REPRINTED FROM X POST BY BRYCE LIPSCOMB After some serious meditation & some conversation with @plantparadise7 @Liberty_ROC I’ve come to the conclusion that I get too divisive with my rhetoric against opposition. In keeping with the standards of decency laid out by @RobertKennedyJr I am making it my mission to be more open minded, kind, and yes respectful to those with different views and those who troll. Getting into the pig pen and slinging mud is not the way to convince people #RFKJr is the best candidate. I don’t wanna be the reason someone doesn’t vote for Bobby. As they say “love will keep us together”! So if I have ever slung venom at you for trolling me or having a different opinion about Bobby. You have my sincere apologies. Peace & Love to you all out there regardless of your political affiliation or beliefs. #HealTheDivide #RFKJr #Kennedy2024 #Kennedy24 #PurpleRevolution #KennedyAmericans “All of us might wish at times that we lived in a more tranquil world, but we don't. And if our times are difficult and perplexing, so are they challenging and filled with opportunity.” -RFK “Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.” -JFK “For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.” -EMK “What will be the wages of peace? It will be the healing of all the symptoms of America’s decline. None of these are beyond our capacity to heal.” -#RFKJr REPRINTED FROM AN X POST, quoting: The Deep Spring: A Few Words in Favor of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I love this article and encourage you to check it out. IF you feel inspired. This is a quote from it, that I especially like. "About halfway into the above-mentioned interview, Mr. Eisenstein asks Mr. Kennedy: “How do you stay positive and upbeat and energetic? What’s your source of solidity?” In light of Kennedy’s past—the loss of his father to murder, his uncle to murder, an ex-wife (and mother of four of his children) to suicide, his bygone struggle with addiction, and the current media-shelling—I’ve wondered the same thing. (And that’s not mentioning the stress of raising seven children and his high-stakes work as a lawyer on behalf of the Hudson River and other waterways; on behalf of Indigenous peoples; and on behalf of folks fighting against Goliaths like Monsanto and DuPont over their pollution. And that’s not mentioning the books he’s written and statements he’s made sharply questioning and criticizing our government and medical establishment.) And this was Mr. Kennedy’s response to Mr. Eisenstein, delivered in his shaky catching voice with his grave, pointblank, glancingly wry demeanor: A couple of things. I have a real spiritual discipline. I rely on Twelve-step meetings. I was going to nine a week during the pandemic. I’ve been doing that for forty years. That’s where I get spiritual renewal and confirmation and validation. And also the opportunity for service, which really is what keeps people sane. You know, if you’re feeling depressed or feeling discomfort or uncertain and anxious, the one thing that will transform that immediately like magic is if you try to help somebody else. And you get a lot of those opportunities in Twelve-step programs. I do meditation every day. And that also centers me spiritually. You know, I do a lot of whitewater kayaking and a lot of first descents on big rivers all over the world. And when you’re scouting a rapid you climb high above the rapid and you look at it for a long time and make a plan. You make a line—how you’re going to get through it, what moves you’re going to have to make. And then you try to stay on that line. And if you can do that, you’re going to be okay. A lot of times you wash out and you’re at the mercy of the river. And that’s what to me meditation is like: sitting still and planning your day and saying: How am I going to stay centered during this day and these difficulties, and ask for help? — And when I speak to this child: I’m not going to get angry; I’m going to be understanding. When I speak to this worker or business partner, I’m going to do it in a way that’s calm and not give in to anger or fear. And other times you can’t stick with your plan and you end up washing out. But you get another chance. God’s given us the gift of time but he’s cut it into these manageable units called days, and every day you can start over and try to do better…I try to stay spiritually centered. As long as I do that, I feel I can bear anything. To which Mr. Eisenstein responds: “Have you been able to maintain the meditation practice during the rigors and daily intensity of the campaign? Mr. Kennedy: “Yeah. I have to. It’s not an option for me.” I quote from this interview extensively because I find it very rich. And very odd. I’ve never heard a possible American president speak like this before. Not even close."… REPRINTED FROM AN X POST by @SonyaRenee333 Not a day goes by that I don’t learn something new and special about Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., the man we commonly refer to as RFK Jr. I found this TREASURE on EBay. It’s a children’s book written in 2005 by RFK Jr. titled Saint Francis of Assisi (A Life of Joy). The middle initial “F” in RFK and RFK Jr. stands for Francis. Yes! Both him and his father were named after Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron Saint of animals, merchants and ecology. I knew that St. Francis is the patron Saint of animals but that is where my knowledge ended. I didn’t know about his special relationship with birds, in particular,… a PEREGRINE FALCON. (Are you kidding me, I got serious goosebumps!) About St. Francis of Assisi from the website [ Francis was a man of action. His simplicity of life extended to ideas and deeds. If there was a simple way, no matter how impossible it seemed, Francis would take it.] From -- [ St. Francis of Assisi is well-known for his many miracles involving animals and birds and his compassion for healing critically ill and injured people. St. Francis is also the patron saint of ecology, including animals, their lives and welfare… St. Francis fostered bonds with all animals, but had a particularly devoted relationship and appreciation for birds. Reportedly, many birds would follow him around, listen to his sermons and even perch on his arms, shoulders and hands. Since birds symbolize growth and spiritual freedom, many people believe the miracle of birds listening to St. Francis’ sermon was a sign from God encouraging St. Francis to continue his work sharing the Gospel of Christ. Throughout his life, St. Francis viewed all God’s creatures to be brothers and sisters in his faith. One of St. Francis’ best-known miracles is his ability to preach God’s Word to animals and birds. One day, Francis noticed a flock of birds appearing to watch him and decided to deliver a spontaneous sermon about God’s love and mercy. The birds remained present and attentive, seemingly listening to every word he had to say… After the sermon, Francis blessed the birds, and they flew away. As the story goes, the birds headed in every direction to spread the word and love of God with the rest of the world. ] #Kennedy24 #RFKJr #Freedom #DeclareYourIndependence What clear, honest, humble, vulnerable non-dogmatic testimonies from the heart by RFK, Jr.! To: Robert Kennedy, Jr. Though you may never see these words, your story of transformation inspires me to write a little of mine. You were born about 7.5 months after me, and I was born the same date (May 29) as your uncle, John F. Kennedy. Those facts may be the closest things we share about our physical existence. Yet spiritually, it feels we are of the same soul. I was born divergent, with Asperger's and misophonia. These tormentors have also given me a great gift, as they show me the distinction between the sense of self-identity generated by the neurology (the neuro-me which meets the world,) and the soul I Am. Seeing and hearing your testimony of transformation stirred me deeply. We are on the same journey of making the small choices every day to be moved by the Unmoved Mover, which is the Source I Am. Continually 'I' guide the neuro-me to rest in the Stillness. AllThatIs, is in my view an extension of one consciousness, the Causal One Being. This understanding gives me a way to live from joy and strength regardless of the appearances of the world. Truly, the root of all ills is the apparent disconnect of the world from God, the Source I Am, the One Being We Are. Needless to say, I resonate with you. Godspeed to you and your presidential campaign. Policies are important, but secondary to authentic surrender to the Higher Power, which will always lead us to face our shadows, expand our awareness, and make choices for the greater good.
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