Part of a Series: LOVE FOR LOVE ITSELF FULL-FED FOR ASCENSION SOURCE-PSYCHE INTEGRATION (SPIN) A NEW SPIN A CONSCIOUS TORNADO FIELDS & FRACTALS OF POSSIBILITIES PLAYFUL MUSIC ZOOMING ON AN INFINITE FRACTAL O SPHERE OF LIGHT Is earth ascending? According to ancient prophecies, modern predictions and the sensitive intuitive feelings of many, it is and we are. What are the ancient prophecies? A well-researched article by Jennifer Taracki explores this, to a reader-friendly depth, and is posted on the Medium and Whole Human sites. In general, there is a feeling that Gaia and all her creatures are currently going through a great shift. What in metaphysics is called ascension includes an expansion of human awareness to the more complex frequencies and free-flowing energies of the underlying oneness field. It seems likely that in ascension there will be widely varying experiences, and upon exiting this lifetime no single enduring destination. Beyond the veil of our limited perception is an immense unfolding mystery. The universe to me is random and chaotic in one aspect, and expressing the harmony and beauty of a grand design in another. Both chaos and order exist in the same moment. Our brains sort it out to give us a semblance of reality, but the actuality is something else, beyond our normal perceptions. The Beyond is ineffable, and inaccessible to the normal physical senses. Yet it can be accessed over the senses of the opening heart — intuitive feeling, expansive awareness, borderless Being. The individual experience of ascension is tied to the openness of the heart. Can I influence my level of consciousness and experience in the New Earth? I strongly feel yes, as water seeks its own level, which is an analogy from Nature illustrating how I envision ongoing human ascension to look through the cosmic cycles. What are the determining factors? Whether a person's life is based on service to self or service to others? If I serve others motivated by the reward of my ascension, or to feel important, am I actually serving self? A daily question to ask myself is, 'Am I motivated by my love for Love Itself?' We modern humans are still influenced by the primitive survival mechanisms of our biology. When ascension includes activation of latent higher functioning within the body-mind, the brain and heart will communicate more efficiently. So, another question to ask myself in given situations is, 'Am I filtering through my heart?' I am a complex of energy frequencies known as unconditional Love. In my Human experience, there are attachments veiling my essential identity. They are the challenges of my lifetime, which are also gifts and opportunities. My spiritual work and the key to graduating to higher densities is to align the quality of my actions with who I am, motivated by my love for Love Itself and commitment to harmony, balance and flow. As I come into alignment, attachments are released, and vice versa — as attachments are released, I come into alignment. Serving unconditional love serves the Self/Non-Self, the cosmos of consciousness, which of course always includes serving the seemingly others. * A reader wrote, 'This echos the wordless knowing within. Love of formless love and its expression across all dimensions and forms, known and unknown, is the essence of that which conducts All Love. The cosmic dance is a mysterious paradox, to be aware, conscious of this, is unconditional Love's gift to us, the very gift that creates unconditional Love....' This post follows the wanderings of my explorations. Feedback is appreciated. Image credit: artist unknown. TORUS The Torus (Latin for Ring) is the perfected geometry of the human energy field. It is the shape of the human zygote after 512 cell division, thus it stores all the Memory of We Are. It is essentially a sphere that has imploded to form a doughnut-like shape, highly efficient, having maximum volume for mininum surface area. That is why smoke-rings take this form, as it is a dynamic and intelligent way for atoms to move through space. The iris of the eye is also a torus, as this perfected geometry captures light at the optimum level. In fact, everything is a torus, a proton, an apple, the planet earth with its dimpled north and south poles are all torii (plural). This 4th dimensional imploded sphere is the Language of Higher Dimensions. It must be taught to all children of all ages, so that our future designs ring with this psycho-active hyper geometries. It permits connection between the atomic world and the galactic. Make use of it. Jain 108 COMMENTS Aleph Reiki This echos the wordless knowing within. Love of formless love and its expression across all dimensions and forms, known and unknown, is the essence of that which conducts All Love. The cosmic dance is a mysterious paradox, to be aware, conscious of this, is unconditional Loves gift to us, the very gift that creates unconditional Love. I love how you share your quantum journey with such a wise and open heart. Thank you 🙏🏾 Gary Yes 'the wordless knowing within' says all that can be said. It is ineffable so cannot be fully expressed in words. Yet we bubble over with trying! You have expressed it so well, may I add your comment to the post? Aurora N. Bautista 'This is beautiful. 