Copyright ©️ Gary R. Smith
May be copied and distributed
with credit and link.
May be copied and distributed
with credit and link.
S004N - Mini-Series: The Symbolism of Number 4
May be copied and distributed with credit and link. No advice is given.
With a daily single roll of a dodecahedron (12-sided) die, a person can over time feel more connection, communication and communion with the inner compass 🧭 (also called the higher self, intuitive feelings, Eternal Flame, Superconsciousness, Source I Am, etc.) — giving the 'player' greater access to higher aspects of Oneself.
'Higher' here is non-hierarchical and refers to the more complete perspectives and experiences it brings (which can be deepened and expanded with dedicated practice.)
In traditional systems, the first chakra is known as the root and located at the base of the spine. Sol orients from above, and the first energy center is non-local but metaphorically above the crown. The highest first ‘chakra’ is associated with the number one and represents oneness, undifferentiated consciousness, and the unity of all things.
One twelve-sided die and these information pages are all that's needed to begin. Dodecahedron dice are available online or from Emanate Presence for ADA ($emanatepresence) with a snail 🐌 mail address by DM.
An attitude of exploration, experimentation, self-reflection, playfulness, and desire to evolve are helpful for 'playing the game'. Feel free to contact Emanate Presence with questions, comments, and insights.
Element: Moon
Chakra: Third Eye
Color: Dark Blue / Violet
Sound: The frequency 639 Hz is often associated with the number four, representing the frequency of harmony and balance.
• Four is often associated with stability, home, calmness, retreat, roots, and foundation.
• Four is often associated with stability and order, as it is the number of four cardinal points (north, south, east, and west), and four seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter).
• Associated with practicality, hard work, and organization in numerology.
• The number four is often seen as a symbol of the physical world and the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) are often referenced in spiritual and philosophical teachings.
• Four is often associated with stability, home, calmness, retreat, roots, and foundation.
• Linked to the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and the four seasons, winds, and elements.
• Four is seen as the fourth dimension, time, which is an illusion.
• Four is considered a solid, whole, and complete number, and is associated with earth and order.
1. Foundation and Stability: In spiritual and metaphysical contexts, the number 4 often symbolizes foundation, stability, structure, and material reality. It represents the tangible aspects of existence, the four elements (earth, air, fire, water), and the foundational principles that provide structure and support.
2. Musical Tetrad: In music theory and sound frequencies, the number 4 corresponds to the musical tetrad or tetrachord, which consists of four notes or pitches. The tetrachord represents a foundational structure within musical scales, modes, and harmonic progressions, offering stability, balance, and depth to musical compositions.
3. Earthly Manifestation: Reflecting its association with material reality and the physical world, the number 4 symbolizes manifestation, grounding, and tangible outcomes. It emphasizes the process of materialization, form, and structure inherent in nature, architecture, and creative endeavors.
4. Sacred Geometry: In sacred geometry and cosmological principles, the number 4 is associated with geometric shapes such as the square and the cross, representing symmetry, order, and the four cardinal directions. These geometric forms embody principles of balance, equilibrium, and cosmic order within the natural and metaphysical realms. (continued on the next post)
(continued from the previous post)
5. Cycle and Completion: The number 4 can symbolize cycles, seasons, and stages of completion observed in natural rhythms, lunar phases, and life cycles. It signifies the continuity, repetition, and transformative processes that govern growth, evolution, and change within individual and collective experiences.
6. Materialization and Reality: In symbolic terms, the number 4 emphasizes materialization, reality, and the tangible aspects of existence. It signifies the physical realm, practicality, and the concrete manifestations of ideas, intentions, and aspirations in the material world.
7. Structure and Organization: The number 4 embodies themes of structure, organization, and systematic approaches in various disciplines, including science, mathematics, and creative arts. It emphasizes the importance of order, coherence, and methodical processes in achieving goals, realizing potentials, and building sustainable systems.
The number 4 symbolizes foundation, stability, materialization, and structure In sound frequencies and music theory, the number 4 relates to the musical tetrad, representing a foundational element of harmony, structure, and resonance within the musical landscape.
'We' are the many in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We rest in the Stillness of the Void, the Eternal Flame, within us. We move with the Flow of the Present Moment, where inner and outer are One. We serve the Causal One Being of Unconditional Love, the Source I Am.
Links and Ways to Support
ADAhandle (No tokens kept in wallet): $emanatepresence
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New Earth 🌍 NWO • Cardano Blockchain, Ecosystem & Community
#adaptability #AQ #awakening #Awareness #CardanoCommunity #contemplation #emotions #EQ #growth #meditation #mindfulness #Motivation #Reflection #realization #selfimprovement #soul #Source #spirituality
The kind of #knowledge that leads to true #wisdom is that of ourselves.👍
May be copied and distributed with credit and link. No advice is given.
With a daily single roll of a dodecahedron (12-sided) die, a person can over time feel more connection, communication and communion with the inner compass 🧭 (also called the higher self, intuitive feelings, Eternal Flame, Superconsciousness, Source I Am, etc.) — giving the 'player' greater access to higher aspects of Oneself.
'Higher' here is non-hierarchical and refers to the more complete perspectives and experiences it brings (which can be deepened and expanded with dedicated practice.)
In traditional systems, the first chakra is known as the root and located at the base of the spine. Sol orients from above, and the first energy center is non-local but metaphorically above the crown. The highest first ‘chakra’ is associated with the number one and represents oneness, undifferentiated consciousness, and the unity of all things.
