REPRINTED FROM ONEO WEBSITE ONEO® A WAY OF LIFE LIVING FROM THE HEART AWARENESS OF THE MIND 1. Be kind to yourself. 2. Heal within so your children don't have to heal because of you. 3. Be true, honest, authentic and lead by example. 4. Live consciously from the heart with gratitude, compassion and empathy. 5. Don't look for others to validate who you are. 6. Learn to take some time out for yourself. 7. It's ok to say no. to something you don't want to do. 8. Don't get lost in your own game. 9. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Be Kind to Yourself has many layers but I am referring mainly to how our external environment shapes and influences who we think we are so: 1. Be selective in what you watch, read, hear and listen to when it comes to taking in external information; eventually, this information will become 'your truth' 2. Be committed to your journey; if you're serious about changing your life, you need to embody that change. Intention is nothing without action, and action is nothing without intention. True change happens when your intentions and actions are aligned with your journey. 3. Make sure you eat healthily rather than binge eat and take out all your emotions on food. 4. Speak positively about yourself, knowing our thoughts create our reality. It doesn't matter what others think of you but more importantly, what you think of yourself. 5. Design your environment, consciously keep your social circle to people who empower, inspire and want to see you succeed. There is a much higher chance that you will. Let go of those who bring you down. If you're always hanging out with negative thinking people, you'll tend to believe their limitations and you are more likely to create or engage in drama and gossip. REPRINTED FROM A TWEET BY NMKR Patrick Tobler - @Padierfind Sometimes you need a reminder of why you're even doing what you're doing. This video from @IOHK_Charles was that reminder for me today:…. I joined Cardano because I believe in its power to level the playing field for everyone. One system for everyone. Full inclusion. It's very easy to get distracted by the daily shenanigans of weird shitcoins, the latest ape NFT drop or, as a founder, the focus on profitability, generating revenue, increasing your runway, talking to investors and so on. But the truth is that the only thing that matters is solving real problems for real humans. From the ICO hype to the NFT hype to the DAO hype. There have been too many speculative bubbles that have overshadowed the fundamentals of crypto. We're here to change the world. Everything else is just fluff. Right now, the most used dApp across all blockchains has less than 1.5 Million active users/wallets a month. That number is a joke. It shows me that we have yet to achieve what we set out to do. It's time for crypto to prove itself; it's time to solve actual problems, to make the world fairer, to make the world better. I do believe that NFTs will play a role in this; that's why I'm building what I'm building. But we must de-couple from the purely speculative bubbles and finally focus on the use cases that really matter. Crypto can & will change the world. It's too important not to try. REPRINTED FROM CREATORS OF NEW EARTH (C.O.N.E.) Numbers are the building blocks of life. The are used in: mathematics, chronology, agriculture, architecture, astrology, tarot, sacred geometry, feng shui , the I - Ching, science, measurement and navigation. For many people numbers are simply numbers: a date on a calendar, a time on a clock, a way to keep track of your age or that of a friend , pet or family member. Numbers and numerology play a large role in my life. I pay attention to them all the time, and the reason is, they seem to accurately announce the shape of things in my life. Naturally, I am not alone. From Pythagoras to Galileo, from Davinci to Einstein, people and cultures throughout history have used numbers to learn about the cosmos and the world we live in. Numbers quite literally shape our world. Like symbols, numbers each have their own energy; and when you build a relationship with them, they become messengers, guides, informants and guideposts. One way to begin to cultivate your relationship with numbers is to learn about numerology. A good place to start is with your birthdate. We can use mine as an example. I was born on August 14th, 1967. In order to find my number, I add 8+1+4+1+9+6+7, which is 36. To reduce the number to a single digit, I add the three and the six ( 3+6=9). So that makes me a 9. In numerology , that is called a Life Path number. Not all nines possess the same qualities, as some 9s are 45 9,s, 27 9s, and so forth. So while the overall life path number will greatly inform their life, so too will the two digits that make up their 9. Now add up your number and see what you get. You can read about your number here. It is helpful to read about each digit that makes up your number, for example as a 36, 9, it is helpful for me to read about both the 3 and the 6 as I carry both these qualities as well. What is very interesting in my case as a 36,9 - is that my father was a 3 and my mother a 6. I have always found that very fascinating. I have played around with the numbers correlating to my mother and father on their birth dates, on my birthday and their dates of passing, and the overlap of numbers is enough to make my head spin. There is a lot synchronicity. The 3,6 and 9 show up again and again. When I play with these numbers it demonstrates to me new beginnings, completions, the life cycle and the interwoven dance between the two - the cycles within cycles. It is like a transmission of sorts that can not be translated into words, but from which an ineffable wisdom emerges. This I suppose is the beauty and magic of numbers. Everything in life is based on patterns and when you begin to pay attention to numbers , you start to notice emergent patterns. I also like to know where I am in the cycle of nine. By that I mean that we go through nine year cycles (beginning at birth) and each of those years has a particular flavor. To calculate your personal year, add the number of your birth month and birth date and reduce them to them to a single digit. For example: 8/14 ( my birth month and date ) adds up to 13 ( 8+1+4 =13), which I reduce to a 4 ( 1+3=4 ). Then add that the the numerical value of the year. This is 2023, which adds up to 7. So I add 4 and 7 (11) and reduce it to a single digit, (1+1=2). This is very interesting in my case, because last year was a one year. One years mark the beginning of a new cycle (new beginnings) and major life changes). For me that aligns perfectly as last year I got rid of almost everything I owned and left a place I had lived for 18 years. I would say that fits the bill of new beginnings and major life changes wouldn’t you? I can also say that the year before that, very much fit the bill of completing a cycle - which for me was a 9 year. If you want to