😊💜. May you kindly share the ancient prophesies you've mentioned? 💜🙏. ' Gary Thank you for asking! I first thought, 'oh, oh, did I write something that can't be substantiated?' Your question prompted me to do a search, and that brought up a great article on Medium. Here's part of it, with a link. The Many Ancient Prophecies that Point to These Times The prophecies of many ancient cultures have spoken of these times. Underneath the public chaos, the uncertainty, the fear, and the dissolution of the old, there is something deep brewing. These are unprecedented times, exciting times to be alive. Though the waters on the surface may be choppy, below there is an undercurrent of deep calm. Something galactic, something cosmic, is underfoot. The Hopi people spoke of the Purification Times, the Cherokee called it the Rainbow Prophecy, and the sacred texts of the Hindu culture, the Vedas, called it the Great Year and the Cycle of Ascension. A thousand years ago, the ancient Mayans predicted an ending of an era; that on winter solstice 2012, the sun, the earth, and the center of the Milky Way would be perfectly aligned for the first time in 26,000 years, ending the “fifth era of the sun.” Their prediction about the sun’s position was right, but the modern interpretation, that it signalled the “End of the World”, was perhaps not what the Mayan prophecy meant. It is indeed the End of an Old World, but on a deeper level, it’s the rebirth of a new. From a human perspective, it can surely all seem apocalyptic; a pandemic, climate change, economy collapse. However, from spiritual eyes, from the eyes of the soul, it all looks much different. We’ve all heard of the end times and the end of the world as we know it, maybe even an apocalypse. But many ancient prophecies, as well as current intuition within many hearts, point to the truth that humanity will ascend into a greater state of consciousness. We are undergoing a planetary dark night of the soul, experiencing the deepest darkness before we wake up to a Golden Dawn. SeRita Lambert I have a question for anyone that could possibly have the answer & honestly I don't even know how to really ask it but I'm gonna try. I hear this talk about Awakenings. I am extremely interested in this. How do you know when it's happening? .... Gary Thank you for reaching out. From my experience, I know I am participating consciously in the awakening process first by watching the quality of my actions. When I am less reactive and fear-based and more responsive and unconditional Love based, I know my awakening process is alive and well. That means I see formerly rough characteristics being transformed into more refined ones, such as natural kindness, caring, compassion and confidence. I see myself more easily letting go of impatience, aversion, disgust, etc. It helps to ask myself, 'Am I motivated by my love for Love Itself?' or, 'Am I filtering this through my heart?' It is a process. Trust, have faith, be kind to yourself. Know that all is well. Carrie Wagner I love solely to run into more. So I’d call me selfish. Also the sacral and root chakras can still take me away. What ones judge about sexuality is very important. The heart center is most definitely my favorite to go to though. Gary I've been me-centered and selfish most of my life, without realizing it, yet knowing something was 'off'. I had spiritual knowledge and 'deep' abstract concepts, but no real heart opening. At 68, I'm starting to get it, and can feel the difference as a daily process of unfolding. Thank you for responding. May I add your comment to my post? Carrie Wagner Sure you may add it. I received many downloads through root and sacral energy. Through sex. Let’s say it lasts six or so days. Then I’ll have a job to do. I get it done and back comes the kundalini sacral root energy again. There is no room to be uncomfortable with ones own sexuality nor others. It’s best not to judge or believe anything about sex. Because we are healthy in love. Gary Yes, I understand. It's best to not judge anyone about anything. So, as a vegetarian, I don't judge meat eaters. As a non-smoker, I don't judge smokers. As a non-drinker, I don't judge those who are. Still, I can set boundaries for myself, and not be around meat eating, smoking or drinking. The same with sexuality. I don't judge your way. I had my own years of experimentation. But it holds no interest for me. Being motivated by my love for Love Itself, which is abstract for some, is more than satisfying for me. Carrie Wagner What way? The less we judge sexuality the easier time we have. Gary Yes. What I mean is I don't judge your way of using sexuality. I practice letting go of any judgment in the moment it arises. I do not receive downloads through root and sacral energy, nor have interest in it for me, so your way is not for me. So long as no will is violated, I feel neutral towards sexuality and any human behavior. However, my neutrality doesn't mean I will give a subject of no interest any attention, other than to enjoy friendly, respectful, short exchanges. Ginga Paul Gladman I always think of the saying "Know they self" when I hear "we are ascending to 5D", because evolved humans vibrate upon 6 dimensional plains of