Part of a Series: LOVE FOR LOVE ITSELF FULL-FED FOR ASCENSION SOURCE-PSYCHE INTEGRATION (SPIN) A NEW SPIN A CONSCIOUS TORNADO FIELDS & FRACTALS OF POSSIBILITIES PLAYFUL MUSIC ZOOMING ON AN INFINITE FRACTAL O SPHERE OF LIGHT SUMMARY Joseph Chilton Pearce writes that human biology contains a built-in ability to rise above restriction, incapacity, or limitation. That premise in itself rings true. However, while appreciating his contributions, and not claiming to fully understand them, I question the Pearce Model that the next evolutionary steps are manifest by the newest neural structure. Rather, adaptive neural structure arises (at this stage of human spiritual development) from individual alignment with, and integration of, our eternal existence. A NEW SPIN From the premise that there is an adaptive human potential which can be developed, some questions arise. • Is this adaptive potential what Wim Hof activates by subjecting his body to extremes while practicing his method of breathing? • Are Third Eye openings and Kundalini activations parts of the human adaptive potential? • Do all such terms as ascension, awakening, oneness consciousness, and 5D living refer to the biological potential for transcendence developing to support it, as the person aligns more fully with Source? • Is human violence an indication of the under-development of the biological potential, as Pearce asserts? I answer yes to all of the above, and ask, what activates our built-in potential for transcendence? Perhaps a game plan would be useful? A GAME PLAN for conscious participation in human advancement includes: • Faith (of a devotional/biological kind) • Grace (natural law of the divine) • Model of a new human — not for comparison or goal-setting, but for aligning the whole human to a creative vision • Cultivation of bliss radiance for conscious development of the soul (see Dan Winter) • Source-Psyche INtegration (SPIN) GRACE is a condition over which the individuated human expression has no control. It is the lightening bolt, the NDE, the spontaneous expansion of Consciousness which lifts a person into another reality — and gives a glimpse of eternity. FAITH is initiated by the person with an act of free will to surrender survival instincts and strategies to a higher power. This biological imperative as Pearce describes is activated in a clear moment of decision to let go of personal choices and trust deeply beyond the personal to the greater existence, with no labels or beliefs required. Pearce writes, "Faith and belief are poles apart. Belief is intellectual and from the head. Faith comes, I can only surmise, from the heart, or perhaps from kath or chi — that center of will in our being." Grace and Faith work together in a Creator-Created dynamic, the eternal and temporal aspects of the same One Being. I feel Grace and Faith are essential for activating the human adaptive potential which enables awakening and ascending. But we don't need to wait for a lightening bolt to strike to begin a deeper awakening process. While global events unfold around us, we who value the thriving of earth and her creatures, including the human species, can put more energy into elevating the quality of life for those who remain. Anything which adapts our individual lives to the highest human potential elevates us all. MODELS of the new human (which Pearce, in 'The Biology of Transcendence', says are needed) include figures such as Buddha, Lao Tsu, and Krishna. Peace Pilgrim has also been suggested. Whether myth or historical, my model is Jesus of Nazareth, a.k.a. Y'shua the Christ. Some few may step out of their cultural confines and be the initiators of a new model. The mantra of my model, to which I step in rhythm, is 'I am Source, having a human experience, guided and motivated by my love for Love Itself.' That helps me return the focus of my straying mind to contemplative living. Of course, it has to be felt and not just words to be effective. When it is true that 'I am Source, having a human experience, guided and motivated by my love for Love Itself', I accept, value, and love myself as I am. For me, there is no separation between 'I am Source' and 'having a human experience.' They are two aspects or focal points of the same. Source-Psyche INtegration is my highest potential. Service to self or service to others may simply be service to contraction or service to expansion — service to division or service to wholeness, factoring in the free will choice of each person. Source-Psyche INtegration happens not by thinking, rather by contemplation (as 'concentration on spiritual things, a form of private devotion, a state of mystical awareness of God’s being' — definition from Webster.) The game plan evolves with my understanding and practice, and now these are added to the bullet points above (in first person to not teach): • Only shareable thoughts are allowed to remain (from the physics of Dan Winter). • I totally accept, value, and love myself as I am. • I feel the torus compressing to the 'kissing point' while in moving meditation. • I practice feeling the torus flow — out to in, in to out, realizing inner and outer are one whole. Survival fears, over-thinking, sentimentality, and entertaining distractions