Musings What is the 'I', more than the quality of self-awareness? Is the atomic physical body self-aware, or is that quality more fully held in a sub-atomic plasma body? If the quality of self awareness continues after the physical body expires, presumably it is in something like a plasma body. Could there be benefit in separating the identity of 'I' from the brain (which causes me so many issues with Asperger's, misophonia and emotional dysregulation) and centering it in the sub-atomic or subtle body? The body can still be honored and appreciated whilst identifying less with it and more with the self-aware energy complex I am. Essentially Constant felt connection with Solar Logos (a.k.a. Christ Consciousness, Central Sun, Highest Self/Non-self, Source I Am) Guided by the inner compass Living from the present moment Serving love for love itself Based on deep trust On a lifelong journey of scattered enthusiasms guided variously by attraction to the mystical, hunger for knowledge, compulsion towards experiences and a mind driven to explore and experiment in the fields of psychology, philosophy, metaphysics and quantum physics, I have picked up many but kept few teachings, techniques, and systems for what I term whole human evolution. Usually, initial amazement at some newly discovered perspective quickly fades as my idealistic vision adjusts to see what is always partial, limited and often contradictory. Even my own writing which first seems brilliant to me reveals itself as full of holes. But that's okay, it's a journey, a process sometimes of gathering new, other times of distilling and refining. In general, there seems to be dichotomy between human thought, speech and actions. As Paul wrote, 'For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.' It's true in me, too. I'm full of contradictions. For me, a primary aspect of the great work is my synthesis towards acts of compassion. Without embodiment, my writings have not much worth. Abstract concepts are gradually wrought into practical application, where it matters. For embodiment, simplification leads the way. stretching that releases body tension breathwork to strengthen and stimulate mantras to focus on essential values and qualities meditation which connects and protects making supportive choices in the moment maintaining deep trust *** Reflecting on a message received, "It's possible to access any field of information on our own as it is all within. "It's about opening up to, knowing and embodying that possibility so you can access what you need in the moment from your personal akashic record, DNA, each within our own universe." I would add from my perspective that this individual access can expand beyond one's personal universe and include ever higher and more complex and complete fields of energy and information. Self referencing may need to be balanced by other references and perspectives to not become self delusional. *** Regarding information, these excerpts from various places in 'A New Science of Heaven' may be insightful: “At this point, we should stop and think again about what is meant here by ‘information’. The word is not being used in the traditional sense of ‘a collection of facts’. Its use is the more modern and specialized one, prompted by information theory and relevant to what we now call IT (information technology). And that means that ‘information’ is being used not solely in the sense of passive information, which is only of use to conscious beings who receive it and make of it what they will, but in the sense of active information, which, when received, triggers an action of some kind, as in the example we saw earlier of the thermostat. When conceived of in this way, ‘information’ is another word for ‘a signal’, or taking it further, as ‘an activator’, like pulling a switch. All hormones in the bloodstream convey information of this kind, as do our nerves when they sense that the fire is hot and trigger a response of our withdrawing our hands from the hot stove.” “It was David Bohm who moved the concept of ‘information’ forward into a whole new dimension. From the 1980s until his death on 27 October 1992, David continued to elaborate the most revolutionary ideas on this subject. As we have seen, Presman was concerned with biology and biophysics, whereas David was concerned with physics and mind. The key to David’s innovation is in his own elaborate and individual concept of active information. Earlier I spoke generally of passive and active information, but that was from my own limited point of view, based upon what seemed to me common sense. It is now time to see what a real scientific genius does when he gets his hands on the idea of active information. Let us start with this startling remark by David's protégé in this particular field, the Finnish philosopher of science, Paavo Pylkkänen. He says that, according to David Bohm not only the behaviour but also the very being of particles [are] based on the activity of information.' That is a very big claim. It puts active information at the heart of everything. David's alternative interpretation of quantum theory is often famously known as the causal interpretation. In the classic formulation of quantum mechanics, the interactions of waves and particles have uncertain outcomes. The position and other qualities of particles can therefore only be expressed in terms of probability rather than of certainty. It was thought in the standard view that this will always and inevitably be the case, because it reflects the way the Universe is made. Albert Einstein was sceptical of this and so was David Bohm. In his formulation, cause and effect holds true in the quantum world as it does in the macro or everyday