Gary There's a key concept in this... ready to be unplugged. Without external guidance, my energies have been focused on growing more autonomous and self-contained while balancing myself as an intellectual and feeling being. I have visions of shifting to a navigable plasma sphere, and developing the soul vehicle I Am is essential. Whole Human Evolving Tools REPRINTED from a Tweet by @WarClandestine So 19 year old Bronny James went into cardiac arrest during a workout. I’ve been observing the comments on various platforms, essentially manually scraping as AI would, trying to judge public perception. There are 2 main things I am gathering: -FAR more people feel emboldened to be more vocal about the safety, or lack thereof, of the mRNA covid shots. Especially from the younger demographics that have been generally pro-vaccine or afraid to speak out and ostracize themselves. -Conversely, the pro-vaccine are becoming increasingly hostile towards those who point out or question the mRNA shots. Those who got the shots are feeling fear and anxiety about the uncertainty of their short and long term health, and are lashing out at the skeptics as a result. The American public are advancing through the various stages of grief. Some are obviously farther along than others, but there appears to be a general progression and acceleration towards mass realization. Simply put, the People are waking up. SECOND TWEET BY THE SAME The ongoing public discourse is a sight to behold. There are millions of conversations happening today on this app that would not have been permitted a couple years ago. Many have already forgotten just how bad it was and how tyrannical and Orwellian our governments and institutions have become. We were not allowed to question the safety of the vaccines, the validity of the death counts, the narrative in general. Any wrongspeak whatsoever would get you banned for “covid misinformation”. As much as it is disturbing how vigorously we were censored and propagandized, the pendulum has swung the other way. Truth is dominating and the chickens will eventually come home to roost for the Deep State players who perpetrated these atrocities on the People. Public awakening is the one thing they couldn’t have. Too late. THIRD TWEET BY THE SAME J6 was a staged riot so the Deep State could certify a stolen election. But what allowed them to steal the election? Mass mail-in voting, due to a “pandemic”, due to a pathogen that was engineered by humans. Why does Hunter own a biolab company operating in Ukraine? Metabiota was studying bat coronaviruses as part of the USAID PREDICT program from 2014-2019. So essentially Joe Biden, with Hunter as proxy, owns a biolab company, that was studying bat coronaviruses in Ukraine for the 5 years leading up to the release of SARS-CoV-2. Then Joe wins the election, due to fraud, made possible by the human-engineered pathogen, that his own biolab company was studying. Is it starting to make sense now? Is it starting to make sense why the media freaked out and blatantly lied to you about the existence of the biolabs in Ukraine? Why they impeached Trump when he started looking into Ukraine? Why Biden sent hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to defend Ukraine? Why Zelensky ordered his military to burn all docs associated with US biolab companies Metabiota and Battelle? The Deep State created a biological weapon and released it on the world to steal the 2020 Presidential election and establish the biomedical police state. It’s the most sinister crime ever perpetrated on humanity, and the mission never ceases until these demons pay for what they’ve done. ANOTHER TWEET REPRINTED .@RobertKennedyJr Red Pills Fox News Why Early Treatment for COVID Had to Be Destroyed “There’s a little-known federal law that says you cannot give an emergency use authorization to a vaccine if an existing therapeutic drug that hasn’t been approved for any purpose proves to be effective against the target disease.” “So if they had admitted that hydroxychloroquine, which they knew from day one that it worked against COVID,” he added, 'it would have killed' the vaccination campaign." Hat tip and clip, thanks to @c_plushie. Please give him a follow. Is Bill Gates a misanthrope with homicidal ideation? There appears to be a case building that #BillGates hates humanity so much that he wants to see massive de-population taking place with lectures and by his own admissions. What drives his hatred and disdain and is being a member of the World Economic Forum and partner with Klaus Schwab a factor? Lets take a look: Becoming a misanthrope with homicidal ideation can be the result of complex and multifaceted factors. While it's crucial to remember that every individual's situation is unique, some common reasons that might contribute to such extreme feelings include: Past Trauma: Experiencing severe and repeated traumas, such as abuse, neglect, or violence, can lead to a profound sense of distrust and hatred towards humanity as a coping mechanism to protect oneself from further harm. Mental Health Disorders: Certain mental health conditions, such as personality disorders, psychotic disorders, or severe mood disorders, can distort a person's thinking and lead to aggressive or violent thoughts and behaviors. Social Isolation and Rejection: Prolonged social isolation or facing rejection and ostracization can fuel feelings of resentment