cannot linger when I withdraw focus from the Distortion and turn attention to essential Source, to the mystical, to breathing and intuitive feeling. MOTIVES I write to generate sincere dialogue so the awareness and understanding and integration of all, including my own, can be expanded over the interactions. Acknowledging my own contradictions, inconsistencies and partial perspectives makes it easier for me to not judge others. What's there to judge? It's all diversity, and when my heart is open, it's all Source manifesting itself. I won't resonate with every vibration, but can learn from all. PINECONES KISSING Currently, I am exploring the physics of consciousness and creation as explained by Dan Winter. Wonderful, eccentric, heady stuff based on proven physics equations — with bliss and soul connections. This physics when applied gives greater health, well-being, and freedom from parasitic influences during life, and then, a 'successful death.' The post, 'A Conscious Tornado', goes into more detail. I don't claim to understand the physics fully (either), but can envision a toroidal sphere of flowing liquid electricity encompassing units such as the human body, fractalized to the organs and glands, and again to their cells. Within each torus, two centripetal 'tornadoes' spin with their points towards each other. When the tornadoes align, balance, compress and touch (as Dan says, the pinecones kiss), bliss energy is released as radiance — which when perfect, is the soul. One of my take-aways from a Dan Winter video is that cultivating the bliss experience to develop the soul (a cloud of cold plasma) and remaining intact with the soul at passing (having a successful death), is a cornerstone of purpose for humanity. Feedback is appreciated. Image credit: Artist Unknown FULL BOOK PDF FROM GOLDEN MEAN COMMENTS Debbie Vincent Very well written deep thought. I met Dan in the 90’s in Tennessee.. about the same time that sacred geometry was coming into awareness.(Via Drunvalo )am not saying that I understand physics underneath all but the concepts especially the wonderful work of the heartmath institute.. and imbedded fractal coherence... heart brain coherence etc.. well I won’t go on and on but just know that I deeply appreciate your thoughts... Andy Lane commented in the FB group, 'Consciousness: Evolution of the Mind'. "I am exploring the physics of consciousness and creation" - Gary Andy - I understand consciousness as FIELD ACTIVITY.. What seems to still be missing in physics is a concept of a Primary Field that connects everything together. . Meaning.. the entire multi-verse.. IF it exists... can be reduced down to a single field of energy that is infinite and eternal... This PRIMARY Field would serve as a theatre for the multi-verse to exist in. so.. when a universe pops into existence.. it borrows its energy from the Primary Field... and then the energy gradually returns back to dormant energy... by means of entropy. . over trillions of years.. Most of the Primary Field probably consists of energy in a dormant.. (or potential)... state.. In fact... is would seem.. EVERYTHING is ENERGY... Energy is an absolute.... NON EXISTENCE IS A FICTION.. It does not exist)... Energy is either active.. or dormant... meaning everything is something... However.. physics cannot detect dormant energy... and therefore labels it - NON EXISTENT. Nevertheless.. it would seem... EVERYTHING that exists is simply an activity in the Primary Field... INCLUDING OUR OWN CONSCIOUSNESS ... Physics is the science that detects and describes this activity. The energy flows like an ocean .. because MOTION is fundamental.. AND FROM THIS FLOW.. We could GET the ENERGY... that we detect as FIELD ACTIVITY (particles and waves.. etc)........ SO... All the fields and activities... in physics are diversifications of this single Primary Field... Material things have a beginning and an end.. but the Primary Field would have no beginning.. and no end... because it is not subject to space- time.. yet it exists both outside.. and inside.. space-time....... Space time is the fabric of the universe.. beyond it is NON-EXISTENCE - (OR DORMANT ENERGY) This quote below is Einstein speaking to Schwinger.. (one of the founders of quantum field theory).. about what he saw as a problem of having six quantum fields…. instead of just ONE.......... (Primary) - Field “This is indeed a beautiful theory, but it seems there are six separate fields – four force fields and two matter fields. As you know, my hope was to find a single field that comprises all forces and matter. This theory of yours does not meet that objective.” Gary Excellent. Dan Winter is an electrical engineer with apparently some physics background. He claims his equations have been proven where others have failed the test. But he's also selling devices and though I like him from the videos I don't know how far to trust his claims. I have no training in physics. So your explanation enriches my intellectual understanding. I am still drawn towards experiential understanding as well. My post has undergone several revisions since it was submitted to this group. I post to about 500 groups and keep revising along the way. May I add your comment to this post on my blog?
