Part of a Series: LOVE FOR LOVE ITSELF FULL-FED FOR ASCENSION SOURCE-PSYCHE INTEGRATION (SPIN) A NEW SPIN A CONSCIOUS TORNADO FIELDS & FRACTALS OF POSSIBILITIES PLAYFUL MUSIC ZOOMING ON AN INFINITE FRACTAL O SPHERE OF LIGHT SUMMARY There is a balance between the limitless abstract concept of AllThatIs, and the limited me as an individuated human expression of the eternal fractal. I am not one or the other but both simultaneously, viewing each in scale — like zooming in and out of a fractal graphic. Bridging and balancing the extremes in my mind and experience, fluidly and seamlessly, is essential to the vision of my highest potential. The vision, not fixed but an unfolding mystery, gives me a model to focus upon: the integration of Source with my psyche, which I call Source-Psyche INtegration (SPIN). PLASMA VORTEX Essentially, what I gleaned from the information-packed video titled 'Centripetal Plasma Vortex' is: Intelligent, fluid electricity, flowing through toroidal spheres in a fractalized design, composes the entire universe. In humans, the implosion through the toroidal center creates a tornado-like funnel compressing the fluid electricity. When this plasma is sufficiently compressed, bliss energy is generated — and its perfect radiance is the human soul (according to Dan Winter). The physics behind this, applied, gives greater health, well-being, and freedom from parasitic influences during life, and then, a 'successful death', that is, going through the inevitable expiration of the body with one's soul intact — which is not a given but depends on actions taken by free will choice. A COMMENT A reader of my previous post gave the clearest explanation from physics I've see of the AllThatIs. Integrating this with fractals, and adding the primary field I call 'Love for Love Itself', gives me enough to work with. Excerpted, the reader's comment says, "I understand consciousness as FIELD ACTIVITY. What seems to still be missing in physics is a concept of a Primary Field that connects everything together. Meaning, the entire multi-verse, IF it exists, can be reduced down to a single field of energy that is infinite and eternal.... "This PRIMARY Field would serve as a theatre for the multi-verse to exist in.... "The energy flows like an ocean — because MOTION is fundamental. "AND FROM THIS FLOW, we could GET the ENERGY that we detect as FIELD ACTIVITY (particles and waves.. etc) — SO, All the fields and activities in physics are diversifications of this single Primary Field. "Material things have a beginning and an end, but the Primary Field would have no beginning, and no end — because it is not subject to space-time, yet it exists both outside, and inside, space-time....... "Space time is the fabric of the universe — beyond it is... [the pure potentiality of Love for Love Itself - G.] In FLOWER OF LIFE: Field Of New Possibilities, Jain 108 writes poetically: We often think of the Flower of Life as a pretty circular motif, a 3-frequency hexagonal geometry hinting at cubic space, having 144 components of elegant petals and curved triangles… but really it is limitless, it goes forever, it keeps unfolding and radiating, the fence is broken. This infinite paddock of highly encoded and intelligent flowers keeps seeding new life, new DNA, new spaces, new possibilities, with outlines of hazy mountains in the far distance. This is the awesome power of a simple geometrical symbol that we tame by encircling it, and write academic articles about, but really its atoms are wild, it is a tiger let off its leash. BRINGING IT HOME A friend asked me, 'Are you familiar with the merkaba?' I am familiar with the merkaba through my experiences rather than through teachings such as those on the Merkaba by Drunvalo Melchizedek. My journey is to be mostly self-taught. The spiritual explorer has been strong in me since childhood. Sometime around 2010, on one of my moves to Germany, I had a dream vision while sleeping, in which I was floating above a beach area, in a sphere of light. Navigating it was like learning a stick shift! Two years ago, I developed over months a moving meditation from a qigong set, in which the sphere of light is visualized and expanded. I continue to practice it, and feel it 'does something' in my energy field. I respect Drunvalo's Merkaba of sacred geometry, but teachings and techniques, however ancient and honored, generally don't speak to me. It could be the Asperger's (Level One Autism Spectrum.) This afternoon, while watching a fifteen minute TedTalk video ('Fractals: A World in a Grain of Sand') introducing the immersive, interactive fractal App called 'Frax', for the first time I could relate to the idea of mathematics 🧮 being behind AllThatIs. What's still missing to me in most disciplined views of the multiverse, (such as biological, electrical, mathematical, philosophical or quantum mechanics — which all have their place), is the primary field of 'Love for Love