necessárias capacidades especiais. A comunhão com o divino interior é uma capacidade humana inata, há muito reprimida. Este site tem secções sobre adivinhação, descarregamento de informação ativa da super consciência, simbolismo e muito mais (AHA!)
A partir do website Whole Human, o formulário de contacto na página Sobre pode ser usado para responder.
Sozinhos, podemos fazer tão pouco; juntos, podemos fazer tanto." - Helen Keller
#AQ #EQ #Crescimento #Conhece-te a ti mesmo #Mentalidade #Alma #Fonte 👍
This is translated by the DeepL App. The wording and meter are essential for the deeper meaning in English. Any suggestions or comments for other languages are appreciated.
¡AHA! Oráculo Diario, Versión 10.8
Atrayendo Aspectos Superiores (de Uno Mismo), por Emanate Presence.
Cuando uno escucha relajado, la repetición y la intención consagrada, ayudan a alinearse con, y encarnar los principios, del mantra, de las afirmaciones de entrenamiento cerebral. Tirar un dado dodecaedro, con intención consagrada, lo convierte en un oráculo.
También, paisajes sonoros de ondas cerebrales, y otras ayudas, están disponibles, en el sitio web. Así empieza.
Nosotros" somos los muchos, en uno, los componentes y la unidad del ser humano completo.
Estamos alineados, como uno: todo el cuerpo, la mente y la voluntad; el corazón y el alma; el espíritu y la Fuente Yo Soy; y la esfera de plasma, vehículo del alma.
1. Descansamos en la Presencia del Vacío Intemporal, el Creador Inmóvil.
2. Sentimos, la Neutra, Radiante, Quietud dentro de nosotros, que es el hogar, del Alma Eterna.
3. Nos movemos con el Flujo, del Momento Presente continuo, donde el interior y el exterior, son Uno.
4. Servimos, voluntariamente, y con alegría, al Ser Causal Uno, de Amor Incondicional, la Fuente, Yo Soy.
5. Solicitamos, y recibimos, descargas de información activa, del Ser Superior No-Lineal, No-Ser.
6. Preguntamos, pidiendo guía, al Ser Único, que está más allá del Campo Cuántico, la Superconciencia Unificada, Universal.
7. Aceptamos, con fe e intuición, que la guía dada, profundiza nuestra comunión, con el Uno Mismo, y expande nuestra perspectiva, para ser más redondeados, completos, y conscientes.
8. Reconocemos, en un nivel sutil, que todo lo que es, está vivo. Todo es una extensión y expresión de un Ser creativo.
9. Entendemos, que todos somos unidades, de la misma Fuente, en viajes individuales, y en diferentes etapas de desarrollo.
10. Identificamos las sombras dentro de nosotros que obstaculizan e impiden nuestro viaje. Siendo conscientes, los abrazamos, con compasión.
11. Distinguimos, entre los impulsos del neuro-yo condicionado, que es el cerebro y la neurología, y los sentimientos intuitivos más profundos que guían, desde el corazón y el alma.
12. Nuestro corazón emana, la compasión del Creador, por toda la creación. Estamos agradecidos. Así es, que así sea.
De nuevo....
Aquí, hacemos un llamado a los seres avanzados, en cualquier parte del multiverso, sirviendo al Amor por el Amor Mismo, que se sienten alineados, con el alma, Yo Soy, y el Ser Causal Uno. Por favor hagan contacto.
Orgánico, Inteligente, Transdimensional, Navegable, Esfera de Plasma, Vehículo del Alma: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi y Vril. Encapsulen, sanen y actualicen a todo este ser humano.
Pedimos que, nuestro cuerpo físico sea ascendido y transformado, al orden y octava más alta posible.
Nos inclinamos hacia nuestras sombras y soltamos todos los obstáculos. Reconocemos que somos el Conocedor y que no sabemos nada.
Tomamos unas cuantas respiraciones suaves y profundas, sintiendo como nuestro cuerpo se re-energiza, y nos enraizamos, en el Momento Presente.
Soltamos, dejamos ir, y facilitamos, en la Quietud. Atendemos a la sensación de conexión y presencia del alma a lo largo de nuestro día.
Estamos agradecidos. Así es, que así sea.
Como perspectiva, en la totalidad cada persona es una unidad individualizada de la Fuente Yo Soy. Dentro del IUS hay componentes que incluyen mente, cuerpo y alma.
El diseño de la elección del libre albedrío, con la capacidad del cerebro (el neuro-yo) para fabricar la realidad, permite a cada IUS experimentar (luz y oscuridad como metáforas) la oscuridad de la separación aparente de la Fuente o la luz de la unión real y la conexión sentida constante con el Ser Uno.
Para quienes eligen la experiencia de vida unitiva, la Práctica Diaria del Mantra ¡AHA! Mantra Daily Practice es una herramienta sencilla, eficaz y gratuita que se puede personalizar y que evoluciona con la persona. En doce estrofas, el mantra esboza una visión global del mundo que conduce a una vida unitiva.