SPIN EMOTIONAL ASSESSMENT The first line of each is from a traditional format, followed by my feelings towards the statement. This is shared to offer an example of a journaled self-assessment, and is still in-process. The idea is to go beyond a numbered answer, which I found to be of limited value, and instead give a more complete and honest written response, which can only help increase my self-awareness. And then, see how it unfolds. Self-Awareness ___ 1. I am aware of the physical reactions (twinges, aches, sudden changes) that signal a “gut reaction.” I am more often aware on a subtle level of intuitive feeling, 'below' body awareness, and sometimes of physical reactions such as tight neck and shoulder muscles, or heightened stress which appears as sensitivities. ___ 5. In assessing a situation, I look at my biases and adjust my assessment accordingly. Recently, I am more aware that my thoughts and their associated feelings are from prejudices, projections, and mis-perceptions. Then I drop the perception and gain clarity about what is. ___ 9. I consider my “emotional temperature” before I make important decisions. I am becoming more aware of the impulsiveness of my past, and have recent examples of pausing to consider emotional states and motives before making decisions. ___ 12. I can identify the emotion I am feeling at any given moment. It is still challenging to identify my emotional feeling of the moment. Most often it seems my feelings are neutral, although I am aware of emotional pain passing through. Recently I have recognized emotions of 'feeling conflicted' and 'feeling good.' Awareness has partly to do with taking time to pause and identify the emotion as it passes through. ___ 15. I think about the emotions behind my actions. This is something I can practice more. I am aware that my self-assessment in the past has at times been distorted, such as believing I am peaceful when actually my feelings are numb and suppressed. What can be improved? I would benefit from pausing to 'assess by feeling' a situation before even having a thought towards it — and pausing more in general to feel. Self-Management ___ 3. When I feel angry I can still stay composed. This honestly has improved for me over the past few years. Of course, my self-assessment can only be vague without my being tested by challenges and having the feedback of those who know me. I still feel anger rising at times. Whereas in the past this could overtake me, recently I've been able to calm myself and dissipate the anger. My 'mantra' helps, and sometimes it is enough just to say, 'SPIN, Gary, SPIN' while feeling what that means. ___ 6. I can keep going on a project, despite obstacles. A characteristic of Asperger's is staying on task. I feel strong about my steadfastness to complete. My ability to focus on a task once seemed an asset, but I also recognize it can turn into non-helpful tunnel vision. ___ 10. When I feel a strong impulse to do something, I usually pause to reflect and decide whether I really want to act on it. That too is getting better. I feel more in control, or mastery, of my impulses. Not fully there, but much improved. ___ 13. I am able to honestly say how I feel without getting others upset. Generally, I find written communication more soothing and less threatening when it comes to saying how I feel. It is hard to compose the words on the spot, to someone's face. ___ 18. I am good at managing my moods, and I refrain from bringing negative emotions to work. 'Bringing negative emotions to work' doesn't apply as I am retired. I was not good at this during my years of employment. Far too out-spoken and reactive to be socially attractive, I tended to rebel against the slavery system of employment and false authority, and to instigate needed change without trying -- just by being me. Of course, I never had the whole view. I can only speculate that my mood management would be much improved now, and would act with more wisdom. What can be improved? It is early to say, yet there is a feeling and some experience that when a base is established in my psyche that 'I am Source, having a human experience, guided and motivated by my love for Love Itself', it gives me a Still place to sink into emotionally in a storm. Social Awareness ___ 4. I generally have an accurate idea of how another person perceives me during a particular interaction. Mostly I've been clueless about how others perceive me, and sometimes deliberately ignorant. However, I am starting to pick up on it. ___ 7. I can engage in an interaction with another and pretty well size-up that person’s mood based on non-verbal signals. Not at all. And if I get a clue, no telling how accurate it is. Often though I recognize a person's emotions in hindsight. ___ 14. I can show empathy and match my feelings with those of another person in an interaction. As an Aspie, I have undisplayed empathy. I do feel the feelings of others, often on a subtle level, and sometimes feel pain for their pain. I deeply feel global emotional pain, and in reflecting on the past feel the emotions of others. ___ 17. I watch how others react to me to understand which of my own behaviors are effective and which are not. Mostly I am confused by how others react to me and tend to set it aside. It would be helpful to