One twelve-sided die and these information pages are all that's needed to begin. Dodecahedron dice are available online or from Emanate Presence for ADA ($emanatepresence) with a snail 🐌 mail address by DM.
An attitude of exploration, experimentation, self-reflection, playfulness, and desire to evolve are helpful for 'playing the game'. Feel free to contact Emanate Presence with questions, comments, and insights.
Element: Moon
Chakra: Third Eye
Color: Dark Blue / Violet
Sound: The frequency 639 Hz is often associated with the number four, representing the frequency of harmony and balance.
• Four is often associated with stability, home, calmness, retreat, roots, and foundation.
• Four is often associated with stability and order, as it is the number of four cardinal points (north, south, east, and west), and four seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter).
• Associated with practicality, hard work, and organization in numerology.
• The number four is often seen as a symbol of the physical world and the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) are often referenced in spiritual and philosophical teachings.
• Four is often associated with stability, home, calmness, retreat, roots, and foundation.
• Linked to the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and the four seasons, winds, and elements.
• Four is seen as the fourth dimension, time, which is an illusion.
• Four is considered a solid, whole, and complete number, and is associated with earth and order.
1. Foundation and Stability: In spiritual and metaphysical contexts, the number 4 often symbolizes foundation, stability, structure, and material reality. It represents the tangible aspects of existence, the four elements (earth, air, fire, water), and the foundational principles that provide structure and support.
2. Musical Tetrad: In music theory and sound frequencies, the number 4 corresponds to the musical tetrad or tetrachord, which consists of four notes or pitches. The tetrachord represents a foundational structure within musical scales, modes, and harmonic progressions, offering stability, balance, and depth to musical compositions.
3. Earthly Manifestation: Reflecting its association with material reality and the physical world, the number 4 symbolizes manifestation, grounding, and tangible outcomes. It emphasizes the process of materialization, form, and structure inherent in nature, architecture, and creative endeavors.
4. Sacred Geometry: In sacred geometry and cosmological principles, the number 4 is associated with geometric shapes such as the square and the cross, representing symmetry, order, and the four cardinal directions. These geometric forms embody principles of balance, equilibrium, and cosmic order within the natural and metaphysical realms. (continued on the next post)
(continued from the previous post)
5. Cycle and Completion: The number 4 can symbolize cycles, seasons, and stages of completion observed in natural rhythms, lunar phases, and life cycles. It signifies the continuity, repetition, and transformative processes that govern growth, evolution, and change within individual and collective experiences.
6. Materialization and Reality: In symbolic terms, the number 4 emphasizes materialization, reality, and the tangible aspects of existence. It signifies the physical realm, practicality, and the concrete manifestations of ideas, intentions, and aspirations in the material world.
7. Structure and Organization: The number 4 embodies themes of structure, organization, and systematic approaches in various disciplines, including science, mathematics, and creative arts. It emphasizes the importance of order, coherence, and methodical processes in achieving goals, realizing potentials, and building sustainable systems.
The number 4 symbolizes foundation, stability, materialization, and structure In sound frequencies and music theory, the number 4 relates to the musical tetrad, representing a foundational element of harmony, structure, and resonance within the musical landscape.
'We' are the many in one, the components and unit, of the whole human being.
We rest in the Stillness of the Void, the Eternal Flame, within us. We move with the Flow of the Present Moment, where inner and outer are One. We serve the Causal One Being of Unconditional Love, the Source I Am.
Links and Ways to Support
ADAhandle (No tokens kept in wallet): $emanatepresence
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New Earth 🌍 NWO • Cardano Blockchain, Ecosystem & Community
#adaptability #AQ #awakening #Awareness #CardanoCommunity #contemplation #emotions #EQ #growth #meditation #mindfulness #Motivation #Reflection #realization #selfimprovement #soul #Source #spirituality
The kind of #knowledge that leads to true #wisdom is that of ourselves.👍
S004a - Sol, Soul, Source, Self-Awareness and more...
What is the soul?
(continued from the previous post in this series)
The soul (from my perspective) is the aspect of a person that continues to evolve through many lifetimes. While in the body, it interfaces with the world through the senses, intellect, emotions, and so on. About the actual state of the soul outside the body, not much is known at this time other than through philosophical traditions and anecdotal evidence. I sense having existed before this incarnation.
While the soul hasn't yet been fully accepted by science, it is recognized by some highly regarded scientists such as Robert Temple, a plasma physicist, and has been measured by others as recorded in his book linked here (on the website.)
The non-linear plane of the soul is a different reality than our earth experience. It feels to be not so polarized and is based on frequencies, with resonance or dissonance between individuated units of energy entities.
One hypothesis suggests that some people lose connection with their souls, such as by pushing it out with chronic hatred. The soul cannot co-exist in a body with the toxic dissonance of hatred. That may explain how atrocities can be committed by the soulless ones.
The ensouled can access their soul, and deepen the conscious connection, with patient and persevering practice. The awakening ensouled view the soulless with non-judgmental and non-condescending compassion while holding them socially accountable.
The story of my summer of exile as a 15 year old in the deep wilderness is told in the Hubpages article, 'Return to the River of No Return.'
Thirty-three years later, I returned to that wilderness, and experienced the earth-bound souls of the native people. For centuries, up until the 1800s, a peaceful tribe who called themselves 'People of the Sun' lived in the river canyons. These are excerpts from the article:
"Returning to our camp site from a day hike late one afternoon, I heard the inner voice say “Be alert.” When we retired into our tents that night, I fell easily into sleep, lulled by the sound of the river. I was awakened suddenly around midnight when my partner burst into my tent. She was frantic and disoriented...
