What matters most to me is not where I am or what I have, but feeling the Connection while breathing clean air, enjoying a gentle breeze or stormy wind, sensing the warmth of sunshine or cold of rain on my skin, hearing birds singing and crickets chirping and cows mooing, watching the sun rising and setting and the clouds forming and shifting across the blue sky by day, and drifting across the moon by night. What matters is maintaining a steadiness within, knowing I Am the sun and moon of consciousness watching the shifting, drifting, clouds of my emotions and the ever-changing shapes of manifest form. I still get caught up sometimes in world events, but more and more I live from inner peace. What are the distinctions between feeling physical sensations and feeling the Connection? Sensations are felt over the senses in a physical process involving the brain and nervous system. Whereas, feeling the Connection with AllThatIs happens as an expansion on subtle levels of essence, as an intimacy between localized and non-localized consciousness. The two — feeling physical sensations and feeling the Connection — can be intertwined. * BE THE LIGHT These words (which help me every day maintain steadiness within) may be recited by rote, so long as needed to start. They are meant to be repeated by intuition rather than repetition, and must be felt to be effective. There's no set order, and other wording can be substituted. They can be spoken aloud to oneself or in thought, as often as possible. Effectiveness is an individual measurement: am I calmer, more peaceful, more confident, more caring, more connecting, more at home in myself. My ultimate measurement is a private experiment. PRAISE: 'All praise to the Source I Am, the all-inclusive One.' Am I Source? Of course! Nothing is outside Source in actuality. Is Gary R. Smith the Source in totality? Of course not! He is Source, in a bubble of apparent separation. GRATITUDE: 'All gratitude for AllThatIs, as it is, and for what IsNot.' 'What is not' refers to the pure potential inherent within infinite intelligence, the unmanifest within the manifest and intangible within the tangible. LOVE: 'Love for Love Itself is all that I Am.' I visualize with feeling the toroidal plasma sphere filling and encompassing me, while saying this. The ancient Greeks had eight different words for love, from eros to agape. To me, the essence of the plasma sphere I Am is most closely aligned with agape love. The application of this to daily life and relationships is over compassion. COMPASSION: 'Feeling connection with AllThatIs, the Source I Am acts through me.' BREATH: 'Breathe the Sphere, be the Light. Breathe the Light, be the Sphere.' According to some, love in physics can be understood as a free-flowing toroidal sphere of plasma light — and plasma as liquid electricity. Its actions in human terms generally are for the good (nourishment, protection, growth, thriving, betterment, evolution) of the whole. A question which only Gary can answer is, 'Can I create something new such as a materialized, conscious 'sphere of light' vehicle which endures beyond the veil?' Immortality is not my motive — giving earth and humanity another option is, even if incredibly naive. I mean, why not? On one of our many moves between the States and Europe, probably around 2012, one night while sleeping 🛌 in Germany, I had a dream-vision of rising above the earth in a sphere of light. It was nothing like the geometric merkaba, just a plain sphere of light. Others and I rose from a beach area below rocky cliffs. On October 11 last week, I landed bodily on Santa Maria, a Portuguese island in the volcanic archipelago of the Azores (sometimes called the remnant of Atlantis). Never been here before, this lifetime. On walks I have been haunted with the feeling that these are the beaches and cliffs of my dream, in the same muted light. STORMY WINDS
Stormy winds outside that blew constantly through the night match our emotional storms. In one sense, for times, I've felt more alive here on Santa Maria island than ever in the dead central valley of California. Another reality is that we've just exchanged the toxic smoky air of onburning California wildfires for the heavy damp moldy air of the Azores in winter. The mold doesn't come as a total surprise, we did our homework, but sitting in it differs from reading about it. Perhaps we compared our imagination of the Azores too closely to our experiences with the Hawaiian islands as we somewhat expected to find a 'dry side.' We also did our homework, so we thought, regarding moving our funds in cryptocurrency from American accounts to where needed for our lives in Europe. Ah, but it's not so simple. It was amazing that we could hold this rental house from California by simply transferring Cardano ADA cryptocurrency to the owner on Santa Maria island, population 5500 'in the middle' of the Atlantic. But as we realized even then, that was the exception. Most of the world still doesn't know what cryptocurrency is. As bold, intrepid adventurers traveling the world on a shoestring, we are neither so bold, nor intrepid, nor young as we were. Our experiences, so enlightening in one way, have also been crushing, and it's taking us longer to find our strength and spunk. Following the tale of our travels to get here (more on the website) are four distillations in my wording from the book by MSI. Those four revive my spirit on my walks from the hillside house to the vila in the valley, and back. TALES OF THE TRAILS This journey is a total of five flights, with a 19 hour layover in SFO San Francisco, a 12 hour layover at PDL Ponto Delgado, a four hour layover in Boston, and a generally intimidating itinerary (as the Alaska Air agent commented at Fresno Airport). But wow! We are here, and just one flight and a taxi ride to go til we are at our rented house. Oh will it feel good to lay down! The 100% full flights were memorable (or best forgettable), especially on the overnight from Boston to Ponto Delgado. Alaska Air had proudly advertised how safe it is to fly with them, when everyone wears a mask. About halfway, the 737 hit turbulence and rattled us around some. A passenger across the aisle from us threw up so violently the spray of his vomit could be felt by passengers several rows ahead. So much for safe and sanitary. We empathized with the man, both for his sickness and the embarrassment he likely felt. From the smell, infection was involved. Passengers were overall very patient and understanding with the delays and incidents, but there was also tension and fear for safety. For example, when someone sneezed another person remarked (perhaps half jokingly) 'Oh my god, we're all going to die!' Later the passengers quieted down and fell into sleep. I'd had a funny encounter with a man in the Boston airport earlier. He seemed to be struggling and I made a kind comment from mis-guided compassion. His response and broken eyes indicated alcoholism. Whether that influenced what happened or not, I don't know. I was also exhausted, and had difficulty breathing in the mask when sleep overcame me. My dreams were troubled, having to do with some force coming against me. In the dream I had to build up strength to resist by taking in more air, but couldn't get air. The whole cabin was shocked into awakeness when I let out a blood curdling war cry. It took awhile to get past that one. ASCENSION At SFO, I started reading a book which deeply inspires me. It is 'Ascension! An Analysis of the Art of Ascension As Taught by the Ishayas' by Maharishi Sadashiva Isham. I don't recall any other writing which is so aligned with my natural way of relating to the Ascendent. It also fits perfectly with my reading from the Secret Revelation to John, one of the Nag Hammadi codices integrated into the New New Testament — as the Ascension techniques are claimed to be from John, the apocalyptic author (which probably was a group of people living in the first centuries but most likely not a man named John). My reading continued at PDL and ended in the house on Santa Maria. I am more inclined towards expanding this 'ascension' in myself by direct experience with the Ascendant than with the in-person courses offered by the Ishayas. Photo: The stormy wind is not conveyed yet this is the view from our rental house on Santa Maria island in the Azores, Portugal. Not on vacation, we are here to explore possibilities of relocating back to Europe. https://www.wholehuman.emanatepresence.com/blog/be-the-light
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November 2023