improve my observation and interpretation skills. Partly it is a matter of caring and choosing to participate. ___ 19. It’s easy to understand why other people feel the way they do. Certainly my past judgment of how people feel has shifted to more compassion and understanding. My understanding comes from deeper reflection, and that takes dedicated time and attention. I seem to 'get it' more and more. What can be improved? I would benefit from pausing to assess my own energies before entering a new situation, and make a smoother transition. I can also give more focus to feeling others. When I feel social anxiety, or stress from being observed while on-task, I can let go of any self-judgment and re-connect with 'I am Source, having a human experience' to bring calmness to myself. Relationship Management ___ 2. I readily admit mistakes and apologize. It seems relatively easy for me to admit mistakes and apologize, although it may require some processing time first. I do a lot of self-talk and self-corrections but need to be more aware of my inner critic. Often, apologies aren't enough or aren't wanted, so changing the behavior that gives rise to apology would be more useful. ___ 8. Others feel encouraged after talking to me. I imagine that is more true of my written than my verbal skills. ___ 11. I can deal calmly, sensitively, and proactively with the emotional displays of others. It's getting better, especially when I'm not already stressed. ___ 16. I am respected and liked by others, even when they don’t agree with me. I don't know but feel it's generally true. People seem to be fairly forgiving, or just don't want conflict so don't hold grudges. In discussion groups, I am better at not reacting to triggering comments, and am glad to leave it alone -- although self-righteousness occasionally kicks in. ___ 20. I can effectively persuade others to adopt my point of view without coercing them. In earlier years I was fairly successful in sales. These days I generally don't want or try to be persuasive, even when passionate to share my realizations. I prefer to share or express, with no attachment to expectations. Management or mastery of self resonates with me, controlling situations does not. I prefer the strength to let it go and yield to trust. In the end, it is each person to their own journey. What can be improved? I have a tendency to be overly-serious and would benefit myself and others by learning to loosen up, lighten up, and laugh a lot more. I can bring more awareness to my protective mechanisms, such as emotional withdrawal in social situations, and counter-balance them consciously. Gary's response to a comment which asserted my writing is ego-based:
The first sign of ego in action is seeing ego in others. That is from a negative view of ego. There are other views, equally valid. I choose to not see ego in you, rather diversity between us. Agree that Love for Love Itself is meant to flow and not be hoarded. I don't see Love flowing from above as there is no hierarchy in Source. Of course it is all imagery and metaphor, and I am always open to adjusting my views. In Source there is no time or space, no relativity. Source energies are all pervasive and flow outward from within and inward from without, but even that is only so because the human mind creates a false separation between inner and outer. The Flow is in the dynamic between Creator and Created, two aspects released originally by Source, the Unmoved Mover. That is not presented as fact or doctrine, it is my intuitive sense. I do not impose my views on others, even if my intuitive convictions of the moment are strong. They are convictions for my journey, some of which may inspire or provoke a more complete perspective in others. But, I have no such aim and leave effects to higher wisdom. I write to generate sincere dialogue so the awareness and understanding of all, including my own, can be expanded over the interactions. Commenter Who taught you that? When we are awake and have spiritual discernment it's easy to recognize when others are in a state that we used to be in. Gary The same who taught you. Life experience, interpreted by personal filters. How could it be easy to recognize a state such as ego, which is so ill-defined? You may think you recognize your former state in others, I grant you that. But it is inherently a subjective recognition, a truth only for you in that moment. My comment on ego is from my view, your comment is from yours. Neither is a truth, both are just viewpoints. Similarly to your recognizing ego from your previous state, I recognize the traits and behaviors of Bible-believing Christians because I was one for many years. I smile with compassion and no arrogance or superiority when others express their views of a separate God-creator. I am more awakened now than I was, but does that mean I am more awakened than others? No, because each of our journeys is unique. There is no wisdom in comparison, neither in spiritual competition.
My work is given for free.. no copyright.. it belongs to anyone who can understand what I mean by it.. it is a gift.. not for profit... Use it as you wish.
7/2/2021 02:21:51 am
Andy, as usual your comment has great depth. Thank you for sharing it here.
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