see patterns in your life you can go back in time and add up your personal year numbers for certain ages, years or events and you will definitely see the corresponding patterns that relate to the qualities of the personal year you were in. If you would like to know about the qualities, and general tones of personal years ( 1 - 9) you can take a look here. It can also be insightful to learn about the numerology of friends, family members or people you admire. If you are in a relationship and you would like to know more about the flavor of your relationship, you can add your numbers together to give you a sense of the overall tone of your connection. This information can be found in a book entitled The Life You Were Meant to Live ( see link below). If you are interested in looking at numerology and compatibility based on Life Path numbers, there is a great site here. It reveals the gifts and challenges of being in a relationship with someone based on their Life Path numbers. It is very insightful and pretty spot on. Numbers and SynchronicitySpirit tends to show us signs via the things we know, relate to , understand and pay attention to. It’s not every day you get a message from spirit in the form of words, but they commonly communicate through signs and synchronicities. I pay a lot of attention to numbers and spirit knows that, so often, that is how spirit communicates with me. I will tell you the story of how I named my website ( I have always liked words. I like to read, I enjoy poetry, I like word-plays and puns and such. I have had a strong connection to language from an early age - both spoken and written. Would I have been less hesitant to join the corporate world, I am quite certain I could have written many a catchy jingle or tag-line which could have brought me great sums of money. In any case I like words, but I also like numbers. Numbers to me are symbolic. I say this to impart, that thinking of a name for my website was a very important undertaking for me. It was not merely a name. I wanted something people could relate to ,but that felt good to me. I wanted something in keeping with the times, that would attract like-minded people, but also have an auspicious quality to it. Of equal importance, I wanted the numbers to speak to me. If you wonder what I mean, I am talking about the numerical value of letters and words. I can not remember if it took two weeks or three weeks to think of a domain name that was not taken, but it took what felt like a long time. Time and again I went back to the drawing board. All in all I think I thought of 22 names before Creators of New Earth came to me. Each time I thought of a name, I would add up the numerical value of each letter, each word and the whole name put together. The numerical values of letters is called Gematria. I used Pythagorean gematria ( see link below - for numerical calculator ). I prefer Pythagorean Gematria over English Ordinal Gematria (which assigns numbers 1-26 in succession from a to z). Creators of New Earth ( C.O.N.E.) O.k. - Are you ready for this? The numbers for Creators of New Earth are 9,3,6,7. When I saw the calculation I could hardly believe my eyes! Remember above, when I shared that I am a 36,9 - my father being a 3 and my mother a 6 ? Do you also remember that I mentioned I was born in ‘67? There they are, all of those numbers: 9,3,6,7. I am telling you, I was completely blown away. All the numbers were there, staring me in the face, the synchronicity was palpable. Not only that, but the domain name had not been taken. Better yet, it was dot com and not dot org. To this day it still blows me away. Then I added all the numbers up and reduced it to a single digit: 9+3+6=7=25: 2+5=7. I was ecstatic. Nine and seven are my all-time two favorite numbers. Seven is a very auspicious number and one of it’s connotations is the bridging of science and spirituality - bingo, another nail on the head, and so timely for the age we live in. One of my main spiritual practices (Cobra Breath) is known as a spiritual science. I looked up the numerology of other websites and found out that both Google and Amazon are sevens. Now I know both of those entities have questionable shadow sides, but nonetheless, they are over the top successful which put a little spring in my step. It was actually days later until I realized Creators of New Earth had a built in acronym which I had not even noticed ar first. CONE - can you believe it? Again, I was blown away. Cone for me has two associations. I associate it with the the pine cone, which you can notice in the logo. I made the pine cone the pupil of the eye ( that’s called an easter egg in graphic design, because it is hidden ). Nature is one of my biggest loves in life - nature IS life! This planet is nature, so how fitting an acronym. The pinecone also ( as many of you know) symbolizes the pineal gland. The pineal gland is our third eye (represented in the logo by the Eye of Horus). And that is what New Earth is for me, it is humans developing their inner vision and using that inner vision to see their connection and inseparability from our planet - that we are one in the same. It is the bridging of separation, the reconnection to self, to others , to the Earth, in order to create a New Earth. Humanity in concert with our Mother Earth are theCreators of New Earth. I almost forgot to include something very important. My Father passed away on 8/13/2020, which adds up to 16 - reduce it to a single digit and you get 7 ( the number of Creators of New Earth ). And it doesn’t stop there, because 8:13 is literally something called the pine code. It relates to the 8 and 13 counter-rotating spirals on the bottom of a pine cone. In Conclusion In closing, I hope that I have inspired you to pay attention to the numbers in your life. Nature, our higher self, source, our ancestors and life itself communicate with us all the time through signs, symbols and synchronicities - and of course, numbers. Numbers may come to you in many ways. It could be a clock, a receipt, a license plate or a sign. It could be through a date, your own numerology or even nature. If you have your own interesting connection to numbers, or an event in your life that took place in which numbers played a role - feel free to share in the comments below, Maybe now that you have read this, the magic of numbers will open up for you. If so, please come back and share in the comments below. I am always eager to hear from you. Share Creators of New Earth Sources & Resources A great numerology site This site can assist you in finding your : Life Path number, Soul’s Urge number, Expression number, Personality number and more. You can even calculate the number of your name. 2.The Complete Book of Numerology 3. A Great Beginners Guide Book to Numerology ( The Life You Were Meant to Live) 4.Numerology and the Elements 5.Pythagorean Numerology Calculator
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November 2023