Nine short video interviews with Dr. Hew Len on his practice of 'cleaning data' in himself to experience the Divine. First, a video on alignment by Matt Kahn.
All profound change emerges from community, from a holding space. A generative holding space is a social field that embodies and strengthens the qualities of the open mind, open heart, and open will. Groups that experience such deeper qualities of the social field report a shift in their awareness and energy that activates the presence of their highest future potential. ~ Otto Scharmer, Presencing Institute
Ecological Consciousness
There are about 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms in your body... The Philosophy of Cloud Atlas: How Beauty Will Save the World is what I would call an advanced movie trailer, created, so it seems, not to promote the movie but to advance human consciousness. Beautifully made! A highly worthwhile watch, a slide show of screenshots from the movie clip follows the video below. I have not seen the movie, Cloud Atlas, but after watching this trailer, will definitely make effort to do so.
The premise here is that there is more inner information available to us through subtle channels than we normally allow. When we do learn to allow it by cultivating a deeper sensitivity within ourselves to the informational fields in which we participate then our access deepens.
Mmmmm ❤
SO grateful for these kinds of friendships in my life! "The kind of friendship one finds in an anam cara, O’Donohue argues, is a very special form of love — not the kind that leads us to pit the platonic against the romantic but something much larger and more transcendent: Let us practice these as a way of living together, forming the basis for a New Earth and the underlying practices for new governance models ❤
The Co-Creators’ AGREEMENTS Prophecy of the Shambhala Warriors
[A Tibetan Legend passed on to Joanna Macy] "There comes a time when all life on Earth is in danger. Barbarian powers have arisen. Although they waste their wealth in preparations to annihilate each other, they have much in common: weapons of unfathomable devastation and technologies that lay waste the world. It is now, when the future of all beings hangs by the frailest of threads, that the kingdom of Shambhala emerges. The 'Joyful Surprise Movements' are the main component of the 'Present Moment Brocades (nine movements, a full set of Qigong) and 'Dance with the Divine' (three of the nine, an introduction to the P.M.B.)
While practicing them, I have often experienced joy, a release of tension, a change from stiffness to suppleness, and sometimes ecstasy. Afterwards, I feel a sense of centeredness, equanimity, and well-being ~ which eventually fades in the midst of environmental stress, but can be refreshed over the day by applied breathing and focus. Overall, I am more grounded, peaceful, and able to meet stressors with confidence. Although at first glance it might appear not, this appeal has deep correlation with the individual energy work of the Present Moment Brocades, and anything that includes Chi, such as Qigong. This will be revealed in a closer read.
November 2023