"Without knowing the history, we felt that the clearing where we camped was connected with a battle. And the psycho-emotional energies of the dying wounded were still bound to the earth. They were asking us to help them be set free. It was our first experience with such a thing, but we just knew what to do....
The next day, we hiked miles downriver to the university research station I knew as a 15 year old as the Taylor Ranch.
Late in the day, "we finally came to the suspension bridge that carried us to the other side. It was further up the mountain to the main cabin of the old Taylor Ranch than I remembered, but the feeling from so many years ago came back in waves of wonderment to be here.
"The biologist couple who manned the University Research Station were down-to-earth, scientific people. They warmed to us when they learned that my father had done a Bighorn Sheep study in this area in the 1950s. They had a copy of his book on their shelves...
"The couple was well-informed about the history of the region and the peaceful tribe who called themselves ‘tukudika’ and inhabited the region for centuries. These Shoshoni-speakers had long remained mysterious and were referred to as Idaho’s shadowy people, the Sheep Eater Indians. During the period of the gold rush in America, the U.S. military waged a campaign against the ‘tukudika’ and destroyed their way of life. The area we’d chosen for our tents had been a site of the native inhabitants...."
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Drumscape by EquiSync: (used with mantra):
Emanate Presence on X:
Soul Vehicle NFT collections on JPG Store:
The AHA! Mantra, A Daily Practice
Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself), by Emanate Presence
6-minute YouTube Video:
The AHA! Mantra X 2:
"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - African Proverb
The kind of #knowledge that leads to true #wisdom is that of ourselves.
#AQ #EQ #Growth #KnowThyself #Mindfulness #Soul #Source 👍
What is the soul?
(continued from the previous post in this series)
The soul (from my perspective) is the aspect of a person that continues to evolve through many lifetimes. While in the body, it interfaces with the world through the senses, intellect, emotions, and so on. About the actual state of the soul outside the body, not much is known at this time other than through philosophical traditions and anecdotal evidence. I sense having existed before this incarnation.
While the soul hasn't yet been fully accepted by science, it is recognized by some highly regarded scientists such as Robert Temple, a plasma physicist, and has been measured by others as recorded in his book linked here (on the website.)
The non-linear plane of the soul is a different reality than our earth experience. It feels to be not so polarized and is based on frequencies, with resonance or dissonance between individuated units of energy entities.
One hypothesis suggests that some people lose connection with their souls, such as by pushing it out with chronic hatred. The soul cannot co-exist in a body with the toxic dissonance of hatred. That may explain how atrocities can be committed by the soulless ones.
The ensouled can access their soul, and deepen the conscious connection, with patient and persevering practice. The awakening ensouled view the soulless with non-judgmental and non-condescending compassion while holding them socially accountable.
The story of my summer of exile as a 15 year old in the deep wilderness is told in the Hubpages article, 'Return to the River of No Return.'
Thirty-three years later, I returned to that wilderness, and experienced the earth-bound souls of the native people. For centuries, up until the 1800s, a peaceful tribe who called themselves 'People of the Sun' lived in the river canyons. These are excerpts from the article:
"Returning to our camp site from a day hike late one afternoon, I heard the inner voice say “Be alert.” When we retired into our tents that night, I fell easily into sleep, lulled by the sound of the river. I was awakened suddenly around midnight when my partner burst into my tent. She was frantic and disoriented...
"Without knowing the history, we felt that the clearing where we camped was connected with a battle. And the psycho-emotional energies of the dying wounded were still bound to the earth. They were asking us to help them be set free. It was our first experience with such a thing, but we just knew what to do....
The next day, we hiked miles downriver to the university research station I knew as a 15 year old as the Taylor Ranch.
Late in the day, "we finally came to the suspension bridge that carried us to the other side. It was further up the mountain to the main cabin of the old Taylor Ranch than I remembered, but the feeling from so many years ago came back in waves of wonderment to be here.
"The biologist couple who manned the University Research Station were down-to-earth, scientific people. They warmed to us when they learned that my father had done a Bighorn Sheep study in this area in the 1950s. They had a copy of his book on their shelves...
"The couple was well-informed about the history of the region and the peaceful tribe who called themselves ‘tukudika’ and inhabited the region for centuries. These Shoshoni-speakers had long remained mysterious and were referred to as Idaho’s shadowy people, the Sheep Eater Indians. During the period of the gold rush in America, the U.S. military waged a campaign against the ‘tukudika’ and destroyed their way of life. The area we’d chosen for our tents had been a site of the native inhabitants...."
Like (if you like), Reply and Repost
Drumscape by EquiSync: (used with mantra):
Emanate Presence on X:
Soul Vehicle NFT collections on JPG Store:
The AHA! Mantra, A Daily Practice
Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself), by Emanate Presence
6-minute YouTube Video:
The AHA! Mantra X 2:
"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - African Proverb
The kind of #knowledge that leads to true #wisdom is that of ourselves.
#AQ #EQ #Growth #KnowThyself #Mindfulness #Soul #Source 👍
• Four is often associated with stability, home, calmness, retreat, roots, and foundation.
• Four is often associated with stability and order, as it is the number of four cardinal points (north, south, east, and west), and four seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter).
• Associated with practicality, hard work, and organization in numerology.
• The number four is often seen as a symbol of the physical world and the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) are often referenced in spiritual and philosophical teachings.
• Four is often associated with stability, home, calmness, retreat, roots, and foundation.
• Linked to the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and the four seasons, winds, and elements.
