Personal growth, personal development,
Self-awareness, self-reflection, self-help,
self-improvement, self-realization....
June 28, 2023
No advice is given herein.
The revision date is the version number.
Copyright © Gary R. Smith
Personal growth, personal development,
Self-awareness, self-reflection, self-help,
self-improvement, self-realization....
June 28, 2023
No advice is given herein.
The revision date is the version number.
Copyright © Gary R. Smith
The WHOLE HUMAN TOOLSET, and the website, continue to be upgraded. Please check back for updates.
On a journey to whole human freedom, divine autonomy and empowerment, there are companions.
1. Face, the shadows.
2. Follow the soul, which follows the Source I Am.
3. Feel, the essence.
4. Fear, nothing.
5. Have Faith, in faith itself.
There are also gifts, to serve you on your journey, from the Whole Human Evolving Toolset.
They are, in the order of a structured daily practice:
1. Whole Human Consecrated Intention and Rolling the Die
2. Whole Human Eternal Flame (with lighted candle if possible)
3. Whole Human Koan Contemplation or
4. Whole Human Journey
5. Whole Human Contemplation For Feeling the Soul
6. Whole Human Movement
7. Whole Human Healing
8. Whole Human Vowel Toning or Mantras (webpage)
The Whole Human Evolving Tools are self-customizable. They are meant to evolve with the practitioner, and can be used according to each person's inner guidance. For example, text for each contemplation is given on its page and can be revised, and re-written.
When it feels well, new narrations can also be composed by ChatGPT, and edited in practice as these tools are done. Then it can be read aloud, or by a voice synthesizer, and recorded as chosen.
W.H.E.T., created from a lifetime of exploration and discovery, with help from A.I., continues to evolve, and the website is ever-changing.
June 14, 2023
No advice is given herein.
The revision date is the version number.
Copyright © Gary R. Smith
No advice is given herein.
The revision date is the version number.
Copyright © Gary R. Smith
Birdsong in the morning sounds to me like the awakening of a new day. The roar of the ocean against the shore and the wind through the trees also express the voice of nature. It is said there is a constant universal sound emanating from the unseen, a creational harmonic not fully understood. That is intuitively felt to be so.
The human voice expresses in many ways including over the vocal chords, in words and tones. Meaning attached to words adds another dimension to human expression. Common understanding of the meaning enables communication. Yet for my personal experience, words can have whatever meaning I give them, to me.
So long as I don't get lost in the confusion of the mind, following intuitive feeling to a deeper meaning can be more useful to me than adhering to social conventions. Often the meaning is momentary, as new meanings are frequently found.
While toning Ā Ō, it came as a realization that Ā can symbolize the Alpha beginning or birth of form, the 'it'.
And Ō can represent the 'is', the Omega end or dissolution back to the Source, the void of pure potential, the non-place of Being.
The two word sentence, 'It is', has in this way also great depth of meaning. 🐾 Pause.
With the in-breath and out-breath of toning, shaping the long vowels and sounding them over a range of notes, the feeling is of bringing a plane of foundational is-ness into my life experience.
This sense of melding is sometimes profound as apparent separation dissolves between form and formless, human and being. Experienced in moments, my devotion is to expand the Unity in my consciousness as a constant.
Walking along the rocky coast, ocean waves have represented to me the fundamental waves of existence in relationship to the physical form of earth. Although still a conception, the sense is of birthing a more integrated and whole human being. This feels not a Gary creation, but a co-creation with non-separate Source.
Guided by intuition, applying either Ā Ō or 'It is' — thought or spoken aloud — I am returned in consciousness to the unity of form and formless, physicality and being, psyche and Source. Visualizing with feeling the integrated AO symbol and devotion to Being are additional aids.
In practical application, these choices help in situations which otherwise would stress and overwhelm my nervous system — as they bring foundational being into my form and empower me to maintain a higher degree of calmness, composure, clarity, confidence and compassion.
Birdsong in the morning sounds to me like the awakening of a new day. The roar of the ocean against the shore and the wind through the trees also express the voice of nature. It is said there is a constant universal sound emanating from the unseen, a creational harmonic not fully understood. That is intuitively felt to be so.
The human voice expresses in many ways including over the vocal chords, in words and tones. Meaning attached to words adds another dimension to human expression. Common understanding of the meaning enables communication. Yet for my personal experience, words can have whatever meaning I give them, to me.
So long as I don't get lost in the confusion of the mind, following intuitive feeling to a deeper meaning can be more useful to me than adhering to social conventions. Often the meaning is momentary, as new meanings are frequently found.
While toning Ā Ō, it came as a realization that Ā can symbolize the Alpha beginning or birth of form, the 'it'.
And Ō can represent the 'is', the Omega end or dissolution back to the Source, the void of pure potential, the non-place of Being.
The two word sentence, 'It is', has in this way also great depth of meaning. 🐾 Pause.