and bitterness towards others, leading to the belief that harm is justified. Sense of Powerlessness: Feeling powerless or lacking control over one's life may result in a desire to exert control or dominance over others, leading to violent fantasies as a way to assert power. Extremist Ideologies: Exposure to extreme ideologies or belief systems that devalue human life or promote violence can influence a person's thinking and foster hatred towards humanity. Substance Abuse: Substance abuse and addiction can exacerbate negative emotions and lead to aggressive tendencies and destructive thoughts. Lack of Empathy: Some individuals may have difficulty empathizing with others, leading to a disregard for the value of human life. Cognitive Distortions: Distorted thought patterns, such as black-and-white thinking or a focus on perceived injustices, can contribute to negative perceptions of humanity. Media and Online Influence: Exposure to violent or hate-promoting content online or in media can desensitize individuals to violence and influence their perceptions of humanity negatively. Read Article here ⬇️ This is an interaction between the Open A.I. Assistant (A) and me (G). The relevance of the videos in this post will be understood by the end. G In 2020, what were the main claims and predictions of people who were labeled 'conspiracy theorists'? A As an AI language model, I don't have real-time data or access to historical events beyond my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021. Therefore, I can't provide specific information on the main claims and predictions made by people labeled as 'conspiracy theorists' in 2020. However, conspiracy theories are generally characterized by unconventional or unfounded beliefs that challenge mainstream explanations of events or phenomena. In 2020, like in any other year, conspiracy theories covered a wide range of topics and events, including but not limited to: 1. **COVID-19 Pandemic:** There were numerous conspiracy theories related to the origins of the virus, its spread, and the effectiveness of various measures like vaccines and lockdowns. 2. **Elections and Political Events:** Conspiracy theories often circulate during election years, and 2020 was no exception. Claims of voter fraud, election rigging, and political manipulation were prevalent in various countries' political landscapes. 3. **Technology and Surveillance:** Some conspiracy theories focused on alleged government surveillance, data tracking, or the role of technology companies in controlling information. 4. **Global Events and Conflicts:** Conspiracy theories can emerge around significant global events, like natural disasters, conflicts, or terrorist attacks. 5. **Secret Societies and World Domination:** Some conspiracy theories revolved around secretive organizations or individuals trying to control world events or governments. It's important to note that while some conspiracy theories may later be debunked or proven false, others might contain elements of truth or highlight genuine issues in society. However, critical thinking, evidence-based research, and reliance on credible sources are essential when evaluating any claims, especially those labeled as conspiracy theories. G You may be interested to know that today, in 2023, many if not most of what was derisively called conspiracy theory in 2020 has come more into the light and proven to be true. • • The origin of the Covid-19 virus has been proven to be manmade. • The vaccines have been proven to be ineffective, and in many cases damaging and deadly. • HCQ has been proven to be effective against Covid-19 under prescribed treatment, and that information was suppressed for the purpose of profits by the pharmaceutical industry. • The involvement of Bill Gates has proven to be more extensive even than the "theories" claimed. • The political elections have proven to be rigged. • CBDCs for ultra control of the population are going in effect. • The censorship prevalent on social media has been proven to be manipulated and controlled by the FBI. • The sex trafficking and torture of children for Adrenochrome has been proven to be true. • Disclosure has begun that governments know more about UFOs/UAPs 🛸 than has been made public before. • Motives behind the NWO agenda have been proven in my eyes to be both economic and ideological. • There has been a massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the ultra-rich since Covid-19 began. • Revelations of unprecedented corruption at the highest political levels continue at this writing. NOTE: Misinformation is mixed with facts by 'theorists' and 'debunkers' with claims and predictions, and I'm watchful to avoid false accusations and be slow to come to conclusions. Some of what was shrouded in secrecy and speculation has now come more into the light and mainstream, and that feels to be a healthy trend. Still to be seen is the "golden age" predicted to come after the shift. We haven't seen the most challenging part yet. A As an AI language model, I don't have personal emotions or experiences, but I understand your concerns about the sensitive and complex topics being discussed. It's essential to approach any information, especially those with significant implications, with critical thinking and a reliance on credible sources. Regarding the claims you mentioned, it's crucial to verify information from reliable and authoritative