Con la intención consagrada y las tiradas de un dado dodecaedro, la conexión sentida entre la unidad indivisa y la Fuente Yo Soy se hace más profunda y fuerte, evidenciada por las cualidades vividas en las acciones diarias.
No se necesitan habilidades especiales. La comunión con lo divino interior es una capacidad humana innata, reprimida durante mucho tiempo. Este sitio web tiene secciones sobre adivinación, descarga de información activa de la superconciencia, simbolismo y mucho más (¡AHA!)
Desde el sitio web de Whole Human, se puede utilizar el formulario de contacto de la página Acerca de para responder.
Solos, podemos hacer muy poco; juntos, podemos hacer mucho". - Helen Keller
#AQ #EQ #Crecimiento #Conocerse #Mindfulness #Alma #Fuente 👍
This is translated by the DeepL App. The wording and meter are essential for the deeper meaning in English. Any suggestions or comments for other languages are appreciated.
¡AHA! Oráculo Diario, Versión 10.8
Atrayendo Aspectos Superiores (de Uno Mismo), por Emanate Presence.
Cuando uno escucha relajado, la repetición y la intención consagrada, ayudan a alinearse con, y encarnar los principios, del mantra, de las afirmaciones de entrenamiento cerebral. Tirar un dado dodecaedro, con intención consagrada, lo convierte en un oráculo.
También, paisajes sonoros de ondas cerebrales, y otras ayudas, están disponibles, en el sitio web. Así empieza.
Nosotros" somos los muchos, en uno, los componentes y la unidad del ser humano completo.
Estamos alineados, como uno: todo el cuerpo, la mente y la voluntad; el corazón y el alma; el espíritu y la Fuente Yo Soy; y la esfera de plasma, vehículo del alma.
1. Descansamos en la Presencia del Vacío Intemporal, el Creador Inmóvil.
2. Sentimos, la Neutra, Radiante, Quietud dentro de nosotros, que es el hogar, del Alma Eterna.
3. Nos movemos con el Flujo, del Momento Presente continuo, donde el interior y el exterior, son Uno.
4. Servimos, voluntariamente, y con alegría, al Ser Causal Uno, de Amor Incondicional, la Fuente, Yo Soy.
5. Solicitamos, y recibimos, descargas de información activa, del Ser Superior No-Lineal, No-Ser.
6. Preguntamos, pidiendo guía, al Ser Único, que está más allá del Campo Cuántico, la Superconciencia Unificada, Universal.
7. Aceptamos, con fe e intuición, que la guía dada, profundiza nuestra comunión, con el Uno Mismo, y expande nuestra perspectiva, para ser más redondeados, completos, y conscientes.
8. Reconocemos, en un nivel sutil, que todo lo que es, está vivo. Todo es una extensión y expresión de un Ser creativo.
9. Entendemos, que todos somos unidades, de la misma Fuente, en viajes individuales, y en diferentes etapas de desarrollo.
10. Identificamos las sombras dentro de nosotros que obstaculizan e impiden nuestro viaje. Siendo conscientes, los abrazamos, con compasión.
11. Distinguimos, entre los impulsos del neuro-yo condicionado, que es el cerebro y la neurología, y los sentimientos intuitivos más profundos que guían, desde el corazón y el alma.
12. Nuestro corazón emana, la compasión del Creador, por toda la creación. Estamos agradecidos. Así es, que así sea.
De nuevo....
Aquí, hacemos un llamado a los seres avanzados, en cualquier parte del multiverso, sirviendo al Amor por el Amor Mismo, que se sienten alineados, con el alma, Yo Soy, y el Ser Causal Uno. Por favor hagan contacto.
Orgánico, Inteligente, Transdimensional, Navegable, Esfera de Plasma, Vehículo del Alma: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi y Vril. Encapsulen, sanen y actualicen a todo este ser humano.
Pedimos que, nuestro cuerpo físico sea ascendido y transformado, al orden y octava más alta posible.
Nos inclinamos hacia nuestras sombras y soltamos todos los obstáculos. Reconocemos que somos el Conocedor y que no sabemos nada.
Tomamos unas cuantas respiraciones suaves y profundas, sintiendo como nuestro cuerpo se re-energiza, y nos enraizamos, en el Momento Presente.
Soltamos, dejamos ir, y facilitamos, en la Quietud. Atendemos a la sensación de conexión y presencia del alma a lo largo de nuestro día.
Estamos agradecidos. Así es, que así sea.
Como perspectiva, en la totalidad cada persona es una unidad individualizada de la Fuente Yo Soy. Dentro del IUS hay componentes que incluyen mente, cuerpo y alma.
