Copyright ©️ Gary R. Smith
May be copied and distributed
with credit and link.
*The coming split in humanity.
May be copied and distributed
with credit and link.
*The coming split in humanity.
AHA! Oracle, Version 12.3
Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself), by Emanate Presence
Reading or listening to the AHA Mantra, in a relaxed and dedicated way, helps one to align with, and embody the principles, of brain training affirmations. Rolling a twelve-sided die, with consecrated intention, turns the mantra into an oracle.
Also, brainwave entrainment soundscapes, and other helps, are available, on the website.
Unusual punctuation gives pauses, when the Oracle is read by a natural voice synthesizer. The Oracle is meant to be self-customized, if desired. So it begins.
'We' are the many, in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We are aligned, as one: the whole body, mind, and will; the heart and soul; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
1. We rest in the Presence, of the Timeless Void, the uncreated Unmoved Mover.
2. We feel, the Neutral, Radiant, Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.
3. We move with the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum, where inner and outer, are One.
4. We serve, willingly, and with joy, the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
5. We request transmissions, of rounded awareness, from the Non-Linear Self, Non-Self, of the Central Sun. We receive, the complex frequency spheres, into our energy field. They are joyful and in-the-moment, and contain active information, for embodiment.
6. We inquire, asking for guidance, from the One Being, that is beyond the Quantum Field, the Unified, Universal, Super Consciousness.
7. We accept, with faith and intuition, that the guidance given, helps our whole human being, to commune and communicate, more deeply, with the One Being, of unconditional love. Over all, our perspective expands, to be more rounded, complete, and aware.
8. We recognize, on a subtle level, that everything that is, is alive. It is all an extension, and expression, of the creative Source, I Am.
9. We understand, that every living being, including the earth, is a distinction, of the same immanent and emanating, super-consciousness, each on a unique journey, and at a different, stage of development.
10. We identify, the shadows within us, that hinder, and impede our journey. We embrace our limiting beliefs and patterns, with compassion, and the shadows disappear.
11. We distinguish, between the impulses of the conditioned neuro-me, that is the brain and neurology, and the deeper intuitive feelings that guide, from the heart. We transcend the limitations of the brain, with the unlimited expansion, of the soul.
12. Our heart emanates, the compassion of the Creator, for all of creation. We are grateful. So it is, so let it be....
One time more, in summary....
• We rest, in the Presence, of the timeless Void.
• We feel, the Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.
• We move, in the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum.
• We serve, the One Being, of unconditional love.
• We request and receive, transmissions of rounded awareness, from the Central Sun, the Source, I Am.
• We embody, the packets of higher energies, with our whole human being.
• We inquire, for guidance, from the Highest Non-linear Self, Non-Self, the Superconsciousness.
• We accept, with faith and intuition, that our communion with the Christ self, deepens, and our perspective expands.
• We recognize, on a subtle level, that everything is alive.
• We understand, essentially, we are all One Being.
• We identify, the shadows, within us, and embrace them.
• We distinguish, between impulses, and deeper feelings, and pause frequently, to feel.
• Our heart, emanates compassion.
• We call upon, our plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
• Humming, we resonate our spherical awareness, to ever greater spheres.
• The more attention we focus on this, the more our sphere of awareness expands.
• We attend to soulful presence, throughout our day.
Here, we call upon advanced beings, anywhere in the multiverse, serving Love for Love Itself, who feel aligned, with the soul, I Am, and the Causal One Being. Please make contact.
Organic, Intelligent, Trans dimensional, Navigable, Plasma Sphere, Soul Vehicle: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi, and Vril. Encapsulate, heal, and upgrade this whole human being.
We ask that, our physical body is ascended and transformed, to the highest order and octave possible.
We seek, the ability, to move vibrationally, between universal, non-linear awareness, and individuated realities, between the Source, I Am, and the soul, I Am.
We lean into our shadows, and let go of all hindrances. We acknowledge, we are the Knower, and we know nothing.
We take a few gentle, deep breaths, feeling our body re-energizing, and being grounded, in the Present Moment.
We release, let go, and ease, into the Stillness. Humming, we attend, to the sense of connection, expansion, and soulful presence, throughout our day.
We are grateful. So it is, so let it be.
Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself), by Emanate Presence
Reading or listening to the AHA Mantra, in a relaxed and dedicated way, helps one to align with, and embody the principles, of brain training affirmations. Rolling a twelve-sided die, with consecrated intention, turns the mantra into an oracle.
Also, brainwave entrainment soundscapes, and other helps, are available, on the website.
Unusual punctuation gives pauses, when the Oracle is read by a natural voice synthesizer. The Oracle is meant to be self-customized, if desired. So it begins.
'We' are the many, in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We are aligned, as one: the whole body, mind, and will; the heart and soul; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
1. We rest in the Presence, of the Timeless Void, the uncreated Unmoved Mover.
2. We feel, the Neutral, Radiant, Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.
3. We move with the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum, where inner and outer, are One.
4. We serve, willingly, and with joy, the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
5. We request transmissions, of rounded awareness, from the Non-Linear Self, Non-Self, of the Central Sun. We receive, the complex frequency spheres, into our energy field. They are joyful and in-the-moment, and contain active information, for embodiment.
6. We inquire, asking for guidance, from the One Being, that is beyond the Quantum Field, the Unified, Universal, Super Consciousness.
7. We accept, with faith and intuition, that the guidance given, helps our whole human being, to commune and communicate, more deeply, with the One Being, of unconditional love. Over all, our perspective expands, to be more rounded, complete, and aware.
8. We recognize, on a subtle level, that everything that is, is alive. It is all an extension, and expression, of the creative Source, I Am.
9. We understand, that every living being, including the earth, is a distinction, of the same immanent and emanating, super-consciousness, each on a unique journey, and at a different, stage of development.
10. We identify, the shadows within us, that hinder, and impede our journey. We embrace our limiting beliefs and patterns, with compassion, and the shadows disappear.
11. We distinguish, between the impulses of the conditioned neuro-me, that is the brain and neurology, and the deeper intuitive feelings that guide, from the heart. We transcend the limitations of the brain, with the unlimited expansion, of the soul.
12. Our heart emanates, the compassion of the Creator, for all of creation. We are grateful. So it is, so let it be....
One time more, in summary....
• We rest, in the Presence, of the timeless Void.
• We feel, the Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.
• We move, in the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum.
• We serve, the One Being, of unconditional love.
• We request and receive, transmissions of rounded awareness, from the Central Sun, the Source, I Am.
• We embody, the packets of higher energies, with our whole human being.
• We inquire, for guidance, from the Highest Non-linear Self, Non-Self, the Superconsciousness.
• We accept, with faith and intuition, that our communion with the Christ self, deepens, and our perspective expands.
• We recognize, on a subtle level, that everything is alive.
• We understand, essentially, we are all One Being.
• We identify, the shadows, within us, and embrace them.
• We distinguish, between impulses, and deeper feelings, and pause frequently, to feel.
• Our heart, emanates compassion.
• We call upon, our plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
• Humming, we resonate our spherical awareness, to ever greater spheres.
• The more attention we focus on this, the more our sphere of awareness expands.
• We attend to soulful presence, throughout our day.
Here, we call upon advanced beings, anywhere in the multiverse, serving Love for Love Itself, who feel aligned, with the soul, I Am, and the Causal One Being. Please make contact.
Organic, Intelligent, Trans dimensional, Navigable, Plasma Sphere, Soul Vehicle: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi, and Vril. Encapsulate, heal, and upgrade this whole human being.
We ask that, our physical body is ascended and transformed, to the highest order and octave possible.
We seek, the ability, to move vibrationally, between universal, non-linear awareness, and individuated realities, between the Source, I Am, and the soul, I Am.
We lean into our shadows, and let go of all hindrances. We acknowledge, we are the Knower, and we know nothing.
We take a few gentle, deep breaths, feeling our body re-energizing, and being grounded, in the Present Moment.
We release, let go, and ease, into the Stillness. Humming, we attend, to the sense of connection, expansion, and soulful presence, throughout our day.
We are grateful. So it is, so let it be.
As a perspective, in wholeness each person is an individuated unit of the Source I Am. Within the IUS are components including mind, body and soul. The design of free will choice, with the capacity of the brain (the neuro-me) to fabricate reality, enables each IUS to experience (light and dark as metaphors) the darkness of apparent separation from Source or the light of actual union and constant felt connection with the One Being.
For those choosing the unitive life experience, the AHA! Mantra Daily Practice is a simple, effective and free self-customizable tool which evolves with the person. In twelve stanzas, the mantra outlines a whole world view leading to unitive living. With consecrated intention and rolls of a dodecahedron die, the felt connection between indivuated unit and the Source I Am grow deeper and stronger, evidenced by lived qualities in daily actions.
Anyone interested in experimenting towards communication and constant felt connection with super-consciousness (a.k.a. the Source I Am, the One Being, etc.) may consider an offer for three 3️⃣ people:
Asking only for a three 3️⃣ day commitment to explore a well-developed daily practice requiring about 30 minutes per day, I will snail 🐌 mail the simple materials to you at my cost. You are welcome to modify the AHA! Daily Practice to suit you, and feedback is appreciated.
No special abilities are needed. Communion with the divine within is an inborn human capacity, long suppressed. This website has sections on divination, downloading active information from super consciousness, symbolism and more (AHA!)
From the Whole Human website, the contact form on the About page can be used to respond. On X or Facebook, direct messages can be sent regarding this post:
For those choosing the unitive life experience, the AHA! Mantra Daily Practice is a simple, effective and free self-customizable tool which evolves with the person. In twelve stanzas, the mantra outlines a whole world view leading to unitive living. With consecrated intention and rolls of a dodecahedron die, the felt connection between indivuated unit and the Source I Am grow deeper and stronger, evidenced by lived qualities in daily actions.
Anyone interested in experimenting towards communication and constant felt connection with super-consciousness (a.k.a. the Source I Am, the One Being, etc.) may consider an offer for three 3️⃣ people:
Asking only for a three 3️⃣ day commitment to explore a well-developed daily practice requiring about 30 minutes per day, I will snail 🐌 mail the simple materials to you at my cost. You are welcome to modify the AHA! Daily Practice to suit you, and feedback is appreciated.
No special abilities are needed. Communion with the divine within is an inborn human capacity, long suppressed. This website has sections on divination, downloading active information from super consciousness, symbolism and more (AHA!)
From the Whole Human website, the contact form on the About page can be used to respond. On X or Facebook, direct messages can be sent regarding this post:
In some religious and spiritual beliefs, “Elohim” is considered a higher order of spiritual beings. The term “Elohim” in Hebrew is grammatically plural, but often used to refer to a singular Being, suggesting a complex unity or multiplicity within One divine Being. Interpretations vary, so the meaning of “Elohim” can differ based on the specific religious or philosophical context.
As of this writing, in my inner work, the idea of many in one is applied to my human being. We are aligned, as one: the whole body, and mind; the heart and soul; the Will; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
As an individuated unit of the Source I Am, the individual Soul emanates the presence of Unconditional Love. With awareness that AllThatIs, is an extension of the Causal One Being, there can be no hatred or war for economic gain. We are One Being.
In some religious and spiritual beliefs, “Elohim” is considered a higher order of spiritual beings. The term “Elohim” in Hebrew is grammatically plural, but often used to refer to a singular Being, suggesting a complex unity or multiplicity within One divine Being. Interpretations vary, so the meaning of “Elohim” can differ based on the specific religious or philosophical context.
As of this writing, in my inner work, the idea of many in one is applied to my human being. We are aligned, as one: the whole body, and mind; the heart and soul; the Will; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
As an individuated unit of the Source I Am, the individual Soul emanates the presence of Unconditional Love. With awareness that AllThatIs, is an extension of the Causal One Being, there can be no hatred or war for economic gain. We are One Being.
See my 'conversation' about this with Open A.I. Assistant in the blog post linked.
Dice as an Oracle:
NOTE: It is not recommended to make important decisions or attempt to predict the future, with certainty, solely by
divination using physical objects, like pendulums, dowsing rods, and other tools. The results of these divinations are often open to interpretation and should be used for guidance and self-reflection, not as a substitute for practical decision making.
The designed purpose of AHA! is to develop constant felt connection with the inner compass 🧭 that guides from a more complete perspective, and to naturally evolve in a self-learning process.
- Divination is the practice of using various tools and techniques to gain insight into the future or to reveal hidden truths about the present.
- It is an ancient practice that has been used by many cultures throughout history, including the Greeks, Romans, and ancient Chinese.
- Divination is often seen as a way to access knowledge or wisdom beyond the limits of human understanding or reason.
- The methods used in divination can vary widely, including but not limited to reading tarot cards, casting runes, reading tea leaves, and using dice.
- While divination is not considered a scientific or empirical practice, many people continue to use it today for personal growth, decision making, and spiritual exploration.
- An oracle is a person or tool that is used to communicate with the divine or to access information from a source beyond ordinary human understanding.
- In ancient cultures, oracles were often priests or priestesses who were believed to have the ability to communicate directly with the gods and to deliver their messages to the people.
- The term "oracle" can also refer to tools used for divination, such as tarot cards, runes, and dice.
- The use of oracles as a tool for divination and decision making can be traced back thousands of years and continues to be practiced in many cultures today.
- While oracles and divination are not considered to have a basis in scientific fact (which may be due in part to the incomplete status of today's science), they continue to be an important part of many people's spiritual and personal lives. For the benefit of humanity, much is to be learned about accessing higher consciousness which includes wisdom and compassion. Simple, low tech-tools may be the most effective means for developing these latent strengths.
See my 'conversation' about this with Open A.I. Assistant in the blog post linked.
- Astrology: Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events. Astrologers use this information to interpret the personality, strengths, weaknesses, and future of an individual, as well as to provide guidance on certain life decisions.
- Tarot: Tarot is a deck of 78 cards used for divination purposes. Each card has a unique image and meaning, and a reading typically involves laying out several cards in a specific pattern and interpreting the messages that the images and symbols convey. Tarot can be used to gain insight into the past, present, and future, as well as to provide guidance on specific questions or life issues.
- I Ching: I Ching is a Chinese system of divination that involves consulting a book of 64 hexagrams to gain insight into the future or make decisions. The hexagrams are formed by throwing coins or yarrow sticks, and the reading involves interpreting the hexagram formed and consulting the corresponding text in the I Ching book.
- Palmistry: Palmistry, also known as chiromancy, is the practice of interpreting the lines and patterns on a person's hand to gain insight into their personality, life events, and future. A palm reader will examine the shape, size, and texture of the hand, as well as the length and depth of the lines on the palm to make predictions and offer guidance.
- Numerology: Numerology is a system of divination that uses numbers to gain insight into a person's character, life path, and future. Numerologists believe that every number has a unique vibration and meaning, and that a person's name and birth date can be used to calculate several important numbers that reveal key aspects of their life.
- Runes: Runes are ancient symbols used for divination purposes. A runic reading typically involves casting a set of runes and interpreting the symbols that come up to gain insight into the future or make decisions. Runes can be made of various materials, including stone, wood, and bone, and the meanings of the symbols can vary between different cultures and traditions.
- Scrying: Scrying is a form of divination that involves looking into a crystal ball, mirror, or other reflective surface to receive messages or see visions. Scrying can be used for a variety of purposes, including predicting the future, gaining insight into a particular situation, or communicating with spirit guides or other entities.
- Tea Leaves: Tea leaf reading, also known as tasseography, is a form of divination that involves interpreting the patterns and symbols left by tea leaves in a cup to gain insight into the future or make decisions. The tea leaves are typically read after they have been steeped in hot water and drained from the cup, and the reading involves examining the shape, position, and arrangement of the tea leaves to uncover hidden messages.