With the in-breath and out-breath of toning, shaping the long vowels and sounding them over a range of notes, the feeling is of bringing a plane of foundational is-ness into my life experience.
This sense of melding is sometimes profound as apparent separation dissolves between form and formless, human and being. Experienced in moments, my devotion is to expand the Unity in my consciousness as a constant.
Walking along the rocky coast, ocean waves have represented to me the fundamental waves of existence in relationship to the physical form of earth. Although still a conception, the sense is of birthing a more integrated and whole human being. This feels not a Gary creation, but a co-creation with non-separate Source.
Guided by intuition, applying either Ā Ō or 'It is' — thought or spoken aloud — I am returned in consciousness to the unity of form and formless, physicality and being, psyche and Source. Visualizing with feeling the integrated AO symbol and devotion to Being are additional aids.
In practical application, these choices help in situations which otherwise would stress and overwhelm my nervous system — as they bring foundational being into my form and empower me to maintain a higher degree of calmness, composure, clarity, confidence and compassion.
Vowel chants have been utilized in various spiritual and metaphysical practices across cultures for centuries. They are believed to hold transformative and healing qualities. Here's some information about vowel chants, including their sounds and perceived power:
1. Vowel Sounds: Vowel chants typically focus on specific vowel sounds that are considered to have distinct energetic qualities. The specific sounds used may vary depending on the tradition or purpose. Commonly used vowel sounds include the long "A" (pronounced as "ah" as in "car"), long "O" (pronounced as "oh" as in "home"), and other elongated vowel sounds like "ee" and "oo."
2. Metaphysical and Spiritual Aspects: Vowel chants are often associated with metaphysical and spiritual aspects. They are used to align and balance the body, mind, and spirit, promote relaxation, and enhance meditation or prayer experiences. The sounds are thought to resonate with specific energy centers in the body (such as chakras) or connect with higher realms of consciousness.
3. Healing and Transformation: Vowel chants are believed to have healing properties, both physically and energetically. The vibrations produced by vocalizing these sounds are said to harmonize the body's energy and help release blockages or stagnant energy. It is thought that by engaging in vowel chants, one can experience a deeper sense of inner peace, clarity, and spiritual connection.
4. Power of Intention: The power of vowel chants lies not only in the specific sounds but also in the intention and focus of the individual practicing them. The repetition of these sounds, combined with a clear and focused mind, is believed to amplify their effects. The practitioner's intention, belief, and mindfulness during the chanting process can enhance the overall experience and potential benefits.
5. Cultural and Spiritual Practices: Vowel chants can be found in various cultural and spiritual practices worldwide. Examples include Sanskrit-based mantras in Hinduism and Buddhism, sacred chants in Tibetan Buddhism (such as "Om" or "Aum"), toning practices in shamanic traditions, and certain vocal techniques in sound healing modalities.
It's important to note that the interpretation and use of vowel chants can vary across traditions and individuals. Some people may find profound spiritual experiences and benefits through vowel chants, while others may approach them from a more secular or therapeutic perspective....
Vowel chants have been utilized in various spiritual and metaphysical practices across cultures for centuries. They are believed to hold transformative and healing qualities. Here's some information about vowel chants, including their sounds and perceived power:
1. Vowel Sounds: Vowel chants typically focus on specific vowel sounds that are considered to have distinct energetic qualities. The specific sounds used may vary depending on the tradition or purpose. Commonly used vowel sounds include the long "A" (pronounced as "ah" as in "car"), long "O" (pronounced as "oh" as in "home"), and other elongated vowel sounds like "ee" and "oo."
2. Metaphysical and Spiritual Aspects: Vowel chants are often associated with metaphysical and spiritual aspects. They are used to align and balance the body, mind, and spirit, promote relaxation, and enhance meditation or prayer experiences. The sounds are thought to resonate with specific energy centers in the body (such as chakras) or connect with higher realms of consciousness.
3. Healing and Transformation: Vowel chants are believed to have healing properties, both physically and energetically. The vibrations produced by vocalizing these sounds are said to harmonize the body's energy and help release blockages or stagnant energy. It is thought that by engaging in vowel chants, one can experience a deeper sense of inner peace, clarity, and spiritual connection.
4. Power of Intention: The power of vowel chants lies not only in the specific sounds but also in the intention and focus of the individual practicing them. The repetition of these sounds, combined with a clear and focused mind, is believed to amplify their effects. The practitioner's intention, belief, and mindfulness during the chanting process can enhance the overall experience and potential benefits.
5. Cultural and Spiritual Practices: Vowel chants can be found in various cultural and spiritual practices worldwide. Examples include Sanskrit-based mantras in Hinduism and Buddhism, sacred chants in Tibetan Buddhism (such as "Om" or "Aum"), toning practices in shamanic traditions, and certain vocal techniques in sound healing modalities.
It's important to note that the interpretation and use of vowel chants can vary across traditions and individuals. Some people may find profound spiritual experiences and benefits through vowel chants, while others may approach them from a more secular or therapeutic perspective....