existence; not 5. Someone is not getting the full picture. Also beware of trendy sayings in general when it comes to spirituality as the real truth is not trendy. Gary Thank you for sharing your viewpoint. I have edited my post. Ginga Paul Gladman This resonates with me 100% Honestly what you speak of is very true. Gary Your feedback is valued. It helped me gain humility and new insights. I need the honest feedback from others. ❤️🙏 Ginga Paul Gladman I can see you are in a place of true growth, namaste. I am too. Here is something to think about. The soul plays out its lessons upon a cube of awareness, this cube represents our unification to the oneness of which we stem. A cube has 6 sides, just as we have 6 aspects to our creation that allow us to transcend and experience the totality that life has to offer. Each of these aspects can be seen as a kingdom within a kingdom; a multi-dimesional plain of existence one can learn from. They are Spirit, Intellect, Emotional realm, Physical body, Earth, Sky/Universe. "Spirit, Intellect, Emotional realm, Physical body.." these are our walls as individual, things we must learn to look beyond to see and understand a deeper truth. "Earth, Sky/Universe" These are the stages for the soul to experience those walls upon, the planet is the floor, the universe is the ceiling. Each of these multi-dimensional kingdoms offer a multi-dimensional space to learn from and experience. Most people connect to just 2 or 3 of these. When we evolve we attain all 6, becoming one with the universe itself, along with the power and potentials it holds. Gordana Kovacic Excellent post, well said and written. 🙏 . While we all are a part of the "whole" I think we might come from a variety of fabrics in that "whole circle" of existence. We all have to follow the laws of the Universe and the one that is the most powerful force and law of give and take, is love. That word "love" can include many varieties and types of love and not just our definition of it. Earth experience is brutal. The love, strength, conviction, determination, battles we all go through is like a sci-fy thriller. And, at the same time, while going through hardship over and over, to remain calm, cool, loving, caring and to remain forever open hearted to more new lessons is a challenge not many weather through. Gary Honest feedback is valuable to me. In response to the comment of a reader in another group, I edited the post. Tommy C King-Campbell You speak from a level interpretation that most cant conceptualize without shaking their core. "We have a choice to do right or wrong" and the format of bilateral forces competing and a person choosing "Doing it the right way" and a measure of the nature of your actions by beings who dont empathize with the thing they judge completety and the result of this measure representing you, and dictating your future eternity cant exist as man perceives the transition from physical because the fact is you/me/we dont have a choice in who we are. Who we are born to and have no control on our surroundings and circumstances. That influence later Habits and Predestinations. We dont have higher perception to understand the range of possible consequences of an action right or wrong. *bible* (How can Judas Iscariot be bad, if it was known to heavenly bodies he would betray Jesus, and it was the plan, he is more victim than all because nobody gave him a chance to be good. It didnt matter what life he attempted to lead or good deeds...his fate was written, he was chosen to betray Jesus, essentially not having a choice. We cant say a thing or person is wrong or bad without seeing the intent and consequence of their action without seeing them as fated "test" for the virtue of person not chosen to be bad. We have to correct this misconception and focus on balance and intent/ Heart and Soul over actions.. Not shaming or punishing but acknowledging the lack of choice some have during their worst times. If one take a step back to see the big picture one realizes act of man sometimes are random and chaotic as the universe Both with consequences sometimes necessary. we dont have the perspective to judge OR arent in control enough to change fate. Free will and Purpose cant exist in the same Reality without the forces confllicting. . i hope that made sense. Gary [You speak from a level interpretation that most cant conceptualize without shaking their core. ] Yes, I see that. My mind works readily in abstract concepts, and that is both a gift and a challenge for me. I've come to accept that not many can conceptualize, and recognize that my writings can shake some. Thank you for saying. [We have a choice to do right or wrong" and the format of bilateral forces competing and a person choosing "Doing it the right way" and a measure of the nature of your actions by beings who dont empathize with the thing they judge completety and the result of this measure representing you, and dictating your future eternity cant exist as man perceives the transition from physical because the fact is you/me/we dont have a choice in who we are. ] We may have had a soul choice to be born in a certain location at a certain time, with certain genetics and characteristics. I believe I made those choices