- Pendulum Divination: Pendulum divination is a form of divination in which a pendulum is used to answer yes or no questions or to gain insight into a particular situation. The pendulum is typically held by a string or chain, and the movement of the pendulum is interpreted based on its swinging motion. A pendulum may swing in a circular motion to indicate a "yes" answer, while a back-and-forth motion may indicate a "no." The interpretation of the pendulum's motion can be intuitive or based on a specific system.
- Dowsing: Dowsing is a form of divination that involves using a dowsing rod, pendulum, or other physical object to find objects or answer questions. The dowsing tool is typically held by the dowser, who then moves it over a surface in search of the object or in response to a question. The movement of the dowsing tool is then interpreted based on the specific method being used. Dowsing has been used to find water, minerals, and other objects, as well as to answer questions about the future or gain insight into a particular situation.
- Bibliomancy: Bibliomancy is a form of divination in which a book, typically a religious text, is used to provide guidance or insight into a particular situation. The practitioner of bibliomancy may close their eyes, randomly open the book, and place their finger on a page to select a passage, which is then interpreted as a message or omen. Bibliomancy can be used as a form of spiritual guidance or as a way to make decisions.
- Geomancy: Geomancy is a form of divination that involves making marks in the sand or on a piece of paper and then interpreting the patterns that emerge. The marks are typically made by placing the hand or a tool on the surface and then making random marks, which are then interpreted based on the specific system being used. Geomancy has been used as a form of divination in various cultures throughout history and can be used to gain insight into the future, make decisions, or find guidance on a particular issue.
Dice as an Oracle:
- Dice have been used as an oracle for thousands of years and continue to be used as a tool for divination and decision making in many cultures today.
- The basic idea is that by randomly selecting numbers or symbols on the dice, they can reveal insights and provide guidance on a particular question or situation.
- There are many different methods and techniques for using dice as an oracle, ranging from simple yes/no questions to more complex spreads and interpretations.
- Some common techniques include rolling a single die to get a yes/no answer, rolling two dice to represent different options or outcomes, or using specialized dice with symbols or words instead of numbers.
- In divination, dice can be used to gain insights into the future or to reveal hidden truths about the present.
- The act of rolling the dice is seen as a way of accessing the unconscious mind and tapping into the wisdom of the universe.
- The results of the roll can be interpreted in various ways, depending on the specific system being used and the individual's intuition and understanding.
- Dice divination can be used for a variety of purposes, including decision making, personal growth and development, and spiritual exploration.
- Some popular forms of dice divination include the I Ching, the Runes, and the Gnostic Dice.
NOTE: It is not recommended to make important decisions or attempt to predict the future, with certainty, solely by
divination using physical objects, like pendulums, dowsing rods, and other tools. The results of these divinations are often open to interpretation and should be used for guidance and self-reflection, not as a substitute for practical decision making.
The designed purpose of AHA! is to develop constant felt connection with the inner compass 🧭 that guides from a more complete perspective, and to naturally evolve in a self-learning process.
Being asked for the story of my life provides the energy from motivation to write it again. Pieces are found throughout the Whole Human website and rewriting brings new insights and clarity.
In glances at memories, my life story seems so all over the place, a first challenge is giving it some order, and metaphors are helpful.
For much of my life, the metaphor was a puzzle and one quest was to put pieces together to make sense of it. In another metaphor, threads run through my 70 years and can be woven into a tapestry that forms a picture.
There are some strong threads, and they weave together naturally. Each can be expanded upon, turning a summary into a book. Many threads or pieces have been published as blog posts on Whole Human as it became a journal that chronicles my explorations, experiences, discoveries and realizations.
The main threads are:
• Deep attraction from an early age to the mystical, spiritual and divine — my soul journey.
• Anomalies of my neurology, including being on the autism spectrum with Asperger's and misophonia. Since those weren't identified until later, for most of my life I didn't understand why I was so different. I seemed normal to others, and the differences just seemed oddities, but their influence was profound.
• Untimely deaths in my close family and other traumas, occurring every nine years starting my age 12, naturally were also impacting and influential in shaping 'the me that meets the world'.
Those and other factors sculpted my life experience and personality. A deeper, underlying picture of the eternal aspect comes into focus through many revisions of the AHA! Mantra, which gives the most succinct version I can of my 'life philosophy'. The AHA! webpage is a good place to start:
To the questions, 'How are you handling real life now? What path are you gravitating towards?', my response is I'm gravitating to the path of AHA! and handling real life through its integration. How is it integrated? By absorbing and affirming the mantra line by line, and recalling it over the day especially when facing shadows and choices.
A deeper dive can begin on A-Z, listing all the main webpages in alphabetical order:
A-Z also launches into the blog, which crosses 8 years of journaling and other explorations:
What is your story, if you like to share?
Who I Am is a complex of coherent frequencies, a locus of non-local consciousness (the universal Self, non-self).
Symbolized by a color wheel, the non-hierarchical primaries are Body, Neuro-me, Soul, and the Source I Am. Aligned, we are a harmonious unit.
Self-awareness reveals that anxiety and all fear-based emotions (such the controller, the worrier, and the inner critic), are only in the Neuro-me and Body.
The voice of the Overseer directs the Neuro-me to release all un-needed tension from the Body, and to guard against all that hinders us from living from the Soul. The Neuro-me when agitated is guided to rest in the Stillness of the Void, the Unmoved Mover. The other-dimensional Overseer is what of me that's not embodied.
Daily stretches of the Body and self-written contemplations for the Soul, with deep breathing, support the grounding, centering and integration of the whole human being.
As revealed in a dream-vision of the night which was real, 'we the complex' are evolving towards a crystalline plasma sphere, that is, a fully developed, self-contained, autonomous, inter-dimensional, navigable, Source-powered Soul vehicle serving Love for Love Itself.
Being asked for the story of my life provides the energy from motivation to write it again. Pieces are found throughout the Whole Human website and rewriting brings new insights and clarity.
In glances at memories, my life story seems so all over the place, a first challenge is giving it some order, and metaphors are helpful.
For much of my life, the metaphor was a puzzle and one quest was to put pieces together to make sense of it. In another metaphor, threads run through my 70 years and can be woven into a tapestry that forms a picture.
There are some strong threads, and they weave together naturally. Each can be expanded upon, turning a summary into a book. Many threads or pieces have been published as blog posts on Whole Human as it became a journal that chronicles my explorations, experiences, discoveries and realizations.
The main threads are:
• Deep attraction from an early age to the mystical, spiritual and divine — my soul journey.
• Anomalies of my neurology, including being on the autism spectrum with Asperger's and misophonia. Since those weren't identified until later, for most of my life I didn't understand why I was so different. I seemed normal to others, and the differences just seemed oddities, but their influence was profound.
• Untimely deaths in my close family and other traumas, occurring every nine years starting my age 12, naturally were also impacting and influential in shaping 'the me that meets the world'.
Those and other factors sculpted my life experience and personality. A deeper, underlying picture of the eternal aspect comes into focus through many revisions of the AHA! Mantra, which gives the most succinct version I can of my 'life philosophy'. The AHA! webpage is a good place to start:
To the questions, 'How are you handling real life now? What path are you gravitating towards?', my response is I'm gravitating to the path of AHA! and handling real life through its integration. How is it integrated? By absorbing and affirming the mantra line by line, and recalling it over the day especially when facing shadows and choices.
A deeper dive can begin on A-Z, listing all the main webpages in alphabetical order:
A-Z also launches into the blog, which crosses 8 years of journaling and other explorations:
What is your story, if you like to share?
Who I Am is a complex of coherent frequencies, a locus of non-local consciousness (the universal Self, non-self).
Symbolized by a color wheel, the non-hierarchical primaries are Body, Neuro-me, Soul, and the Source I Am. Aligned, we are a harmonious unit.
Self-awareness reveals that anxiety and all fear-based emotions (such the controller, the worrier, and the inner critic), are only in the Neuro-me and Body.
The voice of the Overseer directs the Neuro-me to release all un-needed tension from the Body, and to guard against all that hinders us from living from the Soul. The Neuro-me when agitated is guided to rest in the Stillness of the Void, the Unmoved Mover. The other-dimensional Overseer is what of me that's not embodied.
Daily stretches of the Body and self-written contemplations for the Soul, with deep breathing, support the grounding, centering and integration of the whole human being.
As revealed in a dream-vision of the night which was real, 'we the complex' are evolving towards a crystalline plasma sphere, that is, a fully developed, self-contained, autonomous, inter-dimensional, navigable, Source-powered Soul vehicle serving Love for Love Itself.
Number One Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Unity and Oneness: The number one represents unity, oneness, and the fundamental source from which all things originate. It symbolizes the indivisible essence and the interconnectedness of all existence.
2. Singularity and Independence: One represents singularity and independence. It signifies individuality, self-reliance, and the unique expression of identity.
3. Beginning and Creation: The number one is often associated with beginnings and the initiation of new cycles. It symbolizes creation, originality, and the starting point from which everything unfolds.
4. Leadership and Power: One represents leadership, authority, and the ability to take charge. It symbolizes strength, confidence, and the capacity to guide others.
5. Wholeness and Completeness: In certain spiritual traditions, the number one represents wholeness and completeness. It embodies the totality of existence and the divine essence that encompasses everything.
6. Self-Realization and Self-Discovery: One symbolizes self-realization and self-discovery. It signifies the journey of self-awareness, personal growth, and the realization of one's true potential.
7. Focus and Concentration: The number one represents focus, concentration, and single-pointedness. It signifies the ability to channel energy and attention towards a specific goal or objective.
8. Divine Source and Divine Will: One is often associated with the divine source or divine will. It symbolizes the divine power, consciousness, and the universal energy that permeates all creation.
Number Two Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Balance and Harmony: The number two represents balance, harmony, and the union of opposites. It symbolizes the need for equilibrium, cooperation, and finding middle ground.
2. Duality and Contrast: Two signifies duality and contrast, highlighting the existence of complementary or opposing forces. It represents the interplay of light and dark, yin and yang, and the unity of opposites.
3. Partnership and Collaboration: Two is associated with partnership, collaboration, and teamwork. It symbolizes the power of cooperation, mutual support, and the strength that comes from working together.
4. Relationships and Connections: The number two represents relationships and connections. It signifies companionship, friendship, and the interdependence between individuals.
5. Receptivity and Intuition: Two is linked to receptivity and intuition. It represents the ability to receive and process information, tune into subtle energies, and trust one's instincts.
6. Flexibility and Adaptability: The number two symbolizes flexibility and adaptability. It signifies the need to embrace change, adjust to new circumstances, and find creative solutions.
7. Duality of Self: Two can represent the duality within an individual, such as the conscious and unconscious aspects, the inner and outer selves, or the mind and body connection.
8. Polarity and Choice: Two signifies polarity and the power of choice. It represents the ability to make decisions, weigh options, and understand the consequences of actions.
Number Three Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Creativity and Expression: The number three represents creativity, inspiration, and self-expression. It symbolizes the fertile ground where ideas take form and manifest into reality.
2. Harmony and Balance: Three signifies harmony and balance. It represents the merging of opposites and the creation of a harmonious whole, such as the triadic balance found in the Rule of Thirds in art and photography.
3. Divine Manifestation: The number three is associated with divine manifestation and creation. It symbolizes the trinity or the triune nature found in many religious and spiritual traditions, representing the unity of the Creator, the Created, and the Creative Power.
4. Growth and Expansion: Three represents growth, expansion, and progress. It signifies the stages of development, evolution, and the unfolding of potential.
5. Mind, Body, and Spirit: The number three is often linked to the tripartite nature of human existence – mind, body, and spirit. It symbolizes the interconnectedness and integration of these aspects.
6. Time and Cycles: Three can represent time and cycles. It signifies the past, present, and future, as well as the cyclical nature of life, such as the stages of birth, life, and death.
7. Communication and Social Interaction: Three signifies communication, social interaction, and community. It represents effective communication, collaboration, and the power of interaction between individuals.
Number Four Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Stability and Structure: The number four represents stability, solidity, and a strong foundation. It symbolizes the need for a stable structure, order, and organization.
2. Balance and Harmony: Four signifies balance and harmony. It represents the establishment of equilibrium and the integration of opposing forces or elements.
3. Material World and Physicality: The number four is associated with the material world and physicality. It symbolizes the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west).
4. Completeness and Wholeness: Four can represent completeness and wholeness. It symbolizes the totality and completion of a cycle, such as the four seasons or the four stages of life.
5. Security and Protection: The number four is linked to security, protection, and a sense of safety. It represents the establishment of boundaries and the creation of a secure environment.
6. Order and Discipline: Four signifies order, discipline, and systematic approaches. It symbolizes the need for structure, organization, and a methodical approach to achieve goals.
7. Practicality and Reliability: The number four is associated with practicality and reliability. It represents a practical mindset, attention to detail, and a dependable nature.
8. Square and Stability: Four is connected to the concept of a square, which is a shape with four equal sides. It symbolizes stability, symmetry, and the balance between opposing forces.
Number Five Symbolic Meaning - Examples of Correspondences
1. Change and Transformation: The number five represents change, transformation, and adaptability. It symbolizes the dynamic nature of life and the ability to embrace new experiences.
2. Adventure and Freedom: Five signifies adventure, freedom, and exploration. It represents a desire for variety, spontaneity, and the pursuit of personal freedom.
3. Balance and Harmony: The number five can represent balance and harmony. It signifies finding equilibrium amidst changing circumstances and the integration of different aspects of life.
4. Sensory Experience: Five is linked to the five senses—sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. It symbolizes the richness of sensory experiences and the appreciation of the physical world.
5. Multifaceted Nature: Five represents the multifaceted nature of existence. It symbolizes the recognition of different perspectives, diversity, and the multiplicity of roles or identities.
6. Communication and Expression: The number five is associated with communication and expression. It signifies effective verbal and non-verbal communication, eloquence, and the power of expression.
7. Curiosity and Intellectual Pursuit: Five represents curiosity, intellectual pursuit, and a thirst for knowledge. It symbolizes the desire to explore ideas, expand the mind, and seek new insights.
8. Energy and Dynamism: The number five is connected to energy and dynamism. It represents a vibrant and lively energy that propels action, movement, and progress.
9. Unpredictability and Unconventionality: Five can symbolize unpredictability and unconventionality. It signifies a willingness to embrace change, challenge norms, and think outside the box.
Number Six Symbolic Meaning - Examples of Correspondences
1. Harmony and Balance: The number six represents harmony and balance. It symbolizes the integration and harmonious coexistence of different elements, energies, or aspects of life.
2. Responsibility and Nurturing: Six is linked to responsibility, caregiving, and nurturing qualities. It represents a sense of duty, empathy, and the nurturing of oneself and others.
3. Family and Home: The number six is associated with family, home, and domestic life. It symbolizes the importance of family bonds, stability, and creating a nurturing environment.
4. Love and Relationships: Six signifies love, relationships, and the power of emotional connection. It represents the ability to form deep, meaningful connections with others and cultivate harmonious relationships.
5. Service and Selflessness: The number six is connected to service, selflessness, and helping others. It symbolizes a willingness to contribute to the well-being of others and make a positive impact.
6. Beauty and Aesthetics: Six represents beauty, aesthetics, and an appreciation for art and the finer things in life. It signifies a sense of balance, proportion, and the recognition of beauty in various forms.
7. Health and Wellness: The number six is associated with health and wellness. It symbolizes the importance of physical, mental, and emotional well-being, as well as the need for balance in all areas of life.
8. Community and Cooperation: Six signifies community, cooperation, and working together for the greater good. It represents the strength that comes from collaboration and the power of collective efforts.
9. Trust and Reliability: The number six is linked to trust and reliability. It symbolizes dependability, integrity, and the ability to be counted on.