Itself'. I relate to 'Love for Love Itself' as pure potentiality, the potency of the seed ready to burst from its shell, the Unmoved Mover. From the fundamental motion of the Mover emerges all field activity, including unbounded Consciousness and the space time fabric of the universe. Interacting with Frax gives me a sense of how I can be simultaneously Source/AllThatIs and an individuated human experience. Bringing it home means witnessing benchmark qualities in my life which I've determined, as subjective evidence of my gradual transformation towards the new human I envision. Feedback is appreciated. COMMENTS In response to my request for permission to use his comment, Andy Lane wrote: Yes.. of course.. I welcome the idea that my thoughts can have wings. At 70.. I could die at any time.. so I welcome any opportunity to share my conclusions.. I have worked long and hard to reach them. Words and genes are very much alike.. they both pass on information from generation to generation.. so the body dies.. but the mind lives on.. in our written words.. "The teacher pronounces a stanza.. And the disciple who attentively listens.. To his teacher's instruction.. Repeats the stanza. Thus the stanza is reborn in the mind of the disciple. The Gospel of Buddha - Name and Form Verse 16 - 18 - John O'Donnell commented on my previous post, 'A New Spin': God Consciousness... There is only one minor observation.. awareness needs stress, to begin to unfold. Awareness has to have a threatening potential for it to respond to. The seed has to crack before it can germinate. So even violence, negativity, covert parasites, and betrayal, are part of the misinterpreted whole.. Gary These are observations for reflection. "awareness needs stress, to begin to unfold. Awareness has to have a threatening potential for it to respond to." What other than stress could trigger the unfolding of awareness? Awareness unfolds in me by my letting go of control, defense, etc. By honest contemplation, with recognition, acknowledgment and acceptance of all my aspects. What other than threat could trigger awareness to respond? Awareness in me responds to gentleness, beauty, peace and harmony. "The seed has to crack before it can germinate." Yes, and so did my hard shell of resistance. It was a longer process, and without violence. Yes, violence, negativity, covert parasites, and betrayal, are part of the whole. Fighting against or giving attention to them only increase their power. I acknowledge and accept that it is what it is, but don't have to contribute to or participate in them. Yet, I can use free will choice to focus on non-violence, positivity, faithfulness and loyalty, and healthy borders against covert parasites 🦠 if that's what I choose to experience. JC Chrism commented on my previous post, 'A New Spin': You are almost there, but you are delving too deep when the answer is on the surface. What the Ice Man [Wim Hof - G.] is tapping into is only a tiny piece of the full potential. What you are seeking is found within the Anointing of the Christ oil. This is what the big secret is all about this sacred knowledge that came out of Egypt. There is a process that you can force to happen within your body that produces certain chemicals and oils. [I question anything which involves forcing. - G.] When you go through this process it is similar to having a Kundalini Awakening, opening your third eye and reaching samadhi instantly at the same time. The Iceman is accessing a little tiny fraction of the DMT but he is not including the Christ oil. That is why he's not getting the full effect. In order to get the full effect you have to use the oil that's why they insist you have to have Christ in you. It is the name of the oil that is produced in the Claustrum and is absolutely required to fulfill the full power of the anointing. When you do this process in the end it produces serotonin and DMT in your pituitary gland and your pineal gland. I just shared a post in this group of what happened to me when I went through the Anointing experience. - JC Chrism [Gary - Yes to having Christ in me. Deeper than serotonin and DMT, is the radiant bliss plasma produced from the compression of liquid electricity flowing through fractal toroidal spheres within the body. Hacks won't hack it.]
6/30/2021 10:37:37 pm
I see you have something on Autism Spectrum Disorders.. but.. to me.. it is not always a disorder.. for me it is a blessing.. a gift.. I can spend years almost completely alone.. and it doesn't bother me.. as long as I remain creative.. I love ideas more than people.
7/2/2021 02:17:25 am
What beautiful words you formed. I also consider ASD a gift in my life, a mixed blessing, and sometimes call it Autism Spectrum Distinction. I cannot say it has been a gift for my dear wife of 21 years. Asperger's and neurotypical is a challenging combination (but worthwhile, to me.)
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