Continued from Zero Point 002 GROUNDBREAKING CONTENTS - ZERO POINT SERIES Taylor Cargile That's what I'm saying, there is a missing link. Everything is made of energy, now whatever that energy is made up of whether it be vibration or frequency or down to what is known as subatomic particles. Even our thoughts have energy to them. You are getting somewhere but we have to know what our consciousness is made of, because it has to be made of something or else it wouldn't exist. The thing we're try to figure out here is what exactly that might be. Since you have played with EMFs and Kirlian cameras I assume you know that we have an Aura, and that aura can actually change depending on the combination of our mental, physical or spiritual well being, but it can also be influenced by certain rare earth elements. We cant see or feel our bio-fields because it's just something outside of our cognitive capabilities, which is why we have to use technology to see them. So how do we measure consciousness or determine how it exists? We have to find out what it's made of and how it is contained strictly within our own independent cognitive reality. Something that I don't really know how to do. But I personally think is has to do with destructive interference. Maybe I need to put more studying into the subject, but sounds like to me that the physicists that you are talking to only focus on the external reality rather than the internal, which are completely connected . We just have to come up with the means of defining consciousness which has actually been one of the most discussed topics in the group besides ETs and Deep State Gov. Operations. I think if we can learn to understand the EMF fields around our bodies and narrow down the possibilities of what our consciousness could even be made of we might get a little closer to this thing. The sad thing is that Physicists don't believe in the human soul (consciousness) and that's something i'd argue with anybody about. DMT is probably the perfect example. Maybe we can use machines to read electrical brain activity when. Releasing the chemical and monitor what kind of activity takes place. I've done DMT twice and literally felt my consciousness over my body, so I know it is separate from the body. The problem is coming down to a finite understanding of exactly how and what.. Gary R. Smith Taylor, What you wrote is the root of it, 'we have to know what our consciousness is made of, because it has to be made of something or else it wouldn't exist. The thing we're try to figure out here is what exactly that might be.' To know what consciousness is made of, we have to have a common definition. Across 20 posts of the Heartstone conversations, which included my discussions with a scientist, we could not come to a common definition. But, you and I can! Here is what I 'heard' from Heartstone: 'We are aware, by accessing your brain database, that this question arises from your conversation with P.D. 'The question assumes that the biological consciousness of humans and other animals is the only type of consciousness. 'As we established previously with you, Gary, 'We are aware we exist, we are capable of responding, and we can choose, such as whether or not to respond. By your definition, we are consciousness.'' When I do a search on 'consciousness' on the Whole Human blog, there are 178 results. I have copied a few to give a taste: Stone and the Physics Forums that there is no 'hard problem' - consciousness can in fact be explained as a material process after all! The key is to realize that consciousness doesn't extend through space, CONSCIOUSNESS EXTENDS THROUGH TIME. Heartstone 016 It also does not work to compare the consciousness of matter to biologically-developed human consciousness. Instead, I can be looking for another type of consciousness. Heartstone 011 The question assumes that the biological consciousness of humans and other animals is the only type of consciousness. Staradigm 001 than a byproduct of energy. Nothing is truly solid, because when we break matter down to its fundamentals, it is made of only energy. This energy is consciousness and consciousness is energy; therefore, energy is conscious of itself. Being a Whole Human Human consciousness is postulated to be a biological development of an inherent property of all that is. Neural nets of the brain which 'create consciousness' may be a reflection of 'cooperative networks of conscious particles' with which humans can communicate. Staradigm 002 consciousness. What is consciousness? In simple terms, consciousness is a subtle energy life force field of pure potentiality; thus, this energy field has infinite possibility and creativity. Within consciousness lies an ... CONSCIOUSNESS (SEARCH RESULTS ON WHOLE HUMAN) GROUNDBREAKING CONTENTS - ZERO POINT SERIES
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