If there are enemies and allies, then fear is the enemy, and Agape love is the ally. Whatever happens on earth, the surest personal safety zone is one's frequency raised by Agape love. 'Eternal Love Movements' raise one's personal frequency, and that of the earth. Where there is Agape love, (love for no reason, unconditional love, love for love itself,) there can be no fear. When love is the natural, unrestricted, free flow of energy, then fear can be understood as the constrictions which prevent that flow. Freeing oneself from fear happens by surrendering to Love, which I also call the Present Moment, and the One Light. This surrender is an effortless act of Will. A portion of visualization in the 'One Light Movements' is this: "Exhale up slowly, moving the One Light from your heart space, back up to the Eye of Ra, feeling it expand into the elixir field. Inhale the One Light, from the elixir field, through the Eye of Ra, into the sphere around your heart. Feel the One Light filling that sphere. Exhale the One Light from your heart sphere, out to your body, radiating every cell with the Present Moment Light. Inhale the Chi of your body with the One Light, back into the sphere around your heart. Enter that space, and see a figure standing, the guardian of your heart, your inner knowing and wisdom. "Exhale slowly, lower your head, radiate your light energies, and hold both hands, palms up, in front of your chest, to receive. Feel the guardian place into your hands, a cup filled with liquid, charged with the energies of your constrictions. "Drink down the liquid, then move the cup to the hands on the area of your heart, pull it out, move your cupped hands to your mouth, and breathe the One Light into your hands, knowing that your constrictions are seen by your Third Eye. Say and feel, 'I surrender all constrictions to the One Light.' "Inhale deeply, pulling the One Light back into the sphere around your heart. Then open your hands, palms up, at the level of the heart, and see the beauty of the butterfly. Breathe out gently, feel the butterfly, as it flies, and smile with appreciation. Loosen and relax your body; and breathe smoothly and regularly." Drinking from the 'cup filled with liquid, charged with the energies of your constrictions' is a way to surrender your fear to the One Light. The more deeply you feel this surrender, the more effectual it will be in your life. Normally, it is a process of deepening. Eternal Love is the essence of the 'One Light Movements'. It has been re-written from ten movements to six, making it more compact and potent. In the Eternal Love Movements, the visualization replaces the cup with a key charged with energies to unlock potential. Emotional pain is caused by constrictions which prevent the free flow of spiritual energies in the body. This pain is eased by loosening the constrictions so spiritual energies can move freely. Various techniques can help increase the flow, such as by relaxation or positive thoughts, but do not address the underlying cause. Graffiti on a wall I saw in Germany said 'Fuck the pain away.' It says it clearly, but addictions of any kind won't solve the issue. Neither does it work well in the long run to suppress emotional pain, as pain buried alive never dies. Some think rage work helps, and maybe it does some people. But in my 14 months with an organization of therapists, counselors and psychiatrists who used rage work with at-risk youth, I can say from experience it does not feel well to me. I am not in agreement that there is such a thing as 'good' anger, as a therapist tried to convince me, not when there are more nurturing and life-affirming alternatives. That is not to say that harsher methods are not useful. They may be, to get stuck energy moving, in extreme cases. That is my perspective. Eternal Love Movements are an effective way to loosen the constrictions causing emotional pain, as I have proven to myself for the past ten months. It is over continual surrender to the One Light, the Present Moment, that the constrictions relax, allowing Agape love to flow. A measure of this flow is the qualities of one's actions, such as kindness, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, gentle strength, and peaceful response to triggering situations. 'Love is experienced in a free abundance flowing within the heart. Love is the natural, unrestricted, free flow of energy. Love is the root emotion which literally holds our universe together....' ~ Tantra of the Beloved by Virochana Khalsa
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November 2023