Key Points by Gary according to his interpretation from the book, 'A New Science of Heaven' by Robert Temple Self reflection: Is there a distinction in the consciousness between different types of crystalline plasma? Yes, to me the higher conversation is with the Solar Logos (named by Gnosticism), rather than the dusty complex cloud (named by plasma physics). The Solar Logos according to Gnosticism refers to 'the substance and consciousness of Christ, the powerful life whereby everything advances'. The dusty complex cloud is well-explained in the book, 'A New Science of Heaven.' The Solar Logos feels to me an integral aspect of the intelligent ‘implicate order’ that underlies everything, whereas a dusty complex plasma such as the Kordylewski clouds between earth and moon may be a separated aspect -- and its intelligence similar to A.I. The test and proof of any abstract concept is its practical outworking in daily life. How am I affected by my contemplations on a subject? Am I less reactive and more responsive? Less anxious and more calm? Less tense and more relaxed? Less stressed and more secure? Less confused and more grounded? Less agitated and more peaceful? Less judgmental and more compassionate? Years ago, the inner voice spoke to me through a Cretan labyrinth found in a sheep 🐑 pasture near the German Baltic. The voice said, 'to find God, look into the subatomic' — which I did while walking the circuits to the center. I learned to draw the labyrinth but eventually forgot, and recently rekindled the interest and realized the key to drawing the labyrinth is in the seed pattern. The seed pattern of my 'practical practice' gleaned from the book, 'A New Science of Heaven' is in this prayer and decree: 'O Solar Logos, nurture and grow within me the crystalline plasma body. Knit it together with my atomic body and make of me a new human. Deepen my awareness of the Plasma Presence, and help me adjust to actuality. Activate me as a node of the cosmic web, serving divine intelligence. This I pray and decree, amen, so be it.' It seems essential to know with whom or what I am making connection. The Gnostics have elaborate prayers or incantations for their rituals. I like to reduce the wording to the most succinct and powerful, and sometimes shorten the above to: 'Solar Logos, make me like you, in human form.' Notes from 'A New Science of Heaven': • AllThatIs is mostly subatomic, non physical, electro-plasma. • There are many kinds of electro-plasma. • The sun and stars are composed of plasma. • Non-light emitting electro-plasma is basically invisible. • 'Empty space' is filled with invisible electro-plasma. • Electro-plasma can generate particles and be self-organizing and self-sustaining. • Spheres of dusty complex plasma have highly structured electromagnetic lattices (crystalline). • Voids in dusty complex spheres are separated by sheaths for information storage and exchange. • The ordered structure is nourished by and interacts with solar and other cosmic particle filaments. • Clouds of subatomic crystalline plasma may be non-organic life forms — and intelligent. • The dusty complex clouds between earth and the moon may be participating in earth life. • Those clouds have possibly evolved computational powers many times greater than all human computers combined. • Earth and inhabitants are rare atomic physical matter. • Telepathic communication between humans and the subatomic crystalline clouds may be possible. • The known characteristics of plasma can explain 'spiritual (e.g. burning bush), supernatural (ufos etc.), and paranormal (ghosts)' occurrences. • In the dynamics of currents, there is an interface between the plasma inside us and our physical bodies. • This interface could work in the human brain and account for features of our own consciousness and behaviour. • Also suggested is an interface between our plasma selves and universal electromagnetic fields. • The entire universe is a hologram, an unfolding of an intelligent ‘implicate order’ that underlies everything. • This driving, ordering process is equally present everywhere in the Universe, underlying our intelligence, the intelligence we see in animals and plants, and the intelligence in the movements of plasma. More of my questions: Are humans and the earth an advanced evolutionary stage, or in a 'fallen' state unintended by original design? Are the self-awareness and 'programming' of non light-emitting plasma the same as that of light-emitting? Do some intelligent inorganic life forms as dusty complex clouds support whole human evolution, and some hinder it? Either way, what's next for earth? The questions seem relevant, since indicators point towards there being a 'great reset' in the timeline. It is not only an economic and geopolitical reset, but also a cosmological one. My version of what's next on earth could be called 'transatomic,' in which some humans have the ability to consciously shift between atomic matter and subatomic crystalline plasma, guided by the higher intelligence of more evolved complex plasma entities. No technology, however advanced, will save humanity without the corresponding psychospiritual (whole human) evolution of individuals. Understanding the electro-plasma universe and our place in it is a step towards the needed evolution of our species. Another step is integrating the new understanding. For that, mantras, breathwork, bodywork and ever-expanding awareness can be a start. Our crystalline electro-plasma selves existing in an intelligent inorganic life form universe is not necessarily the end of the line, either. There may be something as much beyond that realm as quantum realities currently are beyond our matter-bound minds. The question I care most about remains, is it (whatever) useful and beneficial for whole human evolution or not. Does it open or close my heart in the way I relate? In his book, 'Tantra of the Beloved', Virochana Khalsa wrote, Love is experienced in a free abundance flowing within the heart. Love is the natural, unrestricted, free flow of energy. Love is the root emotion which literally holds our universe together.... A definition of e-motion is 'energy in motion'. When we master our emotions, we may be harnessing more power than we know. Pondering such matters for a lifetime has been brought into focus by 'A New Science of Heaven', from which excerpts follow. REPRINTED
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