This week, I started reading BEYOND BIOCENTRISM by Robert Lanza, M.D. In a nutshell, BIOCENTRISM turns classical physics on its head, and harmonizes science with spirituality. According to Lanza, 'Biologists describe the origin of life as a random occurrence in a dead universe, but have no real understanding of how life began or why the universe appears to be exquisitely designed for its emergence.' BIOCENTRISM — scientifically based on the latest findings of quantum mechanics experiments — says that matter organizes itself from a state of probabilities only when it is observed, and that the universe emerges from life (universal mind and human consciousness.) It also says that 'empty space' is filled with an immense power, and 'suffusing the cosmos is the realm of mind.' For me, the book could not be more timely reading, coming as it does in the midst of the current global social storm of humanity. Nothing I can imagine would do more to advance humanity, than a fundamental shift in human consciousness from the old mechanistic views and discrete objects of Newtonian and Cartesian science to the One Being view of Biocentrism. As a high school senior, I wrote a poem titled, 'The Universe is You.' In the fifty years since, I've had no word for my inherent worldview. Now, with Biocentrism, I and those who feel the same, not only have a word for their worldview, but one with solid science behind it. (Continued from the Quantum blog post.) (Excerpts from the book.) Chapter Six: The End of Time Page 44 'According to Biocentrism, time is the inner sense that animates the still frames of the spatial world.... everything we experience right now, even our bodies, is a whirl of information occurring in our minds. Space and time are merely the mind's tools for effortlessly putting everything together. 'So what's real? If the next image is different from the last, then it's different, period.... Thus, motion is not what's happening, at least not if we insist it's a time-based phenomenon. 'Okay, it may be confusing to deny motion without elaboration. What we're really saying is that motion isn't a feature of the outer, spatial world, but rather a conception of thought.... Because space and time are forms of animal intuition, they're tools of the mind and thus don't exist as external objects independent of life. When we feel poignantly that's time has elapsed, as when loved ones die, it constitutes the human perceptions of the passage and existence of time. Our babies turn into adults. We age. That, to us, is time. It belongs with us. 'New experiments since 2000... confirm this. These suggest that the 'past' — the history of the cosmos, of Earth, or anything else — is not some fixed statue, but unfolds in the present moment *and only upon observation.*' At the end of chapter 8, and after detailing scientific experiments, on page 73: '... physicists stated, 'There is no way to remove the observer — us — from our perception of the world... In classical physics, the past is assumed to exist as a definite series of events, but according to quantum physics the past, like the future, is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities.' Page 74: 'What it really means is that there is an underlying reality that connects all the universe's contents. In this place, no separations exist between anything and anything else. Yet this realm creates events that materialize in space-time, in the observable physical cosmos. '... Experiment after experiment continues to suggest that we — consciousness, the mind — create space and time, not the other way around. Without consciousness, space and time are nothing [G: a state of probability/potentiality, the Void?] This consciousness is co-relative with objects in that space-time realm. The conclusion seems inescapable. Suffusing the cosmos is the realm of mind, whose observations cause objects to materialize, to assume one property or another, or to jump from one position to another without passing through any intervening space. 'These results have been described as beyond logical comprehension. But these are real experiments that have been carried out so many times that no physicist questions them. Nobel-winning physicist Richard Feynman once remarked, "I think it's safe to say that no one understands quantum mechanics...." 'But Biocentrism makes sense of it all for the first time, because the mind is not secondary to a material universe. Rather, it is one with it. We are more than our individual bodies, eternal even when we die. This is the indispensable prelude to immortality.' Seven principles form the core of biocentrism. The first principle of biocentrism is based on the premise that what we observe is dependent on the observer, and says that what we perceive as reality is “a process that involves our consciousness.” The second and third principles state that “our external and internal perceptions are intertwined” and that the behavior of particles “is inextricably linked to the presence of an observer,” respectively. The fourth principle suggests that consciousness must exist and that without it “matter dwells in an undetermined state of probability.” The fifth principle points to the structure of the universe itself, and that the laws, forces, and constants of the universe appear to be fine-tuned for life. Finally, the sixth and seventh principles state that space and time are not objects or things, but rather tools of our animal understanding. Lanza says that we carry space and time around with us “like turtles with shells.” COMMENTS Mary Finnegan You get me thinking. E = mc2. Uncertainty is the only law. All possibilities exist until observed or measured. Time and space are both an object and a process; souls are eternal. Light is pure Consciousness, energy = consciousness squared=matter. The past has been observed, the future is up for imagination. A team of scientists has unraveled how the brain actually unconsciously prepares our decisions. Even several seconds before we consciously make a decision its outcome can be predicted from unconscious activity in the brain. We are unaware of the collective unconscious where we are all ONE, the Source of experience that goes through the subconscious, (preconscious, prebrain) to the conscious ego or character. And character is fate. So there you have it. But wait! Let’s imagine heaven on Earth!!!!!!! Brad Kuehn [I just thought then why dont we study our