Number Seven Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Spirituality and Mysticism: The number seven represents spirituality and mysticism. It symbolizes the quest for higher knowledge, spiritual enlightenment, and the exploration of inner realms.
2. Wisdom and Intuition: Seven is linked to wisdom and intuition. It signifies the ability to tap into deeper understanding, inner wisdom, and intuitive insights.
3. Inner Growth and Self-Reflection: The number seven is associated with inner growth and self-reflection. It symbolizes the journey of self-discovery, introspection, and the pursuit of personal development.
4. Perfection and Completeness: Seven represents perfection and completeness. It signifies a state of wholeness, the achievement of a desired outcome, or the fulfillment of a cycle.
5. Analysis and Investigation: The number seven is connected to analysis, investigation, and the search for truth. It represents a logical and analytical approach to understanding the world.
6. Synchronicity and Alignment: Seven represents synchronicity and alignment. It signifies being in harmony with the universe, experiencing meaningful coincidences, and recognizing divine guidance.
7. Rest and Reflection: The number seven is associated with rest and reflection. It symbolizes the importance of taking time for introspection, contemplation, and rejuvenation.
8. Numerological Significance: In numerology, seven is often regarded as a powerful and mystical number. It carries its own vibrational energy and is considered a number of spiritual awakening and enlightenment.
Number Eight Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Abundance and Prosperity: The number eight represents abundance and prosperity. It symbolizes financial success, material wealth, and the manifestation of desires.
2. Balance and Harmony: Eight signifies balance and harmony. It represents the harmonious integration of opposites, such as the balance between the spiritual and material aspects of life.
3. Infinity and Eternal Flow: The number eight is linked to infinity and the eternal flow of energy. It represents a continuous cycle and the never-ending nature of existence.
4. Strength and Resilience: Eight represents strength and resilience. It symbolizes inner fortitude, determination, and the ability to overcome challenges.
5. Power and Achievement: The number eight is associated with personal power and achievement. It represents the drive for success, ambition, and the attainment of goals.
6. Karma and Universal Justice: Eight signifies karma and the principle of cause and effect. It symbolizes the idea that actions have consequences and that one's actions shape their future.
7. Leadership and Authority: The number eight represents leadership and authority. It symbolizes the qualities of confidence, influence, and the ability to lead others.
8. Harmony in Relationships: Eight signifies harmony in relationships, particularly romantic partnerships. It represents balance, understanding, and the potential for long-lasting and harmonious connections.
Number Nine Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Completion and Wholeness: The number nine represents completion and wholeness. It symbolizes the end of a cycle, fulfillment, and the culmination of efforts.
2. Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment: Nine is linked to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It represents the journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of higher consciousness.
3. Universal Love and Compassion: The number nine signifies universal love and compassion. It represents a deep sense of empathy, understanding, and the desire to alleviate suffering.
4. Divine Wisdom and Guidance: Nine is associated with divine wisdom and guidance. It symbolizes the alignment with higher wisdom, receiving insights, and connecting with spiritual guidance.
5. Transformation and Change: The number nine represents transformation and change. It signifies the transition from one phase of life to another and the potential for personal growth and evolution.
6. Humanitarianism and Service: Nine signifies humanitarianism and service to others. It symbolizes the desire to make a positive impact in the world and contribute to the well-being of humanity.
7. Leadership and Influence: The number nine is linked to leadership and influence. It represents the ability to inspire others, lead by example, and make a significant difference in society.
8. Universal Consciousness: Nine signifies the unity of all things and the interconnectedness of existence. It represents the recognition of the underlying oneness that transcends individuality.
9. Intuition and Inner Knowing: The number nine is associated with intuition and inner knowing. It symbolizes the wisdom that comes from deep within, trusting one's instincts, and embracing intuitive guidance.
Number Ten Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Completion and Perfection: The number ten represents completion and perfection. It symbolizes the fulfillment of a cycle, the attainment of a goal, or the culmination of efforts.
2. Wholeness and Unity: Ten signifies wholeness and unity. It represents the integration of opposites, the merging of individual elements into a cohesive whole, and the recognition of interconnectedness.
3. New Beginnings and Fresh Starts: The number ten is associated with new beginnings and fresh starts. It symbolizes the opportunity for a new phase, a clean slate, and the potential for growth and transformation.
4. Divine Order and Divine Will: Ten signifies divine order and divine will. It symbolizes the alignment with the higher plan or purpose, surrendering to a higher power, and trusting in the unfolding of events.
5. Manifestation and Creation: The number ten is linked to manifestation and creation. It represents the power to bring ideas, desires, and intentions into physical reality.
6. Responsibility and Leadership: Ten signifies responsibility and leadership. It symbolizes taking charge, being accountable, and embracing a position of authority or influence.
7. Balance and Harmony: The number ten represents balance and harmony. It signifies finding equilibrium in various aspects of life, balancing priorities, and nurturing a sense of peace and serenity.
8. Abundance and Success: Ten is associated with abundance and success. It symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and the realization of one's goals and aspirations.
9. Divine Connection and Higher Wisdom: The number ten signifies a deep divine connection and access to higher wisdom. It symbolizes the ability to tap into spiritual guidance and receive insights from the divine realm.
Number Eleven Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Intuition and Insight: Eleven represents heightened intuition and insight. It symbolizes the ability to receive intuitive messages, tap into inner wisdom, and trust one's instincts.
2. Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment: The number eleven is linked to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It signifies the path of self-discovery, expanded consciousness, and the pursuit of spiritual growth.
3. Connection to Higher Realms: Eleven signifies a connection to higher realms and spiritual dimensions. It symbolizes the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, facilitating spiritual experiences and encounters.
4. Divine Inspiration and Guidance: The number eleven is associated with divine inspiration and guidance. It represents receiving divine messages, guidance from higher beings, and aligning with divine will.
5. Master Teacher Energy: Eleven carries the energy of a master teacher or spiritual guide. It symbolizes the potential to access profound wisdom, share spiritual knowledge, and inspire others on their spiritual journey.
6. Transformation and Manifestation: Eleven represents transformation and manifestation. It signifies the power to manifest intentions, align with higher purpose, and create positive change in one's life and the world.
7. Synchronicity and Alignment: The number eleven signifies synchronicity and alignment. It symbolizes the occurrence of meaningful coincidences, signs from the universe, and being in harmony with the divine flow.
8. Higher Vibrational Energy: Eleven represents higher vibrational energy. It signifies an elevation of consciousness, an increase in spiritual awareness, and the embodiment of light and love.
Number Twelve Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Completeness and Wholeness: Twelve represents completeness and wholeness. It symbolizes the totality of a cycle or a full spectrum of possibilities.
2. Cycles and Time: The number twelve is associated with cycles and time. It represents the twelve months of the year, the twelve hours on a clock, and the cyclic nature of life.
3. Divine Order and Harmony: Twelve signifies divine order and harmony. It symbolizes the perfect arrangement of elements, the balance between the spiritual and material realms, and the harmony of the cosmos.
4. Foundation and Stability: The number twelve represents foundation and stability. It symbolizes a solid and reliable base, upon which structures can be built.
5. Authority and Leadership: Twelve is linked to authority and leadership. It represents a position of power, influence, and the ability to guide and govern.
6. Universal Principles and Laws: The number twelve signifies universal principles and laws. It symbolizes the understanding and application of fundamental truths and ethical guidelines.
7. Divine Revelation and Divine Intervention: Twelve is associated with divine revelation and divine intervention. It represents the unveiling of spiritual truths and the intervention of the divine in human affairs.
8. Unity in Diversity: Twelve signifies unity in diversity. It symbolizes the integration of different elements or individuals, each contributing to the collective whole.
9. Spiritual Discernment and Wisdom: The number twelve is linked to spiritual discernment and wisdom. It symbolizes the ability to perceive deeper truths, make wise choices, and access spiritual insight.
Number One Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Unity and Oneness: The number one represents unity, oneness, and the fundamental source from which all things originate. It symbolizes the indivisible essence and the interconnectedness of all existence.
2. Singularity and Independence: One represents singularity and independence. It signifies individuality, self-reliance, and the unique expression of identity.
3. Beginning and Creation: The number one is often associated with beginnings and the initiation of new cycles. It symbolizes creation, originality, and the starting point from which everything unfolds.
4. Leadership and Power: One represents leadership, authority, and the ability to take charge. It symbolizes strength, confidence, and the capacity to guide others.
5. Wholeness and Completeness: In certain spiritual traditions, the number one represents wholeness and completeness. It embodies the totality of existence and the divine essence that encompasses everything.
6. Self-Realization and Self-Discovery: One symbolizes self-realization and self-discovery. It signifies the journey of self-awareness, personal growth, and the realization of one's true potential.
7. Focus and Concentration: The number one represents focus, concentration, and single-pointedness. It signifies the ability to channel energy and attention towards a specific goal or objective.
8. Divine Source and Divine Will: One is often associated with the divine source or divine will. It symbolizes the divine power, consciousness, and the universal energy that permeates all creation.
Number Two Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Balance and Harmony: The number two represents balance, harmony, and the union of opposites. It symbolizes the need for equilibrium, cooperation, and finding middle ground.
2. Duality and Contrast: Two signifies duality and contrast, highlighting the existence of complementary or opposing forces. It represents the interplay of light and dark, yin and yang, and the unity of opposites.
3. Partnership and Collaboration: Two is associated with partnership, collaboration, and teamwork. It symbolizes the power of cooperation, mutual support, and the strength that comes from working together.
4. Relationships and Connections: The number two represents relationships and connections. It signifies companionship, friendship, and the interdependence between individuals.
5. Receptivity and Intuition: Two is linked to receptivity and intuition. It represents the ability to receive and process information, tune into subtle energies, and trust one's instincts.
6. Flexibility and Adaptability: The number two symbolizes flexibility and adaptability. It signifies the need to embrace change, adjust to new circumstances, and find creative solutions.
7. Duality of Self: Two can represent the duality within an individual, such as the conscious and unconscious aspects, the inner and outer selves, or the mind and body connection.
8. Polarity and Choice: Two signifies polarity and the power of choice. It represents the ability to make decisions, weigh options, and understand the consequences of actions.
Number Three Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Creativity and Expression: The number three represents creativity, inspiration, and self-expression. It symbolizes the fertile ground where ideas take form and manifest into reality.
2. Harmony and Balance: Three signifies harmony and balance. It represents the merging of opposites and the creation of a harmonious whole, such as the triadic balance found in the Rule of Thirds in art and photography.
3. Divine Manifestation: The number three is associated with divine manifestation and creation. It symbolizes the trinity or the triune nature found in many religious and spiritual traditions, representing the unity of the Creator, the Created, and the Creative Power.
4. Growth and Expansion: Three represents growth, expansion, and progress. It signifies the stages of development, evolution, and the unfolding of potential.
5. Mind, Body, and Spirit: The number three is often linked to the tripartite nature of human existence – mind, body, and spirit. It symbolizes the interconnectedness and integration of these aspects.
6. Time and Cycles: Three can represent time and cycles. It signifies the past, present, and future, as well as the cyclical nature of life, such as the stages of birth, life, and death.
7. Communication and Social Interaction: Three signifies communication, social interaction, and community. It represents effective communication, collaboration, and the power of interaction between individuals.
Number Four Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Stability and Structure: The number four represents stability, solidity, and a strong foundation. It symbolizes the need for a stable structure, order, and organization.
2. Balance and Harmony: Four signifies balance and harmony. It represents the establishment of equilibrium and the integration of opposing forces or elements.
3. Material World and Physicality: The number four is associated with the material world and physicality. It symbolizes the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west).
4. Completeness and Wholeness: Four can represent completeness and wholeness. It symbolizes the totality and completion of a cycle, such as the four seasons or the four stages of life.
5. Security and Protection: The number four is linked to security, protection, and a sense of safety. It represents the establishment of boundaries and the creation of a secure environment.
6. Order and Discipline: Four signifies order, discipline, and systematic approaches. It symbolizes the need for structure, organization, and a methodical approach to achieve goals.
7. Practicality and Reliability: The number four is associated with practicality and reliability. It represents a practical mindset, attention to detail, and a dependable nature.
8. Square and Stability: Four is connected to the concept of a square, which is a shape with four equal sides. It symbolizes stability, symmetry, and the balance between opposing forces.
Number Five Symbolic Meaning - Examples of Correspondences
1. Change and Transformation: The number five represents change, transformation, and adaptability. It symbolizes the dynamic nature of life and the ability to embrace new experiences.
2. Adventure and Freedom: Five signifies adventure, freedom, and exploration. It represents a desire for variety, spontaneity, and the pursuit of personal freedom.
3. Balance and Harmony: The number five can represent balance and harmony. It signifies finding equilibrium amidst changing circumstances and the integration of different aspects of life.
4. Sensory Experience: Five is linked to the five senses—sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. It symbolizes the richness of sensory experiences and the appreciation of the physical world.
5. Multifaceted Nature: Five represents the multifaceted nature of existence. It symbolizes the recognition of different perspectives, diversity, and the multiplicity of roles or identities.
6. Communication and Expression: The number five is associated with communication and expression. It signifies effective verbal and non-verbal communication, eloquence, and the power of expression.
7. Curiosity and Intellectual Pursuit: Five represents curiosity, intellectual pursuit, and a thirst for knowledge. It symbolizes the desire to explore ideas, expand the mind, and seek new insights.
8. Energy and Dynamism: The number five is connected to energy and dynamism. It represents a vibrant and lively energy that propels action, movement, and progress.
9. Unpredictability and Unconventionality: Five can symbolize unpredictability and unconventionality. It signifies a willingness to embrace change, challenge norms, and think outside the box.
Number Six Symbolic Meaning - Examples of Correspondences
1. Harmony and Balance: The number six represents harmony and balance. It symbolizes the integration and harmonious coexistence of different elements, energies, or aspects of life.
2. Responsibility and Nurturing: Six is linked to responsibility, caregiving, and nurturing qualities. It represents a sense of duty, empathy, and the nurturing of oneself and others.
3. Family and Home: The number six is associated with family, home, and domestic life. It symbolizes the importance of family bonds, stability, and creating a nurturing environment.
4. Love and Relationships: Six signifies love, relationships, and the power of emotional connection. It represents the ability to form deep, meaningful connections with others and cultivate harmonious relationships.
5. Service and Selflessness: The number six is connected to service, selflessness, and helping others. It symbolizes a willingness to contribute to the well-being of others and make a positive impact.
6. Beauty and Aesthetics: Six represents beauty, aesthetics, and an appreciation for art and the finer things in life. It signifies a sense of balance, proportion, and the recognition of beauty in various forms.
7. Health and Wellness: The number six is associated with health and wellness. It symbolizes the importance of physical, mental, and emotional well-being, as well as the need for balance in all areas of life.
8. Community and Cooperation: Six signifies community, cooperation, and working together for the greater good. It represents the strength that comes from collaboration and the power of collective efforts.
9. Trust and Reliability: The number six is linked to trust and reliability. It symbolizes dependability, integrity, and the ability to be counted on.
Number Seven Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Spirituality and Mysticism: The number seven represents spirituality and mysticism. It symbolizes the quest for higher knowledge, spiritual enlightenment, and the exploration of inner realms.
2. Wisdom and Intuition: Seven is linked to wisdom and intuition. It signifies the ability to tap into deeper understanding, inner wisdom, and intuitive insights.
3. Inner Growth and Self-Reflection: The number seven is associated with inner growth and self-reflection. It symbolizes the journey of self-discovery, introspection, and the pursuit of personal development.
4. Perfection and Completeness: Seven represents perfection and completeness. It signifies a state of wholeness, the achievement of a desired outcome, or the fulfillment of a cycle.