• Four is seen as the fourth dimension, time, which is an illusion.
• Four is considered a solid, whole, and complete number, and is associated with earth and order.
• Four is often associated with stability and order, as it is the number of four cardinal points (north, south, east, and west), and four seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter).
• Associated with practicality, hard work, and organization in numerology.
• The number four is often seen as a symbol of the physical world and the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) are often referenced in spiritual and philosophical teachings.
• Four is often associated with stability, home, calmness, retreat, roots, and foundation.
• Linked to the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and the four seasons, winds, and elements.
• Four is seen as the fourth dimension, time, which is an illusion.
• Four is considered a solid, whole, and complete number, and is associated with earth and order.
• Four is often associated with stability, home, calmness, retreat, roots, and foundation.
• Four is often associated with stability and order, as it is the number of four cardinal points (north, south, east, and west), and four seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter).
• Considered a sacred or lucky number in many cultures and used in religious and spiritual symbology, such as the four evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) in Christianity, and the four sacred animals (lion, bull, eagle, and man) in ancient Egypt.
• Associated with practicality, hard work, and organization in numerology.
• The number four is often seen as a symbol of the physical world and the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) are often referenced in spiritual and philosophical teachings.
• The number four is often used in cultural references such as alchemy, Buddhism, Chinese beliefs, Christianity, Egyptian, Graeco-Roman, Hebrew, Hindu, Islamic, Parsee, and Pythagorean beliefs.
• In alchemy, four is associated with the four basic elements: earth, air, fire, and water.
• In Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths are considered the foundation of Buddhist philosophy.
• In Chinese beliefs, the Four Symbols (Black Tortoise, White Tiger, Red Phoenix, and Blue Dragon) are four mythical creatures that represent the four cardinal points.
• In Christianity, the Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are considered the foundation of Christian teachings.
• In Egyptian culture, the Four Sons of Horus were four deities that protected the organs of mummified pharaohs.
• In Graeco-Roman culture, the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) were considered the building blocks of the universe.
• In Hebrew culture, the four letters of God's name (YHWH) are considered sacred.
• In Hinduism, the four Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda) are considered the foundation of Hindu religious texts.
• In Islamic culture, the four caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali) are considered the first leaders of the Islamic community after the death of the Prophet Muhammad.
In Parsee culture, the four Amesha Spentas (Bounteous Immortals) are considered the emanations of the supreme god Ahura Mazda.
In Pythagorean belief, the number four is associated with the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and the four seasons.
Four is often associated with stability, home, calmness, retreat, roots, and foundation.
Linked to the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and the four seasons, winds, and elements.
Four is seen as the fourth dimension, time, which is an illusion.
Four is considered a solid, whole, and complete number, and is associated with earth and order.
A common symbolic number in various cultures, including Native American, Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, Chinese, Christian, Egyptian, Gnostic, Greek, and Hebrew cultures.
In Christianity, it is associated with the body and the four Gospels, Evangelists, chief arch-angels, chief-devils, four Fathers of the Church, Great Prophets, and cardinal virtues (prudence, fortitude, justice, temperance).
In Gnostic beliefs, it is associated with the Four-ness of God.
In Chinese culture, it is the number of the Earth, symbolized by the square, and represents the four streams of immortality.
• Four is often associated with stability and order, as it is the number of four cardinal points (north, south, east, and west), and four seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter).
• Considered a sacred or lucky number in many cultures and used in religious and spiritual symbology, such as the four evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) in Christianity, and the four sacred animals (lion, bull, eagle, and man) in ancient Egypt.
• Associated with practicality, hard work, and organization in numerology.
• The number four is often seen as a symbol of the physical world and the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) are often referenced in spiritual and philosophical teachings.
• The number four is often used in cultural references such as alchemy, Buddhism, Chinese beliefs, Christianity, Egyptian, Graeco-Roman, Hebrew, Hindu, Islamic, Parsee, and Pythagorean beliefs.
• In alchemy, four is associated with the four basic elements: earth, air, fire, and water.
• In Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths are considered the foundation of Buddhist philosophy.
• In Chinese beliefs, the Four Symbols (Black Tortoise, White Tiger, Red Phoenix, and Blue Dragon) are four mythical creatures that represent the four cardinal points.
• In Christianity, the Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are considered the foundation of Christian teachings.
• In Egyptian culture, the Four Sons of Horus were four deities that protected the organs of mummified pharaohs.
• In Graeco-Roman culture, the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) were considered the building blocks of the universe.
• In Hebrew culture, the four letters of God's name (YHWH) are considered sacred.
• In Hinduism, the four Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda) are considered the foundation of Hindu religious texts.
• In Islamic culture, the four caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali) are considered the first leaders of the Islamic community after the death of the Prophet Muhammad.
In Parsee culture, the four Amesha Spentas (Bounteous Immortals) are considered the emanations of the supreme god Ahura Mazda.
In Pythagorean belief, the number four is associated with the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and the four seasons.
Four is often associated with stability, home, calmness, retreat, roots, and foundation.
Linked to the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and the four seasons, winds, and elements.
Four is seen as the fourth dimension, time, which is an illusion.
Four is considered a solid, whole, and complete number, and is associated with earth and order.
A common symbolic number in various cultures, including Native American, Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, Chinese, Christian, Egyptian, Gnostic, Greek, and Hebrew cultures.
In Christianity, it is associated with the body and the four Gospels, Evangelists, chief arch-angels, chief-devils, four Fathers of the Church, Great Prophets, and cardinal virtues (prudence, fortitude, justice, temperance).
