REPRINTED FROM JAIN 108 ACADEMY "What is the Practical Use of Sacred Geometry?" "Without any understanding of the Living Mathematics of Nature, specifically the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Mean Proportion, we would not have the internet, nor computers nor wi-fi, nor satellites nor GPS etc. The breakthrough was called Fractal Compression. Understanding how the counter-rotating fields of a sunflower floret work in the same way that the twin helices of DNA work, helped mathematicians and scientists to discover the Path of Least Resistance or a fundamental Law of Economy that is currently taking humanity to the next level of awareness, one that is global; the only caution is that as the technology undoubtedly progresses we must learn not only how to calculate mentally re: Vedic Mathematics, we must remain connected to our Heart, individually and collectively". ~ Jain 108 Academy Explore the fundamentals of Sacred Geometry and the Story of Creation. Join me on a Journey from the Moment of Conception, evolving to the Seed Of Life, to the Flower Of Life. Learn More Image: Naked Geometry "The famous Fibonacci sequence has captivated mathematicians, artists, designers, and scientists for centuries. Also known as the Golden Ratio, its ubiquity and astounding functionality in nature suggests its importance as a fundamental characteristic of the Universe." - Mathnasium More to come...
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November 2023