Most believe to be abundant means to have a lot of money. However, abundance is a state of wellBEing (ness). More importantly, financial abundance is only one aspect of one’s wellbeing. The other aspects that form the totality of your wellbeing are; Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Physical, and Social.
One concept which stands in opposition of abundance is the Egoic collective consciousness of scarcity. A scarcity mentally is the belief (even if one is wealthy) that there is not enough. This community of thought through the centuries has only led people to feel as it they must get, keep and hoard for their very survival. That 3D (Old Earth) operating system has only produced greed, thievery, oppression, war, and death. Nevertheless, abundance within and throughout all six aspects is indeed possible, and it is what New Earth Inhabitants (NEI’s) experience on a consistent basis. New Earth living is a state of consciousness (5th dimensional and beyond). Inhabitants live consciously, maintaining a deep sacred connection to their Soul/Self. New Earth inhabitants embodying an abundant Spiritual aspect are easy to spot. Most have discovered, through a spiritual awakening, who they truly are, a direct extension of God/Consciousness/Source Energy. Also, what they truly are not… their thoughts/beliefs/body. Embracing those truths has put their Ego on a very short leash. They consciously go about their lives “tapped in, tuned in, and turned on” to the harmonic rhythm of their environments. Many are allowing, and graciously accepting the inevitable contrasts that present in their daily lives. NEI’s understand that when contrast presents, it’s an opportunity to choose their highest good. The majority have very little stress in their lives. A spiritually abundant person carries a high vibe persona, and their very presence can change the atmosphere of a room when they enter. You can notice an emotionally abundant NEI by how they navigate through their emotions. They tend to feel, embrace, examine, and then release their feelings, without becoming consumed by them. They are some of the most honest people you'd ever meet. Most live by the creed that whether in word, action or deed if it's not kind, helpful, useful and true, it will not be supported or spoken. They use their emotions as a guide to tune their frequency. These people are brave, courageously facing the not so pretty truths about themselves and the motives that drive their behavior. An emotionally abundant person may ask themselves the hard questions like: Ø Was that shade I just threw? Ø Am I jealous? Ø Am I being petty? Ø Am I truly wishing the best of outcome here? Ø What insecurity am I feeling about myself, that I would intentionally say one thing...but deep-down mean another? Very seldom do emotionally healthy people over-react to negative circumstances that present. They practice intentionally looking on the bright side of given situations. Many have a meditation practice, memorized affirmations and mantras on the ready to help them stay emotionally balanced. New Earth Inhabitants tend to have a focused mindset as they navigate through life's demands of work, family, community, and self. Most have a very high percentage of follow through when completing projects. They routinely stimulate their minds through great reads, conversations and viewing practices. You will find many NEI’s to be very open-minded and respectful of where people fall on the spectrum of mentality. Mentally abundant people believe that when one knows better, they'll do better. Non-judgment is a platform they embody. NEI’s spend most of their waking hours acquiring deeper insights through their daily habits, hobbies and relationships. A great deal of them enjoy sharing their newfound insights or perspectives with family, friends and their communities, which in turn creates more opportunity for them to continually sharpen their mental state, to flow and to grow. I equate our body to life… you only get one. It houses our senses, our Soul/Self and is the vessel from which we experience the world. How we treat our body and what we put into it directly reflects our physical wellbeing. We have four major gateways into our BEing (ness); our eyes, ears, mouth and genitals. Whatever we view, eat, listen to or have sex with enters our bodies through those gateways. Each gateway is equally important to the body's physical abundance and wellbeing. It has long been established that we are... what we eat. However, not much has ever been said about we are... what we continuously watch, or we are... what we continuously listen to. Yet, it's widely known that a tactic utilized while brainwashing, is to bombard a person with sounds and images for long periods of time. Eating healthy along with regular exercise, aids in abundant physical health. NEI’s and those who have an abundant physical aspect are doing three things consistently. They are mindful of their gateways and what gets in, they eat healthy and exercise regularly. An abundant social aspect, outside the bubble of our family, speaks to our ability to connect, and connection is a reason for our very existence while here. Everything is energy. We were created from Source Energy and therefore, carry the very energy that created us...withIN us. Through our vibrations/energy we have created the very reality in which we are living. There is an internal need to connect to Earth (Gaia), animals and other humans. Belonging is a natural emotion that fuels positive energy, and positive energy is always available in abundance. A person with a socially abundant aspect is involved in hobbies, causes, social groups, fraternal organizations, and community activities that resonate with how they see and connect to their world. Many give their time, talents and gifts over, but not to the extent that it stresses them out. Upholding their commitments means more to them than an abundance of memberships anywhere. NEI’s and those who have an abundant social life understand that quality is more important than quantity. Someone with an abundant financial aspect lives within their means. More than likely, they have a good credit score and a decent savings account. Some even have portfolios. Others have residual income which results in several streams of income for them. They understand that in transitioning back to nonphysical, money has no value. Many choose to live simplistically within their style of comfort. They find no reason to boast, brag, over-indulge in luxuries or keep up with the next big trend of frivolous spending. The majority find charitable work or giving back extremely rewarding. In whatever way these financially abundant people came into their abundance, they have maintained it. NEI’s and those who have financial abundance, encompass two things consistently. They have good financial management, and a charitable heart. If you are resonating abundance across all six aspects, more than likely you are (unknowingly) an inhabitant of New Earth consciousness on a consistent basis. If not, which aspect needs your attention? **This piece was heavily quoted from my book The Road to Wellbeing (ebook only). The healthy and unhealthy aspects of wellbeing, and considerations on how to become balanced are thoroughly examined. Visit Considerations of the Soul.
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November 2023