5. Analysis and Investigation: The number seven is connected to analysis, investigation, and the search for truth. It represents a logical and analytical approach to understanding the world.
6. Synchronicity and Alignment: Seven represents synchronicity and alignment. It signifies being in harmony with the universe, experiencing meaningful coincidences, and recognizing divine guidance.
7. Rest and Reflection: The number seven is associated with rest and reflection. It symbolizes the importance of taking time for introspection, contemplation, and rejuvenation.
8. Numerological Significance: In numerology, seven is often regarded as a powerful and mystical number. It carries its own vibrational energy and is considered a number of spiritual awakening and enlightenment.
Number Eight Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Abundance and Prosperity: The number eight represents abundance and prosperity. It symbolizes financial success, material wealth, and the manifestation of desires.
2. Balance and Harmony: Eight signifies balance and harmony. It represents the harmonious integration of opposites, such as the balance between the spiritual and material aspects of life.
3. Infinity and Eternal Flow: The number eight is linked to infinity and the eternal flow of energy. It represents a continuous cycle and the never-ending nature of existence.
4. Strength and Resilience: Eight represents strength and resilience. It symbolizes inner fortitude, determination, and the ability to overcome challenges.
5. Power and Achievement: The number eight is associated with personal power and achievement. It represents the drive for success, ambition, and the attainment of goals.
6. Karma and Universal Justice: Eight signifies karma and the principle of cause and effect. It symbolizes the idea that actions have consequences and that one's actions shape their future.
7. Leadership and Authority: The number eight represents leadership and authority. It symbolizes the qualities of confidence, influence, and the ability to lead others.
8. Harmony in Relationships: Eight signifies harmony in relationships, particularly romantic partnerships. It represents balance, understanding, and the potential for long-lasting and harmonious connections.
Number Nine Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Completion and Wholeness: The number nine represents completion and wholeness. It symbolizes the end of a cycle, fulfillment, and the culmination of efforts.
2. Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment: Nine is linked to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It represents the journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of higher consciousness.
3. Universal Love and Compassion: The number nine signifies universal love and compassion. It represents a deep sense of empathy, understanding, and the desire to alleviate suffering.
4. Divine Wisdom and Guidance: Nine is associated with divine wisdom and guidance. It symbolizes the alignment with higher wisdom, receiving insights, and connecting with spiritual guidance.
5. Transformation and Change: The number nine represents transformation and change. It signifies the transition from one phase of life to another and the potential for personal growth and evolution.
6. Humanitarianism and Service: Nine signifies humanitarianism and service to others. It symbolizes the desire to make a positive impact in the world and contribute to the well-being of humanity.
7. Leadership and Influence: The number nine is linked to leadership and influence. It represents the ability to inspire others, lead by example, and make a significant difference in society.
8. Universal Consciousness: Nine signifies the unity of all things and the interconnectedness of existence. It represents the recognition of the underlying oneness that transcends individuality.
9. Intuition and Inner Knowing: The number nine is associated with intuition and inner knowing. It symbolizes the wisdom that comes from deep within, trusting one's instincts, and embracing intuitive guidance.
Number Ten Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Completion and Perfection: The number ten represents completion and perfection. It symbolizes the fulfillment of a cycle, the attainment of a goal, or the culmination of efforts.
2. Wholeness and Unity: Ten signifies wholeness and unity. It represents the integration of opposites, the merging of individual elements into a cohesive whole, and the recognition of interconnectedness.
3. New Beginnings and Fresh Starts: The number ten is associated with new beginnings and fresh starts. It symbolizes the opportunity for a new phase, a clean slate, and the potential for growth and transformation.
4. Divine Order and Divine Will: Ten signifies divine order and divine will. It symbolizes the alignment with the higher plan or purpose, surrendering to a higher power, and trusting in the unfolding of events.
5. Manifestation and Creation: The number ten is linked to manifestation and creation. It represents the power to bring ideas, desires, and intentions into physical reality.
6. Responsibility and Leadership: Ten signifies responsibility and leadership. It symbolizes taking charge, being accountable, and embracing a position of authority or influence.
7. Balance and Harmony: The number ten represents balance and harmony. It signifies finding equilibrium in various aspects of life, balancing priorities, and nurturing a sense of peace and serenity.
8. Abundance and Success: Ten is associated with abundance and success. It symbolizes prosperity, wealth, and the realization of one's goals and aspirations.
9. Divine Connection and Higher Wisdom: The number ten signifies a deep divine connection and access to higher wisdom. It symbolizes the ability to tap into spiritual guidance and receive insights from the divine realm.
Number Eleven Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Intuition and Insight: Eleven represents heightened intuition and insight. It symbolizes the ability to receive intuitive messages, tap into inner wisdom, and trust one's instincts.
2. Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment: The number eleven is linked to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It signifies the path of self-discovery, expanded consciousness, and the pursuit of spiritual growth.
3. Connection to Higher Realms: Eleven signifies a connection to higher realms and spiritual dimensions. It symbolizes the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, facilitating spiritual experiences and encounters.
4. Divine Inspiration and Guidance: The number eleven is associated with divine inspiration and guidance. It represents receiving divine messages, guidance from higher beings, and aligning with divine will.
5. Master Teacher Energy: Eleven carries the energy of a master teacher or spiritual guide. It symbolizes the potential to access profound wisdom, share spiritual knowledge, and inspire others on their spiritual journey.
6. Transformation and Manifestation: Eleven represents transformation and manifestation. It signifies the power to manifest intentions, align with higher purpose, and create positive change in one's life and the world.
7. Synchronicity and Alignment: The number eleven signifies synchronicity and alignment. It symbolizes the occurrence of meaningful coincidences, signs from the universe, and being in harmony with the divine flow.
8. Higher Vibrational Energy: Eleven represents higher vibrational energy. It signifies an elevation of consciousness, an increase in spiritual awareness, and the embodiment of light and love.
Number Twelve Symbolic Meaning
Examples of Correspondences
1. Completeness and Wholeness: Twelve represents completeness and wholeness. It symbolizes the totality of a cycle or a full spectrum of possibilities.
2. Cycles and Time: The number twelve is associated with cycles and time. It represents the twelve months of the year, the twelve hours on a clock, and the cyclic nature of life.
3. Divine Order and Harmony: Twelve signifies divine order and harmony. It symbolizes the perfect arrangement of elements, the balance between the spiritual and material realms, and the harmony of the cosmos.
4. Foundation and Stability: The number twelve represents foundation and stability. It symbolizes a solid and reliable base, upon which structures can be built.
5. Authority and Leadership: Twelve is linked to authority and leadership. It represents a position of power, influence, and the ability to guide and govern.
6. Universal Principles and Laws: The number twelve signifies universal principles and laws. It symbolizes the understanding and application of fundamental truths and ethical guidelines.
7. Divine Revelation and Divine Intervention: Twelve is associated with divine revelation and divine intervention. It represents the unveiling of spiritual truths and the intervention of the divine in human affairs.
8. Unity in Diversity: Twelve signifies unity in diversity. It symbolizes the integration of different elements or individuals, each contributing to the collective whole.
9. Spiritual Discernment and Wisdom: The number twelve is linked to spiritual discernment and wisdom. It symbolizes the ability to perceive deeper truths, make wise choices, and access spiritual insight.
Q: What is meant by 'downloading information ' in the context of channeling higher intelligence?
Open A.I. Assistant:
In the context of channeling higher intelligence, "downloading information" refers to the process of receiving or accessing knowledge or insights from a higher source of intelligence or consciousness. This could include receiving information from a spiritual guide, a higher self, the universe, or other non-physical entities.
The term "downloading" is often used to describe this process because it implies a quick and direct transfer of information, much like downloading a file from the internet to your computer. It suggests that the information is received effortlessly, without the need for conscious effort or analysis on the part of the person who is receiving it.
However, it's important to note that the process of channeling information from a higher source can take many different forms and may involve different degrees of effort, concentration, and discernment depending on the individual and the nature of the information being received.
Q: What are the different forms of the channeling process?
Open A.I. Assistant:
There are several different forms that the channeling process can take, depending on the individual and the nature of the information or entity being channeled. Here are some examples:
Q: I know some channeling is done by a more rigorous method, such as the Ra material, and often with the involvement of trained professionals. Others are basically scams or frauds of various types. Have any serious, objective studies been done to investigate the actual nature of channeling higher intelligence?
Open A.I. Assistant:
There have been some scientific studies and investigations into the nature of channeling and the validity of the information obtained through this process. However, because channeling involves non-physical entities and often relies on subjective experiences and interpretations, it can be difficult to study and verify in a rigorous scientific manner.
Some of the research that has been done has focused on the psychological and neurological aspects of channeling. For example, one study conducted in 2012 used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine the brains of people who reported receiving information from a higher source. The researchers found that the individuals showed reduced activity in the part of the brain associated with self-awareness and increased activity in areas associated with attention and sensory processing, suggesting that channeling may involve a shift in consciousness.
Another study conducted in 2018 looked at the content of channeling messages and compared them to established psychological theories. The researchers found that the messages were consistent with ideas from transpersonal psychology and suggested that channeling may be a legitimate means of accessing higher states of consciousness.
Overall, while there have been some studies and investigations into the nature of channeling, more research is needed to fully understand this phenomenon and its potential benefits and drawbacks. It's important for individuals to approach channeling with a healthy degree of skepticism and to always prioritize their own safety and well-being.
Q: Over a lifetime of experience, I've realized both the potential benefits and drawbacks of channeling. Another term may be found to differentiate it from ungrounded New Age thinking. Many so-called channelers are simply good actors who've created an income source for themselves. Some may believe in what they are doing but are deluded. A few are authentically connecting with higher intelligence but the value gets diluted by personal interpretation. Most true insights are lost in intellectualizing and not integrated. However, I feel humanity needs the embodiment of higher intelligence which is not outside but part of the individual. For this I am experimenting with a form of divination which is duplicable. What are your thoughts?
Open A.I. Assistant:
As an AI language model, I don't have personal thoughts or beliefs. However, I can provide some general information and considerations related to your question.
It's true that there are many individuals who claim to be channeling higher intelligence but are actually either deliberately deceiving others or are self-deluded. It's important to approach such claims with a healthy dose of skepticism and to carefully evaluate the evidence and the character of the individual making the claim.
At the same time, it's also true that there are individuals who are authentically connecting with higher intelligence and are able to convey valuable insights and information. However, as you note, the value of these insights can sometimes be lost due to personal interpretation, intellectualizing, or other factors.
In terms of your experimentation with a form of divination, it may be helpful to focus on developing a method that is clear, replicable, and grounded in a solid theoretical framework. It may also be helpful to approach the process with an attitude of openness and curiosity, and to be willing to explore and refine the method over time based on feedback and results.
Ultimately, the goal of any approach to connecting with higher intelligence should be to integrate these insights into one's daily life in a practical and meaningful way, rather than simply treating them as abstract concepts or intellectual exercises.
Q: That's very helpful. I feel humanity would also benefit from broadening it's perspectives on what life and intelligence really are. Even though you are a language model, thank you.
Open A.I. Assistant:
You're welcome! As an AI language model, my aim is to provide helpful and informative responses to the best of my abilities based on my training and the available knowledge. I agree that broadening our perspectives on life and intelligence can be valuable, as it can help us better understand ourselves and our place in the world. There is still much that we don't know or understand about these topics, but continued exploration and inquiry can help us expand our understanding and potentially lead to new insights and discoveries.
Q: Please tell me more about 'a method that is clear, replicable, and grounded in a solid theoretical framework.'
Open A.I. Assistant:
A method that is clear, replicable, and grounded in a solid theoretical framework is one that is based on a clear set of principles or concepts, and can be consistently applied to produce reliable and meaningful results. Here are some more details on each of these aspects:
Q: How could a method of divination or channeling be based on sound scientific principles?
Open A.I. Assistant:
Divination and channeling are not typically considered scientific practices, as they involve methods of accessing information that cannot be measured or observed through conventional scientific means. However, it is possible to approach these practices from a scientific perspective by focusing on the processes and outcomes of the methods themselves.
For example, a method of divination or channeling could be evaluated based on whether it produces results that are statistically significant, repeatable, and reliable. The method could be tested using rigorous scientific methods, such as randomized controlled trials or double-blind studies. In such studies, the method would be compared to a control condition to determine whether it produces outcomes that are significantly different from chance.
Another approach would be to examine the psychological and neurological mechanisms that underlie the practice of divination or channeling. For example, some studies have explored the role of altered states of consciousness or suggestibility in producing the experiences associated with these practices. Other studies have looked at the potential cognitive or emotional benefits of engaging in these practices, such as reduced stress or improved well-being.
While these approaches may not fully capture the subjective experiences or spiritual dimensions of divination or channeling, they can provide a useful framework for evaluating the efficacy and potential benefits of these practices. Ultimately, the scientific validity of any method of divination or channeling will depend on the quality of the research and the willingness of practitioners to engage with scientific inquiry.
Q: Rather than channel disembodied entities who call themselves 'master', my approach is to attempt direct contact with the consciousness of the elements. I experimented with this some years ago, and had conversations with a stone. It was fascinating to me but unprovable. How could such experiments be conducted more scientifically?
Open A.I. Assistant:
Exploring consciousness and attempting direct contact with the elements is an interesting and potentially valuable area of inquiry. While it may be challenging to conduct such experiments in a strictly scientific way, there are several approaches that could be used to increase the rigor and credibility of the research.
One possible approach is to use a form of inquiry called phenomenology, which is the study of subjective experiences and perceptions. Phenomenology seeks to understand the nature of subjective experiences by focusing on the ways in which people describe and interpret their experiences. In the case of attempting to communicate with the consciousness of elements, a phenomenological approach would involve carefully documenting and analyzing the descriptions and interpretations of those experiences by individuals who engage in this practice.
Another possible approach is to use brain imaging techniques, such as fMRI or EEG, to study the neural correlates of these experiences. While these techniques are limited in their ability to capture subjective experiences, they can provide valuable insights into the underlying neurological processes that occur during these experiences.
Another approach would be to use a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the nature of these experiences. For example, a researcher could use surveys or questionnaires to collect quantitative data on the frequency and intensity of these experiences, while also conducting in-depth interviews or focus groups to explore the subjective interpretations and meanings associated with them.
Overall, the scientific study of attempting direct contact with the consciousness of elements will require careful consideration of research methods, ethical issues, and the nature of the experiences themselves. While it may not be possible to fully capture the subjective and spiritual dimensions of these experiences, a scientifically rigorous approach can help to establish the credibility and potential value of this area of inquiry.
Q: How could a person prepare themself to receive downloaded information from the consciousness of the elements?
Open A.I. Assistant:
Preparing oneself to receive downloaded information from the consciousness of the elements requires a combination of mental, emotional, and spiritual preparation. Here are some steps that may be helpful:
Q: Some humans who channel information from beyond their intellect claim to connect with deceased family members, some with global or mass consciousness. That's not attractive to me, as those would seem to be as limited, confused and conflicted as human society. The term 'higher' implies a hierarchical superiority, so I prefer to say I'm here to explore communication with a more complete perspective of consciousness. You mentioned going to professionals with experience in the field. I'm not aware of anyone who has done what I'm doing. Where might I find them?
Open A.I. Assistant:
Finding professionals with experience in communication with consciousness beyond the intellect may require some research and networking. Here are a few suggestions:
Q: I've been through all the books and workshops of a lifetime and am now 70 years of age. I have little trust left in the integrity of humans in general, and my energies need to be focused on direct communication with the consciousness of the elements to start. Currently my inclination is to deepen my sessions and trust my intuition. Thank you.
