Two excellent videos are published in this post: The first is 'Astrology for the Soul - September 12, 2018' which relates to the cosmos, the macrocosm. The second, on crop circles -- 'Something Created This...' — relates to my experiments with electromagnetism, the microcosm. Both can be guides to the individual's health and wellness. Astrology for the Soul - September 12, 2018 In this Pele Report, Kaypacha delivers an informative, insightful, delightful presentation on aspects of the macrocosm revealed by his unique blend of astrology. Something Created This, What Are They Trying to Tell Us? In the following video, the mystery of how certain crop circles were created is explored. The idea of it being done from within the plant stalks relates to my experiments of communicating and cooperating with conscious magnetic electrons (mages). How do crop circles relate to the microcosm? Don't 'believers' point to E.T.s as their architects? Some observers have mentioned the possibility of an 'inside job.' One was a speaker I heard on the Big Island of Hawaii years ago, Nassim Haramein. As he was talking, coming down the aisle into the audience, I asked him about the architects of real crop circles, 'Are these inside or outside? He paused, looked at me and replied, 'That's a very good question. Both.' Recently, on the following crop circle video, a viewer commented as below (and it ties in): Hey I'm stymied at the simple ones and blown away by the complex ones. The really amazing thing is they bend these shafts of wheat on a molecular level so that the shaft is going to stay that way until its harvest. The makers therefore neither break or cut the stalk this is the most fascinating aspect of this art besides the geometry. How do they change this on the molecular level? They are taking cells that for the life of that plant ran one way only to recombine it and run 45 degrees opposite the direction it was growing. One word, Amazing. [Emphasis mine - Gary] ... Are there intelligent life forms elsewhere in the macrocosm? Science makes serious attempts to know, such as with the SETI Institute: The mission of the SETI Institute is to explore, understand and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe and the evolution of intelligence. Has anyone made a serious effort to explore the same by looking within, to the microcosm? Considering the viewer's comment above, an 'inner search' for conscious particle networks, on a quest for communication and cooperation, seems just as reasonable as one which looks to distant stars. Alex Collier Interview (1994) Alex Collier claims to be Andromedan contactee. [Gary's note: Spiritual beings living in the matter-induced stupor of a materialistic world often are challenged to find their place of belonging. Longing for belonging can lead to traps of delusion and deception. There is need for discernment. Words which are attractive are often the most misleading. Listening to the words of the interview, one who longs for the spiritual evolution of humanity wants to believe them. What is the truth?] Andromedans are benevolent human extraterrestrials from the constellation of Andromeda. The contacts with this ET race started in 1964, when Alex was a little boy. In 1985, the contacts became more frequent, and he was given information about: different ET races, who have visited Earth one time or another, our genetics composed of 22 different ET races, our spirituality, Earth agenda, secret government aka ''Illuminati'' or ''New World Order'', our religions and the history of Earth and our Universe. In the early 1990's, he started lecturing across the United States and also published a book called ''Defending Sacred Ground'' and ''Letters From Andromeda''. [Gary's note: I came across this video on YouTube after having a dream. In it the words 'the Crichton Experiment' appeared, which led to my looking up Michael Crichton, as it was the only connection I knew. He
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