world, but we cannot calculate results with certainty because we don't have all the information. There are 'hidden variables', and he saw these as being hidden in the information contained in the waves, as the form of a signal. He stressed that form, having very little energy, enters into and directs a much greater energy. It puts form into it, i.e., it informs it; hence, inform-ation. In other words, uncertainty is not a quality of the physical universe. It only arises because we don't have enough information." “So David’s focus on information as the driving force at the heart of the Universe helped throw a startling new light on the central problem of quantum mechanics, which has been a matter of debate and generated a spectrum of views over the last hundred years. To explore further the mind-bending ideas of David Bohm, it is helpful to start by contemplating how a small energy charge can, by the transmission of information, trigger wholesale changes in an entity with much larger energies.” “… a radical suggestion: the quantum field contains something at least analogous to information. Remember that this is information for the electron, not information for us. Information is seen as an objective aspect of reality and it is thought to be generally active … the first reason to postulate active information at the quantum level is that the effect of the quantum field upon the particle field depends only on the form of the field (the information encoded within it), not upon its amplitude. [Amplitude for a wave is the height of the wave in one ripple, from the bottom to the top of the wave, which scientists ponderously call 'a measure of its change over a single period'. ] The form of the field informs [that is, directs the particle by means of the information it provides] the energy and movement of the particle. This is analogous to the way the form of the radar wave informs the energy and movement of a ship on automatic pilot, the way the form of the DNA informs the activities in a cell and the way the form of a shadow in a dark night can give form to the physiological state of a person who perceives and interprets it [by getting scared]. In other words, David Bohm is arguing that there is crucial information hidden not only in individual particles but also in fields and that the entire Universe is triggered by the interaction between them. To put it another way, a particle such as an electron contains a lot of information, some of which is triggered into action when the particle interacts with an underlying field. Of course, scientists already knew that the behaviour of particles is changed by interactions with underlying fields, but Bohm's supreme mathematical imagination enabled him to suppose that large amounts of information in a simple seeming particle might interact not only with the fields we already know about, but also with another as yet unknown field, another dimension, something that might even be a cosmic intelligence beneath the fields we know about and ordering them. He called this the Implicate Order and he believed and described in the language of science how the Explicate Order, the Universe we see and experience with our senses, could unfold out of the Implicate one. He understood this unfolding process to work like a hologram, a way of looking at the Universe..." “Information does not have any energy or any mass. It is thus immune to the speed of light restriction, which applies only to matter, waves, and so forth. In order to extend across vast distances, information can exceed the speed of light quite happily without breaking any ‘laws’. A distributed information network would act as a unifying factor to enable the cloud to achieve stability as an entity. In fact, the vast amount of information in itself might knit a filamentary network of connected elements constituting a brain, in which information processing would be inevitable.” *** A BIRD WITH NO FEET SLEEPS ON THE WIND Shamanism lives within a context that cannot be referenced outside of itself. It is a bird that has flown through many cultures and traditions but has settled on none of them. It is a path without a path. It has no destination. It cannot be translated. It wells up within a vortex of synchronistic confluences, the illusive components of which will never be the same again. It cannot be counterfeited. It likes to laugh at you when you think you know what it is. It is alive and ever morphing. It visits you when it feels like it. It considers coming to you when you have stepped into a moment created by a series of authentic responses that reveal your complete integrity and willingness to surrender to the perfection of the moment , no matters what the outcome. It may show you the future only if you have no desire to change it. It will only speak to you when you take off your mask. You will feel it's breath on the back of your neck when you stop pretending. It will come close when you admit to your wounds. You will never meet a shaman. A shaman would not call themselves a shaman because they know there are no shamans...only those who can show you a dead butterfly whose wings are pinned to the wall. If you try and sell it, it will crap on your head. It will not cooperate with your PowerPoint presentation. It will not perch upon the page you have prepared for it. You will never get your head around it. It cannot be taught or learned because you cannot catch it. If you think you have you will have to quickly put it in a birdcage - only to find you have something that died yesterday. It is a bird without feet that sleeps on the wind. Juliet J Carter 💗 Title from Tennessee Williams
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November 2023