El diseño de la elección del libre albedrío, con la capacidad del cerebro (el neuro-yo) para fabricar la realidad, permite a cada IUS experimentar (luz y oscuridad como metáforas) la oscuridad de la separación aparente de la Fuente o la luz de la unión real y la conexión sentida constante con el Ser Uno.
Para quienes eligen la experiencia de vida unitiva, la Práctica Diaria del Mantra ¡AHA! Mantra Daily Practice es una herramienta sencilla, eficaz y gratuita que se puede personalizar y que evoluciona con la persona. En doce estrofas, el mantra esboza una visión global del mundo que conduce a una vida unitiva.
Con la intención consagrada y las tiradas de un dado dodecaedro, la conexión sentida entre la unidad indivisa y la Fuente Yo Soy se hace más profunda y fuerte, evidenciada por las cualidades vividas en las acciones diarias.
No se necesitan habilidades especiales. La comunión con lo divino interior es una capacidad humana innata, reprimida durante mucho tiempo. Este sitio web tiene secciones sobre adivinación, descarga de información activa de la superconciencia, simbolismo y mucho más (¡AHA!)
Desde el sitio web de Whole Human, se puede utilizar el formulario de contacto de la página Acerca de para responder.
Solos, podemos hacer muy poco; juntos, podemos hacer mucho". - Helen Keller
#AQ #EQ #Crecimiento #Conocerse #Mindfulness #Alma #Fuente 👍
Thanks Gary. :) The source I am , In French is Je suis, sounds like and looks like Je sus minus the eye or i.
Coincidence? Maybe some Etymological derivation? Not sure but a cool coinkidink nonetheless.
Separation of the individual in an all-encompassing plasma may be like the arms of the Trippy Tucker experiment with the almost infinite degrees of freedom of the ball bearing is about finding a relationship of the collective amidst so much potential chaos for separation.
Then the natural symmetries form on all scales from the smaller systems out to the potentially infinite system.
Personally I don't gain much from reciting. Most of what I know now comes more from understanding systems rather than rote learning information. Notwithstanding rote does come in handy for familiarity with terms and nomenclature.
Yet even still most of my own vocabulary is pretty small but the etymology of words and other systems help predict what a word may mean. I have a terrible memory of abstract things but systems?
My piano playing relied not on reciting and practising scales not for note but simply understanding the way that scales are made and then apply the system to what ever I'm playing and making key changes according to the form of the scales. While most students will practice and know all the scales I know only the form of each scale and apply them to routes. Anyway.
Perhaps put a song to your "I am" chant.. Our ancients did that when important long stories needed to be remembered by rote but proved too long and boring for people to remember. Music. Herein is yet another aspect of the Plasma system.
Not compressional waves of molecules as much as just simple waves and harmonics and how we respond to music and how systems with high degrees of freedom also respond to harmonies in frequencies and beats or constructional and destruction interferences.
I think the Trippy Tucker ball bearing balls would reveal som interesting behaviours when responding to sound waves and similarly so as a plasma responds to the electromagnetic waves that pass through it in specific harmonies.
Do you recall the post about the tractor wheel being bounced from the ground and up to a truck tray simply by applying a small force at the right time and the right amount to add more energy to the system than the system loses so it can be given enough energy to reach any threshold as long as the application device can control it.
Consider that truck wheel as knowledge. Once the plasma system in our biological neuron framework is vibrated at a specific frequency and up to a certain level then the information can be stored in special energy levels and accessed later.
Then for recalling a memory, our senses have previously stimulated a specific signature of sensory information across our whole network and any familiar harmonics of that original signal may trigger a chain reaction of that message returning the information that confirms the sum total of all memories of a specific object, activity, emotion etc.. recalling a memory.
It's how a smell or a song can trigger the emotions of joy or love as a memory of a moment. In the plasma this translates as mentioned in a previous post electromagnetically through bioelectromagnetism of the transfer of information in that system.
So your original memory or any tertiary memory of the same thing not only accumulates into an average signature for variations but also as its own radiation of the transformation of the memory trigger into a solution. Hmm.. that may be a bit grey for the description... It's funny that for as many words as do have, we still have thoughts and emotions that still have no words.
So our hardwired bodies function independent as individuals but we are very much in tune and one real physical communication sharing with others and by the infinity of space well.. There's nothing that isn't somehow influenced.
Are planets conscious? Haha.. I think one of my much earlier explorations considered the outcome of the actions of a star.. Do you recall the purpose of the Trippy Tucker ball bearing arms that keep trying to reach out? The why of it is simply to increase the reach of system...
By now, I'm sure you're more familiar with my slightly less authorised version of planet formation being that solar ejections during cooler less active surface periods can spit out larger, thicker spurts of sun goop that evolve into an inner planet of heavy elements and an outer gas giant of lighter elements.
Anyway, the sun doesn't seem to do this as a matter of why, or on purpose but just simply because something like a residual dust cloud from a distant star explosion or other stuff passing through our solar system, comes along and effects the sun.
