Let us practice these as a way of living together, forming the basis for a New Earth and the underlying practices for new governance models ❤ The Co-Creators’ AGREEMENTS Practice Mindfulness – My intention is to be my authentic self and be fully present. Realize Potential – My commitment is to realize my fullest potential and support others in doing the same. Access Guidance – I agree to attune with Spirit and follow the calling of my Soul on behalf of the well being of the whole. Communicate with Integrity – I agree to tell my truth with love and compassion for myself and others. Act with Integrity – I agree to keep my agreements and will do my best to follow my heart in making commitments. Deep Listening – I agree to listen respectfully to the communication of others and tune into their deepest meaning. Honor One Another – I agree to honor each person’s process, acknowledging that everyone, including myself is making the best possible choice or decision we are capable of in that moment. Appreciate Contributions – I agree to take responsibility and ask for acknowledgement, receiving acknowledgement with grace and gratitude; and practice regular acknowledgement and affirmation of others. Honor Our Differences – I agree to come from a sense of cooperation and caring in my interactions with others, and from an understanding that objectives are often the same even though methods for achieving them may differ. I honor the diversity of all life. Take Responsibility – I agree to take responsibility for my creations, my reactions, my experience and my relationships. Maintain Resonance – I agree to take the time to establish rapport and then to re-connect with anyone with whom I feel out of harmony as soon as it may be appropriate. I agree to practice heart resonance and intend to integrate and balance my mental energy with the abundant power of my heart energy. Practice Peaceful Resolution – I agree to take problems, complaints and upsets to the person(s) with whom I can resolve them at the earliest opportunity. I agree not to criticize or complain to anyone who cannot do anything about my complaint, and I will redirect others to do the same. I acknowledge that “Peace on Earth” begins with my relationship with myself first, and then others. Go for Excellence – I agree to support others and to be supported in participating at the highest level of excellence. Learn from Experience – I agree to do my best to learn from my experiences. Accept Imperfections – I intend to embrace and accept the imperfections of myself and others. Be a Leader – I agree to foster an environment of genuine collaboration in which all people, including myself, feel empowered to express our individual and collective potential. Service to Others – I am willing to open my heart, still my mind and be in compassionate service to all life. Re-evaluate my Commitment – I agree to choose and re-choose to participate in this Generative Alliance. It is my choice. Lighten Up! – I agree to create joy in my relationships, my work and my life. *Trust the Process – I intend to trust the co-creative process as it emerges and unfolds in my participation in the collaborative. I place confidence in the co-creative collaborative and it’s representatives as they assist in the proliferation of my highest good. *Practice Generosity – I agree that the generosity model is an organic, authentic process of proliferation. I agree to practice generosity by the selfless promotion of other members, initiatives, and worthy causes and will share all that’s good and working in the world within my abundant circle of influence. *Develop Unity Consciousness – I agree that we are all interconnected beings, but have felt separate due to the illusion of separation from self, others, Creator/God and the Earth. We have forgotten our true divine heritage of Unity Consciousness and have been lost in defending our separateness, while creating an impoverished feeling of disempowerment, brokenness, lack and need. I intend to embody Unity Consciousness and teach, share, generate, and celebrate it with others. *Love One Another – I agree to practice the Golden Rule and love my neighbor as myself. I understand this means that I must first unconditionally, without reservation or exception, love myself first. In doing so, I help raise my own vibration and therefore, raise the vibration around me and help heal the earth. Loving my neighbor also means intentionally being in relationship with my local neighborhood and community. [These agreements have been adapted from The Co-Creators Handbook, published and copyrighted by Global Family, which was originally adapted from The Geneva Group Agreements – Boulder, CO. The authors of the Handbook invite others to use their agreements as a basis for co-creating agreements that are relevant for your group or organization. Julie Krull has made minimal changes and adaptations to these for use with another co-creative venture and would like to thank Carolyn Anderson and Katharine Roske for their generosity of spirit. Agreements with an * have been added by Julie Krull for another project.] If you want to become whole,
let yourself be partial. If you want to become straight, let yourself be crooked. If you want to become full, let yourself be empty. If you want to be reborn, let yourself die. If you want to be given everything, give everything up. The Master, by residing in the Tao, sets an example for all beings. Because he doesn't display himself, people can see his light. Because he has nothing to prove, people can trust his words. Because he doesn't know who he is, people recognize themselves in him. Because he has no goal in mind, everything he does succeeds. When the ancient Masters said, "If you want to be given everything, give everything up," they weren't using empty phrases. Only in being lived by the Tao can you be truly yourself. ~ Tao Te Ching
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November 2023