heart?] Gary Heartmath studies the heart. I've been on their campus in Boulder Creek, California. Good people. I tried their method of studying the heart, several different times, but each time found that it put me in the head. Buddha's emphasis on breathing is a key. My practice now breathes into the heart, opening it, and out through the brain, stilling it. I breathe in 'I Am' and breathe out 'It Is' whilst visualizing with feeling a cloud of light encompassing my body, and breathing it into my heart space. It is a process, and I've seen progress. Geoffrey E. Stein When we think, very succinctly about the make up of the universe, ENERGY makes up that which we can see and hear, and that which we can not see and hear😉😁🦀 Gary Yes, and I am up for dialog about this. Lanza goes into some depth about the conclusions drawn by physicists with their experiments. There is always the chance that a layman with no science training like myself will err in some way by putting scientific conclusions into his own words. Nevertheless, I like exploration and am okay with being corrected, and sometimes there is no error, when it is merely a matter of terminology. For me, Biocentrism says that the observer (consciousness) and the observed (humanity, earth and its inhabitants, the universe, all that is) are one. This returns me to my earlier writings of the One Being, which I felt deeply at the time but strayed from until now. Yes, energy, but looking more deeply, consciousness. Next step, practical application. Michael J. Ross No, consciousness "originated" > To give rise or origin to; supply or constitute the beginning or commencement of; initiate; set going; bring to pass; bring into existence; occasion; cause; create, artistically or intellectually; produce; invent. I feel they are in agreement. Here is a little more on this: ""Now the origin of the universe that you know, as I have described it, was of course a master event. The initial action did not occur in space or time, but formed space and time. In your terms other universes, with all of their own space and time structures, were created simultaneously, and exist simultaneously. The effect of looking outward into space, and therefore backward into time, is a kind of built-in convention that appears within your own space-time picture. You must remember, then, when you think in terms of origins, that the very word, “origin,” is dependent upon time conventions, and a belief in beginnings and endings. Beginnings and endings are themselves effects that seem to be facts to your perceptions. In a fashion they simply represent beginnings and endings, the boundaries, the reaches and the limitations of your own span of attention. (Pause at 9:31.) I said that in your terms (underlined) all universes were created (underlined) simultaneously—at the same time. The very sentence structure has time built in, you see, so you are bound to think that I am speaking of an almost indescribable past. Also, I use time terms, since you are so used yourselves to that kind of categorizing, so here we will certainly run into our first seeming contradiction (see the last session) — when I say that in the higher order of events all universes, including your own, have their original creations occurring now, with all of their pasts and futures built in, and with all of their scales of time winding ever outward, and all of their appearances of space, galaxies and nebulae, and all of their seeming changes, being instantly and originally created in what you think of as this moment. Your universe cannot be its own source. Its inner mysteries—which are indeed the mysteries of consciousness, not matter—cannot be explained, and must remain incomprehensible, if you try to study them from the viewpoint of your objective experience alone. You must look to the source of that experience. You must look not to space but to the source of space, not to time but to the source of time—and most of all, you must look to the kind of consciousness that experiences space and time. You must look, therefore, to events that show themselves through historical action, but whose origins are elsewhere. None of this is really beyond your capabilities, as long as you try to enlarge your framework." —DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 919, June 9, 1980 Gary Ah yes, I see it now. Seems I added 'from', changing 'conscious originated physical' to 'consciousness originated from physical.' Thank you. Aramaic Bible in Plain English
1From the first, in all parts and in all forms, God spoke with our fathers by The Prophets, 2And in these last days he has spoken with us by his Son, whom he ordained The Heir of all things, and by him he made the universe. 3For he is The Brilliance of his glory, The Image of his Being, and upholds all* things by the power of his word; and he in his Essential Being has accomplished the purification of our sins, and he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. * 4And This One is altogether greater than the Angels, according to how much more excellent than theirs is The Name* which he possesses.5For to which one of the Angels did God* ever say, "You are my Son; today I have begotten you", and again, "I shall be to him The Father and he shall be to me the Son."? 6Again, when he brings The Firstborn into the universe, he says, "All the Angels of God shall worship him." 7But he spoke in this way about the Angels: "He makes his Angels the wind and his Ministers the burning fire." 8But concerning The Son, he said, "Your throne, oh God, is to the eternity of eternities. A straight scepter is the scepter of your Kingdom." 9"You have loved righteousness and you have hated evil; because of this, God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of a joy beyond your companions." 10And again, "You have laid the foundation of The Earth from the beginning and the Heavens are the work of your hands." 11"Those shall pass away and you remain, and they all shall wear out like a robe," 12"And you shall fold them up like a cloak; they shall be changed, and you are as you are*; your years shall not end." 13But to which of the Angels did he ever say, "Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies as a footstool under your feet"? 14Behold, are they not all spirits of service, who are sent into service for the sake of those who are going to inherit life? - Hebrews 1
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