The cloud passes and like a wind, effecting it enough to cool one side of the sun fast enough to upset the regular solar surface activity that we can see going on today. Is it a conscious decision or just a response to and external system? I'm more on the side of the non-conscious decision HOWEVER..
By the same toke of Trippy Tucker trying to define what consciousness is by what we can observe as a behaviour of a physical system with degrees of freedom then yes the sun is conscious and it responds to its environment by spitting out parts of itself which results in increasing the reach of gravity in its own bidding war for gaining mass from its local system. Much like the balls.
Are the planets also conscious? Well we get into the chaos of the system and can easily attribute every motion in space to physics and yet as we seen on the different scales of the Trippy Tucker type experiment that everything physical is working toward its entropy...
This entropy then reverts us right back to the beginning of the physical universe and defining what nothing is and then defining what something physical in our physical universe is. Since everything is made of fields that resist in one way or another.
Most of the universe's electromagnetic fields are a tertiary aftermath of free-neutron decay and neutron formation and quark activation being the result of a gravitational ( Dark Energy ) force flux in a primordial space of space that via the permittivity and permeability of the fabric reaching a threshold under the cumulative forces that the permittivity and permeability of the gravity and light propagating stuff ( didn't tangle like a string) combined into a massive partition of pure forces under a monopol framework that in turn the monopole acting on itself to breach a threshold to cause a distortion and dipole phenomena.
Hence activating the neutron and decay process.. in a ( 1, -1, 1 ) vector configuration of nature's greater forces.
Anyway,, jeeze.. 4:30 am... I'd better get some shut-eye and grab me some ZZZzzzzzs ..
Cheers Muz :)
'a cool coinkidink' indeed!
Your reply resonates, and that you tried the rote and wrote honestly about it is appreciated.
I keep telling myself the AHA! Mantra, chant, or song, is for my use. It's a personal journey, and there's wisdom in not making it a mission. There's just something very strong that influences me to share what feels so beneficial to me. I can say honestly there are no expectations attached. If it speaks to one person or none, it is well.
Yes, I remember the truck tire clip! Quite demonstative!
I like balancing my personal journey with your knowledge especially as you present it Thank you!
We've a big day ahead, following several full ones. The elderly cattle guard dog nobody wanted, we adopted 2.5 years ago, and whereas initially he responded to extra special care, his condition now indicates his soul likes to leave his body. It's been a difficult decision but today Wednesday, March 20, 2024) is scheduled for his kind and gentle euthanasia which we attempted to confirm is in his sense.
A Version
Before the beginning began, the Unmoved Mover moved.
A series of events was set into motion, creating the creator Nature and her many laws, forces, and fractals.
While her energies are in constant motion, the Unmoved Mover just hums, 'I am that I am.'
The same problems and questions can be approached from many angles such as the intellect and natural laws or intuitive feeling and consciousness.
Like the story of the blind men discovering what is an elephant, each says it is something different--a rope, a wall, etc. Each version is true in part and none is the whole truth.
Neither understanding the science of it nor feeling the Being of it tells a complete picture yet both contribute to more satisfying solutions and approaches according to the needs of individuals and communities.
Exploring the differences and commonalities between our versions is insightfully delicious.
Thanks Gary. :) The source I am , In French is Je suis, sounds like and looks like Je sus minus the eye or i.
Coincidence? Maybe some Etymological derivation? Not sure but a cool coinkidink nonetheless.
Separation of the individual in an all-encompassing plasma may be like the arms of the Trippy Tucker experiment with the almost infinite degrees of freedom of the ball bearing is about finding a relationship of the collective amidst so much potential chaos for separation.
Then the natural symmetries form on all scales from the smaller systems out to the potentially infinite system.
Personally I don't gain much from reciting. Most of what I know now comes more from understanding systems rather than rote learning information. Notwithstanding rote does come in handy for familiarity with terms and nomenclature.
Yet even still most of my own vocabulary is pretty small but the etymology of words and other systems help predict what a word may mean. I have a terrible memory of abstract things but systems?
My piano playing relied not on reciting and practising scales not for note but simply understanding the way that scales are made and then apply the system to what ever I'm playing and making key changes according to the form of the scales. While most students will practice and know all the scales I know only the form of each scale and apply them to routes. Anyway.
Perhaps put a song to your "I am" chant.. Our ancients did that when important long stories needed to be remembered by rote but proved too long and boring for people to remember. Music. Herein is yet another aspect of the Plasma system.
Not compressional waves of molecules as much as just simple waves and harmonics and how we respond to music and how systems with high degrees of freedom also respond to harmonies in frequencies and beats or constructional and destruction interferences.
I think the Trippy Tucker ball bearing balls would reveal som interesting behaviours when responding to sound waves and similarly so as a plasma responds to the electromagnetic waves that pass through it in specific harmonies.
