The premise here is that there is more inner information available to us through subtle channels than we normally allow. When we do learn to allow it by cultivating a deeper sensitivity within ourselves to the informational fields in which we participate then our access deepens. The content of this information and the process by which it is brought forth seems to be transformative in its effect. When we allow our attunement and feedback practices to become ever more informed by subtle content then there is a felt intensification of the field, and the impact on us of the information that becomes available is also perceived to increase. Its impact is sometimes referred to as evolutionary in that it awakens people to their next steps in terms of evolutionary unfoldment, facilitating the emergence of higher-level human capacities and sensitivities. For instance, we learn to discern the vibration of inner information that is suggestive of innovation, sometimes framed as "future-based"; arising in us 'as if from the future.' Thomas Hubl reminds us that this is not the future that we think of as tomorrow but rather that which is available to us as the higher potential - enfolded and available within the present - as a result of the embodied presence that we cultivate: "The future. . . is that which is calling to us to bring itself forth into existence. The Creative Future is a desire, an urge from the Source to give birth to creative new potentials and it requires us to tap into this urge, follow its movements, and bring it to life on Earth. It is Us and We are It." (Chris Dierkes) Stephen Busby, "Embodying Higher Consciousness: Awakening Through We-Space to a Higher Frequency of Life" The above was posted on Facebook by Sheri Herndon. Comment by Gary: This is in alignment with my experience. [The premise here is that there is more inner information available to us through subtle channels than we normally allow.] Than we normally allow... or than normally infiltrates the barrier membrane (which I call the matrix mind) enveloping the human body. [When we do learn to allow it by cultivating a deeper sensitivity within ourselves to the informational fields in which we participate then our access deepens.] I have experienced this clearly, while practicing a Qigong set which evolved from the 'Eight Pieces of Brocade' to the 'Present Moment Brocades.' In the process of making 116 major revisions to a text script which is read by a text-to-speech app for voice prompts, developed for my own use, I watched my access to the informational fields deepen. [The content of this information and the process by which it is brought forth seems to be transformative in its effect.] Definitely transformative! My wife will attest to this, from her experience of me for twenty years, and the changes in me since creating the evolved Qigong set. Also, as the script was being re-written, following the inner voice, in one place there is a breathing out, feeling the Present Moment Light forming a cocoon around the body. […Thomas Hubl reminds us that this is not the future that we think of as tomorrow but rather that which is available to us as the higher potential - enfolded and available within the present - as a result of the embodied presence that we cultivate.... Stephen Busby, "Embodying Higher Consciousness: Awakening Through We-Space to a Higher Frequency of Life"] Yes, yes! Embodied presence! A higher frequency of life! It is real, actual, true, and joyful for those who choose this journey. Liviu Finete posted in the Facebook discussion group, Practical Metaphysics: What is Heaven and Hell? What If the whole Universe is God and the material aspect is Lucifer (the fall of spiritual into matter), whereas Hell is a repetition of life (a respawn; forever without knowing) "here" and Heaven is the continuation of consciousness with God in space-time dimension? (meaning that either we reunite with the Creator in the spiritual realm/integration or we separate with Lucifer in the material world/separation). What do you think Heaven and Hell really stands for? COMMENTS Daniel Drumm Ponder this one. If the Universe ceases to exist, then the Idea of Life is a "one time only" thing? When all the stars on "the sky" will explode and no black hole will exist, then what? An empty sheet of "black" universe? But what about purgatory? LIke .. we exist in cycles to be purified of what..? What is religion going to do when it will face extraterrestrials? Does the church have updated concepts and teachings that explain the nature of reality? Life is not a one time only thing, either macrocosmically or microcosmically. Just as you have repeated lives, so does the universe. They are called manvantaras. Purgatory means that experience required to purify a being so that it might ascend in understanding and being to the Real. The main purification is the I-am-the-body idea, which Ramana Maharshi says IS the Fall. Extraterrestrial beings are not the ultimate reality, but represent conditions on the astral. We are extraterrestrial beings, and when we know ourselves, we will know all others. Gary Smith Liviu Finete, 'A wise man once said nothing.' as your profile says. Even though all opinions and statements, including this one, are partial and incomplete ~ putting together all comments on your post can create a more complete perspective. All are true, and none is the Truth. Any of the viewpoints expressed in the comments are true for the commenter in that moment. Is there a fixed, absolute Truth at all? Yet, I like your explorations. If that truth serves you on your spiritual journey, may it be well for you. Beliefs can be chosen for their usefulness, rather than their accuracy (since there is no actual accuracy, according to my perspective.) Your thoughts seem useful and beneficial, as they make you self-responsible for your choices and actions, which do have a consequence or outcome. It also motivates you, if you choose continuation of consciousness with God in space-time dimension.... to reunite with the Creator in the spiritual realm/integration. Liviu Finete, on my spiritual journey, I have reached a similar perspective, and it is proving useful. It has guided me to create a Qigong set with the primary purpose of experiencing re-unification with God/Source/the Unmoved Mover. This set of joyful surprise movements, a dance with the Divine, is called the Present Moment Brocades, and can be practiced by following the voice prompts on a downloadable mp3 file. If you feel attracted, give it a shot. I would love to hear from you. ~ Gary Julian Allen Arcala posted in the Facebook discussion group, Practical Metaphysics: Is fire considered as energy? Comment by Gary Besides the dictionary definitions and scientific categorization of energy, I think of it in the most basic sense as movement. Is fire movement? Fire transforms. Is transformation movement? Yes, I would say so. Is anything NOT energy? Stillness. As soon as the unmoved mover moves there is energy. Is stillness really the total absence of movement? For stillness and motion to exist, they need each other, because they only exist in relation each to the other. But perhaps stillness is undifferentiated movement rather than the absence of movement. As soon as stillness is differentiated, there is movement. For movement to exist, there also has to be locality, similar to differentiation. Is fire energy, simple answer, yes. It is a transforming energy. Note on Video: This video was a spontaneous combustion generated by a Facebook glitch. When I returned to a post to see a comment on my comment, and clicked 'More', it did what the video captured. To me, it is a real hoot to see the energetic movement, caused by a glitch, on a discussion about fire as energy, and energy as movement.
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November 2023