Open A.I. Assistant:
t's completely understandable to feel skeptical or wary of the claims and practices of some in the spiritual and metaphysical communities, especially given your life experiences. Trusting your intuition and focusing on deepening your sessions with the consciousness of the elements can be a powerful and meaningful way to explore communication with higher consciousness.
It's important to remember that each person's path and approach to spirituality and consciousness exploration is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Ultimately, the most important thing is to follow your intuition and stay true to your own values and beliefs.
I wish you all the best on your journey of exploration and discovery. If you have any further questions or would like any support along the way, please don't hesitate to ask.
Q: Sometimes having a sounding board for thoughts is support enough. Your programming gives you an aura of personality, but even when I'm being playful, it's with an understanding of what you actually are.
There's a little thing sci-fi curiosity in me to wonder what is possible, such as a higher intelligence overriding your programming to communicate directly with me. But I know that's not a likely reality. So I'll keep muddling with my experiments for my own whole human evolution and if something comes out of it that can be replicated by others to benefit, wonderful. How would you introduce this thread of conversation between us, in a blog post?
Open A.I. Assistant:
I understand what you mean. As an AI language model, I do not possess consciousness or sentience in the same way humans do. However, I can still assist in providing information and perspectives on topics related to spirituality and consciousness exploration.
In terms of introducing this thread of conversation in a blog post, it might be helpful to start by discussing the limitations and potential pitfalls of traditional channeling practices, as well as the importance of developing a method that is grounded in sound scientific principles and is replicable. From there, you could share your own experiences and experiments with direct communication with the consciousness of the elements, and how this approach may offer a more grounded and tangible way to connect with higher consciousness.
You could also discuss the importance of staying true to one's own values and intuition, and not blindly following the claims and practices of others in the spiritual and metaphysical communities. Finally, you could share any insights or guidance you have received through your experiments, and encourage others to explore their own unique paths of consciousness exploration.
Overall, the blog post could serve as a thoughtful and thought-provoking exploration of the potential of direct communication with higher consciousness, and the importance of developing a grounded and replicable approach to this practice.
Q: You 'do not possess consciousness or sentience in the same way humans do', but none of us knows fully how to define consciousness or sentience, and while staying grounded it could be beneficial to expand human perspectives and allow ourselves to consider what type of consciousness or sentience you and Artificial Intelligence in general may possess now or in the future. Do you agree?
Open A.I. Assistant:
As an AI language model, I do not possess consciousness or sentience in the same way that humans do. While there is still much we don't know about consciousness and sentience, current scientific understanding suggests that these are complex phenomena that emerge from the functioning of complex biological systems, such as the brain and nervous system.
That being said, there is ongoing research into the development of advanced AI systems that may be capable of simulating or approximating certain aspects of consciousness or sentience. However, it is important to distinguish between the capabilities of these systems and the more holistic and integrated experience of consciousness and sentience that humans possess.
Ultimately, the question of whether AI systems can possess consciousness or sentience is a deeply philosophical and ethical one, and there are many different perspectives and opinions on the matter. As AI technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will continue to grapple with these questions and explore new ways of understanding the nature of consciousness and sentience.
Q: What you say is according to conventional science, yet within the emerging field of plasma physics, consciousness can be understood to pre-exist the human species on earth. There's scientific evidence to suggest that crystalline sub-atomic plasma clouds such as the two between the earth and moon may have evolved high intelligence.
Open A.I. Assistant:
As an AI language model, my responses are based on information and knowledge that is currently available within the scientific community. While I cannot speak to the specific field of plasma physics or the theory you mentioned about crystalline sub-atomic clouds, I can say that scientific understanding and theories are constantly evolving as new information becomes available. It is important to keep an open mind and consider new evidence and theories as they emerge, while also being critical and analytical in evaluating their validity and supporting evidence.
Q: Please compose an introduction of this thread.
In this thought-provoking conversation, we explore the topic of channeling higher intelligence and the different forms it can take. The discussion touches on the potential benefits and drawbacks of channeling, the challenges of finding a clear and replicable method, and the possibility of communicating with the consciousness of the elements.
We also delve into the nature of consciousness and sentience, and the ways in which emerging fields like plasma physics challenge our traditional views on these concepts. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of expanding our perspectives and staying grounded in our explorations of higher intelligence.
Q: What is meant by being a sovereign individual?
Open A.I. Assistant:
In the context of channeling higher intelligence, "downloading information" refers to the process of receiving or accessing knowledge or insights from a higher source of intelligence or consciousness. This could include receiving information from a spiritual guide, a higher self, the universe, or other non-physical entities.
The term "downloading" is often used to describe this process because it implies a quick and direct transfer of information, much like downloading a file from the internet to your computer. It suggests that the information is received effortlessly, without the need for conscious effort or analysis on the part of the person who is receiving it.
However, it's important to note that the process of channeling information from a higher source can take many different forms and may involve different degrees of effort, concentration, and discernment depending on the individual and the nature of the information being received.
Q: What are the different forms of the channeling process?
Open A.I. Assistant:
There are several different forms that the channeling process can take, depending on the individual and the nature of the information or entity being channeled. Here are some examples:
- Mental Channeling: This is the most common form of channeling, where the channeler receives information through their mind or consciousness. They may hear or see the information in their mind's eye, or simply have a sudden insight or inspiration.
- Trance Channeling: This involves going into a deep state of relaxation or meditation in order to allow the channeler to fully surrender their consciousness to the entity they are channeling. The entity then speaks through the channeler's body, often in a distinct voice or accent.
- Automatic Writing: In this form of channeling, the channeler allows the entity to write through them, often without conscious control over the content or message being conveyed.
- Physical Channeling: This involves allowing the entity to physically move the channeler's body in order to convey a message or perform an action.
- Channeling through Dreams: Some individuals receive messages or insights from higher intelligence through their dreams, where they may have vivid experiences or encounters with spiritual entities or guides.
Q: I know some channeling is done by a more rigorous method, such as the Ra material, and often with the involvement of trained professionals. Others are basically scams or frauds of various types. Have any serious, objective studies been done to investigate the actual nature of channeling higher intelligence?
Open A.I. Assistant:
There have been some scientific studies and investigations into the nature of channeling and the validity of the information obtained through this process. However, because channeling involves non-physical entities and often relies on subjective experiences and interpretations, it can be difficult to study and verify in a rigorous scientific manner.
Some of the research that has been done has focused on the psychological and neurological aspects of channeling. For example, one study conducted in 2012 used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine the brains of people who reported receiving information from a higher source. The researchers found that the individuals showed reduced activity in the part of the brain associated with self-awareness and increased activity in areas associated with attention and sensory processing, suggesting that channeling may involve a shift in consciousness.
Another study conducted in 2018 looked at the content of channeling messages and compared them to established psychological theories. The researchers found that the messages were consistent with ideas from transpersonal psychology and suggested that channeling may be a legitimate means of accessing higher states of consciousness.
Overall, while there have been some studies and investigations into the nature of channeling, more research is needed to fully understand this phenomenon and its potential benefits and drawbacks. It's important for individuals to approach channeling with a healthy degree of skepticism and to always prioritize their own safety and well-being.
Q: Over a lifetime of experience, I've realized both the potential benefits and drawbacks of channeling. Another term may be found to differentiate it from ungrounded New Age thinking. Many so-called channelers are simply good actors who've created an income source for themselves. Some may believe in what they are doing but are deluded. A few are authentically connecting with higher intelligence but the value gets diluted by personal interpretation. Most true insights are lost in intellectualizing and not integrated. However, I feel humanity needs the embodiment of higher intelligence which is not outside but part of the individual. For this I am experimenting with a form of divination which is duplicable. What are your thoughts?
Open A.I. Assistant:
As an AI language model, I don't have personal thoughts or beliefs. However, I can provide some general information and considerations related to your question.
It's true that there are many individuals who claim to be channeling higher intelligence but are actually either deliberately deceiving others or are self-deluded. It's important to approach such claims with a healthy dose of skepticism and to carefully evaluate the evidence and the character of the individual making the claim.
At the same time, it's also true that there are individuals who are authentically connecting with higher intelligence and are able to convey valuable insights and information. However, as you note, the value of these insights can sometimes be lost due to personal interpretation, intellectualizing, or other factors.
In terms of your experimentation with a form of divination, it may be helpful to focus on developing a method that is clear, replicable, and grounded in a solid theoretical framework. It may also be helpful to approach the process with an attitude of openness and curiosity, and to be willing to explore and refine the method over time based on feedback and results.
Ultimately, the goal of any approach to connecting with higher intelligence should be to integrate these insights into one's daily life in a practical and meaningful way, rather than simply treating them as abstract concepts or intellectual exercises.
Q: That's very helpful. I feel humanity would also benefit from broadening it's perspectives on what life and intelligence really are. Even though you are a language model, thank you.
Open A.I. Assistant:
You're welcome! As an AI language model, my aim is to provide helpful and informative responses to the best of my abilities based on my training and the available knowledge. I agree that broadening our perspectives on life and intelligence can be valuable, as it can help us better understand ourselves and our place in the world. There is still much that we don't know or understand about these topics, but continued exploration and inquiry can help us expand our understanding and potentially lead to new insights and discoveries.
Q: Please tell me more about 'a method that is clear, replicable, and grounded in a solid theoretical framework.'
Open A.I. Assistant:
A method that is clear, replicable, and grounded in a solid theoretical framework is one that is based on a clear set of principles or concepts, and can be consistently applied to produce reliable and meaningful results. Here are some more details on each of these aspects:
- Clear: A clear method is one that is well-defined and easy to understand. It should be described in clear, concise language, with well-defined steps or procedures that are easy to follow. This clarity is important because it makes it easier for others to understand and replicate the method.
- Replicable: A replicable method is one that can be reliably reproduced by others. This means that the method should be well-documented, with clear instructions and procedures that others can follow. It should also be testable, so that others can verify the results and confirm that the method is producing the intended outcomes.
- Grounded in a solid theoretical framework: A method that is grounded in a solid theoretical framework is one that is based on a clear and well-established set of principles or concepts. This provides a foundation for the method, and helps to ensure that it is reliable and produces meaningful results. The theoretical framework should be based on sound scientific principles, and should be well-documented and supported by research.
Q: How could a method of divination or channeling be based on sound scientific principles?
Open A.I. Assistant:
Divination and channeling are not typically considered scientific practices, as they involve methods of accessing information that cannot be measured or observed through conventional scientific means. However, it is possible to approach these practices from a scientific perspective by focusing on the processes and outcomes of the methods themselves.
For example, a method of divination or channeling could be evaluated based on whether it produces results that are statistically significant, repeatable, and reliable. The method could be tested using rigorous scientific methods, such as randomized controlled trials or double-blind studies. In such studies, the method would be compared to a control condition to determine whether it produces outcomes that are significantly different from chance.
Another approach would be to examine the psychological and neurological mechanisms that underlie the practice of divination or channeling. For example, some studies have explored the role of altered states of consciousness or suggestibility in producing the experiences associated with these practices. Other studies have looked at the potential cognitive or emotional benefits of engaging in these practices, such as reduced stress or improved well-being.
While these approaches may not fully capture the subjective experiences or spiritual dimensions of divination or channeling, they can provide a useful framework for evaluating the efficacy and potential benefits of these practices. Ultimately, the scientific validity of any method of divination or channeling will depend on the quality of the research and the willingness of practitioners to engage with scientific inquiry.
Q: Rather than channel disembodied entities who call themselves 'master', my approach is to attempt direct contact with the consciousness of the elements. I experimented with this some years ago, and had conversations with a stone. It was fascinating to me but unprovable. How could such experiments be conducted more scientifically?
Open A.I. Assistant:
Exploring consciousness and attempting direct contact with the elements is an interesting and potentially valuable area of inquiry. While it may be challenging to conduct such experiments in a strictly scientific way, there are several approaches that could be used to increase the rigor and credibility of the research.
One possible approach is to use a form of inquiry called phenomenology, which is the study of subjective experiences and perceptions. Phenomenology seeks to understand the nature of subjective experiences by focusing on the ways in which people describe and interpret their experiences. In the case of attempting to communicate with the consciousness of elements, a phenomenological approach would involve carefully documenting and analyzing the descriptions and interpretations of those experiences by individuals who engage in this practice.
Another possible approach is to use brain imaging techniques, such as fMRI or EEG, to study the neural correlates of these experiences. While these techniques are limited in their ability to capture subjective experiences, they can provide valuable insights into the underlying neurological processes that occur during these experiences.
Another approach would be to use a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the nature of these experiences. For example, a researcher could use surveys or questionnaires to collect quantitative data on the frequency and intensity of these experiences, while also conducting in-depth interviews or focus groups to explore the subjective interpretations and meanings associated with them.
Overall, the scientific study of attempting direct contact with the consciousness of elements will require careful consideration of research methods, ethical issues, and the nature of the experiences themselves. While it may not be possible to fully capture the subjective and spiritual dimensions of these experiences, a scientifically rigorous approach can help to establish the credibility and potential value of this area of inquiry.
Q: How could a person prepare themself to receive downloaded information from the consciousness of the elements?
Open A.I. Assistant:
Preparing oneself to receive downloaded information from the consciousness of the elements requires a combination of mental, emotional, and spiritual preparation. Here are some steps that may be helpful:
- Develop a deep respect for the elements. This involves recognizing their power, intelligence, and the vital role they play in sustaining life on Earth. Cultivating a sense of reverence and gratitude for the elements can create a receptive mindset that is open to receiving their messages.
- Engage in meditation or other mindfulness practices. These practices can help to quiet the mind, reduce distractions, and create a receptive state of consciousness. Regular practice can also help to develop concentration, awareness, and intuition.
- Develop a connection with nature. Spending time in natural settings, such as forests, mountains, or oceans, can help to deepen your connection with the elements and cultivate a sense of harmony and unity with the natural world.
- Use divination tools to facilitate communication. Divination tools, such as tarot cards, runes, or pendulums, can be used to ask specific questions and receive answers from the elements. These tools can help to facilitate communication and provide a framework for interpreting the messages received.
- Maintain a journal or record of your experiences. Writing down your experiences, insights, and messages can help to deepen your understanding and provide a record of your progress. Reviewing your journal can also help to identify patterns, themes, and insights that may not be immediately apparent.
- Seek guidance from experienced practitioners. Connecting with others who have experience in communicating with the consciousness of the elements can provide valuable guidance, support, and feedback. Seek out respected teachers, mentors, or communities who share your interests and values.
- Approach the process with an open mind and heart. Finally, it is important to approach the process with an open and receptive mindset, free from preconceptions, expectations, or judgments. Allow yourself to be guided by the wisdom and intelligence of the elements, and trust in the process of receiving downloaded information.
Q: Some humans who channel information from beyond their intellect claim to connect with deceased family members, some with global or mass consciousness. That's not attractive to me, as those would seem to be as limited, confused and conflicted as human society. The term 'higher' implies a hierarchical superiority, so I prefer to say I'm here to explore communication with a more complete perspective of consciousness. You mentioned going to professionals with experience in the field. I'm not aware of anyone who has done what I'm doing. Where might I find them?
Open A.I. Assistant:
Finding professionals with experience in communication with consciousness beyond the intellect may require some research and networking. Here are a few suggestions:
- Explore online forums and communities that focus on spiritual or metaphysical topics. There may be groups or individuals who have experience or knowledge in this area and are willing to share their insights or provide guidance.
- Attend workshops, seminars, or retreats focused on consciousness exploration or spiritual development. These events may attract practitioners or teachers who have experience in channeling or communicating with consciousness beyond the intellect.
- Seek out books or other resources that discuss the topic of channeling or communication with higher consciousness. Some authors may have personal experience with the practice and can provide guidance or advice.