Do you recall the post about the tractor wheel being bounced from the ground and up to a truck tray simply by applying a small force at the right time and the right amount to add more energy to the system than the system loses so it can be given enough energy to reach any threshold as long as the application device can control it.
Consider that truck wheel as knowledge. Once the plasma system in our biological neuron framework is vibrated at a specific frequency and up to a certain level then the information can be stored in special energy levels and accessed later.
Then for recalling a memory, our senses have previously stimulated a specific signature of sensory information across our whole network and any familiar harmonics of that original signal may trigger a chain reaction of that message returning the information that confirms the sum total of all memories of a specific object, activity, emotion etc.. recalling a memory.
It's how a smell or a song can trigger the emotions of joy or love as a memory of a moment. In the plasma this translates as mentioned in a previous post electromagnetically through bioelectromagnetism of the transfer of information in that system.
So your original memory or any tertiary memory of the same thing not only accumulates into an average signature for variations but also as its own radiation of the transformation of the memory trigger into a solution. Hmm.. that may be a bit grey for the description... It's funny that for as many words as do have, we still have thoughts and emotions that still have no words.
So our hardwired bodies function independent as individuals but we are very much in tune and one real physical communication sharing with others and by the infinity of space well.. There's nothing that isn't somehow influenced.
Are planets conscious? Haha.. I think one of my much earlier explorations considered the outcome of the actions of a star.. Do you recall the purpose of the Trippy Tucker ball bearing arms that keep trying to reach out? The why of it is simply to increase the reach of system...
By now, I'm sure you're more familiar with my slightly less authorised version of planet formation being that solar ejections during cooler less active surface periods can spit out larger, thicker spurts of sun goop that evolve into an inner planet of heavy elements and an outer gas giant of lighter elements.
Anyway, the sun doesn't seem to do this as a matter of why, or on purpose but just simply because something like a residual dust cloud from a distant star explosion or other stuff passing through our solar system, comes along and effects the sun.
The cloud passes and like a wind, effecting it enough to cool one side of the sun fast enough to upset the regular solar surface activity that we can see going on today. Is it a conscious decision or just a response to and external system? I'm more on the side of the non-conscious decision HOWEVER..
By the same toke of Trippy Tucker trying to define what consciousness is by what we can observe as a behaviour of a physical system with degrees of freedom then yes the sun is conscious and it responds to its environment by spitting out parts of itself which results in increasing the reach of gravity in its own bidding war for gaining mass from its local system. Much like the balls.
Are the planets also conscious? Well we get into the chaos of the system and can easily attribute every motion in space to physics and yet as we seen on the different scales of the Trippy Tucker type experiment that everything physical is working toward its entropy...
This entropy then reverts us right back to the beginning of the physical universe and defining what nothing is and then defining what something physical in our physical universe is. Since everything is made of fields that resist in one way or another.
Most of the universe's electromagnetic fields are a tertiary aftermath of free-neutron decay and neutron formation and quark activation being the result of a gravitational ( Dark Energy ) force flux in a primordial space of space that via the permittivity and permeability of the fabric reaching a threshold under the cumulative forces that the permittivity and permeability of the gravity and light propagating stuff ( didn't tangle like a string) combined into a massive partition of pure forces under a monopol framework that in turn the monopole acting on itself to breach a threshold to cause a distortion and dipole phenomena.
Hence activating the neutron and decay process.. in a ( 1, -1, 1 ) vector configuration of nature's greater forces.
Anyway,, jeeze.. 4:30 am... I'd better get some shut-eye and grab me some ZZZzzzzzs ..
Cheers Muz :)
'a cool coinkidink' indeed!
Your reply resonates, and that you tried the rote and wrote honestly about it is appreciated.
I keep telling myself the AHA! Mantra, chant, or song, is for my use. It's a personal journey, and there's wisdom in not making it a mission. There's just something very strong that influences me to share what feels so beneficial to me. I can say honestly there are no expectations attached. If it speaks to one person or none, it is well.
Yes, I remember the truck tire clip! Quite demonstative!
I like balancing my personal journey with your knowledge especially as you present it Thank you!
We've a big day ahead, following several full ones. The elderly cattle guard dog nobody wanted, we adopted 2.5 years ago, and whereas initially he responded to extra special care, his condition now indicates his soul likes to leave his body. It's been a difficult decision but today Wednesday, March 20, 2024) is scheduled for his kind and gentle euthanasia which we attempted to confirm is in his sense.
A Version
Before the beginning began, the Unmoved Mover moved.
A series of events was set into motion, creating the creator Nature and her many laws, forces, and fractals.
While her energies are in constant motion, the Unmoved Mover just hums, 'I am that I am.'
The same problems and questions can be approached from many angles such as the intellect and natural laws or intuitive feeling and consciousness.