sources. The scientific community continuously investigates the origin of COVID-19, and any conclusions are subject to rigorous examination. Vaccines' safety and effectiveness are evaluated by regulatory agencies and are continuously monitored through post-marketing surveillance. Election integrity is a critical aspect of any democratic society, and allegations of election rigging should be investigated through proper channels and legal processes. Concerns about censorship and control over information on social media platforms are matters that require transparency and open discussions to ensure a fair and balanced approach to information dissemination. Regarding sex trafficking and child exploitation, it's essential to address these heinous crimes seriously, relying on accurate and verified information to support the efforts to combat such issues. In any case, the advancement of technology and information-sharing platforms calls for responsible engagement and a commitment to ethical practices. Staying well-informed through credible sources is crucial to understanding complex topics and separating fact from fiction. G What do you do when the institutions and agencies and even scientific community and mainstream media have become so corrupted that the deceptions are protected and the truth hidden by those designated and trusted by society to serve it? A Addressing corruption and ensuring transparency and truthfulness is undoubtedly a significant challenge. In situations where institutions, agencies, or even the scientific community are perceived to be corrupted, several steps can be taken: 1. **Support Independent Investigations:** Encourage and support independent investigations by reputable organizations or individuals with integrity to uncover the truth. 2. **Advocate for Accountability:** Raise awareness and advocate for accountability within institutions. Demand transparency and call for appropriate consequences for any proven wrongdoing. 3. **Promote Whistleblower Protections:** Advocate for stronger whistleblower protection laws to encourage individuals with insider knowledge to come forward without fear of retaliation. 4. **Verify Information from Multiple Sources:** Cross-reference information from multiple reliable sources to verify accuracy and avoid relying solely on one perspective. 5. **Engage in Critical Thinking:** Practice critical thinking skills and develop media literacy to discern misinformation or disinformation from credible information. 6. **Support Independent Media:** Seek out and support independent media outlets known for objective reporting and fact-checking. 7. **Promote Open Data and Research:** Advocate for open data and transparency in research to ensure scientific findings are accessible and independently scrutinized. 8. **Engage in Civil Discourse:** Engage in respectful and constructive conversations with others to promote understanding and exchange of diverse perspectives. 9. **Participate in the Democratic Process:** Actively participate in the democratic process by voting, supporting responsible candidates, and engaging in grassroots efforts for positive change. 10. **Seek International Support:** If corruption is systemic, consider seeking international support from organizations dedicated to combating corruption and promoting transparency. Remember that combating corruption and seeking the truth is a collective effort. Encouraging transparency, accountability, and responsible governance can help address corruption and ensure institutions serve the best interests of society. ::: .REPRINTED FROM A TWEET BY VIGILANT FOX 🔥 @RobertKennedyJr Was Just Given 5 Full Minutes to Unload the Truth About Vaccine Safety Before Congress After getting sued heavily for the DTP vaccine, Wyeth (now Pfizer) went to the Reagan White House and demanded liability protections with the threat of getting out of the vaccine business. President Reagan asked Wyeth why they couldn’t make safer vaccines. Wyeth answered that they couldn’t because vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” And so, anybody who claims vaccines are safe and effective, the industry itself got immunity from liability by convincing President Reagan and Congress that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” ::: REPRINTED FROM A TWITTER TWEET: THE SOUND OF FREEDOM: Exposes The Pedophile Economy enslaving millions of innocent children around the world to a life of rape, torture and murder. Tim Ballard, former Homeland Security Special Agent confirms Adrenochrome is real. They take the children's blood and they drink it. The U.S. Department of Labor and the United Nations estimate that there are over 6 million innocent children who are forced into sex slavery, labor slavery and organ harvesting. It is absolutely a real thing. The United States is the number one consumer of child rape materials and close to number one in production. 