In Gnostic beliefs, it is associated with the Four-ness of God.
In Chinese culture, it is the number of the Earth, symbolized by the square, and represents the four streams of immortality.
S004b - Sol, Soul, Source, Self-Awareness and more...
What is the soul?
Return to the River of No Return
A dry, shuddering sound, vigorous and menacing, came from the direction of my tent. Cold reptilian eyes fixed their stare on me as I approached from the creek below.
I knew what it was, of course, but feared that my dog friend would not and shouted sharply for her to stay back.
The rattlesnake was coiled at the entrance of our dirt-floor tent, shaking its tail in warning.
At the creek I'd been carving on the forked end of a new walking stick. Still shouting at Kiche, I maneuvered around the snake, pinned the body to the ground under the fork, grabbed it closely behind the head and stabbed it through the brain with my carving knife.
Kiche and I had come here by bush pilot one week after my fifteenth birthday. We were dropped over the mountaintops in a sharp descent to a grassy landing strip along the river. The only other way is by hiking the trail for more than thirty miles from the end of the road.
Our tent was pitched at the base of a leaning tree near Cougar Creek. It was an hour’s hike from Jess and Dorothy Taylor, the old-timers who homesteaded at their hunting cabin – and many miles in any direction from other signs of civilization.
After killing the snake, I went on with gathering firewood – my senses on heightened alert. The sun set over the mountains and the high altitude air brought chill bumps to my skin. That night the stars were especially bright against the black void.
Why was a fifteen year old in this remote wilderness, alone with his dog? Well, it had to do with a paper I wrote titled, "Man."
My writing expressed the feelings I held towards mankind and his treatment of animals as objects and possessions and his inhumanity towards his fellow man. It was bound in a black binder when I handed it to my eighth grade science teacher and asked him for confidentiality.
Apparently disturbed by the writing, the teacher took it to the school counselor. They called my parents in for a conference, and I started seeing a psychologist as they feared I was anti-social. Somehow the plan arose to set me in the Idaho River of No Return Wilderness where Dad had done a bighorn sheep study years before. Perhaps by being away from human society for a summer, by myself, I would come to appreciate it more.
In the lower forty-eight, there is not a more raw or remote wilderness. It is rattlesnake country, and home to moose, great herds of elk, bighorn sheep, black bear and wolves. For centuries, up until the 1800s, a peaceful tribe who called themselves "People of the Sun" lived in the river canyons. Over the summer, while hiking the river trails, I killed eight rattlesnakes. Sure it was a contradiction of my principles. But I felt that if I did not kill the rattlers, they would kill Kiche or me. That summer I also found an arrowhead in an Indian mound, entered a cave with primitive paintings and had many dreams in the night.
Return to the River of No Return
Thirty-three years after my summer of '68 in the wilderness, I met my life partner Kati in Ashland, Oregon. She was in America on a tourist visa and could not stay. I had made the choice to go with her, wherever she went. The question was, where? Our choices came to India or Spain. The hub, Is Destiny Real? tells more of the story of our meeting.
Kati had heard me talk about my summer in the wilderness. One day I wore a t-shirt printed with a message from an Idaho river town. Kati said, “That’s it! We’ll go to Idaho and find a clear answer in nature.”
A lot of water had passed under the bridge in the years since my boyhood experience. Through the traumas and choices of life, I had trapped myself in stiff, narrow-minded thinking then broken out of the entrapment to live who I am. After the break-out, Kati and I met. Now we were in a new relationship with an unknown future.
The highway carried us from city to city. A two lane road took us through smaller towns. Then the pavement ended and we followed a dirt road for miles through thick forests until we came to Yellowpine, a settlement with three bars and a few houses. From there it was more dirt road to an outfitter with horses and cabins at the headwaters of Big Creek. And then we hefted our backpacks and hiked.
At times I felt overwhelmed by the wonder of being back in this remote wilderness which had appeared many times in my dreams since that summer long ago.
A few hours in, we saw an unusual circle of white daisies in a grassy patch between us and the river. We decided to make the widened, flat area around it our base camp.
Kati pitched her tent under the trees, and I nearer the river’s edge. The landscape had been changed by an earthquake which brought down parts of the mountainside. Already we’d seen a huge black moose tramping through the woods above us, a black bear cub curled around a tree, and signs of a wolf kill on the trail. I found later, on a hike deeper into the wilderness, that the forest had overgrown the small cabin of an old river hermit I had visited as a boy.
Be Alert
Returning to our camp site from a day hike late one afternoon, I heard the inner voice say “Be alert.” When we retired into our tents that night, I fell easily into sleep, lulled by the sound of the river. I was awakened suddenly around midnight when Kati burst into my tent. She was frantic and disoriented. My inner calmness took over and I eased her into a calm space. We didn’t discuss what had happened until the next morning when we sat together on a log.
Without knowing the history, we felt that the clearing where we camped was connected with a battle. And the psycho-emotional energies of the dying wounded were still bound to the earth. They were asking us to help them be set free. It was our first experience with such a thing, but we just knew what to do. We sat facing the daisy circle and went within again. There we followed our inner guiding to set free the earthbound souls.
When we came back out from the inner work, Kati asked for a sign that it was complete. The air had been perfectly still, but in that moment a breeze blew, bending the daisy heads as if to nod yes. In our state of heightened awareness, Kati had seen spirals of light lifting from the earth and I had sensed a lifting and clearing of the energies.