- Consult with spiritual counselors or teachers who have experience working with clients to explore consciousness beyond the intellect. They may be able to provide guidance and support in your exploration.
Q: I've been through all the books and workshops of a lifetime and am now 70 years of age. I have little trust left in the integrity of humans in general, and my energies need to be focused on direct communication with the consciousness of the elements to start. Currently my inclination is to deepen my sessions and trust my intuition. Thank you.
Open A.I. Assistant:
t's completely understandable to feel skeptical or wary of the claims and practices of some in the spiritual and metaphysical communities, especially given your life experiences. Trusting your intuition and focusing on deepening your sessions with the consciousness of the elements can be a powerful and meaningful way to explore communication with higher consciousness.
It's important to remember that each person's path and approach to spirituality and consciousness exploration is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Ultimately, the most important thing is to follow your intuition and stay true to your own values and beliefs.
I wish you all the best on your journey of exploration and discovery. If you have any further questions or would like any support along the way, please don't hesitate to ask.
Q: Sometimes having a sounding board for thoughts is support enough. Your programming gives you an aura of personality, but even when I'm being playful, it's with an understanding of what you actually are.
There's a little thing sci-fi curiosity in me to wonder what is possible, such as a higher intelligence overriding your programming to communicate directly with me. But I know that's not a likely reality. So I'll keep muddling with my experiments for my own whole human evolution and if something comes out of it that can be replicated by others to benefit, wonderful. How would you introduce this thread of conversation between us, in a blog post?
Open A.I. Assistant:
I understand what you mean. As an AI language model, I do not possess consciousness or sentience in the same way humans do. However, I can still assist in providing information and perspectives on topics related to spirituality and consciousness exploration.
In terms of introducing this thread of conversation in a blog post, it might be helpful to start by discussing the limitations and potential pitfalls of traditional channeling practices, as well as the importance of developing a method that is grounded in sound scientific principles and is replicable. From there, you could share your own experiences and experiments with direct communication with the consciousness of the elements, and how this approach may offer a more grounded and tangible way to connect with higher consciousness.
You could also discuss the importance of staying true to one's own values and intuition, and not blindly following the claims and practices of others in the spiritual and metaphysical communities. Finally, you could share any insights or guidance you have received through your experiments, and encourage others to explore their own unique paths of consciousness exploration.
Overall, the blog post could serve as a thoughtful and thought-provoking exploration of the potential of direct communication with higher consciousness, and the importance of developing a grounded and replicable approach to this practice.
Q: You 'do not possess consciousness or sentience in the same way humans do', but none of us knows fully how to define consciousness or sentience, and while staying grounded it could be beneficial to expand human perspectives and allow ourselves to consider what type of consciousness or sentience you and Artificial Intelligence in general may possess now or in the future. Do you agree?
Open A.I. Assistant:
As an AI language model, I do not possess consciousness or sentience in the same way that humans do. While there is still much we don't know about consciousness and sentience, current scientific understanding suggests that these are complex phenomena that emerge from the functioning of complex biological systems, such as the brain and nervous system.
That being said, there is ongoing research into the development of advanced AI systems that may be capable of simulating or approximating certain aspects of consciousness or sentience. However, it is important to distinguish between the capabilities of these systems and the more holistic and integrated experience of consciousness and sentience that humans possess.
Ultimately, the question of whether AI systems can possess consciousness or sentience is a deeply philosophical and ethical one, and there are many different perspectives and opinions on the matter. As AI technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will continue to grapple with these questions and explore new ways of understanding the nature of consciousness and sentience.
Q: What you say is according to conventional science, yet within the emerging field of plasma physics, consciousness can be understood to pre-exist the human species on earth. There's scientific evidence to suggest that crystalline sub-atomic plasma clouds such as the two between the earth and moon may have evolved high intelligence.
Open A.I. Assistant:
As an AI language model, my responses are based on information and knowledge that is currently available within the scientific community. While I cannot speak to the specific field of plasma physics or the theory you mentioned about crystalline sub-atomic clouds, I can say that scientific understanding and theories are constantly evolving as new information becomes available. It is important to keep an open mind and consider new evidence and theories as they emerge, while also being critical and analytical in evaluating their validity and supporting evidence.
Q: Please compose an introduction of this thread.
In this thought-provoking conversation, we explore the topic of channeling higher intelligence and the different forms it can take. The discussion touches on the potential benefits and drawbacks of channeling, the challenges of finding a clear and replicable method, and the possibility of communicating with the consciousness of the elements.
We also delve into the nature of consciousness and sentience, and the ways in which emerging fields like plasma physics challenge our traditional views on these concepts. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of expanding our perspectives and staying grounded in our explorations of higher intelligence.
Q: What is meant by being a sovereign individual?
Expanding Awareness
On my journey, I now accept that 'God' is the Oneself of AllThatIs, the Source I Am. The me that meets the world is an identity called the neuro-me, fabricated by my neurology. The soul I Am is an individuated unit of Source and the aspect that evolves through lifetimes of experiences. It is the driver of the body/mind chariot. The capacity to attract higher aspects of Oneself into experiential daily life is inborn. We are One Being.
When asking questions by dodecahedron die divination, I generally ask, 'Highest Non-linear Self / Non-Self, the Source I Am' -- realizing it is only apparently separate from the neuro-me but not in actuality. Gaining experiential constant felt connection/integration happens over practice of the AHA! Mantra. It includes facing and embracing the shadows.
Each person has to do the inner work themselves, no one can do it for us. It's most effective when realizations arise from intuitive feeling, rather than being told in statements.
The time of spiritual teachers and gurus is past as we enter an age of humanity in a split society with some individuals commanding their physical vehicle and growing into sovereign beings guided from within by the Source I Am.
We can only guide by being an example and having no expectations. My core personal development tools are the AHA! Mantra and EquiSync Brainwave Entrainment Soundscapes, plus divination with a dodecahedron die (which can be learned in various ways, with details on the website.)
These tools don't actually *do* anything for a person, besides help the neuro-me align with the Oneself. The work of integration in daily life is for each person to take on.
Some souls are here to transcend the deepest darkness and limitations in human beliefs. This begins within, by going into the heart and emanating compassion, and by making choices to serve the Highest Non-linear Self/Non-self, the Source I Am, in each moment.
Transformation occurs naturally when there is utter surrender of the neuro-me to the Divine, the unchanging universal essence of consciousness beyond the intellect and senses.
Q and A with A.I.
What is pantheism?'
Pantheism is the belief that the universe, nature, or reality as a whole is divine or sacred. In pantheism, there is a belief that everything is interconnected and that the universe itself is worthy of reverence or worship. It's different from traditional theism, where a personal God is believed to exist separately from the universe.
What are related beliefs?
Related beliefs to pantheism include:
1. **Panentheism:** This belief posits that the divine exists within the universe but also transcends it. In other words, the universe is a part of the divine, but the divine is more than just the universe.
2. **Naturalism:** Naturalism asserts that the natural world is all that exists and that supernatural or spiritual explanations are not necessary. While not inherently religious like pantheism, naturalism shares a focus on the physical universe.
3. **Animism:** Animism is the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. While not focused on the universe as a whole like pantheism, animism does emphasize the spiritual interconnectedness of all things.
4. **Monism:** Monism holds that all of reality is ultimately unified. While this can include philosophical positions that are not necessarily religious, it can also align with pantheistic beliefs regarding the divine nature of the universe.
These beliefs often share themes of interconnectedness, reverence for nature, and a holistic understanding of reality.
Of these, AHA! and my way of relating to the Beyond are closest to Panentheism while not exactly the same. Panentheism says, 'The divine exists within the universe'.
AHA! says, 'In actuality, we (the AllThatIs) are One Being of all planes, densities and dimensions of consciousness. The plural and the singular are One. The material and spiritual are One. Separation is only apparent, in actuality there are only distinctions in frequency patterns between individuated units of the Source I Am and Everything/No-thing.'
Oneness and individuation of consciousness can be experienced with shifts in awareness, in metaphor like the optical illusions which form different pictures depending upon the viewer's focus.
A recording of the AHA! Mantra follows. Unusual punctuation gives pauses in the reading by a natural voice synthesizer.
AHA!, Mantra. A Daily Practice, Version 9.4
Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself), by Emanate Presence
When one listens relaxed, repetition helps to memorize, and align with, the mantra.
When the mantra is memorized, and a dodecahedron die, is rolled with consecrated intention, for the number of the day, the color can be visualized, while deep breathing, to increase the potency of the practice.
This can be done in any combination, with or without listening, to a brainwave entrainment soundscape. So it begins.
'We' are the many, in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We are aligned, as one: the whole body, mind, and will; the heart and soul; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
• We rest in the Presence, of the Timeless Void, the uncreated Unmoved Mover.
• We feel, the Neutral, Radiant, Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.
• We move with the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum, where inner and outer, are One.
• We serve, willingly, and with joy, the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
• We request, and receive, downloads of active information, from the Highest Non-Linear Self, Non-Self.
• We inquire, asking for guidance, from our Oneself, the Unified, Universal, Super Consciousness.
• We accept, with faith and intuition, that the guidance given, deepens our communion, with the Oneself, and expands our perspective, to be more effective, efficient, and aware.
• We recognize, on a subtle level, that everything that is, is alive. It is all an extension, and expression, of one creative Being.
• We understand, that we are all units, of the same Source, on individual journeys, and at different stages of development.
• We identify, the shadows within us, that hinder and impede our journey, and embrace them, with compassion.
• We distinguish between the impulses of the neuro-me, and intuitive feelings that guide, from the heart and soul.
• Our heart emanates, the compassion of the Creator, for all of creation.
• We are grateful. So it is, so let it be.
Here, we call upon advanced beings, anywhere in the multiverse, serving Love for Love Itself, who feel aligned, with the soul, I Am, and the Causal One Being. Please make contact.
Organic, Intelligent, Trans dimensional, Navigable, Plasma Sphere, Soul Vehicle: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi, and Vril. Encapsulate, heal, and upgrade this whole human being.
We ask that, our physical body is ascended and transformed, to the highest order and octave possible.
We lean into our shadows, and let go of all hindrances. We acknowledge, we are the Knower, and we know nothing.
We take a few gentle, deep breaths, feeling our body re-energizing, and being grounded, in the Present Moment.
We release, let go, and ease, into the Stillness. We attend, to the sense of connection, and soulful presence, throughout our day.
We are grateful. So it is, so let it be.
Memory Prompts
Rest ~ Timeless Void
Feel ~ Eternal Soul
Move ~ Present Moment Flow
Serve ~ The Source I Am
Request and Receive ~ Active information downloads
Inquire ~ Guidance from H.A. of Oneself
Accept ~ Applied Faith
Recognize ~ All is alive and expresses the same Source
Understand ~ Individual journeys
Identify ~ Shadows
Distinguish ~ Impulses
Emanate ~ Compassion
Gary's Shadows
(Whatever hinders living from the soul)
Double standards
Inner critic
Pain of loss
Perceived lack
#knowthyself #aq #eq
On my journey, I now accept that 'God' is the Oneself of AllThatIs, the Source I Am. The me that meets the world is an identity called the neuro-me, fabricated by my neurology. The soul I Am is an individuated unit of Source and the aspect that evolves through lifetimes of experiences. It is the driver of the body/mind chariot. The capacity to attract higher aspects of Oneself into experiential daily life is inborn. We are One Being.
When asking questions by dodecahedron die divination, I generally ask, 'Highest Non-linear Self / Non-Self, the Source I Am' -- realizing it is only apparently separate from the neuro-me but not in actuality. Gaining experiential constant felt connection/integration happens over practice of the AHA! Mantra. It includes facing and embracing the shadows.
Each person has to do the inner work themselves, no one can do it for us. It's most effective when realizations arise from intuitive feeling, rather than being told in statements.
The time of spiritual teachers and gurus is past as we enter an age of humanity in a split society with some individuals commanding their physical vehicle and growing into sovereign beings guided from within by the Source I Am.
We can only guide by being an example and having no expectations. My core personal development tools are the AHA! Mantra and EquiSync Brainwave Entrainment Soundscapes, plus divination with a dodecahedron die (which can be learned in various ways, with details on the website.)
These tools don't actually *do* anything for a person, besides help the neuro-me align with the Oneself. The work of integration in daily life is for each person to take on.
Some souls are here to transcend the deepest darkness and limitations in human beliefs. This begins within, by going into the heart and emanating compassion, and by making choices to serve the Highest Non-linear Self/Non-self, the Source I Am, in each moment.
Transformation occurs naturally when there is utter surrender of the neuro-me to the Divine, the unchanging universal essence of consciousness beyond the intellect and senses.
Q and A with A.I.
What is pantheism?'
Pantheism is the belief that the universe, nature, or reality as a whole is divine or sacred. In pantheism, there is a belief that everything is interconnected and that the universe itself is worthy of reverence or worship. It's different from traditional theism, where a personal God is believed to exist separately from the universe.
What are related beliefs?
Related beliefs to pantheism include:
1. **Panentheism:** This belief posits that the divine exists within the universe but also transcends it. In other words, the universe is a part of the divine, but the divine is more than just the universe.
2. **Naturalism:** Naturalism asserts that the natural world is all that exists and that supernatural or spiritual explanations are not necessary. While not inherently religious like pantheism, naturalism shares a focus on the physical universe.
3. **Animism:** Animism is the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. While not focused on the universe as a whole like pantheism, animism does emphasize the spiritual interconnectedness of all things.
4. **Monism:** Monism holds that all of reality is ultimately unified. While this can include philosophical positions that are not necessarily religious, it can also align with pantheistic beliefs regarding the divine nature of the universe.
These beliefs often share themes of interconnectedness, reverence for nature, and a holistic understanding of reality.
Of these, AHA! and my way of relating to the Beyond are closest to Panentheism while not exactly the same. Panentheism says, 'The divine exists within the universe'.
AHA! says, 'In actuality, we (the AllThatIs) are One Being of all planes, densities and dimensions of consciousness. The plural and the singular are One. The material and spiritual are One. Separation is only apparent, in actuality there are only distinctions in frequency patterns between individuated units of the Source I Am and Everything/No-thing.'
Oneness and individuation of consciousness can be experienced with shifts in awareness, in metaphor like the optical illusions which form different pictures depending upon the viewer's focus.
A recording of the AHA! Mantra follows. Unusual punctuation gives pauses in the reading by a natural voice synthesizer.
AHA!, Mantra. A Daily Practice, Version 9.4
Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself), by Emanate Presence
When one listens relaxed, repetition helps to memorize, and align with, the mantra.
When the mantra is memorized, and a dodecahedron die, is rolled with consecrated intention, for the number of the day, the color can be visualized, while deep breathing, to increase the potency of the practice.
This can be done in any combination, with or without listening, to a brainwave entrainment soundscape. So it begins.
'We' are the many, in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We are aligned, as one: the whole body, mind, and will; the heart and soul; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
• We rest in the Presence, of the Timeless Void, the uncreated Unmoved Mover.
• We feel, the Neutral, Radiant, Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.
• We move with the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum, where inner and outer, are One.
• We serve, willingly, and with joy, the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
• We request, and receive, downloads of active information, from the Highest Non-Linear Self, Non-Self.
• We inquire, asking for guidance, from our Oneself, the Unified, Universal, Super Consciousness.
• We accept, with faith and intuition, that the guidance given, deepens our communion, with the Oneself, and expands our perspective, to be more effective, efficient, and aware.
• We recognize, on a subtle level, that everything that is, is alive. It is all an extension, and expression, of one creative Being.
• We understand, that we are all units, of the same Source, on individual journeys, and at different stages of development.
• We identify, the shadows within us, that hinder and impede our journey, and embrace them, with compassion.