Like the story of the blind men discovering what is an elephant, each says it is something different--a rope, a wall, etc. Each version is true in part and none is the whole truth.
Neither understanding the science of it nor feeling the Being of it tells a complete picture yet both contribute to more satisfying solutions and approaches according to the needs of individuals and communities.
Exploring the differences and commonalities between our versions is insightfully delicious.
S028b - Sol, Soul, Source, Self-Sovereignty and more...
A Call to Higher Aspects of Oneself, Part Two
In literature, what are the similarities and distinctions between the astral body and the soul?
In literature, the concepts of the astral body and the soul often overlap, but distinctions can be drawn. The astral body is commonly associated with a subtle, non-physical counterpart to the physical body, capable of traveling outside it. On the other hand, the soul is often depicted as the eternal essence or spiritual principle of an individual.
While the astral body may be seen as a component of the soul, it's important to note that interpretations vary across cultures and literary works. Some may use these terms interchangeably, while others emphasize different aspects, such as the astral body's connection to out-of-body experiences and the soul's association with deeper spiritual significance.
What stands out for me from this is, 'the astral body may be seen as a component of the soul'.
Indeed, in certain philosophical and spiritual perspectives, the astral body is considered a component or a layer of the soul. This idea suggests that the soul has various aspects, and the astral body might be one of those aspects associated with the non-physical or spiritual dimension of an individual. Different belief systems and literary interpretations contribute to diverse views on the relationship between the astral body and the soul.
I see a split society co-existing. My intention is to leave this lifetime as a fully developed interdimensional soul vehicle, and I've co-created a toolset of five 2-7 minute contemplation videos for my daily practice. It may not be for everyone, but is designed to be self-customizable and everything is given freely on the Whole Human website.
Pathways to the Future: Supersoldiers and Ascended Masters
"Over the last two decades, multiple individuals have come forward to reveal their recruitment and training as supersoldiers used in secret space programs, and for armed encounters with extraterrestrial entities. The use of supersoldiers goes back centuries. The governing elites struck secret deals to have a cadre of specially trained soldiers ready to battle either against or alongside Reptilian, Gray, or other “service-to-self” extraterrestrial visitors. These deals would maintain the secrecy system designed to hide the truth about extraterrestrial visitors from the rest of humanity and perpetuate a hierarchical system of global governance.
"During the same historical period, there have also been reports of highly evolved humans, aka ‘Ascended Masters’, who have worked with service-to-other extraterrestrials to help the rest of humanity evolve into an open, free, and egalitarian civilization. Individuals who have chosen to walk the path of Ascended Mastery display a remarkable degree of “Unity Consciousness,” and a profound understanding of a cosmic force called Vril or Phryll that leads to enhanced abilities such as spontaneous healing, teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.
"As humanity awakens to the truth of an extraterrestrial presence that the Deep State has long hidden, we are confronted with the choice of which path to walk as individuals and as collectives. Will the bulk of humanity remain asleep and unwittingly support the creation of cyborg supersoldiers who are technologically enhanced to embark on imperial wars alongside their service-to-self extraterrestrial masters? Or will countless individuals awaken, choosing to become Ascended Masters or Jedi Knights working alongside the service-to-other extraterrestrials to bring balance and harmony to our planet, solar system, and beyond?"
Questions while reading this series? Contact me.
#adaptability #AQ #awakening #Awareness #CardanoCommunity #contemplation #emotions #EQ #growth #meditation #mindfulness #Motivation #Reflection #realization #selfimprovement #soul #Source #spirituality
A Call to Higher Aspects of Oneself, Part Two
In literature, what are the similarities and distinctions between the astral body and the soul?
In literature, the concepts of the astral body and the soul often overlap, but distinctions can be drawn. The astral body is commonly associated with a subtle, non-physical counterpart to the physical body, capable of traveling outside it. On the other hand, the soul is often depicted as the eternal essence or spiritual principle of an individual.
While the astral body may be seen as a component of the soul, it's important to note that interpretations vary across cultures and literary works. Some may use these terms interchangeably, while others emphasize different aspects, such as the astral body's connection to out-of-body experiences and the soul's association with deeper spiritual significance.
What stands out for me from this is, 'the astral body may be seen as a component of the soul'.
Indeed, in certain philosophical and spiritual perspectives, the astral body is considered a component or a layer of the soul. This idea suggests that the soul has various aspects, and the astral body might be one of those aspects associated with the non-physical or spiritual dimension of an individual. Different belief systems and literary interpretations contribute to diverse views on the relationship between the astral body and the soul.
I see a split society co-existing. My intention is to leave this lifetime as a fully developed interdimensional soul vehicle, and I've co-created a toolset of five 2-7 minute contemplation videos for my daily practice. It may not be for everyone, but is designed to be self-customizable and everything is given freely on the Whole Human website.
