PART THREE A young man responded to my post ('Progress') with questions. This post continues from Part Two. It is long, and easier to read as a Whole Human blog post, where formatting is retained, than as a FB post. Gary Daniel, this keeps re-writing itself. I awakened from sleep around 3 this morning, wrote one revision, went back to sleep and later woke up with the next. Here is part three, re-written: You asked, 'How can a person awaken?' Mostly, when such a question is in my mind, answers eventually arise💡 . For example, at first I had no answer of depth to your question. My process of awakening began in my childhood, some sixty years ago, and has been gradual. But we live in different times now, in cosmic energies which were not here before in our lifetimes. Those energies are supportive of more rapid awakening. What I wrote before is not wrong, but was an approach more from my old modality of reasoning: 'Self reflection and inquiry. Keep a journal, and keep going deeper....' That is one way. Another is to hold the question in your mind, but not with a mental grip. Rather, feel the desire for awakening, and let it settle into your heart. Trust that answers will arise, and when they do don't analyze. Know that there is a consciousness greater than your mind can contain, which is not separate from you, and which also seeks your awakening, as water seeks it own level. Give in to that knowing and that trust, and just see where it will go. Self-inquiry into one's true identity is just one way to stimulate awakening. Another is simply to be aware of one's feelings, whether there is expansion or contraction, and going where expansion is greater. Be mindful of the duality of this realm (or dimension) and see with eyes of wholeness. That is, wherever one side of the duality comes into your awareness, see it as a whole, with its contrasting or opposite side. Sometimes this is subtle. For example, the image on your profile of the Monopoly game pits controllers against controlled. Seen with awakening eyes, both are moved by the same consciousness though they are not aware. That doesn't mean there's no need for change, but fighting 'what is', is not the way. Rather, allow expansion of awareness in yourself to make the change. Realize that the controllers are as lost in the illusion of separation as the controlled. And the controlled are where they are because they have not allowed their awareness to expand. Accepting one's true identity can mean a change of lifestyle, and it is a matter of choice. Your journey won't be the same as mine or any other, because we are each unique individuals. Speaking from my knowing for myself, I am an individual of the One Being. Put another way, I am the One Being, in divine duality. That is not the same as saying I am a child of God. Can you feel the difference? Also, I see it differently than a reader (Ken) wrote to me: " havent yet come to terms with being the one droplet 💧 . The ocean is what awaits you when the individual I departs. And it is good to remind yourself of the ocean, from time to time. But so long as you breathe, you have to be the droplet. The servant. The junior partner...." No, I am not the servant of the dualistic, hierarchical mind. Neither am I a junior partner of the One Being. Not all can accept their identity as I have, perhaps not many yet. And I am still growing into it. Embodiment doesn't happen overnight. The reader continued: "Your understanding of the Ocean will always be limited to what can be induced from a tiny cup of water (your own life experience). Surely if we accept that each consciousness has a "purpose", then the purpose must be something more immediate than "AllThatIs and IsNot, feeling 'What Is' Now, Moved by the One." I do not expect others to adopt my view, but appreciate those who can accept and respect it. Conversely, I practice respecting the view of others, for themselves. I share my way freely and let it go. What others do with it is up to them. I do not attempt to understand the Ocean, but only desire to experience myself as the Ocean as well as the droplet. Ken wrote, 'But Gary understands that "I am" (meaning the window of consciousness that looks out through Gary R. Smith's eyes 👀) is not the same as THE "I Am". Interesting that Ken feels he can speak for me, and what I understand. But, I write ✍️ this with a smile. There IS only one Consciousness, and only one I Am. That Consciousness is captured within my perception and awareness to give the One Being an experience of individuality. What appears to be me as a separate identity is an illusion, a hologram in the holodeck of the Mind. This is backed by the new science of Biocentrism, which is proposed by highly regarded classical scientists and based on the latest theories of quantum mechanics. But Newtonians die hard, as do fundamentalists. I was a die hard Christian ✝️ fundamentalist for at least 14 years of a 25 year marriage. The other 11 years were transition time — first from my earlier metaphysical perspective, and second, after freeing myself from religious dogma — to a more universal perspective, where awareness has a chance to expand. It took another 20 years of slowly expanding awareness, after my break-away from religious dogma, to be where I am now. A certain skill is needed to move between the broad awareness of being the Unmoved Mover and the narrower focus of being Moved by the One. Yet it is possible to hold both in the same Moment. Ken's next line seems irrelevant to me. He wrote, "Even a sadistic God wouldn't ask you to figure out the entire ocean in one lifetime." We are on different planes ✈️ of Consciousness. I do not say one is better than another, only they are different. He speaks of God as a separate entity, and of figuring out with the logical