The image below, I learned after posting, has an anti-Semitic bias. That was not my intention, as can be seen in the text of this post. In FB Groups, I followed and replaced the image with Part Two below. I leave the image here because it can serve to expand awareness. PART ONE A young man responded to my post ('Progress') with the question, "I have been hearing this awakening ... What's the actual meaning?" Through dialogue, our awareness expanded. Reader comments are elicited, not only in the usual sense, but also to build upon my answer to another of Daniel's questions, "So is there anyway to be spiritually awakened? I mean, how to develop that?" On the FB post: Daniel I have been hearing this awakening ... What's the actual meaning? Gary To me, the awakening refers to ever expanding awareness. Daniel How can you do that...I'm a novice Gary Your FB profile indicates you are a bright young man. You question, and consider. You process thoughtfully and with intelligence. There is not much I can tell you that you would not realize from a lifetime of experience. Also, whatever anyone tells you can only be from their limited perspective. None of us has the whole picture. From my lifetime, I've learned many things that I did not know at your age. The journey would clearly have been much smoother if I had been more aware. Whereas before, gaining knowledge and the quest for Truth drove and motivated me, now expanding awareness has taken their place. I started by dropping pre-conceived ideas and knowing that I know nothing. I know what I need to know, when I need to know it. I let go of much of my need to control. I dropped anger, judgment, fear. They are barriers to expanding awareness. My strength comes from knowing who I am, and when all else fails, that's all I need to know. Expanding awareness is a journey without destination. Keep working down the walls that separate you in your mind from your True Self. Accept responsibility for your own journey. That at least is a start. On Messenger Daniel Hello sir, good evening from this side Put me through base in that post in that group Gary You wrote, 'Put me through base in that post in that group' What does that mean? Yes, good afternoon.🌍 Daniel I just wanna know what awakening is all about. Gary Sometimes a dictionary definition can help: a·wak·en·ing /əˈwāk(ə)niNG/ 1. an act of waking from sleep. "since my awakening I had realized it was a very special day" 2. an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something. "the war came as a rude awakening to the hardships of life" • coming into existence or awareness. "his awakening desire" • rousing; quickening: an awakening interest in ballet. • a revival of interest or attention. a recognition, realization, or coming into awareness of something Do any of those apply to your current understanding of awakening? Daniel Yes, second definition Gary What examples can you give of that type of awakening? Daniel An act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something Let's say, getting some signs in dreams about the future can make one to be suddenly aware and prepared for the upcoming Gary Nice. Well, I'd say that such dreams can be part of the awakening, because they indicate connection with a deeper aspect of oneself. But, what is a spiritual awakening, awakening to? Daniel I don't have any idea on that spiritual aspect. Gary The type of awakening we are talking about is first spiritual. It is an awakening to one's true identity. It sees beyond sensory perceptions to what is actual, he greater reality. In the pic on your profile (with men at a Monopoly game board, supported by kneeling humans underneath) where are you? Daniel Humanity lies at the lowest part. I guess that's where I am. Gary The awakening brings realization that you are not in this scene, but an observer of it. You are only a ♟ pawn in the game if you stay attached to that identity. Daniel You are more than right 😊 that's true. So is there anyway to be spiritually awakened. I mean how to develop that?
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November 2023