Deeper into the Wilderness
The next day we were determined to hike the thirty-some miles to the old Taylor Ranch, now a research station of the University of Idaho. I hadn’t had any contact and didn’t know what we’d find, nor was anyone expecting us. We had outfitted ourselves marginally for this wilderness adventure, as we were expecting to afterwards fly either to India or Spain.
Kati’s tennis shoes were inadequate for the trail made rocky by earthquake rubble and her feet were soon blistered. The grey clouds gathered into a light, steady rain and we were soaked to the skin. We carried sleeping bags but not provisions, counting on the hospitality of the research station. We had no choice but to make it there before nightfall. At this altitude it would be cold and miserable without shelter.
On the way we met a packer riding horseback, who told us it was a hard day’s ride to the research station. He did not see a chance for us to make it on foot in one day. But we pressed on. It was mid-summer and the berry bushes along the trail made a welcome feast. In one bush, another surprise was hidden, as a rattlesnake lay coiled there. This time, I apologized for killing his ancestors, and wished him peace.
As we topped a crest, a herd of more than fifty elk trotted across the large meadow. The shadows were growing long and the sun was starting to set behind the mountains when we saw the first horse corral. Further downriver, we finally came to the suspension bridge that carried us to the other side. It was further up the mountain to the main cabin of the old Taylor Ranch than I remembered, but the feeling from so many years ago came back in waves of wonderment to be here.
University Research Station
The biologist couple who manned the station were down-to-earth, scientific people. They warmed to us when they learned that my father had done a Bighorn Sheep study in this area in the 1950s. They had a copy of his book on their shelves. Coincidentally, that day was the couple’s anniversary. In two days, the man would fly out of the wilderness on a university trip. They were planning a horse-ride the next day that would take them past my old campground on Cougar Creek with a ford across the Big Creek river, and up the steep mountainside to a landing strip called Soldier Bar. They invited Kati and me to go with them.
The couple was well-informed about the history of the region and the peaceful tribe who called themselves ‘tukudika’ and inhabited the region for centuries. These Shoshoni-speakers had long remained mysterious and were referred to as Idaho’s shadowy people, the Sheep Eater Indians. During the period of the gold rush in America, the U.S. military waged a campaign against the ‘tukudika’ and destroyed their way of life. The area we’d chosen for our tents had been a site of the native inhabitants.
S004 - Sol, Soul, Source, Self-Awareness and more...
What is the soul?
(continued from the previous post in this series)
The soul (from my perspective) is the aspect of a person that continues to evolve through many lifetimes. While in the body, it interfaces with the world through the senses, intellect, emotions, and so on. About the actual state of the soul outside the body, not much is known at this time other than through philosophical traditions and anecdotal evidence. I sense having existed before this incarnation.
While the soul hasn't yet been fully accepted by science, it is recognized by some highly regarded scientists such as Robert Temple, a plasma physicist, and has been measured by others as recorded in his book linked here (on the website.)
The non-linear plane of the soul is a different reality than our earth experience. It feels to be not so polarized and is based on frequencies, with resonance or dissonance between individuated units of energy entities.
One hypothesis suggests that some people lose connection with their souls, such as by pushing it out with chronic hatred. The soul cannot co-exist in a body with the toxic dissonance of hatred. That may explain how atrocities can be committed by the soulless ones.
The ensouled can access their soul, and deepen the conscious connection, with patient and persevering practice. The awakening ensouled view the soulless with non-judgmental and non-condescending compassion while holding them socially accountable.
The story of my summer of exile as a 15 year old in the deep wilderness is told in the Hubpages article, 'Return to the River of No Return.'
Thirty-three years later, I returned to that wilderness, and experienced the earth-bound souls of the native people. For centuries, up until the 1800s, a peaceful tribe who called themselves 'People of the Sun' lived in the river canyons. These are excerpts from the article:
"Returning to our camp site from a day hike late one afternoon, I heard the inner voice say “Be alert.” When we retired into our tents that night, I fell easily into sleep, lulled by the sound of the river. I was awakened suddenly around midnight when my partner burst into my tent. She was frantic and disoriented...
"Without knowing the history, we felt that the clearing where we camped was connected with a battle. And the psycho-emotional energies of the dying wounded were still bound to the earth. They were asking us to help them be set free. It was our first experience with such a thing, but we just knew what to do....
The next day, we hiked miles downriver to the university research station I knew as a 15 year old as the Taylor Ranch.
Late in the day, "we finally came to the suspension bridge that carried us to the other side. It was further up the mountain to the main cabin of the old Taylor Ranch than I remembered, but the feeling from so many years ago came back in waves of wonderment to be here.
"The biologist couple who manned the University Research Station were down-to-earth, scientific people. They warmed to us when they learned that my father had done a Bighorn Sheep study in this area in the 1950s. They had a copy of his book on their shelves...
"The couple was well-informed about the history of the region and the peaceful tribe who called themselves ‘tukudika’ and inhabited the region for centuries. These Shoshoni-speakers had long remained mysterious and were referred to as Idaho’s shadowy people, the Sheep Eater Indians. During the period of the gold rush in America, the U.S. military waged a campaign against the ‘tukudika’ and destroyed their way of life. The area we’d chosen for our tents had been a site of the native inhabitants...."
Like (if you like), Reply and Repost
Drumscape by EquiSync: (used with mantra):
Emanate Presence on X:
Soul Vehicle NFT collections on JPG Store:
The AHA! Mantra, A Daily Practice
Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself), by Emanate Presence
6-minute YouTube Video:
The AHA! Mantra X 2:
"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - African Proverb
The kind of #knowledge that leads to true #wisdom is that of ourselves.