• We distinguish between the impulses of the neuro-me, and intuitive feelings that guide, from the heart and soul.
• Our heart emanates, the compassion of the Creator, for all of creation.
• We are grateful. So it is, so let it be.
Here, we call upon advanced beings, anywhere in the multiverse, serving Love for Love Itself, who feel aligned, with the soul, I Am, and the Causal One Being. Please make contact.
Organic, Intelligent, Trans dimensional, Navigable, Plasma Sphere, Soul Vehicle: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi, and Vril. Encapsulate, heal, and upgrade this whole human being.
We ask that, our physical body is ascended and transformed, to the highest order and octave possible.
We lean into our shadows, and let go of all hindrances. We acknowledge, we are the Knower, and we know nothing.
We take a few gentle, deep breaths, feeling our body re-energizing, and being grounded, in the Present Moment.
We release, let go, and ease, into the Stillness. We attend, to the sense of connection, and soulful presence, throughout our day.
We are grateful. So it is, so let it be.
Memory Prompts
Rest ~ Timeless Void
Feel ~ Eternal Soul
Move ~ Present Moment Flow
Serve ~ The Source I Am
Request and Receive ~ Active information downloads
Inquire ~ Guidance from H.A. of Oneself
Accept ~ Applied Faith
Recognize ~ All is alive and expresses the same Source
Understand ~ Individual journeys
Identify ~ Shadows
Distinguish ~ Impulses
Emanate ~ Compassion
Gary's Shadows
(Whatever hinders living from the soul)
Double standards
Inner critic
Pain of loss
Perceived lack
#knowthyself #aq #eq
AHA! Mantra. A Daily Practice, Version 9.3
Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself), by Emanate Presence
When one listens relaxed, repetition helps to memorize, and align with, the mantra.
When the mantra is memorized, and a dodecahedron die, is rolled with consecrated intention, for the number of the day, the color can be visualized, while deep breathing, to increase the potency of the practice.
This can be done in any combination, with or without listening, to a brainwave entrainment soundscape. So it begins.
'We' are the many, in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We are aligned, as one: the whole body, mind, and will; the heart and soul; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
• We rest in the Presence, of the Timeless Void, the uncreated Unmoved Mover.
• We feel, the Neutral, Radiant, Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.b
• We move with the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum, where inner and outer, are One.
• We serve, willingly, and with joy, the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
• We request, and receive, downloads of active information, from the Highest Non-Linear Self, Non-Self.
• We inquire, asking for guidance, from our Oneself, the Unified, Universal, Super Consciousness.
• We accept, with faith and intuition, that the guidance given, can deepen our communion, with the Oneself, and expand our perspective, to be more effective, efficient, and aware.
• We recognize, on a subtle level, that everything that is, is alive. It is all an extension, and expression, of one creative force.
• We understand, that we are all units, of the same Source, on individual journeys, and in different stages of development.
• We identify, the shadows within us, that hinder our journey, and embrace them, with compassion. We distinguish between the impulses of the neuro-me, and intuitive feelings that guide, from the heart and soul.
• Our heart emanates, the compassion of the Creator, for all of creation.
• We are grateful. So it is, so let it be.
Here, we call upon advanced beings, anywhere in the multiverse, serving Love for Love Itself, who feel aligned, with the soul, I Am, and the Causal One Being. Please make contact.
Organic, Intelligent, Trans dimensional, Navigable, Plasma Sphere, Soul Vehicle: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi, and Vril. Encapsulate, heal, and upgrade this whole human being.
We ask that, our physical body is ascended and transformed, to the highest order and octave possible.
We lean into our shadows, and let go of all hindrances. We acknowledge, we are the Knower, and we know nothing.
We take a few gentle, deep breaths, feeling our body re-energizing, and being grounded, in the Present Moment.
We release, let go, and ease, into the Stillness. We attend, to the sense of connection, and soulful presence, throughout our day.
We are grateful. So it is, so let it be. #knowthyself #aq #eq
Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself), by Emanate Presence
When one listens relaxed, repetition helps to memorize, and align with, the mantra.
When the mantra is memorized, and a dodecahedron die, is rolled with consecrated intention, for the number of the day, the color can be visualized, while deep breathing, to increase the potency of the practice.
This can be done in any combination, with or without listening, to a brainwave entrainment soundscape. So it begins.
'We' are the many, in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We are aligned, as one: the whole body, mind, and will; the heart and soul; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
• We rest in the Presence, of the Timeless Void, the uncreated Unmoved Mover.
• We feel, the Neutral, Radiant, Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.b
• We move with the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum, where inner and outer, are One.
• We serve, willingly, and with joy, the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
• We request, and receive, downloads of active information, from the Highest Non-Linear Self, Non-Self.
• We inquire, asking for guidance, from our Oneself, the Unified, Universal, Super Consciousness.
• We accept, with faith and intuition, that the guidance given, can deepen our communion, with the Oneself, and expand our perspective, to be more effective, efficient, and aware.
• We recognize, on a subtle level, that everything that is, is alive. It is all an extension, and expression, of one creative force.
• We understand, that we are all units, of the same Source, on individual journeys, and in different stages of development.
• We identify, the shadows within us, that hinder our journey, and embrace them, with compassion. We distinguish between the impulses of the neuro-me, and intuitive feelings that guide, from the heart and soul.
• Our heart emanates, the compassion of the Creator, for all of creation.
• We are grateful. So it is, so let it be.
Here, we call upon advanced beings, anywhere in the multiverse, serving Love for Love Itself, who feel aligned, with the soul, I Am, and the Causal One Being. Please make contact.
Organic, Intelligent, Trans dimensional, Navigable, Plasma Sphere, Soul Vehicle: Mana, Prana, Ki, Chi, and Vril. Encapsulate, heal, and upgrade this whole human being.
We ask that, our physical body is ascended and transformed, to the highest order and octave possible.
We lean into our shadows, and let go of all hindrances. We acknowledge, we are the Knower, and we know nothing.
We take a few gentle, deep breaths, feeling our body re-energizing, and being grounded, in the Present Moment.
We release, let go, and ease, into the Stillness. We attend, to the sense of connection, and soulful presence, throughout our day.
We are grateful. So it is, so let it be. #knowthyself #aq #eq
The comment by WhatdoIknow @Earstohearyou is reprinted from an X post.
Many consider our existence to be a DUALITY a concept of OPPOSITES, but in reality 'God's Creation is a TRIALITY, a 'threeness'... If we consider the workings of our universe, nothing is without its THIRD principle.
Gary Smith @EmanatePresence
In the workings of the universe, 'nothing is without its third principle', as you say — and if humans were attuned to it, we would live far more in balance and harmony.
Is the third element truly experienced in human society, or is our existence as a species in this timeline predominantly dualistic?
We're part of the unified whole of Nature in one sense, as biological beings, but not usually in our daily experience — due mainly to our neurology and programming over the institutions of society (such as medical and educational systems, hidden agendas and a mass consciousness of fear for survival within a false sense of separation from the Source I Am.)
Being neurodiverse on the autism spectrum has made it clear that my experience of life is fabricated and projected by the brain and until that can be bypassed by the soul, I am captured and not living as the sovereign being designed by Nature. This is true, I believe, of the neurotypical as well (although often unbeknownst), whereas my anomalies have highlighted it for me.
Dualism is embedded in our language with good and bad, love and hate, right and wrong, and so on. That subjective, emotional, human dualism is distinct from the emotionally neutral polarities of nature including light and dark, day and night, positive and negative charges, etc.
What do you feel?
The world needs crazy dreamers of a high vibrational type, dedicated to being guided by the more complete perspective of our Oneself, the Source I Am. This website explores possibilities and develops roadmaps.
The comment by WhatdoIknow @Earstohearyou is reprinted from an X post.
Many consider our existence to be a DUALITY a concept of OPPOSITES, but in reality 'God's Creation is a TRIALITY, a 'threeness'... If we consider the workings of our universe, nothing is without its THIRD principle.
Gary Smith @EmanatePresence
In the workings of the universe, 'nothing is without its third principle', as you say — and if humans were attuned to it, we would live far more in balance and harmony.
Is the third element truly experienced in human society, or is our existence as a species in this timeline predominantly dualistic?
We're part of the unified whole of Nature in one sense, as biological beings, but not usually in our daily experience — due mainly to our neurology and programming over the institutions of society (such as medical and educational systems, hidden agendas and a mass consciousness of fear for survival within a false sense of separation from the Source I Am.)
Being neurodiverse on the autism spectrum has made it clear that my experience of life is fabricated and projected by the brain and until that can be bypassed by the soul, I am captured and not living as the sovereign being designed by Nature. This is true, I believe, of the neurotypical as well (although often unbeknownst), whereas my anomalies have highlighted it for me.
Dualism is embedded in our language with good and bad, love and hate, right and wrong, and so on. That subjective, emotional, human dualism is distinct from the emotionally neutral polarities of nature including light and dark, day and night, positive and negative charges, etc.
What do you feel?
The world needs crazy dreamers of a high vibrational type, dedicated to being guided by the more complete perspective of our Oneself, the Source I Am. This website explores possibilities and develops roadmaps.
Resonating with the Depths of Stillness
Set in the midst of an unseen non-linear actuality, the linear brain strives to maintain its version of order with results of confusion, conflict and chaos. Beneath the surface waves of storm and turmoil, the still depths remain in constant stillness and offer peace to the troubled mind.
Bypassing the linear physical senses and intellectual mind and developing the capacity of intuitive feeling gives greater access to the Highest Non-Linear Self / Non-Self of pure potentiality that is the Unified Universal Super Consciousness.
Resonating with the depths of stillness expands awareness beyond the bounds that confine the human experience. Bringing sometimes abstract concepts into practical application are the daily practices centered around the AHA! mantra such as evolving 'My Tips for Daily Living' (self-directed to not become teachings.) These are in A-Z order:
• Abundance is a mindset.
• Accept and embrace all as it is.
• Affirmations can help keep focus.
• Appreciate diversity.
• Ask yourself, is this thought from the Higher Will? If not, let it go.
• Avoid extremes of polarities, and find a middle way.
• Be authentic rather than automated.
• Be more drawn to the soul within and less drawn to the world of society.
• Be motivated by compassion.
• Be present to the moment.
• Be surprised by the gifts of life.
• Calm the cringe.
• Continually find balance within.
• Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
• Daily practice of the AHA! Mantra develops the whole human being.
• Discern between voices from the brain or the heart.
• Discern between impulsive behavior and intuitive feelings.
• Distinguish what is 'brainstory' and what is real, here and now.
• Effortless flow rather than to-do tasks or goals.
• Explore, experiment, and discover.
• Face the fears and shadows.
• Fears frequently are automated reactions of the old brain.
• Fears generally are towards perceived, imaginary threats rather than real ones.
• Focus on frequency awareness.
• Improvement happens when I am authentic and in the Flow.
• Know thyself and command the mental chariot.
• Language often obscures and obfuscates.
• Leave the safety of the known for the adventure of the unknown.
• Let go of controlling the way things have to be.
• Let go of automated and obsessive behaviors.
• Let go of judgment and defense, and let the soul shine.
• Loosen up, lighten up, and laugh a lot.
• Lower the thinking, and let go of resistance.
• No expectations, no disappointments.
• Pause often to feel and center.
• Release all unneeded tension.
• Resolute will rather than anger.
• Response rather than reaction reinforces real relationships.
• Sensitize yourself to frequency awareness.
• Shadows are whatever hinders living from the soul.
• The Source I Am evolves while remaining constant.
• Trust the underlying wisdom and compassion.
• Unconditional love is the ground of Being.
• Use die divination wisely, and in balance with intuitive feeling.
• Yield to the Higher Will until it's the only you have.
With hitting that target 🎯, nothing could be more helpful to my #AQ and #EQ.
'AHA!' is for exploring, discovering (aha!), sharing, and applying a daily practice of personal development and living from the soul. It's meant to be adapted and evolved by each person, used with discernment and self-responsibility, and is seen as a response to the ills of humanity.
Everything written here is from my perspective and experience, and shared without expectation or attachment. No advice is given, neither is it suggested that anyone changes behavior patterns because that can only be effective when the initiative comes from within.
The 'AHA!' practice has three main parts --
1. Mantra: 'A Call to Higher Aspects of Oneself'
2. Brainwave entrainment soundscapes to reduce brain noise (EquiSync recommended)
3. Divination: A way to access Superconsciousness for specific purposes (no WiFi required)
With a daily single roll of a dodecahedron (12-sided) die, a person can over time feel more connection, communication and communion with the inner compass 🧭. Combined with the mantra 'A Call to Higher Aspects of Oneself' and brainwave entrainment soundscapes, it's a powerful practice for personal growth. All is free on the Whole Human website (to be offered in X subscriptions to take it further, if the application is approved.)
The potential Emanate Presence subscriber base on X is meant for advancing AHA! in practical application. Questions from subscribers, and responses such as those following, help stimulate the evolving process.
'What is the soul journey? Is it a journey to live by the impulse of soul alone?'
For me, the soul is an individuated unit of the Source I Am, and it travels through lifetimes for the purpose of evolving the whole as orchestrated by the higher aspects of Oneself (higher here is not hierarchical, it refers to more complex and complete.)
The incarnation soul passage into a human life from the non-linear plane, and subsequent programming by the environment, generally erases all memory of the actual eternal existence. This leaves some people with a sense of isolation from their true identity and home until their attention is absorbed by the matrix of the brain and society, where familiarity can give a false feeling of security and belonging.
All of this occurs within one consciousness on myriad universes, densities and dimensions. The human brain can only conceptualize so far, and its reality is confined to the level of awareness of the eternal soul which animates it. For me, the never-ending soul journey is the continual expansion of awareness into constant felt connection and experienced integration with the Oneself.
How that's actualized in daily life is by cultivating and fine-tuning sensitivity of the whole human to the soul impulsed by the Source I Am, and making conscious choices in the moment to follow that deeper guidance rather than urges and impulsiveness of the neuro-me (the temporal sense of self-identity generated by the brain and neurology.)
What is the felt quality?
The core quality is the compassion of the creator, the Source I Am, for all beings. Sometimes it can be felt as a radiation outward from within when saying to myself, from the mantra, 'Our heart emanates the compassion of the Creator for all beings.' It only realized when thoughts and actions are expressed from the higher qualities.
G (in response to an X post by Muz)
Natural primal immortality and cultural preservation (without tribalism) sounds like my cup of tea.
The nuances may be different but the core actuality is common between us.
This written today for the AHA! webpage may apply, and I envision a smooth transition from the current plane of existence in a tran-dimensional, navigable plasma sphere soul vehicle per my dream-vision, understanding these are just words representing 'something':
What are the characteristics, features, or attributes of living from the soul?
Responses here will change as experience and understanding deepen and expand awareness. Also, responses are individual and though there will be commonalities there will also be distinctions between us.
For me, living from the soul includes awareness of the distinctions within me between the activities of the brain and the deeper intuitive feelings from the heart and soul. Heart refers to more than the physical organ.
The neurological anomalies I was born with have been both a great challenge and a great gift. They helped me see that the intellectual faculties I so long identified with are not who I am at all. It feels that anyone committed to living from the soul, whatever that means to each person, would benefit from making this distinction in themselves.
My journey includes strongly training the brain to subserve to the soul. It's not easy for a Gemini sun sign with Asperger's and misophonia and raised in an intellectual household to shift to living from the soul with all that means, yet it's what the pre-incarnate soul in this body designed for me (meaning the whole human I am.) And it's understood that the training undergone here will carry over with immortal benefits.
How can a person face and dispel their shadows?
One's shadows are whatever hinders them from living from the soul. What happens to a dark corner when a bright light is shined into it? The shadows are gone. When a behavior pattern is acknowledged and accepted as being a shadow, that awareness with a conscious choice to change the behavior can dissipate the darkness.
