At the moment, my partner and I are looking at two general areas for relocating within the next few months from central California: the Azores (Portuguese islands in the Atlantic, pictured) and western North Carolina. Does anyone know of a community or housing options (located at least somewhat 'in nature') in either place? * Each person reading probably has a somewhat unique version of their ideal intentional community. Although likely there will be overlap, some differences may seem too great to be able to fit together into one viable model. A variety of communities can accommodate personal preferences and they can all still be connected in a larger common vision. For example, as a person with some neurological anomalies (HSP, misophonia, ASD1), and hyper-sensitive hearing for which a solution has not yet been integrated, I would choose a community where, among other attributes, the sounds of nature are valued above intrusive electronic music. I would also prefer vegetarian lifestyle above meat-eating, although there is no judgment. I would avoid a hierarchical community government or top down leadership, as my vision is that each person is their own leader or can grow into it. Obviously this would require strong individual self awareness and collective commitment, and a means to make community decisions and appropriately handle conflicts which inevitably arise. I am an optimistic realist. I am interested in reading your thoughts, starting with how you would write a framework of your ideal community to live in. Here's a basic example... for going into more detail later. FRAMEWORK FOR INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY Version 1.0 by Gary (To be expanded and defined) • Simple lifestyle in harmony with nature • Light footprint and minimal electronics • Transparency, integrity, communication • Resonance with diversity amongst members -- and compatible core values (What are your core values?) • As self-sustaining as possible, applying selected principles from permaculture and biodynamics • Designed for aesthetics as well as practicality, when possible • As egalitarian and integrative as possible (Resolving issues of hierarchy and control, such as between landowners and non-landowners, and between original founders and new members) •.As an economic element, the Cardano Project... • The community is an evolving model of 'the art of limitless living' (book by Melissa Joy Jonsson) Jeff McReynolds One of the neat things about the tiny houses attached to a bigger house is that the tiny houses are insulated spaces where everyone can be as loud or quiet as they wish. Gary Yes, and individual freedom is essential. However, my experience in visiting intentional communities is that not everyone understands consideration for others. In one, the young people played their electronic music so loudly from a common space, it could be heard far down the slope, in our treehouse. In another, the young people were heavily into psychotropic plants, and even though they did not push it on others, it affected the whole community. The leader could not bring herself to appropriately address the situation. These things need to be addressed clearly upfront and in writing... as evolving community guidelines, with a means to deal with those who are uncooperative. I don't like rules, but see the absolute necessity of clear understandings in a community, to give it a choice for sustainability. In my view, if a person needs to be able to play their music in a public space, they need to find a community where that is a norm. Nothing wrong with it. I just wouldn't choose that community for myself. Having a network of communities with their attributes spelled out gives people a choice to gravitate towards a community where they will find a fit. May I add your comment to my post on the Whole Human blog? Jeff Of course you may. Personally I believe silence is golden. Gary Yes, I love to hear the sounds of nature, the wind, a stream, birdsong. A community where music played publicly is not considered socially attractive would also restrict me, as I've recently taken up playing ocarina, and not everyone appreciates my tooting. But I would adhere to the community guidelines willingly and without complaint for the sake of community harmony. * To the question, 'Would you be interested in setting up communities across the nation?', I wrote: Been interested in the concept of intentional communities since the 70s and Mother Earth News. Have visited intentional communities in Ecuador, the Hawaiian islands, the Canaries, the Black Forest of Germany, Crete, the Pacific Northwest. Have seen what works and what doesn't. Still interested in contributing to the right community, with strong core values and a balance of individual freedom and collective commitment. Kevin Jones Gary R. Smith & Christopher Graham Might you two be interested having a Discord server and wiki set up in which to both discuss stuff further and archive research findings and such? Gary Thank you for your suggestion. Some of what I could contribute to such a conversation has already been written into posts on my blog, linked below. If there are specific questions about intentional community which I feel I can address, I'll be glad to offer my perspective: It is possible that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community - a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth. - Nhat Hanh * Michaela Douglas-Coton Gary Yes, we were on Terceira, another island of the Azores. In general, the nature is stunning, the climate is relatively moderate, the cost of living is relatively low, the immigration regulations seem fair, the people are friendly. Of course, everything changes. Earlier this month, reports said the event was lightening up in Portugal. Yesterday an email from the US embassy in Portugal said, 'don't travel.' The Azores is our first viable choice for living either independently or in community. I'd go for New Zealand but it's immigration laws make it out of range for us. Still, the Azores has something. In case you or anyone else reading has interest, I've published a few posts on my blog with reference to the Azores, including our experience and various connections. Cool that you looked it up! Loretta Y Berry When in meditation the other night I was thinking about the community I wanted to build and Creator spoke “Are you sure you want the troubles of all this?” “Give it yet a little while.” Take only what resonates. I didn’t write this as a deterrent but only something for others to seriously think about. NAMASTE 🙏 Saira Maitreyi Yes. Give it time. And when the time is right it will unfold with ease and joy. ❤️ there are no troubles to open a community center when creator wants it … instead of you. Blessings Gary Loretta Y Berry and Saira Maitreyi, The wisdom of you both fills my heart. Through extensive experience with intentional communities, and travels to communities in remote locations, I awakened from my naive views and now can see the pitfalls along with the potentiality of conscious community. Humans are humans wherever they are, and issues come up even in idyllic settings. Besides being led by Creator, or Higher Self, or Source, which is essential, from my perspective certain things have to be addressed in advance from a place of wisdom... such as, the model for the community, its vision and values. Some members say no rules are just right, or want just a party life. Some landowners love to be in control and see members as an asset to be used. Rarely do people agree on such details as require self-regulation or self-denial. To go beyond these modalities, there must truly be deep commitment to a higher purpose, made willingly by each member. It would be unusual, but in my optimism possible. And the rewards of spiritual evolution which affects everything makes the effort worthwhile. Blessings to you both. FIRST HOUSE 3D PRINTED FROM RAW EARTH THE CARDANO CRYPTOCURRENCY PROJECT NATURAL BUILDING GROUP PUTS TOGETHER VOLUNTEERS AND PROJECTS EARTHAVEN ECOVILLAGE VACCINE POSTS ON WHOLE HUMAN THE SLIDES BELOW ARE SOMEWHAT RANDOM ...
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