Part of a Series: THE ART OF LIMITLESS LIVING 001 THE ART OF LIMITLESS LIVING 002 THE ART OF LIMITLESS LIVING 003 THE ART OF LIMITLESS LIVING 004 THE ART OF LIMITLESS LIVING 005 THE ART OF LIMITLESS LIVING 006 THE ART OF LIMITLESS LIVING: The Joy, Possibility, and Power of Living a Heart-Centered Life by Melissa Joy Jonsson MELISSA JOY WEBSITE Whole Human blog post: O SPHERE OF LIGHT BOOK DESCRIPTION We already are what we wish to become. Join inspiring, life-transformational leader Melissa Joy on a journey to the heart of interactive reality creation, where self-love is the new normal. Humanity is in a position that we have never been in previously, on new and unfamiliar terrain. You may be at a place in your own life where you are aware that "tried and true" behaviors and beliefs are no longer working. You may be unsure how to proceed. Through a brilliant weave of unique language, testimonials, and practical play, The Art of Limitless Living provides multiple access points for creating new self-loving maps to navigate through changing landscapes. In The Art of Limitless Living, you will learn: • Why the notion that we create our own reality is only half true. • Why heart-centered awareness is key to self-love, authenticity, completion, and transcending your stories. • How to bridge the gap between limitless potential and limitation. • How to leverage placeholders, heart-mind synthesis, and fluid boundaries. • How to overcome problems with family, friends, work, and society. • How to apply equal service to self and others to change prevailing paradigms. • How to transcend addictions and distractions. • How curiosity can transform predictability into possibility and create a new reality, right now. ART OF LIMITLESS LIVING 001
INTEGRITY, NEUTRALITY, AND THE FIELD OF THE HEART Excerpts from THE ART OF LIMITLESS LIVING by Melissa Joy Jonsson When we make a heart-centered commitment to live in integrity, everything in our reality will begin to realign according to that resonance. Patterns, situations, and circumstances as placeholders that do not match the congruence of integrity will become more pronounced. The contrast may intensify. We may be challenged with multiple opportunities to renew and strengthen our vow and commitment to integrity, our commitment to ourselves, and our commitment to something bigger than ourselves, yet still somehow us. - Pg 28 Integrity, characterized by authenticity and transparency, leads us to consistently access our Joy no matter what appears to be happening. Joy is found in the connection to our authenticity, and Joy occurs in the presence of integrity. We tap into an inner volition of Joy that is available to us even as we traverse challenging terrains. Joy is available to all of us, for Joy is a natural side effect of heart-centered awareness. As we move into the gap with integrity, we notice that the gap between where we are and where we want to be lessons. Moving into the gap also means no longer paying attention to how things need to change but connecting with the desired change as though it has already unfolded as an actualized experience. This connection bridges the gap such that the gap dissolves and evolves into a new experience of reality. - Pg 29 Through the recognition of connection, we may consistently reconcile discrepancies within ourselves and our circumstances. Through heart-centered connections, we can bridge the gap between individual notions that we create our own reality and the external consensus of a shared reality that seems to happen beyond our perceived control. We do create our reality, and reality happens to us too. The two principles work together as one symbiotic, cohesive force, functioning in a perpetual feedback loop. We co-create in an interactive synergistic universe of unlimited potentials that is accessible in its entirety from the field of the heart. A movement in awareness from the mind to the heart is moving into the gap with integrity. Our hearts serve as bridges to connect all gaps, distinctions, and expressions in that feedback loop. Through heart-centered connections, we may create and sustain structures that support us in return. We are able to move beyond rigid forms of external control to an inner dominion of freedom, flexibility, and flow. We move into limitless living. - Pg 30 I am complete as me in relation to me. And from that space of being complete with me I am able to connect as completion in relation to everything. - Pg 36 Neutral does not mean we stop wanting what we want. Being neutral does not mean we stop wanting things to change. Instead, we are no longer hooked into whatever it is that we think needs to change. What hooks us has us. What hooks us keeps us tethered to the state of no change. When we have a charge for something needing to change, our filters will continue to observe no change. So we get more of the same. Being neutral from the field of the heart as we relate to placeholders is what enables placeholders to transform to graceholders. - Pg 38 Integration of the True Self (limitless potential and unconditional love) with the Authentic Self (limitations and conditions) allows for an acceptance of all parts of our being to cohesively exist together as one. Acceptance. Authenticity. Integrity. - Pg 45 When we choose to follow the path of the heart, with integrity, we honor all paths, even if we do not agree with all choices.... The journey of heart-centered awareness does not necessarily occur in a linear fashion, like mentally plotting coordinates on a map; rather, the journey of the heart-mapping process is holo-fractal, just like our heart-fields. - Pgs 54-55 Acceptance and compassion for self and others may be found in freeing ourselves from any fixed map or point of view. How many points of view can we occupy simultaneously? The many is infinite, as all points stem from that which is pointless and limitless, including all points as part of the whole. We may be at an unknown location for humanity, or at an intersection in our own lives where we are aware that the old is no longer working. We may not be sure how to proceed. We may wander while we wonder what 'new' will look like, and what 'new' really means. Our hearts know. Our hearts always know. We can choose to trust our hearts. Inside our hearts, our inner chambers of unbounded potential, are all the coordinates we need to navigate these changing times, maps of completion moving forward, in delight. We shall trust the inner mappings of our hearts as we find contentment in the contents that pour forth from this limitless resource. Come PLAY. Our heart-fields await us! - Pg 56
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November 2023