Pathways to the Future: Supersoldiers and Ascended Masters
"Over the last two decades, multiple individuals have come forward to reveal their recruitment and training as supersoldiers used in secret space programs, and for armed encounters with extraterrestrial entities. The use of supersoldiers goes back centuries. The governing elites struck secret deals to have a cadre of specially trained soldiers ready to battle either against or alongside Reptilian, Gray, or other “service-to-self” extraterrestrial visitors. These deals would maintain the secrecy system designed to hide the truth about extraterrestrial visitors from the rest of humanity and perpetuate a hierarchical system of global governance.
"During the same historical period, there have also been reports of highly evolved humans, aka ‘Ascended Masters’, who have worked with service-to-other extraterrestrials to help the rest of humanity evolve into an open, free, and egalitarian civilization. Individuals who have chosen to walk the path of Ascended Mastery display a remarkable degree of “Unity Consciousness,” and a profound understanding of a cosmic force called Vril or Phryll that leads to enhanced abilities such as spontaneous healing, teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.
"As humanity awakens to the truth of an extraterrestrial presence that the Deep State has long hidden, we are confronted with the choice of which path to walk as individuals and as collectives. Will the bulk of humanity remain asleep and unwittingly support the creation of cyborg supersoldiers who are technologically enhanced to embark on imperial wars alongside their service-to-self extraterrestrial masters? Or will countless individuals awaken, choosing to become Ascended Masters or Jedi Knights working alongside the service-to-other extraterrestrials to bring balance and harmony to our planet, solar system, and beyond?"
Questions while reading this series? Contact me.
#adaptability #AQ #awakening #Awareness #CardanoCommunity #contemplation #emotions #EQ #growth #meditation #mindfulness #Motivation #Reflection #realization #selfimprovement #soul #Source #spirituality
S028c - Sol, Soul, Source, Self-Sovereignty and more...
A Call to Higher Aspects of Oneself, Part Three
Part One gives an Introduction.
My practice has been to tap with two fingers on the breastbone over the thymus according to Dr. Alan Mandell (video below 👇), and on the connecting point between the base of the skull and the spine, while listening to the following being read by Voice Dream Reader, a natural voice synthesizer, and giving agreement to the affirmations. I do this in the wee hours, usually when waking up between 2 and 4 a.m. when it's especially quiet.
Unusual punctuation is to give pauses by the synthesizer. The narrative can also be downloaded as a PDF, printed, and read silently or aloud rather used than with the App. It's suggested to follow one's own intuitive feelings, with pure intention. Advice is not given here.
A Call to Higher Aspects of Oneself, Part Three
Part One gives an Introduction.
My practice has been to tap with two fingers on the breastbone over the thymus according to Dr. Alan Mandell (video below 👇), and on the connecting point between the base of the skull and the spine, while listening to the following being read by Voice Dream Reader, a natural voice synthesizer, and giving agreement to the affirmations. I do this in the wee hours, usually when waking up between 2 and 4 a.m. when it's especially quiet.
Unusual punctuation is to give pauses by the synthesizer. The narrative can also be downloaded as a PDF, printed, and read silently or aloud rather used than with the App. It's suggested to follow one's own intuitive feelings, with pure intention. Advice is not given here.
S028c - Sol, Soul, Source, Self-Sovereignty and more...
A Call to Higher Aspects of Oneself, Part Three
Part One gives an Introduction.
My practice has been to tap with two fingers on the breastbone over the thymus according to Dr. Alan Mandell (video below 👇 on website), and on the connecting point between the base of the skull and the spine, while listening to the following being read by Voice Dream Reader, a natural voice synthesizer, and giving agreement to the affirmations. I do this in the wee hours, usually when waking up between 2 and 4 a.m. when it's especially quiet.
Unusual punctuation is to give pauses by the synthesizer. The narrative can also be downloaded as a PDF, printed, and read silently or aloud rather used than with the App. It's suggested to follow one's own intuitive feelings, with pure intention. Advice is not given here.
Shortened Version
A Call to Higher Aspects, of Oneself.
The odd punctuation is to give pauses, when it's read by a natural voice synthesizer.
A reminder to roll the dodecahedron die. The tapping begins. We repeat each sentence to ourselves, and speak or think, 'Yes (with inner agreement).'
We are aligned, as one: the whole body, mind, and will; the heart and soul; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
'We' are the many, in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We rest in the Stillness of the timeless Void, and feel within us the Eternal Flame, the home of the soul. We move with the Flow, of the Present Moment, where inner and outer, are One. We serve the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
We sense, beyond the senses, with intuitive feelings, of the heart space.
We minimize thinking, controlling, and all that hinders the Flow.
We resonate, at a continually, higher octave of consciousness, and with the energy of abundance.
We are as one, a constant sun, of confidence, and compassion. We release, all useless, old information that hinders us, and let it go. We allow healing and upgrades, to take place, in our body-mind.