mind. Can you see the distinctions between his perspective and mine? When I am in my head, which is logic, reasoning, the intellect, I may be at odds with my higher aspects. That is 'higher' not in a linear or hierarchical way, rather it refers to consciousness with a more complete perspective. Remember, it is all consciousness and there is no actual separation, only apparent ones. For the mind to awaken, it has to loosen its grip on old ways of processing and seeing reality. For the awakening to be manifest it has to be embodied and not just in the head. There are techniques, teachings, and systems which claim to help with awakening. I prefer using one's own power and not giving power away to a teacher or guru. We are all one, yet still in duality. Generally, where money 💰 is involved, the apparent separation is thicker. Yesterday, on my daily walk, I saw a playing card on the ground. Someone had dropped it, the Nine of Clubs. Could the message be any more clear? Nine of Clubs Independent Success Nine of clubs means independent success. Whatever is your problem at the moment, you have to stop listening to others. Nine of clubs gives you a sign that you have to think for yourself. If you follow the crowd, you will get average results. For extraordinary success, you have to act on your own. - Cardarium Daniel I have another question. Is there a symptom that accompanies awakening? Or to show that someone is undergoing awakening? Gary Surely there are indicators — signposts along the way, or the terms would be entirely without meaning or merit. These are some of the 'symptoms' observed in myself, confirmed by those who know me: • Less reactive and more responsive • Slower to be defensive, and faster to let go of attachments, expectations and judgment • What once raised hackles is more likely to bring a smile • More inclusive, accepting, and compassionate • Feel more equanimity and expanding love • Life becomes more effortless. • The Flow becomes part of daily life. • Greater confidence • Happiness, peace and well-being for no reason • Moments of bliss and feeling at-one-ment • There is an indescribable joy that accompanies this expansion of awareness • Sometimes, the feeling is of being Home. Daniel By critical observing things, can one be spiritually awakened? Gary It comes down to whatever works for each person. Critically observing things would take me away from, rather than towards awakening. But it might work for you, or be a step on your way. In my experience, when the heart ❤️ sincerely desires spiritual awakening, life shows the way. All a person has to do is listen, pay attention, and act on the leadings. Francois Bronn said it well: Dimensions are not places or locations; they're levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. Each dimension vibrate at a higher rate than the one below it. In each higher dimension, there exist a clearer, wider perspective of reality, a greater level of knowing. We experience more freedom, greater power & more opportunity to Create our reality. ~ ॐ💜ॐ ~ Daniel What do you mean by dimension? Gary In this case, dimensions are vibrational planes of Consciousness. To not get lost in mental thought, I have learned to analyze, define, and label as little as possible. Old habits sometimes die hard, and I am aware of still over-intellectualizing. I avoid systems of thought or beliefs which categorize into specific numbers of planes of existence, for example, or argue about how many chakras (energy wheels) there are in the human body. Such details feel irrelevant to me, and lead away from what is essential. There are at least loose correlations, however. Are you familiar with the chakra system? Most who believe in them agree there are seven main chakras, from the root chakra at the base of the spine, to the crown chakra at the top of the head. Each of the seven has several vibrational correlations, such as sound, color, gland or organ, and areas of human life. Root Chakra 'At its most basic level, the root chakra is concerned with needs. It governs one's senses of stability, safety, strength, and commitment and is responsible for self-preservation and feeling grounded.' Crown Chakra 'This chakra is all about spiritual connection and transformation. It lifts and inspires you, connecting you to the divine (you might call this angelic energy, the Source, or God.) This chakra also gives you a sense of your own divinity, the awareness that you are a soul in a human body.' So, the Chakras of the body are an example of dimensional planes on an individual human scale. From the ID tag: FEELING WHATIS NOW. Through all time zones, all worlds, universes, and dimensional planes of existence, the Now is the same Present Moment. Feeling 'what is' Now is a gateway to higher dimensional planes and oneness consciousness. Has anything I've written made sense to you? Daniel Yes. COMMENT Well said. I couldn't have said it better. But I might add that as our consciousness increases, the water drop that we are, merges together more and more with other water drops. This usually don't happen while we are in human form. Yes, we are all water drops in the ocean and have access to the whole ocean. And yet in higher dimensions or levels of consciousness we can become the whole tide pool and not just a drop of water within the tide pool or the ocean. The energy that it takes to be the whole tide pool is too great to be able to contain your physical body for long while in human form. I've talked about this in past posts here in a little different terms. If anyone is interested in hearing more that haven't heard me speak of this, let me know and I'll continue the conversation in an email to you. Larry My email is < [email protected] >
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November 2023