#AQ #EQ #Growth #KnowThyself #Mindfulness #Soul #Source 👍
What is the soul?
Return to the River of No Return
A dry, shuddering sound, vigorous and menacing, came from the direction of my tent. Cold reptilian eyes fixed their stare on me as I approached from the creek below.
I knew what it was, of course, but feared that my dog friend would not and shouted sharply for her to stay back.
The rattlesnake was coiled at the entrance of our dirt-floor tent, shaking its tail in warning.
At the creek I'd been carving on the forked end of a new walking stick. Still shouting at Kiche, I maneuvered around the snake, pinned the body to the ground under the fork, grabbed it closely behind the head and stabbed it through the brain with my carving knife.
Kiche and I had come here by bush pilot one week after my fifteenth birthday. We were dropped over the mountaintops in a sharp descent to a grassy landing strip along the river. The only other way is by hiking the trail for more than thirty miles from the end of the road.
Our tent was pitched at the base of a leaning tree near Cougar Creek. It was an hour’s hike from Jess and Dorothy Taylor, the old-timers who homesteaded at their hunting cabin – and many miles in any direction from other signs of civilization.
After killing the snake, I went on with gathering firewood – my senses on heightened alert. The sun set over the mountains and the high altitude air brought chill bumps to my skin. That night the stars were especially bright against the black void.
Why was a fifteen year old in this remote wilderness, alone with his dog? Well, it had to do with a paper I wrote titled, "Man."
My writing expressed the feelings I held towards mankind and his treatment of animals as objects and possessions and his inhumanity towards his fellow man. It was bound in a black binder when I handed it to my eighth grade science teacher and asked him for confidentiality.
Apparently disturbed by the writing, the teacher took it to the school counselor. They called my parents in for a conference, and I started seeing a psychologist as they feared I was anti-social. Somehow the plan arose to set me in the Idaho River of No Return Wilderness where Dad had done a bighorn sheep study years before. Perhaps by being away from human society for a summer, by myself, I would come to appreciate it more.
In the lower forty-eight, there is not a more raw or remote wilderness. It is rattlesnake country, and home to moose, great herds of elk, bighorn sheep, black bear and wolves. For centuries, up until the 1800s, a peaceful tribe who called themselves "People of the Sun" lived in the river canyons. Over the summer, while hiking the river trails, I killed eight rattlesnakes. Sure it was a contradiction of my principles. But I felt that if I did not kill the rattlers, they would kill Kiche or me. That summer I also found an arrowhead in an Indian mound, entered a cave with primitive paintings and had many dreams in the night.
Return to the River of No Return
Thirty-three years after my summer of '68 in the wilderness, I met my life partner Kati in Ashland, Oregon. She was in America on a tourist visa and could not stay. I had made the choice to go with her, wherever she went. The question was, where? Our choices came to India or Spain. The hub, Is Destiny Real? tells more of the story of our meeting.
Kati had heard me talk about my summer in the wilderness. One day I wore a t-shirt printed with a message from an Idaho river town. Kati said, “That’s it! We’ll go to Idaho and find a clear answer in nature.”
A lot of water had passed under the bridge in the years since my boyhood experience. Through the traumas and choices of life, I had trapped myself in stiff, narrow-minded thinking then broken out of the entrapment to live who I am. After the break-out, Kati and I met. Now we were in a new relationship with an unknown future.
The highway carried us from city to city. A two lane road took us through smaller towns. Then the pavement ended and we followed a dirt road for miles through thick forests until we came to Yellowpine, a settlement with three bars and a few houses. From there it was more dirt road to an outfitter with horses and cabins at the headwaters of Big Creek. And then we hefted our backpacks and hiked.
At times I felt overwhelmed by the wonder of being back in this remote wilderness which had appeared many times in my dreams since that summer long ago.
A few hours in, we saw an unusual circle of white daisies in a grassy patch between us and the river. We decided to make the widened, flat area around it our base camp.
Kati pitched her tent under the trees, and I nearer the river’s edge. The landscape had been changed by an earthquake which brought down parts of the mountainside. Already we’d seen a huge black moose tramping through the woods above us, a black bear cub curled around a tree, and signs of a wolf kill on the trail. I found later, on a hike deeper into the wilderness, that the forest had overgrown the small cabin of an old river hermit I had visited as a boy.
Be Alert
Returning to our camp site from a day hike late one afternoon, I heard the inner voice say “Be alert.” When we retired into our tents that night, I fell easily into sleep, lulled by the sound of the river. I was awakened suddenly around midnight when Kati burst into my tent. She was frantic and disoriented. My inner calmness took over and I eased her into a calm space. We didn’t discuss what had happened until the next morning when we sat together on a log.
Without knowing the history, we felt that the clearing where we camped was connected with a battle. And the psycho-emotional energies of the dying wounded were still bound to the earth. They were asking us to help them be set free. It was our first experience with such a thing, but we just knew what to do. We sat facing the daisy circle and went within again. There we followed our inner guiding to set free the earthbound souls.
When we came back out from the inner work, Kati asked for a sign that it was complete. The air had been perfectly still, but in that moment a breeze blew, bending the daisy heads as if to nod yes. In our state of heightened awareness, Kati had seen spirals of light lifting from the earth and I had sensed a lifting and clearing of the energies.
Deeper into the Wilderness
The next day we were determined to hike the thirty-some miles to the old Taylor Ranch, now a research station of the University of Idaho. I hadn’t had any contact and didn’t know what we’d find, nor was anyone expecting us. We had outfitted ourselves marginally for this wilderness adventure, as we were expecting to afterwards fly either to India or Spain.