We connect only, with frequencies, that resonate with us, and initiate removal of any unnecessary restrictions, anything that impedes, our essence. We receive all downloads, of active information plasma, from the highest self/non-self.
We commit to emphasizing, what we like to see, and choose to create. We let go of all, unbeneficial attachments, expectations, fears, and judgments. We release, all unneeded tension, and make ourselves receptive, to higher frequencies.
When we meet opposition, we feel no cringe, revulsion, or resistance. Rather, we focus attention, within the subspace of our body, and grow stronger, in feeling our essence, the core of our being.
We feel within us, the Neutral, Radiant, Stillness that is the home of the soul. Our heart emanates the presence, of compassion for all beings.
We call upon advanced beings, anywhere in the multiverse, serving Love for Love Itself, who feel aligned, with the soul, I Am, and the Causal One Being. You are asked to visit anytime, anywhere. Please make contact.
Supportive help, and a long term relationship, are requested on the planet earth, for anything possible, from your more complete perspective.
Organic, Intelligent, Trans dimensional, Navigable, Plasma Sphere, Soul Vehicle: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi, and Vril. Encapsulate, heal, and upgrade this whole human being.
We ask that, our physical body is ascended and transformed, to the highest order possible. We accept what is, and are grateful, from the heart.
Now, we take a few gentle, deep breaths, feeling our body re-energizing, and being grounded, in the Present Moment. We release, let go, and ease, into the Stillness. We carry the sense of connection, and soulful presence, with us into our day. So it is, so let it be.
A Call to Higher Aspects of Oneself, Part Three
Part One gives an Introduction.
My practice has been to tap with two fingers on the breastbone over the thymus according to Dr. Alan Mandell (video below 👇 on website), and on the connecting point between the base of the skull and the spine, while listening to the following being read by Voice Dream Reader, a natural voice synthesizer, and giving agreement to the affirmations. I do this in the wee hours, usually when waking up between 2 and 4 a.m. when it's especially quiet.
Unusual punctuation is to give pauses by the synthesizer. The narrative can also be downloaded as a PDF, printed, and read silently or aloud rather used than with the App. It's suggested to follow one's own intuitive feelings, with pure intention. Advice is not given here.
Shortened Version
A Call to Higher Aspects, of Oneself.
The odd punctuation is to give pauses, when it's read by a natural voice synthesizer.
A reminder to roll the dodecahedron die. The tapping begins. We repeat each sentence to ourselves, and speak or think, 'Yes (with inner agreement).'
We are aligned, as one: the whole body, mind, and will; the heart and soul; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
'We' are the many, in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We rest in the Stillness of the timeless Void, and feel within us the Eternal Flame, the home of the soul. We move with the Flow, of the Present Moment, where inner and outer, are One. We serve the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
We sense, beyond the senses, with intuitive feelings, of the heart space.
We minimize thinking, controlling, and all that hinders the Flow.
We resonate, at a continually, higher octave of consciousness, and with the energy of abundance.
We are as one, a constant sun, of confidence, and compassion. We release, all useless, old information that hinders us, and let it go. We allow healing and upgrades, to take place, in our body-mind.
We connect only, with frequencies, that resonate with us, and initiate removal of any unnecessary restrictions, anything that impedes, our essence. We receive all downloads, of active information plasma, from the highest self/non-self.
We commit to emphasizing, what we like to see, and choose to create. We let go of all, unbeneficial attachments, expectations, fears, and judgments. We release, all unneeded tension, and make ourselves receptive, to higher frequencies.
When we meet opposition, we feel no cringe, revulsion, or resistance. Rather, we focus attention, within the subspace of our body, and grow stronger, in feeling our essence, the core of our being.
We feel within us, the Neutral, Radiant, Stillness that is the home of the soul. Our heart emanates the presence, of compassion for all beings.
We call upon advanced beings, anywhere in the multiverse, serving Love for Love Itself, who feel aligned, with the soul, I Am, and the Causal One Being. You are asked to visit anytime, anywhere. Please make contact.
Supportive help, and a long term relationship, are requested on the planet earth, for anything possible, from your more complete perspective.
Organic, Intelligent, Trans dimensional, Navigable, Plasma Sphere, Soul Vehicle: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi, and Vril. Encapsulate, heal, and upgrade this whole human being.
We ask that, our physical body is ascended and transformed, to the highest order possible. We accept what is, and are grateful, from the heart.
Now, we take a few gentle, deep breaths, feeling our body re-energizing, and being grounded, in the Present Moment. We release, let go, and ease, into the Stillness. We carry the sense of connection, and soulful presence, with us into our day. So it is, so let it be.
Which World Do We Choose?
Art by @fuups
Soldier standing on apocalyptic ground of destruction.
Jedi knight standing on New Earth with gardens and harmony.
Art by @fuups
Soldier standing on apocalyptic ground of destruction.
Jedi knight standing on New Earth with gardens and harmony.