A breathing visualization
which opens the Third Eye and the heart, strengthens the merkaba, anoints the heart with Christos elixir, anchors energy to the center of the earth, and brings light and healing to the planet. The Heart Breathing Mantra
is a simple and powerful tool, designed to be easily memorized, and integrated into daily life, where it is most useful. It is available as a video with scrolling text, and as audio and PDF files. O, deep of consciousness.
I am, that I am. It is, what it is. Let my mind, remain still. Let my heart, remain open. Let my spirit, remain free! Free to express, the source of all love. Free to express, the source of all life. With all my being, so let it be. From the Heart Opening meditation. The imagery and consecrated
feeling of going within the veil and entering the Holy of Holies within the heart, is touching and meaningful to me because of personal associations. What I write is nothing new. It's been written countless times before, in as many ways. Each way is a reflection of the writer's journey. I can only give an account of my journey, and whether or not that is of use to another, 'it is what it is.'
November 2023