My post which asked, 'What is the salvation of humankind?' received generous response across several groups. In comments, the question came up, 'Is consciousness eternal?' It is a fitting question for me to mull over this week, and to put to the reader. From physics, it is known that the number of particles in the multiverse remains constant. Nothing is lost, it only changes form. Classical science says human consciousness is biological, that it is generated by the brain and has no other origin. That indicates an end to consciousness at death. Biocentrism, a new science proposed by highly regarded classical scientists, and based on the latest theories of quantum mechanics, says that biological life has its origin in consciousness. That tends more towards an eternal, universal consciousness. Others have determined that there is no such thing as empty space, as classical science states. Space has structure, based on sacred geometry. Could the structure of space be where universal consciousness abides? One of the Biocentrism authors had an extended experience of oneness consciousness, and wrote to me that the state is ineffable, totally beyond words. Nothing that anyone can fathom or express, no matter how brilliant the mind, will capture the essence of the Void. The closest any of us can come to the actuality is a genuine experience of it. Some have written to me that they had a oneness experience, and described interactions with others. In genuine oneness, there are no others. The consciousness of an individual may dissipate at death, returning to a universal state, the Void. However, there is still a question of whether the individual can retain an identity that is somehow distinguishable from the whole, after the container has dissolved. On my soul journeys, when my soul lies down in the grass where the world is too full to talk about (Rumi), I am borderless. I am aware of qualities, but not form. Intuitively, I feel that universal consciousness, though constant in one sense, has aspects. It is the Unmoved Mover. In one aspect, it is stillness, in another motion. I just asked consciousness, 'Are you the rushing of blood through my veins?', and heard, 'There is no separation.' When space is everywhere, how can it have movement? Isn't that like the conundrum of zero point energy? It cannot be captured for human practical use, though it is immense, because energy must flow to be utilized. Zero point energy is everywhere, so does not itself flow. If everything we perceive is a projection of the brain, and the actuality is a pre-existent state of pure potentiality, where is motion but in the hallucination, the illusion of separation? I feel it is possible for an individual to retain a sense of self after the expiration of the body, but it is not a given. It depends on the state of that person's awareness at the time of death. 'Align and Expand', a soul journey, may exercise the spiritual muscles so to speak, and with a travel sphere, make it possible to maintain individuation within the universal Void. Through all the current events and my reaction/response to them, I have concluded there is wisdom in forming no conclusions. I apply these basic self-guidelines to all my writing: 1. All statements, including this one, are from a partial and incomplete perspective. 2. If I want a 360 degree viewpoint, I must consider all perspectives neutrally, and make no defense. 3. My writing is meant to express a perspective of the moment, not to push it onto anyone else. 4. My perspectives continuously change, though constants may remain, as my awareness expands. 5. I appreciate corrections kindly made, as I am not trained as a scientist or historian. 6. My interest is in applying abstract concepts to the practical improvement of daily life. What is the experience of Oneness consciousness? • Equanimity • At-home-ness • Spaciousness • Effortlessness • Non-separation • Love for Love itself I willingly surrender my human awareness to the cosmos of consciousness I Am, that I may experience myself free from previous bondages to a small self identity. Romans 6:6 "We know that our old self was crucified with Him so that the body of sin might be rendered powerless, that we should no longer be slaves to sin." - Berean Study Bible Your comments are invited. Thank you for your time. 🙏 The image is by an artist unknown to me. If you have any information, please pass it on, so I may ask permission. Lemy Zasouz
Beyond Biocentrism: Facing Reality A oneness experience by co-author Bob Berman Page 110 "Now I was studying for a physiology test when something in the textbook about the visual part of the brain suddenly gave me a split-second insight that the distinction between 'external' and 'internal' is unreal. Then that intellectual insight abruptly changed into something else. Page 111 "An enormous weight I'd never realized I had borne was suddenly lifted. An experience began that no words could convey. It was ineffable and life-altering. The best I can say is that 'I' was suddenly gone, replaced by the certainty of being the entire cosmos. There was absolute peace. I knew with total confidence, not logically--because, as I said, Bob was no longer present--that birth and death do not exist. That all is perfect eternally, that time is unreal, and that all is one. The joy was beyond anything I could have imagined. The to-the-marrow certainty could perhaps be better described as a recognition, an ancient familiarity of being Home. "When the intense initial experience faded, the room returned, and my textbooks lay before me. Except, all was now profoundly altered. Let's call this 'the second level of the experience.' There was still no sense of a separate 'me,' an observer looking out upon the world. Rather, everything was a oneness, and I was whatever my eyes gazed upon. It was as if my consciousness had previously been long confined, like a canary in a little cage, and that a false sense of being a separate, isolated, thinking individual had now vanished. Objects were no longer separate items existing in space; instead, everything was the same continuum. "When a person came into view, I was this person. The universe was one entity for all time. There were not billions of humans and animals. There was one living, deathless entity. (And no, in case you're wondering, this experience was not chemically induced.) If this sounds fabulous, well, no words could begin to convey the clarity. "The experience lasted three weeks, during which time no thought flitted across my consciousness. But eventually the ongoing stream of mental chatter, of being an individual, an observer, returned--accompanied by a loss of the peace and oneness. It felt terrible...."
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November 2023