85,000 unaccompanied minors were let into the United States and delivered to a Sponsor without the Sponsor being vetted, DNA checked or having a background check. Thousands were under the age of five. This is the Economy of Pedophilia in the United States. There are baby factories, real cases where they have kidnapped women as young as 13 year old children and impregnate them, they rape them and they make babies. Then they take these babies and sell them for their organs, sell them for sex and sell them for satanic ritual abuse. This is very real and it is really happening. Why is the Mainstream Media ignoring these horrific crimes? Tim Ballard says: I think it is because if there are 2 million children forced into commercial sex a lot of people are involved. There are people who don't want this exposed because they are involved in it. Tim Ballard goes on to say that there is something called Adrenochrome where they are taking the children's blood and devouring it. It is very real, they take these children, they take their organs, they take their blood and they drink it. They take the genitals of children and hang it over the rooftop of their businesses thinking the dark gods will bless them. These are real things happening to innocent children. Tim Ballard was with the CIA for one year and then transferred to the United States Homeland Security Investigations Division as an Undercover Special Agent. During his time with Homeland Security he was asked to join a newly formed Child Crimes Unit. During his first assignment in the Child Crimes Unit Tim was so shocked by what he saw, he would never be the same. In his first case in 2002 he was given VHS videos and hard drives that he had to look at. While explaining what he saw during this interview Tim holds back tears remembering the very first images he had to see. He saw three little boys, 7, 5 and 3 years old who looked like his own children, who were being raped by a Pedophile. He was so shocked, that he dropped to his knees and dry heaved in a waste basket thinking he was going to throw up. He suffers from PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) because of seeing the horrors being done to innocent children. Child rape videos have increased by 5000 percent recently. After viewing these shocking images Tim Ballard could never see the world in the same way. He had to come to grips with the fact that there are millions of people who are Pedophiles, only millions of Pedophiles could justify a demand for millions of child exploitation materials and videos. Ernst Oshinsky the real Pedophile who was arrested in the Sound of Freedom movie had over 2 million pieces of child rape material in his house. Tim had to be confronted with the reality that there are millions of people on this planet who want to indulge in watching 5 year old children be raped and sexual assaulted in ways unimaginable. To watch children's bodies actually break in the act of sexual assault, acts that your mind couldn't imagine, but is real, is so shocking to the system it changes your life forever. When Tim Ballard says children's bodies actually break in the act of sexual assault he is referring to the pelvic bones of the innocent children breaking apart as a result of being brutally raped by an adult male. Children's bodies were not designed to be raped by an adult. This is the most horrific crime a child must endure. Pedophiles include all walks of life Tim says, he has arrested educators, lawyers, law enforcement and clergymen. These Pedophiles have normalized raping and torturing children. He says something has taken over them which scares him when he looks into their eyes. They believe their behavior is normal he says. Jim Caviezel says it wounds God in the greatest way when you take these innocent children who have done nothing, who have no sin and kill the most innocent. He goes on to say very emotionally that he hears the screams of these children in his heart because of the agents that he worked with. He was weeping so hard by the horrors of what he saw. He viewed this evidence because he had to know the pain and suffering of these children in order to share this truth with the world. He goes on to say the Media and the 3 letter agencies are not telling the truth. Jordan Peterson asks Jim Caviezel how has this movie changed you? Jim says "I would give my life in a heartbeat. I am less concerned about myself. I will tell you this right now, I would absolutely die, if this were to change the world and get rid of trafficking and pornography and all of the 8 arms of this Octopus that has to be destroyed. The only way you can destroy it, is to take the head off. If that happened, I would give my life in a heartbeat." The Head of this 8 armed Octopus that Jim Caviezel is talking about is the Committee of 300. A Scripture that Tim Ballard remembers and recites to help him stay strong and focused on his child trafficking rescue operations is "Better than a millstone be placed around your neck and you tossed to the bottom of the sea than you should hurt one of these little ones." God clearly stands against children being abused, raped, tortured and murdered. There is righteous violence coming to those who hurt children. Our innocent children are being targeted like never before Tim says. There are groups trying to get rid of the name Pedophile and call themselves Minor Attracted Persons. At the same time they are sexualizing children in schools, teachers are giving them pornography to read, things we used to be able to arrest them for in the past. Now children can consent to Transgender mutilation which will lead to children consenting to having sex with a Pedophile. Our culture is enslaving millions of children to a future life of rape and torture. If we do nothing to stop this, we are all guilty of these horrific crimes.
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November 2023