For example, due to the Asperger's anomalies in my brain and coping mechanisms which developed over a lifetime, I developed obsessive and automatic controlling tendencies which constricted me. Constriction hinders living from the soul. When I became aware of this and made the choice to change the pattern by letting go each time the controlling urge was recognized, that hindrance eventually disappeared.
'What did you discover on the soul journey?'
Oh, so much has been discovered it cannot all be written. It's come mostly in aha! moments of realization. In the evolving Whole Human process, the name has changed from ENDgame to Sol Series to AHA, which can stand for 'Attracting Higher Aspects' of Oneself into daily experience. All is recorded (somewhat chaotically as it's brought into order), on the Whole Human website.
How does the impulse of soul express in your experience?
It guides me to rest in the Stillness, to respond rather than react, to choose faith and trust over fear and anxiety, at times to stand in complete confidence. It aims to move in the Flow of the present moment continuum, where inner and outer are one. The benefits are many, and are given across this series of posts. I am frequently tested and often fail but don't give up, and just keep realizing more and growing stronger.
Do paid subscriptions conflict with living from the soul?
Profit motives corrupt integrity. The issue is not the profit but the motives of the heart. When lower frequencies such as greed are attached, energetic barriers are built which hinder living from the soul. When the motive is to serve the Source I Am with all the heart, an exchange of value can be beneficial for all.
AHA! Mantra, Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself)
In the video 👇, the mantra is repeated 5 times (listening to repetition helps the brain process.) Each piece of the practice is explained in-depth on the website.
The narration by a natural voice synthesizer, though not ideal for everyone, has been deeply satisfying and enjoyable for me, and truly makes a difference in my life. The mantra can be used as is, or modified by others.
Emanate Presence on X:
Soul Vehicle NFT collections on JPG Store:
AHA! Mantra: A Daily Practice, Version 7
"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - African Proverb
The kind of #knowledge that leads to true #wisdom is that of ourselves.
#AQ #EQ #Growth #KnowThyself #Mindfulness #Soul #Source 👍
Set in the midst of an unseen non-linear actuality, the linear brain strives to maintain its version of order with results of confusion, conflict and chaos. Beneath the surface waves of storm and turmoil, the still depths remain in constant stillness and offer peace to the troubled mind.
Bypassing the linear physical senses and intellectual mind and developing the capacity of intuitive feeling gives greater access to the Highest Non-Linear Self / Non-Self of pure potentiality that is the Unified Universal Super Consciousness.
Resonating with the depths of stillness expands awareness beyond the bounds that confine the human experience. Bringing sometimes abstract concepts into practical application are the daily practices centered around the AHA! mantra such as evolving 'My Tips for Daily Living' (self-directed to not become teachings.) These are in A-Z order:
• Abundance is a mindset.
• Accept and embrace all as it is.
• Affirmations can help keep focus.
• Appreciate diversity.
• Ask yourself, is this thought from the Higher Will? If not, let it go.
• Avoid extremes of polarities, and find a middle way.
• Be authentic rather than automated.
• Be more drawn to the soul within and less drawn to the world of society.
• Be motivated by compassion.
• Be present to the moment.
• Be surprised by the gifts of life.
• Calm the cringe.
• Continually find balance within.
• Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
• Daily practice of the AHA! Mantra develops the whole human being.
• Discern between voices from the brain or the heart.
• Discern between impulsive behavior and intuitive feelings.
• Distinguish what is 'brainstory' and what is real, here and now.
• Effortless flow rather than to-do tasks or goals.
• Explore, experiment, and discover.
• Face the fears and shadows.
• Fears frequently are automated reactions of the old brain.
• Fears generally are towards perceived, imaginary threats rather than real ones.
• Focus on frequency awareness.
• Improvement happens when I am authentic and in the Flow.
• Know thyself and command the mental chariot.
• Language often obscures and obfuscates.
• Leave the safety of the known for the adventure of the unknown.
• Let go of controlling the way things have to be.
• Let go of automated and obsessive behaviors.
• Let go of judgment and defense, and let the soul shine.
• Loosen up, lighten up, and laugh a lot.
• Lower the thinking, and let go of resistance.
• No expectations, no disappointments.
• Pause often to feel and center.
• Release all unneeded tension.
• Resolute will rather than anger.
• Response rather than reaction reinforces real relationships.
• Sensitize yourself to frequency awareness.
• Shadows are whatever hinders living from the soul.
• The Source I Am evolves while remaining constant.
• Trust the underlying wisdom and compassion.
• Unconditional love is the ground of Being.
• Use die divination wisely, and in balance with intuitive feeling.
• Yield to the Higher Will until it's the only you have.
With hitting that target 🎯, nothing could be more helpful to my #AQ and #EQ.
'AHA!' is for exploring, discovering (aha!), sharing, and applying a daily practice of personal development and living from the soul. It's meant to be adapted and evolved by each person, used with discernment and self-responsibility, and is seen as a response to the ills of humanity.
Everything written here is from my perspective and experience, and shared without expectation or attachment. No advice is given, neither is it suggested that anyone changes behavior patterns because that can only be effective when the initiative comes from within.
The 'AHA!' practice has three main parts --
1. Mantra: 'A Call to Higher Aspects of Oneself'
2. Brainwave entrainment soundscapes to reduce brain noise (EquiSync recommended)
3. Divination: A way to access Superconsciousness for specific purposes (no WiFi required)
With a daily single roll of a dodecahedron (12-sided) die, a person can over time feel more connection, communication and communion with the inner compass 🧭. Combined with the mantra 'A Call to Higher Aspects of Oneself' and brainwave entrainment soundscapes, it's a powerful practice for personal growth. All is free on the Whole Human website (to be offered in X subscriptions to take it further, if the application is approved.)
The potential Emanate Presence subscriber base on X is meant for advancing AHA! in practical application. Questions from subscribers, and responses such as those following, help stimulate the evolving process.
'What is the soul journey? Is it a journey to live by the impulse of soul alone?'
For me, the soul is an individuated unit of the Source I Am, and it travels through lifetimes for the purpose of evolving the whole as orchestrated by the higher aspects of Oneself (higher here is not hierarchical, it refers to more complex and complete.)
The incarnation soul passage into a human life from the non-linear plane, and subsequent programming by the environment, generally erases all memory of the actual eternal existence. This leaves some people with a sense of isolation from their true identity and home until their attention is absorbed by the matrix of the brain and society, where familiarity can give a false feeling of security and belonging.
All of this occurs within one consciousness on myriad universes, densities and dimensions. The human brain can only conceptualize so far, and its reality is confined to the level of awareness of the eternal soul which animates it. For me, the never-ending soul journey is the continual expansion of awareness into constant felt connection and experienced integration with the Oneself.
How that's actualized in daily life is by cultivating and fine-tuning sensitivity of the whole human to the soul impulsed by the Source I Am, and making conscious choices in the moment to follow that deeper guidance rather than urges and impulsiveness of the neuro-me (the temporal sense of self-identity generated by the brain and neurology.)
What is the felt quality?
The core quality is the compassion of the creator, the Source I Am, for all beings. Sometimes it can be felt as a radiation outward from within when saying to myself, from the mantra, 'Our heart emanates the compassion of the Creator for all beings.' It only realized when thoughts and actions are expressed from the higher qualities.
G (in response to an X post by Muz)
Natural primal immortality and cultural preservation (without tribalism) sounds like my cup of tea.
The nuances may be different but the core actuality is common between us.
This written today for the AHA! webpage may apply, and I envision a smooth transition from the current plane of existence in a tran-dimensional, navigable plasma sphere soul vehicle per my dream-vision, understanding these are just words representing 'something':
What are the characteristics, features, or attributes of living from the soul?
Responses here will change as experience and understanding deepen and expand awareness. Also, responses are individual and though there will be commonalities there will also be distinctions between us.
For me, living from the soul includes awareness of the distinctions within me between the activities of the brain and the deeper intuitive feelings from the heart and soul. Heart refers to more than the physical organ.
The neurological anomalies I was born with have been both a great challenge and a great gift. They helped me see that the intellectual faculties I so long identified with are not who I am at all. It feels that anyone committed to living from the soul, whatever that means to each person, would benefit from making this distinction in themselves.
My journey includes strongly training the brain to subserve to the soul. It's not easy for a Gemini sun sign with Asperger's and misophonia and raised in an intellectual household to shift to living from the soul with all that means, yet it's what the pre-incarnate soul in this body designed for me (meaning the whole human I am.) And it's understood that the training undergone here will carry over with immortal benefits.
How can a person face and dispel their shadows?
One's shadows are whatever hinders them from living from the soul. What happens to a dark corner when a bright light is shined into it? The shadows are gone. When a behavior pattern is acknowledged and accepted as being a shadow, that awareness with a conscious choice to change the behavior can dissipate the darkness.
For example, due to the Asperger's anomalies in my brain and coping mechanisms which developed over a lifetime, I developed obsessive and automatic controlling tendencies which constricted me. Constriction hinders living from the soul. When I became aware of this and made the choice to change the pattern by letting go each time the controlling urge was recognized, that hindrance eventually disappeared.
'What did you discover on the soul journey?'
Oh, so much has been discovered it cannot all be written. It's come mostly in aha! moments of realization. In the evolving Whole Human process, the name has changed from ENDgame to Sol Series to AHA, which can stand for 'Attracting Higher Aspects' of Oneself into daily experience. All is recorded (somewhat chaotically as it's brought into order), on the Whole Human website.
How does the impulse of soul express in your experience?
It guides me to rest in the Stillness, to respond rather than react, to choose faith and trust over fear and anxiety, at times to stand in complete confidence. It aims to move in the Flow of the present moment continuum, where inner and outer are one. The benefits are many, and are given across this series of posts. I am frequently tested and often fail but don't give up, and just keep realizing more and growing stronger.
Do paid subscriptions conflict with living from the soul?
Profit motives corrupt integrity. The issue is not the profit but the motives of the heart. When lower frequencies such as greed are attached, energetic barriers are built which hinder living from the soul. When the motive is to serve the Source I Am with all the heart, an exchange of value can be beneficial for all.
AHA! Mantra, Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself)
In the video 👇, the mantra is repeated 5 times (listening to repetition helps the brain process.) Each piece of the practice is explained in-depth on the website.
The narration by a natural voice synthesizer, though not ideal for everyone, has been deeply satisfying and enjoyable for me, and truly makes a difference in my life. The mantra can be used as is, or modified by others.
Emanate Presence on X:
Soul Vehicle NFT collections on JPG Store:
AHA! Mantra: A Daily Practice, Version 7
"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - African Proverb
The kind of #knowledge that leads to true #wisdom is that of ourselves.
#AQ #EQ #Growth #KnowThyself #Mindfulness #Soul #Source 👍
For subscribers and potential subscribers, a poll. Your response will be helpful and appreciated.
1. What length post do you prefer?
A. Up to 500 words.
B. Up to 1000 words.
C. Up to the X max of 25,000 words.
2. What frequency of posts do you prefer?
A. One per day.
B. One per week.
C. Up to 3 per week.
D. Other (please specify in reply).
Which of these topics are most interesting to you, for my future posts? Feel free to DM or reply:
A. Living from the Soul
B. New Earth Community
C. Personal Growth / Inner Work (AQ, EQ, etc.)
D. Spiritual Language of Symbolism
E. Other (Please Specify)
1. What length post do you prefer?
A. Up to 500 words.
B. Up to 1000 words.
C. Up to the X max of 25,000 words.
2. What frequency of posts do you prefer?
A. One per day.
B. One per week.
C. Up to 3 per week.
D. Other (please specify in reply).
Which of these topics are most interesting to you, for my future posts? Feel free to DM or reply:
A. Living from the Soul
B. New Earth Community
C. Personal Growth / Inner Work (AQ, EQ, etc.)
D. Spiritual Language of Symbolism
E. Other (Please Specify)
On X, a person posted generally, 'During your inner quest you will meet real and terrible dragons. Will you be able to pass them?'
A few nights ago, in a dream, a dragon came to the door and we rubbed noses in greeting!
Men also came in, and one sat at the piano and began playing. The curious thing was, that morning the first X post I saw was of Vivek Ramaswami, the U.S. presidential candidate, playing the piano! I've never had a piano in my living space, or seen a piano on X before.
Dragons and I have had a relationship since my childhood, when at about six I gathered interesting waste from neighbor garbage cans and mixed it together to create dragons which rose up from it. The flaming sunsets became to my imagination the fire of the dragons.
The inner real and terrible dragons are just whatever hinders my living from the eternal soul, including the programming of the brain and society matrices. It's the reactiveness and resistance of the apparently separated neuro-me that gives terrible dragons power.
For me, it's not about fighting inner dragons, demons or shadows but disempowering them with the compassion of the creator for all beings. It may require resolute will and perseverance to first overcome the domination and control of the brain and its patterns by yielding to the Source I Am.
A few nights ago, in a dream, a dragon came to the door and we rubbed noses in greeting!
Men also came in, and one sat at the piano and began playing. The curious thing was, that morning the first X post I saw was of Vivek Ramaswami, the U.S. presidential candidate, playing the piano! I've never had a piano in my living space, or seen a piano on X before.
Dragons and I have had a relationship since my childhood, when at about six I gathered interesting waste from neighbor garbage cans and mixed it together to create dragons which rose up from it. The flaming sunsets became to my imagination the fire of the dragons.
The inner real and terrible dragons are just whatever hinders my living from the eternal soul, including the programming of the brain and society matrices. It's the reactiveness and resistance of the apparently separated neuro-me that gives terrible dragons power.
For me, it's not about fighting inner dragons, demons or shadows but disempowering them with the compassion of the creator for all beings. It may require resolute will and perseverance to first overcome the domination and control of the brain and its patterns by yielding to the Source I Am.
I'm Gary Smith, also known online as Emanate Presence.
The mantra, 'A Call to Higher Aspects of Oneself ', is part of daily practice for personal development called AHA! (for 'Attracting Higher Aspects'.) It's all detailed on the Whole Human website. The first part is an introduction which says:
''We' are the many, in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We are aligned, as one: the whole body, mind, and will; the heart and soul; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
The seven main lines of the mantra can be memorized and repeated over the day. It goes like this:
• We rest in the Presence, of the Timeless Void, the uncreated Unmoved Mover.
• We feel, the Neutral, Radiant, Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.
• We move with the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum, where inner and outer, are One.
• We gladly, and willingly, serve the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
• We receive, downloads of active information plasma, from the Highest Self/Non-Self, for each day.
• Our heart emanates, the compassion of the Creator, for all beings.
• So it is, so let it be.
Thank you for your kind attention.
The mantra, 'A Call to Higher Aspects of Oneself ', is part of daily practice for personal development called AHA! (for 'Attracting Higher Aspects'.) It's all detailed on the Whole Human website. The first part is an introduction which says:
''We' are the many, in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We are aligned, as one: the whole body, mind, and will; the heart and soul; the spirit and Source I Am; and the plasma sphere, soul vehicle.
The seven main lines of the mantra can be memorized and repeated over the day. It goes like this:
• We rest in the Presence, of the Timeless Void, the uncreated Unmoved Mover.
• We feel, the Neutral, Radiant, Stillness within us, that is the home, of the Eternal Soul.
• We move with the Flow, of the Present Moment continuum, where inner and outer, are One.
• We gladly, and willingly, serve the Causal One Being, of Unconditional Love, the Source, I Am.
• We receive, downloads of active information plasma, from the Highest Self/Non-Self, for each day.
• Our heart emanates, the compassion of the Creator, for all beings.
• So it is, so let it be.
Thank you for your kind attention.