for this lifetime. Clearly I have a choice of what I do with what I have. For example, knowing my tendency to live from my head, I am making a choice to live more from the heart. [Who we are born to and have no control on our surroundings and circumstances. That influence later Habits and Predestinations. We dont have higher perception to understand the range of possible consequences of an action right or wrong. *bible* (How can Judas Iscariot be bad, if it was known to heavenly bodies he would betray Jesus, and it was the plan, he is more victim than all because nobody gave him a chance to be good. It didnt matter what life he attempted to lead or good deeds...his fate was written, he was chosen to betray Jesus, essentially not having a choice. ] Perhaps Judas fulfilled the role he was born to play, I don't know. Questions of predestination and free will are for the philosophers. As I see it, there is destiny to a point, but free will choice in whether or not to meet that destiny. A man can change his stars. [We cant say a thing or person is wrong or bad without seeing the intent and consequence of their action without seeing them as fated "test" for the virtue of person not chosen to be bad.] Yes, I have no interest in judging others or myself, yet it's still in me and one of my challenges. I have greatly reduced my judgment of others by letting it go in the moment. [We have to correct this misconception and focus on balance and intent/ Heart and Soul over actions.. Not shaming or punishing but acknowledging the lack of choice some have during their worst times. ] Absolutely, compassion is the way. [If one take a step back to see the big picture one realizes act of man sometimes are random and chaotic as the universe Both with consequences sometimes necessary. we dont have the perspective to judge OR arent in control enough to change fate. Free will and Purpose cant exist in the same Reality without the forces confllicting. . i hope that made sense.] It makes sense, brother. Yet to me the universe is random and chaotic in one aspect, and expressing the harmony and beauty of a grand design in another. Both chaos and order exist in the same moment. Our brains sort it out to give us a semblance of reality, but the actuality is something else, beyond our normal perceptions. The Beyond is ineffable. We can access it over the senses of the opening heart -- intuitive feeling, expansive awareness, borderless Being. EARLIER VERSION
There is an idea that the earth currently is ascending. Gaia and her creatures are going through a great frequency shift. According to the Ra material, not all humans will graduate into the higher, more complete frequencies. While listening to this spoken on a video, I felt an inner Yes. There is more that is unknown than known, an immense unfolding mystery. The universe to me is random and chaotic in one aspect, and expressing the harmony and beauty of a grand design in another. Both chaos and order exist in the same moment. Our brains sort it out to give us a semblance of reality, but the actuality is something else, beyond our normal perceptions. The Beyond is ineffable. We can however access it over the senses of the opening heart — intuitive feeling, expansive awareness, borderless Being. In general, our essence ultimately returns to Source. Between this lifetime and that happening, there are (according to some teachings) 75,000 year cosmic cycles. It seems likely that in ascension there will be widely varying experiences, and upon exiting this lifetime no single enduring destination. I can however influence my level of consciousness and experience in the New Earth and afterlife. Water seeks its own level, which is an analogy from Nature illustrating how I envision ongoing human ascension to look through the cosmic cycles. The determining factor, Ra says, is whether a person's life is based on service to self or service to others. In my full post, I question this terminology. In Tantra of the Beloved, Virochana Khalsa says that Love is the free flow of energy which holds everything together and is our essential being. As an over-simplification, that rings true. In the current earth state, there is much stagnation of energies and as the Ra material says, a thick veil separating human perception from the Whole. An ascension would include an opening of awareness to the more complex frequencies and free-flowing energies of the underlying oneness field. I am a complex of energy frequencies known as unconditional Love. In my Human experience, there are attachments veiling my essential identity. They are the challenges of my lifetime, which are also gifts and opportunities. My spiritual work and the key to graduating to higher densities/dimensions is to align the quality of my actions with who I am, motivated by my love for Love Itself and commitment to harmony, balance and flow. As I come into alignment, attachments are released, and vice versa — as attachments are released, I come into more perfect alignment. Serving unconditional love serves the Self/Non-Self, the cosmos of consciousness, which of course can also look like serving others. This post follows the wanderings of my explorations.
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