Kati’s tennis shoes were inadequate for the trail made rocky by earthquake rubble and her feet were soon blistered. The grey clouds gathered into a light, steady rain and we were soaked to the skin. We carried sleeping bags but not provisions, counting on the hospitality of the research station. We had no choice but to make it there before nightfall. At this altitude it would be cold and miserable without shelter.
On the way we met a packer riding horseback, who told us it was a hard day’s ride to the research station. He did not see a chance for us to make it on foot in one day. But we pressed on. It was mid-summer and the berry bushes along the trail made a welcome feast. In one bush, another surprise was hidden, as a rattlesnake lay coiled there. This time, I apologized for killing his ancestors, and wished him peace.
As we topped a crest, a herd of more than fifty elk trotted across the large meadow. The shadows were growing long and the sun was starting to set behind the mountains when we saw the first horse corral. Further downriver, we finally came to the suspension bridge that carried us to the other side. It was further up the mountain to the main cabin of the old Taylor Ranch than I remembered, but the feeling from so many years ago came back in waves of wonderment to be here.
University Research Station
The biologist couple who manned the station were down-to-earth, scientific people. They warmed to us when they learned that my father had done a Bighorn Sheep study in this area in the 1950s. They had a copy of his book on their shelves. Coincidentally, that day was the couple’s anniversary. In two days, the man would fly out of the wilderness on a university trip. They were planning a horse-ride the next day that would take them past my old campground on Cougar Creek with a ford across the Big Creek river, and up the steep mountainside to a landing strip called Soldier Bar. They invited Kati and me to go with them.
The couple was well-informed about the history of the region and the peaceful tribe who called themselves ‘tukudika’ and inhabited the region for centuries. These Shoshoni-speakers had long remained mysterious and were referred to as Idaho’s shadowy people, the Sheep Eater Indians. During the period of the gold rush in America, the U.S. military waged a campaign against the ‘tukudika’ and destroyed their way of life. The area we’d chosen for our tents had been a site of the native inhabitants.
S004 - Sol, Soul, Source, Self-Awareness and more...
What is the soul?
(continued from the previous post in this series)
The soul (from my perspective) is the aspect of a person that continues to evolve through many lifetimes. While in the body, it interfaces with the world through the senses, intellect, emotions, and so on. About the actual state of the soul outside the body, not much is known at this time other than through philosophical traditions and anecdotal evidence. I sense having existed before this incarnation.
While the soul hasn't yet been fully accepted by science, it is recognized by some highly regarded scientists such as Robert Temple, a plasma physicist, and has been measured by others as recorded in his book linked here (on the website.)
The non-linear plane of the soul is a different reality than our earth experience. It feels to be not so polarized and is based on frequencies, with resonance or dissonance between individuated units of energy entities.
One hypothesis suggests that some people lose connection with their souls, such as by pushing it out with chronic hatred. The soul cannot co-exist in a body with the toxic dissonance of hatred. That may explain how atrocities can be committed by the soulless ones.
The ensouled can access their soul, and deepen the conscious connection, with patient and persevering practice. The awakening ensouled view the soulless with non-judgmental and non-condescending compassion while holding them socially accountable.
The story of my summer of exile as a 15 year old in the deep wilderness is told in the Hubpages article, 'Return to the River of No Return.'
Thirty-three years later, I returned to that wilderness, and experienced the earth-bound souls of the native people. For centuries, up until the 1800s, a peaceful tribe who called themselves 'People of the Sun' lived in the river canyons. These are excerpts from the article:
"Returning to our camp site from a day hike late one afternoon, I heard the inner voice say “Be alert.” When we retired into our tents that night, I fell easily into sleep, lulled by the sound of the river. I was awakened suddenly around midnight when my partner burst into my tent. She was frantic and disoriented...
"Without knowing the history, we felt that the clearing where we camped was connected with a battle. And the psycho-emotional energies of the dying wounded were still bound to the earth. They were asking us to help them be set free. It was our first experience with such a thing, but we just knew what to do....
The next day, we hiked miles downriver to the university research station I knew as a 15 year old as the Taylor Ranch.
Late in the day, "we finally came to the suspension bridge that carried us to the other side. It was further up the mountain to the main cabin of the old Taylor Ranch than I remembered, but the feeling from so many years ago came back in waves of wonderment to be here.
"The biologist couple who manned the University Research Station were down-to-earth, scientific people. They warmed to us when they learned that my father had done a Bighorn Sheep study in this area in the 1950s. They had a copy of his book on their shelves...
"The couple was well-informed about the history of the region and the peaceful tribe who called themselves ‘tukudika’ and inhabited the region for centuries. These Shoshoni-speakers had long remained mysterious and were referred to as Idaho’s shadowy people, the Sheep Eater Indians. During the period of the gold rush in America, the U.S. military waged a campaign against the ‘tukudika’ and destroyed their way of life. The area we’d chosen for our tents had been a site of the native inhabitants...."
Like (if you like), Reply and Repost
Drumscape by EquiSync: (used with mantra):
Emanate Presence on X:
Soul Vehicle NFT collections on JPG Store:
The AHA! Mantra, A Daily Practice
Attracting Higher Aspects (of Oneself), by Emanate Presence
6-minute YouTube Video:
The AHA! Mantra X 2:
"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - African Proverb
The kind of #knowledge that leads to true #wisdom is that of ourselves.
#AQ #EQ #Growth #KnowThyself #Mindfulness #Soul #Source 👍